Friday, November 3, 2017

LA Times ‘Fat Shames’ Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Makes Her Look Like A Nazi And Puts Down Moms

From Wikipedia, about David Horsey comes this excerpt:  . . . "In November 2017 he penned a column for the Los Angeles Times attacking Donald Trump's press secretary. He included criticisms of her looks and attire. After being criticized for the comment he apologized and they were removed from his column. His cartoons have also pictured her in an ugly way." . . .

From Fox News:  David Horsey body shamed White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders   . . . "It’s curious to think what Horsey, who is politically correct when it’s convenient, would feel about fat shaming Sanders on a day when it doesn’t fit his anti-Trump agenda. It should be noted that Horsey doesn’t only shame the appearance of females, as he has mocked Trump in cartoons, calling him a “bloated orange mess,” among other things."
. . . 
"Shortly after Fox News asked for comment, the Times removed all references to Sanders’ appearance and added a note from Horsey." . . .
But comedians will love him for it.

"LA Times makes Sarah Huckabee Sanders a Nazi and fat shames her. And puts down soccer moms.

"Here’s their lovely description:
"Via LA Times:
Sarah Huckabee Sanders does not look like the kind of woman Donald Trump would choose as his chief spokesperson. Much like Roger Ailes when he was stocking the Fox News lineup with blond Barbie dolls in short, tight skirts, the president has generally exhibited a preference for sleek beauties with long legs and stiletto heels to represent his interests and act as his arm candy.
Trump’s daughter Ivanka and wife Melania are the apotheosis of this type. By comparison, Sanders looks more like a slightly chunky soccer mom who organizes snacks for the kids’ games. Rather than the fake eyelashes and formal dresses she puts on for news briefings, Sanders seems as if she’d be more comfortable in sweats and running shoes. Yet, even if Trump privately wishes he had a supermodel for a press secretary, he is lucky to have Sanders.
I'm sure cartoonist Horsey, a gifted artist and occasional honest critic of Obama policies, must enjoy the social scene among the LA elite and his cartoons must certainly place him high on the Hollywood social register. I do not know the man and have not chosen to read his thoughts other than those in this post, but figure he must enjoy the thought of his work hanging on walls in leftist gathering places.
This cartoon below surely ingratiated him to the Obamas and their sychophants. The Tunnel Dweller.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The Daily Caller  "The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

"One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“ 'One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

“ 'Millennials are increasingly turning away from capitalism and toward socialism and even communism as a viable alternative,” said Marion Smith, Victims of Communism’s executive director, in the press release obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation. “This troubling turn highlights widespread historical illiteracy in American society regarding socialism and the systemic failure of our education system to teach students about the genocide, destruction, and misery caused teach students about the genocide, destruction, and misery caused by communism since the Bolshevik Revolution one hundred years ago.”

"The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology." . . .

One of Communist Premier Stalin's great accomplishments was this:

Do students know what "Holodomor" was? Soviet socialism brought mass starvation to Ukraine

Tulsi Gabbard ‘Not Surprised’ Clinton Corrupted The DNC, Just Surprised Anyone Mentioned It Publicly…

Washington Examiner

Earl of Taint
. . . "The DNC was embroiled in controversy last summer when then-Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida exited her role after emails published by WikiLeaks showed she and party officials conspiring to tip the Democratic primary in Clinton's favor.
"Brazile, who had been a vice chair like Gabbard, was then tapped to become interim chair up until February when Tom Perez, former President Barack Obama's labor secretary, was elected.
"Perez brushed off Brazile's bombshell on Thursday in relation to the organization now under his reign. "Hey, we're moving forward," he said when asked about Brazile's charge. "We're building, you know, I've been asked that question a number of times since I started."
"Gabbard told the Young Turks that, during her time at the DNC, she heard from party executives who refused to sign on to the joint fundraising effort that Brazile has spoken of and said that there was an air of secrecy that kept her and other DNC vice chairs out of the conversation." . . .

