Saturday, February 13, 2016

Next US president should nominate Scalia successor: Republican

Yahoo  via Drudge
"President Barack Obama should not nominate a successor to fill the critical vacancy in the US Supreme Court left by conservative Justice Antonin Scalia's death, the Senate Republican majority leader said Saturday. 
" 'The American people‎ should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice," Mitch McConnell said in a statement, referring to the upcoming November general election.
" 'Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president."
"McConnell mourned the loss of "an unwavering champion of a timeless document that unites each of us as Americans," referring to Scalia's fidelity to the US Constitution." . . .

Sanders: We Must End Over-Policing in African-American Neighborhoods

How'd that all work out in David Dinkins' New York? Anybody ride his subways back then?

CNS News  "Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) called for an end of “over-policing” in black neighborhoods during the PBS Democratic presidential debate in Milwaukee, Wis., on Thursday night.

“ 'What we have to do is end over-policing in African-American neighborhoods. The reality is that both the African-American community and the white community do marijuana at about equal rates,” Sanders said. “The reality is four times as many blacks get arrested for marijuana. Truth is that far more blacks get stopped for traffic violations.' ” . . .
“But, here is a pledge I've made throughout this campaign, and it's really not a very radical pledge. When we have more people in jail, disproportionately African American and Latino, than China does, a communist authoritarian society four times our size,” Sanders said. 

Maine Ends Dependence On Food Stamps: How Did It Happen?

Does Obama know about this? Shhhhh.

Investor's Business Daily  Via Lucianne

A food stamp card is of no use to some in Maine, if they don't have a job.

"Welfare Reform: The number of childless, able-bodied adult food stamp recipients in a New England state fell by 80% over the course of a few months. This didn’t require magic, just common sense.
"From December 2014 to March 2015, the caseload of able-bodied Maine adults with no dependents crashed from 13,332 recipients to 2,678, says the Heritage Foundation. This is a remarkable change and needs to be repeated in government programs across the country.
"How Maine achieved this is no mystery. Gov. Paul LePage simply established work requirements for food stamp recipients who have no dependents and are able enough to be employed. They must, write Heritage policy analysts Robert Rector and Rachel Sheffield, “take a job” — just 20 hours a week — “participate in training, or perform community service” for a mere 24 hours a week. Recipients who do none of those are stripped of their food stamp benefits after three months.
"This isn’t a radical new idea. Rector and Sheffield cite a successful historical precedent:" . . .More at the link.

The EPA — Caught Red-Handed Again

Investors Business Daily

Flint, Mich. resident Glaydes Williamson holds up water from Flint and hair pulled from her drain, during the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing to examine the ongoing situation in Flint, Mich., on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Feb.  3, 2016.  (AP)
Flint, Mich. resident Glaydes Williamson holds up water from Flint and hair pulled from her drain, during the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing to examine the ongoing situation in Flint, Mich., on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2016. (AP)

"Once again, the emails gave the Environmental Protection Agency away. An EPA official was caught red-handed with full knowledge of the danger of an environmental spill at Colorado’s Gold King Mine in emails discovered by the Denver Post, but the agency downplayed any knowledge of the hazard to the public. As 3 million gallons of lead, cadmium and other chemicals polluted the Animas River, the EPA pretty well tried to downplay the severity of that, too. The revelation, as John Hinderaker of Power Line points out, comes as news breaks of the EPA issuing a draconian, ruinous punishment for the owner of a company that didn’t have a storm plan.
"At the same time, the EPA was caught knowing all about the lead-contaminated drinking water in Flint, Michigan, according to emails, but planned to just let the public keep drinking, never mind the toxin.
"So much for the agency’s mission to protect the public from heartless environmental polluters. Apparently there’s honor among thieves, and if the villain is government, the racket will be protected. Public safety is no longer the top mission — protecting the bureaucracy is." . . .
Wait a minute! Hillary said it was the Republicans who did this.  Racist Republicans!

UPDATED: Former intel chief: Clinton should drop out, save FBI the manpower

UPDATE: Obama's Foreign Policy Rebuked – by His Own Intel Chiefs   "Barack Obama's foreign policy – and by extension Hillary Clinton's – received a stinging rebuke this week...from Obama's own intelligence chiefs.  Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Lieutenant General Vincent Stewart, head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, gave Congress an assessment of threats around the globe that amounted to a direct indictment of Obama's failed foreign policies." . . .
Full article

Washington Examiner  A former top military intelligence official to President Obama said Hillary Clinton should step out of the 2016 presidential race due to the amount of resources and manpower required to conduct the private email investigation that could be put to better use.
"It's been stated that there are 100 FBI agents that are on this case. And yet we have the FBI director that has told us that all 50 states, we have Islamic State cases ongoing," said retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Friday to CNN's Jake Tapper.

