Thursday, July 26, 2012

Roseanne Barr wishes cancer on Chick-fil-A customers; Update: Claims Chick-fil-A patrons are guilty of ‘child abuse’; Update: Roseanne apologizes … sort of

Newsbusters; Hate Tweet: Roseanne Barr Wishes Cancer on Chick-Fil-A Customers
"ABC's The View honored Roseanne Barr with a guest-host spot on July 19, which shows they probably aren't in the habit of evaluating her sanity based on her Twitter rants."

anyone who eats S**t Fil-A deserves to get the cancer that is sure to come from eating antibiotic filled tortured chickens 4Christ

Obscurity: No Crueler Punishment!

Ann Coulter  "The eternally fascinating question about mass murder is never the means. It is the psychosis behind the desire to do it. We don't need to know details about the guns, booby traps, bombs or fire starters. There will always be a way to commit mass murder. We want to know why.

"But that is precisely the information these grandstanders in the media seek to withhold from the public with the pompous justification that they don't want to give the presumed killer attention. For once, the media could deliver information that is both fascinating and potentially useful: What created James Holmes?
"But many in the media have taken it on themselves to censor the news as their personal act of retaliation. Not making James Holmes famous -- even famously evil -- is what people who make their living on TV see as the cruelest punishment they can inflict."
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Obama's plan worked; just ask him!
"Mr. Obama slid further into the Twilight Zone on Monday when he told supporters that tax cuts and spending cuts were a failed plan tried by previous presidents, but then "we tried our plan - and it worked!" "

Tom Donilon named as source of those White House leaks

Foreign Policy Romney advisor accuses Donilon of leaking to the New York Times
I predict firings, but expect to see smaller fish to falling on their swords, protecting Obama.
"A top advisor to Mitt Romney's campaign on Wednesday accused U.S. National Security Advisor Tom Donilon of leaking classified intelligence information to New York Timesreporter David Sanger.  
"The advisor, former George W. Bush envoy to Sudan Richard Williamson, was speaking during a debate at Washington's Brookings Institution with former senior Pentagon official Michèle Flournoy, who has emerged as one of PresidentBarack Obama's top foreign-policy surrogates on the campaign trail." (emphases in the original)
Donilon worked as assistant secretary of state for public affairs and has served as the Clinton administration's Secretary of State chief of staff. Although he has no military experience and worked as a lobbyist, Donilon was "intimately involved in many major foreign policy issues, including negotiating the Bosnian peace agreement and the expansion of NATO". Donilon figures prominently during formulation of strategy for Afghanistan and associated discussions in Bob Woodward's 2010 book, "Obama's Wars."Donilon was 'criticized' by General Jones who once disparaged Donilon, for his lack of overseas experience, telling him that as a result: "You have no credibility with the military," according to Bob Woodward's "Obama's Wars." Jones said that Donilon was not good in his dealings with his staff at the National Security Council, displaying "too little feel for the people who work day and night....". Donilon did visit Afghanistan March 2010 during President Obama's six-hour late-night visit to the country.
 Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Yahoo News; Naming Donilon as Possible White House Leak is Important  "All of this adds up to questioning the type of people President Obama has surrounded himself with. .... By naming Donilon as someone who could be connected to the leaks... so the president will have to fight a war on another front and spread his talking time thinner."
2010, Daily Beast prophesied: Donilon: More Feared Than Loved  "According to Bob Woodward’s new book, Obama's Wars, Gates told General Jones that Donilon would be a “disaster” as national security adviser."

Nation of Islam can open a restaurant in Chicago, but not Chick-fil-A?

Legal Insurrection  "The Mayors of Boston and Chicago are bullies in the truest sense, they have selected what to them seems like a safe target for their outrage and abuse of government power.

"Menino and Emanuel have selected evangelical Christians for their selective bullying knowing full well that in Boston and Chicago there will be no repercussions.  Yet they will not take on more powerful groups who espouse far worse views on homosexuality and gay marriage."

Farrakhan takes Obama to the woodshed in this sermon:

"Michael Graham (h/t DaTechGuy) points out that Menino’s litmus test doesn’t apply equally to all religious beliefs, Mayor Menino Donated Tax Dollars To “Homophobic” Group In Boston!:"
This is the Islamic Society of Boston’s mosque in Boston’s Roxbury neighborhood, a.k.a. “Menino’s Mosque.

Mayor Menino “sold” $2 million worth of city property to the ISB for $175,000,despite their well-documented links to Muslim extremism.  The mosque teaches a form of Islam that condemns homosexuals to death.
And Menino won’t let a guy spend his own money opening a restaurant because he doesn’t support same-sex marriage? Hey, Mayor Moron—when we the last time Chick-Fil-A stoned a gay guy to death?
Rick Moran; Rahmbo: 'Chick-fil-a values not Chicago values'  "Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy holds fairly mainstream religious views on the subject of gay marriage so what he is being punished for is standing up for his faith. This means he has more integrity in his little finger than Rahm Emanuel and his allies in the City Council have put together."
"For Emauel to talk about "values" is a sick joke. And if he shares the values of rabid racist Farrakahn, or cynically ignores them, he is an unprincipled lout compared to Mr. Cathy."
I boldified* the above text to be sure you saw it. TD
* I know; thanks anyway.