How’s “diversity” working out for you?

Israel National News

Do the math and you will understand why we keep having terror attacks

"Especially after Tuesday’s jihadist slayings in Manhattan, the cry arose throughout the airwaves – why do these things keep happening?

"So let me spell it out as simply as I can. Are you sitting down? Okay – here goes:

"The reason we keep getting acts of terrorism is because we keep importing terrorists.

"That is not politics. That is mathematics.

" Let me repeat it for those who came in late: The reason we keep getting acts of terrorism is because we keep importing terrorists.

"For instance, like most Americans, I did not know, until recently, that since the early 1990s we had a program named the “Diversity Visa Lottery.” So each year some 50,000 people are invited into our country from hellholes all around the globe, like Uzbekistan. Over there it is 96.3 percent Muslim, coincidentally.

"That is where the Manhattan murderer came from…and, along with the rest, was welcomed with smiles over the years from types like NY Gov Cuomo and NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio and Sen. Chuck Schumer. Their smiles vanished after the attack when they had to explain how it happened on their support for diversity uber alles.

"But that did not stop them from taking the stage to further dump on Trump and even though ashen-faced from shame, they continued to grandstand their Liberal pieties. As if none of this was their doing and if it came again between them and us, between migrants and citizens, they’d still choose the migrants.

"President Trump wants to end the diversity lottery program. Trump wants to limit immigration altogether. Trump knows the math." . . .

Why do terrorists yell 'Allahu akbar' when they attack? . . . "It's difficult to be clearer than that. Muhammad used the expression to instill terror in the Jews of Khaibar and to announce his arrival.  As the hadith says, he conquered the town (or it surrendered).  Ruin will be inflicted on the town or the nation that is warned of impending battle when the people hear "Allahu akbar!' "  . . . 

Dems Are Loath to Weaponize Russia Probe Indictments

Real Clear Politics  "The indictment of Donald Trump´s former campaign chairman and the guilty plea entered by a former low-level foreign policy adviser seemed to hand Democrats a weightier cudgel with which to club the president´s party this week. But even though special counsel Robert Mueller´s Russia collusion probe is picking up steam, Democratic strategists and campaign operatives are urging party members to tread carefully. Research in the form of focus groups, polling, and on-the-ground conversations conducted by various Democratic groups suggests that reaction to GOP policy will drive their voters more effectively than the ongoing Russia investigations, however newsworthy they have become." . . . Via Lucianne

American Silliness, Nov 3, 2017

California is a good place to start for things like this:

California girl, 5, who set up $1 lemonade stand to raise money for a new bike is told by officials four months later to pay $25 for a BUSINESS LICENSE  This made news in the United Kingdom!

Autumn Thomasson, five, proudly sold $70 worth of lemonade and candy to buy herself a new bicycle in June. This week, her mother received a citation from city officials claiming she needed a business license and asking them to pay $25 to obtain one retroactively 
Autumn Thomasson, five, proudly sold $70 worth of lemonade and
candy to buy herself a new bicycle in June. This week, her mother
 received a citation from city officials claiming she needed a business
license and asking them to pay $25 to obtain one retroactively 

. . . "The letter was sent in response to that complaint but they have since retracted their demand for the $25 fee. 
'There's no excuse why it should have been sent." . . . 

Liberal Reporter Bashes Trump  . . . "After being asked what he thought about Trump’s response to the NYC terrorist, Stokols left viewers downright shocked with what he accidentally let slip on live television. As it turns out, the man asked why he didn’t do the same for the white gunman involved in the recent Las Vegas shooting.
"Yes, he’s referring to the white shooter who is already dead when criticizing Trump for not saying that the dead gunman should also get the death penalty." . . . 
"BLM leader" writes that white people who are inheriting property should consider selling it to minority families  . . . “If you are a developer or realty owner of multi-family housing, build a sustainable complex in a black or brown blighted neighborhood and let black and brown people live in it for free.” . . .
Michelle Obama claims men are 'entitled' and 'self-righteous'  . . . "It's surprising that Michelle Obama would fail to recognize the evolution in society and portray women as both victim and enabler."

Mathematics Is Not 'White'  . . . "We have seen the consequences of such P.C. madness in other professions.  Just consider one example outside education: firefighters are expected to climb four flights of stairs carrying a heavy load of nasty, necessary rescue gear in a specific and short time limit.  What to do if an applicant for this heroic job cannot?  Most of us would say, "Sorry.  You don't pass."  Would our lady professor argue that the firefighter test is  "white"? " . . .

Saints: It's 'unfortunate' vet rejects honor over anthem protests

This is a follow-up to a previous story:  A retired Navy officer declined to be honored at an NFL game over the anthem protests
. . . "Wells wrote, according to a release, per reports. "I am unable, in good conscience, to enter an NFL stadium while this discourtesy prevails. Since this award is tainted with the dishonorable actions of the NFL and its players, I cannot accept it.' "
MSN  . . . "The Saints called Well's decision "unfortunate and disappointing" in a lengthy statement released Thursday.

"Respectfully and honorably, we chose Mr. Wells for the Peoples Health Champion Award purposefully for this game to bring to light the exact issues that he and his organization represent - the health and well being of our military, veterans and their families," the Saints said in a statement.
"Unfortunately, he has chosen very publicly not to accept this honor and refused the opportunity to promote the very cause for which he was being honored and distract from awareness we hoped to build throughout our community. We respect his decision, he has that right, and we thank him for his service to our country and his past efforts on behalf of the military and veterans."
"The Saints later point out every player has stood for the national anthem since the franchise was founded in 1967 -- outside of Week 3 this season where "a few of our players did sit."
"Since then, the Saints have kneeled prior to the anthem in a show of unity against racism and social injustice before rising and standing for the anthem.. . . 

. . . "When a fan said people are mad because they believe the Saints will eventually sit during the anthem again since they did so earlier in the season, Vaccaro responded, "We already said what we were gonna do so get the picture or don't come." . . .  Has anyone kneeled over this?

Eric Holder said Americans were too cowardly to have a "conversation" about race. Heaven help anyone who dares to try it.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Hillary: That Dirty Russian Dossier on Trump That We Lied About Paying For Was Just Opposition Research

Katie Pavlich  "Twice failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is finally admitting her campaign paid for the Russian dossier on Donald Trump, albeit by default, and is calling it typical "opposition research."

"During an interview with The Daily Show Wednesday night, Clinton argued the Trump campaign colluded with Russian officials to win the presidential election and denied any wrong doing in hiring Fusion GPS and a foreign spy. " . . . 
"Keep in mind the Clinton campaign and DNC officials have denied paying for the dossier for nearly a year, but were forced into an admission after a subpoena from House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes revealed both entities had in fact employed Fusion GPS to create the dossier. 
"Today Fusion GPS confirmed $168,000 of the estimated $12 million total went directly from the Clinton campaign to Steele." . . . 
US Backlash

VIDEO: Clueless Hillary Says She Refuses to “Go Away;” Americans Who Dislike Her Are Sexist Women Haters  "Hillary Clinton vowed to stay in politics Wednesday night and fight politicians who get elected to line their own pockets with personal wealth.

"No, this is not a joke. She did actually say that. Right after accusing half of the country as sexist women-haters. If it were only that simple.
"She nailed the hate part though. But it’s simply directed toward Hillary Clinton and not women as an entire gender.
"The portion of the interview from Trevor Noah on the Daily Show where she vows to fight against corruption should be clipped and rolled out in a new Twilight Zone series. It truly is surreal.
"Pablo Picasso was a true genius with oil paints on canvas. Hillary’s art is lying and her canvas is television. She painted another masterpiece Wednesday night."