UPDATED: NJ Troopers ‘Remind’ Beyonce and NFL What the Black Panthers Have Done to Their Officers

UPDATE: TheBlaze anchor responds to death threats after criticizing Beyonce
"'Just like President Obama, Jada Pinkett Smith, Al Sharpton and so many others that just can't let America heal, [people like Beyonce] keep ripping off the historical bandaid. Why be a cultural leader when you can play the victim, right?" she said Tuesday evening.   "The Internet was not impressed, and many social media users responded by lashing out at Lahren with mockery and some reportedly threatened her with violence."
IJ Review

SANTA CLARA, CA - FEBRUARY 07:  (Center and R) Beyonce and Bruno Mars perform during the Pepsi Super Bowl 50 Halftime Show at Levi's Stadium on February 7, 2016 in Santa Clara, California.  (Photo by Andy Lyons/Getty Images)

"Police groups around the country have taken serious issue with Beyonce’s Super Bowl halftime show, in which she invoked both the #BlackLivesMatter and Black Panthers movements.
"But a group of New Jersey State Troopers have a very historical reason for their “shock and disgust” over the performance.
One of their own fell at the hands of the Black Panthers—and they haven’t forgotten.
In 1979, Trooper Werner Foerster was shot and killed with his own service weapon after backing up a fellow officer.

Friday, February 12, 2016

The PBS debate disgrace devastatingly dismembered. Complete article

Thomas Lifson  "Can we please defund PBS, and let the American left pay for their own network without tax money from the rest of us?  The disgrace of PBS in moderating last night’s debate was even worse than I remarked on it.  Andrew Malcolm of Investor’s Business Daily* has penned a devastating debunking.  Read the whole thing, but here are a few highlights:
 Of the 16,000 words uttered by Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and moderators Gwen Ifil and Judy Woodruff, not one of them concerned Clinton’s deepening email scandal. Not one mention of the words email, e-mail, private server or FBI.
Not a single media question or opponent mention of the huge legal cloud hanging over the party’s presumptive nominee. Nor of the ongoing FBI investigation into unauthorized use of her unsecured private email server for government business, including loose handling of Top Secret documents endangering national security intelligence-gathering and covert operations.
Not any reference to the State Department Inspector General’s subpoena to the Clinton Foundation exploring possible connections between foreign government donations possibly trying to curry favor during Clinton’s four-year tenure as Obama’s secretary of State.
Oh, and not a single word either about Benghazi, the murder of four Americans there, the phony video excuse, the lack of rescue or reinforcement attempts and any Clinton responsibility for the well-documented poor consulate security. Nothing on tax or entitlement reforms. National debt.
complete pass for Hillary Clinton. Whoosh! Home free. Other than that, it was a serious grilling about being female, admiring Obama, taxing the rich more, free stuff and other liberal issues. 

*Emphasis added; TD

Weasel Of The Week!! – 02/11/16

Noisy Room   "Yes, it’s time to present this week’s Statuette of Shame, The Golden Weasel!!

"Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the Statuette of Shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were particularly slimy and despicable, but only one of them could win… and the votes are in and we have our winner… the envelope please…"
"The Ultra-sensitive Baby Killing Warriors At NARAL!!"

. . . "Nice Deb: I nominate NARAL for going on an unhinged Twitter rampage during the Super Bowl over the commercials.
During the big game yesterday, NARAL’s Twitter account “live-tweeted” reactions to the highly anticipated Super Bowl commercials, exposing themselves yet again to be the angry, humorless scolds we all know them to be. The pro-abortion outfit chastised advertisers over the most micro of “microaggressions” and their SJW followers on Twitter retweeted their complaints.
"In their most absurd Tweet, they attacked Doritos for showing an Ultrasound image image of a baby.
The Doritos ad in question showed a father eating Doritos while his pregnant wife received an ultrasound. The baby reacts strongly to the Doritos whenever Dad gets close with a chip. At the end, the baby physically launches itself out of the womb to try to get Doritos.
"NARAL denounced the Doritos ad for using the ” #antichoice tactic of humanizing fetuses & sexist tropes of dads as clueless, moms as uptight.' ”

Snowflake Students: “We’re Too Fragile To Be Educated!”

"Patheos   I’m out of here for the day — back to transcribing my book — but wanted to leave this here because it’s just horrific. Indoctrinating professors aside, can real teachers even dare to teach, anymore, with all of these little snowflakes melting around them and incapable of handling anything without being “triggered”? Do they know that life itself is one giant trigger after another, if you indulge yourself?
"I have a great fear that if this mindset is permitted to continue, we will find ourselves living amid political and social iconoclasts, who will demand the destruction of great works of art for the sin of being “triggering” or “aggressive” or God-forbid, heteronormative!