ChickfilA's Facebook page, where you can see the blessings and curses they are getting.

Althouse commentsTownhall has this op-ed.

Tactics that liberals use to fight Chick-fil-A; Menino shouldn’t block Chick-fil-A because of president’s views
"But using the power of government to freeze the company out of a city sends a disturbing message to all businesses. If the mayor of a conservative town tried to keep out gay-friendly Starbucks or Apple, it would be an outrage."

Our president fully supports small businesses

Eric Cantor; Red Tape Is Stifling Job Creation  "The Obama administration has had more than 400 regulations under review that cost the economy $100 million or more."

Republicans have a great idea, but one little screw-up botched the entire thing;GOP Regulation Bill Suffers Typo  "Republicans set out to ban new regulations until unemployment was below 6 percent, but an apparent typo in the bill means the trigger is actually a 6 percent “employment” rate instead."

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New RNC Ad Expands “You Didn’t Build That” Barrage…

"Dang Republicans- who do they think they are, showing obama(sic) saying stuff that makes him look stupid, socialist, and chock full of ideas that are anathema to the American way of life?
"Obama done been swiftquoted!"    From the comments to this post.

"Swiftquoted"! I love that word!


One of two helicopters filled with bound Israeli
 athletes that was destroyed by Arab Muslims
Atlas Shrugs

The Obama administration supports it. So does Mitt Romney. The "it" in question is a moment of silence for the Israeli victims of a Palestinian terrorist organization called Black September at the 1972 Munich Olympics. Eleven members of the Israeli team were murdered. An online petition calling for a minute of silence also exists.
But IOC president Jacques Rogge sees it differently. He's adamantly resisting a formal moment of silence at the opening ceremony of the London Games this Friday: "We feel that the opening ceremony is an atmosphere that is not fit to remember such a tragic incident." When it comes to the Jews, the IOC curls into a fetal ball—as the Boston Globe points out, it has not resisted ceremonies for Bosnia or the victims of 9/11. But Munich is taboo.

The Great Green Waste; if the public is ignorant and faddish our government will be ignorant and faddish

Watching the Greens Kill Australia   "An Australia friend of mine recently wrote to say “the Australian carbon dioxide tax—or as our lying government calls it ‘price on carbon’—came into effect on July 1, 2012. Already our electricity prices have risen by up to 20%, refrigerant gas gone up 300%. Landfill and tip fees have increased by 30%, food is up. The tax has been imposed on EVERY item we buy in some form or other”, adding that “I wouldn’t be surprised if you get a similar tax if Obama wins in November. We are slowly destroying our economy.”  Alan Caruba

Heritage; The Green Graveyard of Taxpayer-Funded Failures  "These green government “investments” take from one (by taxing or borrowing) and give to another, but they merely move money around. They do not create jobs. They send labor and resources to areas of the economy where they are wasted. Proponents of special financing and tax credits for solar companies claim that these benefits will pay for themselves down the line—but when the companies receiving them are going bankrupt, that is highly unlikely."
...."Kate Adams, a member of Heritage’s Young Leaders Program, and Heritage’s Rachael Slobodien compiled a list of the 12 members of the Green Graveyard—companies that received taxpayer money for green initiatives yet have filed for bankruptcy."

And those companies are...

Tragedy Strikes — And Leftists Shame Themselves

Andrew Klavan  "What these lefties reveal in moments like this — and they reveal it again and again — is that human beings — real live actual human beings with individual lives and desires and dreams and fears — do not mean a thing to them. Not a thing. To them, the Aurora massacre is not about the dead and the mourning, it’s about getting one in on the Tea Party! It’s about getting their hands on the Second Amendment! It’s about getting off a sarcastic remark! The victims and their families are just convenient stepping stones on the path to where they want to go."
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Sensitivity training run amok at Georgetown U

Michelle Malkin   "The tolerance police are out of control. It may be summer time, but some college campuses never take a break from P.C. indoctrination.
"Take Georgetown University, where a minority student has reportedly been kicked out of a summer scholars program for refusing to participate in an LGBT sensitivity training workshop."

Chick-fil-A; one more reason to fear liberals and their governments (UPDATED)

Boycotting Chick-fil-A Solves Nothing  "I ate at Chick-fil-A six times last week to do my part to show support for a company currently under attack for upholding wholesome values. Eating at Chick-fil-A last week was my version of offering a one finger salute to the activists who allowed their feathers to ruffle after discovering the privately owned restaurant chain supports the Biblical definition of marriage."  Susan Brown 
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
Hey, Boston: Leave Chick-fil-A Alone  "It's one thing for Hollywood moppets and television Muppets to protest Chick-fil-A over the fast-food chain president's support for traditional marriage. They're private citizens and entities. But when an elected public official wields the club of government against a Christian business in the name of "tolerance," it's not harmless kid stuff. It's chilling."  
Update: Rahm: Chick-fil-A disrespects us  "Alderman Proco “Joe” Moreno told the Chicago Tribune on Tuesday he is against the fast food chain opening a store in his neighborhood and that he would deny the restaurant a permit in the 1st Ward. Emanuel told the Tribune in a statement he agreed with Moreno, noting “Chick-fil-A values are not Chicago values.” "