A retired Navy officer declined to be honored at an NFL game over the anthem protests

Wells is the longtime Executive Director of Military Veterans Advocacy, a national organization based in Slidell, Louisiana, that works for veterans' rights.

Circa   "A retired Navy officer has declined an award that would have been given to him at an upcoming National Football League (NFL) game, according to WDSU 6 News.
"WDSU on Thursday reported that Cmdr. John Wells will not accept the honor at this Sunday’s New Orleans Saints contest due to the NFL’s ongoing national anthem protests.
"Wells was selected for the Peoples Health Champion Award, which is given to people who have “significant accomplishments” and have achieved “senior citizen status.”
“ 'I am unable, in good conscience, to enter an NFL stadium while this discourtesy prevails,” he wrote to executives of Peoples Health and the Saints." . . .
“ 'I had hoped and prayed that the NFL would outlaw these disgraceful protests and wanted to give the commissioner and the owners a fair opportunity to do so,” Wells added.
“ 'Their failure to act is a slap in the face to all of those who served in uniform. Men and women have fought and died for the flag that the players are disrespecting.”
"Wells additionally noted that the award has been “tainted with dishonorable actions” by the NFL and its players.
"The award would have been presented to Wells during this Sunday’s game between the Saints and Tampa Bay Buccaneers at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans." . . .

Veterans advocate declines award from Saints  . . . "Wells says he's had enough of the actions by players in the league and their disrespect. He says he is a longtime fans of football and the Saints.
'' 'I haven't gone to any games, I've talked to other veterans and we feel these protests in the NFL are a slap in the face to veterans,'' said Wells.
"Wells was to accept the People's Health Champions award. Wells says while he's touched to be selected, he just can't accept.

'' 'Basically, I want it to stop, and if there's a conversation to be had, then let's have a conversation, but let's not disrespect the very flag that gives us the right to have that conversation,'' said Wells." . . .

Hillary wonders. "Et tu, Donna Brazile?"

"The Democratic Party is in disarray, thanks to all the same players the media cheered incessantly for years. But that means that the power in the party is now located at a Ben and Jerry’s in Vermont." Ben Shapiro
Legal Insurrection: Donna Brazile Throws Hillary Campaign Under the Bus
"Democrat Party still hasn’t learned from Hillary’s campaign mistakes."
"While everyone concentrates on the White House, the Democrat Party continues to dive deeper into a civil war.
"Former interim DNC chairwoman Donna Brazile has taken aim at failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Democratic strategist Stanley Greenerg is “still fuming about Hillary Clinton,” especially since Democrat candidates are still using her failed tactics." . . .
"Let’s first look at Donna Brazile’s scathing article at Politico about Hillary’s campaign and the moves she made before she even became a candidate. She took over the DNC after leaks of emails showed officials working against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in the primary. This led then-Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (R-FL) to resign right before the DNC convention.
"Rigging a primary
"Brazile, after she was named acting chairwoman, promised Sanders that she “would get to the bottom of whether Hillary Clinton’s team had rigged the nomination process, as a cache of emails stolen by Russian hackers and posted online had suggested.' ” . . .

The main point of this post, the Politico article on her book
Politico: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC Brazile writes:
"When I was asked to run the Democratic Party after the Russians hacked our emails, I stumbled onto a shocking truth about the Clinton campaign."
. . . 'I told Bernie I had found Hillary’s Joint Fundraising Agreement. I explained that the cancer was that she had exerted this control of the party long before she became its nominee. Had I known this, I never would have accepted the interim chair position, but here we were with only weeks before the election." . . .

"Politico has published an extended excerpt from Brazile's book, and oh my, is it explosive.  First, she takes a hatchet to the state of the party heading into the 2016 election:"
Townhall: "In her forthcoming book, former DNC chair Donna Brazile absolutely unloads on her party, blasting Barack Obama for decimating the DNC's finances, savaging the leadership of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and confirming that yes, Hillary Clinton's campaign had the party in its pocket long before she was its nominee. You'll likely recall Donald Trump's frequent play to Bernie supporters during the general election, claiming that the Democratic establishment "rigged" the nominating process against Sanders and for Clinton.  He probably didn't even realize how absolutely accurate that characterization was. " . . .

"Here are 7 revelations from Brazile’s piece:
1. Brazile Is Rather Self-Aggrandizing. . .
2. Wasserman Schultz Was A Disaster Who Turned Over The Party To Hillary. . .
3. Obama Cleaned Out The Party.  . . .
4. Hillary Ran The Party. . .
5. Hillary Essentially Laundered Campaign Money Through The DNC.  . .
6. Bernie Got Jobbed.  . . .
7. Brazile — And Everyone Else — Sees Bernie As The Future Of The Party. .
"The Democratic Party is in disarray, thanks to all the same players the media cheered incessantly for years. But that means that the power in the party is now located at a Ben and Jerry’s in Vermont."  Ben Shapiro
Earl of Taint

NYC Victims Lost Schumer's Diversity Visa Lottery

Political Cartoons by Tom Stiglich

Daniel John Sobieski  "Maybe now, Democratic liberals will see the folly of giving illegal aliens drivers licenses on the false premise that it makes us all safer. And maybe liberal judges from Hawaii will think again about the wisdom of Trump’s travel ban and desire to switch to a merit-based immigration system.

"Sayfullo Saipov was not an illegal alien and his home country of Uzbekistan was not on the travel ban list of countries, but his presence here to kill and maim American citizens speaks to another idiotic immigration program -- the diversity visa lottery created by the same Sen. Chuck Schumer who cried about the cruelty of Trump’s travel ban amidst a bevy of aliens from central casting. He is now free to shed a tear for the victims of his program:" . . . Full Article

Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

. . . "Shortly after the attack, President Trump blasted the misbegotten Diversity Immigrant Visa Program, signed into law in 1990, which enabled Sayfullo Saipov to enter the country. Under the program, 50,000 are awarded visas by lottery if they're from countries that otherwise wouldn't send immigrants to the U.S. 
"At the start of 2010, the year Saipov came to the U.S., the State Department under President Obama announced that it was going to use the program to bring in thousands of immigrants living in terror watch list countries." . . .
If these people are all "known to authorities" beforehand, why didn't the authorities take more aggressive action? What are the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and all the other agencies whose mission is to protect American lives doing with the tens of billions of dollars they get from taxpayers each year?
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

MSNBC and CNN guests look to blame Manhattan truck terror on anything but jihad

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Thomas Lifson  "It took only a day for the cable news propagandists to find guests who would blame the truck attack on bicyclists in Lower Manhattan on the personal troubles of the perp.
"On MSNBC, as noticed by Justin Caruso of the Daily Caller, guest Mubin Shaikh, a "former Islamic extremist," told viewers:
"They go online, they get most of their ideology, but, this is something that they've already decided to engage in. A person doesn't go online and read something and decide, 'Oh, I'm going to be – oh, I believe this. I'm going to go and act on this.' They already have this going on inside them before they turn to the internet or somebody like in a real human network.
"What we need to look into is why this person even feels they need to look that way. And one of the things is hatred – is hatred, and alienation, and marginalization. Think about it this way – when you tell a kid that he's dumb, he's stupid, he's going to amount to nothing, what do you think is going to happen with that kid? He's going to take that, internalize that, and externalize it by acting it out onto other people," he continued.
"Here's a news flash for Mr. Shaikh: teens and young adults go through all sorts of misery finding their place in the world.  Everyone has frustrations, setbacks, and critical voices.  The Quran and other scriptures teach such people that killing infidels is a way to solve all their problems by becoming a martyr and thereby gaining entrance to heaven with virgins available for their pleasure.
"Absent the enabling ideology of jihad, such young people work out their problems in a more constructive fashion, sometimes even by studying or working harder, and showing people they were wrong to denigrate them." . . .