Bernini's Rape of Prosperpina, Via wikimediacommons"Bernini’s Rape of Proserpina takes my breath away whenever I see it; it is myth so incredibly rendered into truth. When will someone take a hammer to it in the name of “sensitivity to rape victims who might have a triggering experience”, rather than allow it to stand as a representative for them, exposing rape’s horror?
"And after they’ve destroyed Proserpina, will they then take their hammers to the Pieta, because motherhood is an offensive stereotype and its promotion triggers feelings of all kinds of mother-related psychological trauma?
"And to quote a friend of mine: “Triggering is a real thing in mental illness and trauma, and their trivial use of it to describe their fear of the outside world is offensive.' ”
A recent Michigan State graduate sweats the real world (Illustration: Ozerina Anna/Shutterstock)Campus Snowflakes & Enabling Masochists   "You would think that the collapse of the UVA rape hoax story would make college students and college administrators a little bit less anxious to go into full-blown hysterics against people who question the “campus rape culture” narrative. You would be wrong, at least in the case of Michigan State, where the university accommodated five special snowflakes who could not bear to hear George F. Willspeak at their graduation. What did George Will write back in June that aggrieved heretic-hunters? He questioned the statistics and the ideology behind the campus anti-rape movement: Excerpt:" . . .

Legal Insurrection: This Trigger Warning needs its own Trigger Warning
"Fragile minds need not apply."
Trigger Warning

"The fragile college student mind is getting more fragile by the day."As if the normal run of political correctness were not enough, we now have “Trigger Warnings” — the notion that students need to be warned that the material they are about to read in class may “trigger” emotional upset"…."The Trigger Warning in the Featured Image was displayed at Oberlin whenChristina Hoff Sommers spoke:"
Image credit: Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute

Obama’s ‘Kingly’ Trips Just BACKFIRED, This Is Going To Cost Him BIG TIME

"With his lavish trips to Hawaii and other luxury vacations, it seems that America has finally had enough. As a result, Judicial Watch has officially filed suit against the Department of Homeland Security for ignoring Freedom of Information Act requests and have alleged that Obama’s travel costs exceed $74 million in total."
Martha’s Vineyard

 “Now that we’ve sued, the Secret Service has stopped ignoring our requests for details on more of the costs of Barack Obama’s luxury vacations. Taxpayers, the U.S. Air Force, and the Secret Service are being abused by Barack Obama, who too often treats Air Force One and his security detail like some sort of kingly entourage.”
. . .  
"It’s about time the American people have grown tired enough of these antics to finally do something about it. Not only is the Obama family living like royalty, their efforts to cover up their actions only go to demonstrate that they know what they’re doing is wrong. We all know this nation has a huge problem with freeloaders, but the biggest offenders live right in the White House."  Via Jody Hines in Rebels at Heart

Beware a Wounded Clinton

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Margaret Carlson   "Hillary and Bill Clinton were prepared to lose, but there’s a loss and then there’s a shellacking. After barely winning Iowa, with its coin tosses and independent calls for a public recount of the secret ballots, getting trounced by Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire by 20 points suggests tissue-rejection of the Clinton candidacy. It’s likely some of those voters weren’t even pro-Sanders, just turned off by Clinton. The Republican race is starting to look tame by comparison.
"The rejection went to her character. Among Democrats who say they care most about honesty and trustworthiness, she lost by 86 points. None of Bill’s lip-biting brand attached to her: She lost by 65 points among those who want their candidate to care about people like themselves. Then there are the women. Although they were threatened with eternal damnation, a majority of women -- seven in 10 under 45 -- did not vote for the would-be first female president.
"The Clintons’ shell-shocked expressions on stage in New Hampshire Tuesday night showed that they now see reality. It’s going to be a long, hard and painful slog against someone without her experience but who stirs admiration and affection. Hillary could have spoken from the heart -- even the robotic Marco Rubio managed that in his concession -- but she read from the teleprompter, though at times she edged close to Howard Dean’s post-Iowa scream in 2004." . . .  Via Lucianne

Obama's foreign policy incompetence encouraging Putin to go to war with Turkey

Has there ever been a U.S. president who has backed himself and the country into this kind of corner due to overwhelming incompetence and hubris?  Putin may eventually conclude there is no red line and attack.  He certainly has no respect for the fighting abilities of European troops.  And Obama has proven he not only doesn't know what he's doing, but can be pushed around by the likes of Iran and Cuba. 

Rick Moran   "I remember a lot of people speculating about what would have happened in the world if Jimmy Carter had been elected to a second term.  Many believed that the Soviets would have taken advantage of Carter's weakness and confusion to confront NATO, believing that the U.S. would be paralyzed into inaction.

"Something similar could happen today, according to some analysts.  Vladimir Putin's saber-rattling at Turkey could become more than bluster if the Russian strongman doesn't think that the U.S. and NATO would go to war if Moscow attacked Turkey.

"The Russians are beginning military exercises in the region immediately adjacent to their border with Turkey.  The exercises are a threat because Russian troops will be on the highest level of alert short of war.  And Russian rhetoric aimed at Turkey has become more bellicose as events in the Syrian city of Aleppo may force Turkey to try and intervene in the conflict.  With Russian jets pounding rebel positions in and around Aleppo and Syrian and Iranian proxy troops surrounding the city, Turkey may feel it has no choice but to lift the siege of Syria's largest city.

"One of Russia's most knowledgable and respected defense analysts – a critic of Putin and Russian military policy – offered some insight into what's going on in Moscow:
 Read more: