Monday, May 24, 2021

UPDATED: I'm sure CNN's Jim Acosta likes Chicago's mayor more than he did President Trump

Earlier this week, Lightfoot faced backlash after announcing she would only grant interviews to “Black or Brown journalists. "The Mayor later responded to the backlash saying it was because of the "overwhelming whiteness and maleness" of the Chicago media institution.

  Mayor Lori Lightfoot Receives Vote of ‘No-Confidence’ from Chicago Police Union   "Police Superintendent David Brown and First Deputy Superintendent Eric Carter cited a “lack of consideration” for police officers’ working conditions, WTTW reported.

"Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 7 President John Catanzara said in a video that the union’s members spoke “loud and clear” during Wednesday's meeting on the vote.

There was a motion from the floor and a second from the floor with the unanimous vote with zero dissent for a no-confidence vote against the mayor, the superintendent, and the first deputy. The basis for this no-confidence vote is pretty simple. It’s two-fold It’s a lack of respect for the Gold Star families and the cancellation of the St. Jude parade, not only to Gold Star families but our members who look forward to remembering the fallen every year. The second part of the no-confidence vote was the working conditions for our officers for the better part of a year now and the lack of consideration for family life, social life, whatever the case may be. . . .  






Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Only Granting Interviews to ‘Black or Brown Journalists’

"I wonder how Lightfoot’s white wife feels about this. I wonder how the Asian and biracial reporters feel about this."

UPDATE: Tulsi Gabbard calls on Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot to resign for 'anti-Whiteness'   "
 Former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard accused Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Friday of harboring anti-White racism and called for her to step down over her remarks this week about the city’s media landscape.
"In a tweet, Gabbard, a one-time Democratic presidential candidate from Hawaii, also called on President Joe Biden and other leaders to join her.
"“Mayor Lightfoot’s blatant anti-white racism is abhorrent,” she wrote. “I call upon President Biden, Kamala Harris, and other leaders of our county—of all races—to join me in calling for Mayor Lightfoot’s resignation. Our leaders must condemn all racism, including anti-white.' ” . . .

Do You Believe in UFOs? An Actual Answer May Be Near

A clear majority (60 percent) still believe there’s some other explanation for UFOs, probably human-related. Seven percent don’t know anything, like Adam Schiff.

RedState  . . . "So, they pretended to understand this new mysterious virus and what to do about it. We were afraid, so fell for their charade of dictums–two weeks to flatten the curve. Then, maybe two months. Job-crushing, savings-draining lockdowns. Masks for everyone everywhere. Perhaps two of them. Other hokum.

"As a result, now and for some future time, millions of us newly-trained cynics from the University of Covid will dismiss all kinds of government warnings. They may indeed prove accurate ultimately, but no one wants to be a sucker in this age of information and misinformation. So, they’ll be dismissed out of hand.

"Now, we come to one mystery that has endured for decades. But wait. We may finally be on the verge of solving at least part of it.

"Flying saucers. Unidentified Flying Objects. Or in Pentagon vernacular, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena." . . .

In other words, the writer wonders if we want to depend on the same source that gave us Russian Collusion, prostitutes wetting beds, two abortive impeachments and assorted Pelosi-Schiff-CNN adventures, have at it. Wake us up when it's over. TD

Stop Calling Them Progressives!

 Joy Overbeck

"When I hear prominent conservative media commentators and brainy columnists call America-haters bent on destroying our noble Constitutional Republic “progressives” I feel the top of my head may fly up and stick on the ceiling. They should know better. The sickening behavior of these tyrannical anarchists are the very opposite of progressive which Webster defines as “continuous improvement; the development of an individual or group in a direction considered more beneficial than and superior to the previous level.” There’s nothing beneficial for us as citizens or our nation about lawlessness, destruction of private property by black-masked Antifa terrorists, attacks on the First and Second Amendments, cancelling the voices of those who disagree with WOKE dogma, and shrill Maxine Waters-esque calls for personal attacks. Yet as long as we let them get away with calling themselves progressives, they can claim moral and intellectual superiority over the rest of us." . . .

. . . "What to do? First, fight back against the “progressive” racism that demonizes people for the color of their skin. Organize with other parents and citizens to forbid your local school board to impose “critical race theory” and “gender fluidity,” including the promotion of transgenderism, on children’s education curricula. Help Trump’s prosperous economy return by pressuring politicians to stop sending fat government checks that amount to more than a paycheck for many Americans." . . .

Fmr. ICE Director Homan Says 'AOC is the Least Smart Congresswoman in the History of Congress'   Video

Here's a "Progressive" for you:

Even Folks on the Left Are Tired of the 'Reform' From Progressive San Francisco DA

"There’s a terrible case out of San Francisco that perhaps encapsulates, in a very simple way, the problem that we now face with rising crime, “reform,” and progressive district attorneys.

"According to KGO, a 75-year- old woman was beaten, grabbed by the hair, and dragged in an attempted car-jacking outside of a supermarket. A Good Samaritan had to rush in to save her.

"There were many witnesses to the crime. And multiple suspects were involved, including one minor who was arrested and charged with robbery, elder abuse, aggravated assault, and conspiracy.

"But now, those charges against the minor have reportedly been dropped, according to what KGO’s Dion Lim had been told by multiple sources. Why? Allegedly because there was a “lack of DNA evidence.” This, despite multiple witnesses to the event." . . .

The shoplifting has become such an epidemic, 17 Walgreens have packed it in. The shoplifting is at 4x the rate as in the rest of the country. Why? Because there are no criminal consequences for the action — and the criminals know it, so there’s more of it.

The curious case of the BLM-loving Capitol riot provocateur who was paid $35K each by CNN and NBC

Thomas Lifson 

John Earle Sullivan
 "Well, this isn't going to help the corporate media narrative that "insurrectionists" inspired by President Trump's rhetoric tried to overthrow democracy at the Capitol.  Yesterday on ABC's This Week, George Will said, "I would like to see January 6th as burned into the American mind as firmly as 9/11," and I don't think he meant as an example of agents provocateurs creating false flag incidents to discredit their political rivals.

"But thanks to a court filing that has escaped corporate media notice, we now know that the Justice Department has seized over $60,000 from the bank accounts of John Earle Sullivan, who sold video he took of activities that day, including of the murder of Ashli Babbitt, under the theory that it was the fruit of a criminal act." . . .

Mr. Sullivan has a history of attending BLM demonstrations and encouraging violence.

In Provo, Utah, police charged him with threatening a woman driver and damaging her car during a June 29 George Floyd protest. He came to Washington in August and at a BLM rally urged protesters to drag Mr. Trump out of the White House, according to court filings.

. . . 

What Joe Biden DEMANDED from Israel for a ceasefire…but has no prayer of getting

BareNakedIslam  "A tentative ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is currently holding in Gaza while tensions are high run in the region. Israel also left open the door to the resumption of the fighting if the ceasefire wasn’t honored."

RedState: Hamas stood on the ruins of a bombed building earlier today to declare victory, while the Biden administration is already seeking to take credit for the halt in hostilities. Meanwhile, details are coming out about exactly what Biden demanded of Israel, while he demanded nothing of Hamas. You can be sure that Israel is ignoring these ridiculous demands."

. . . 
"Yet, it’s the last demand that show the sinister nature of the Biden Regime. Biden asked that Jews no longer celebrate Jerusalem Flag day, a holiday where Jews take the streets to celebrate their nation. Imagine if another country demanded we stopped celebrating the Fourth of July or Memorial Day, in exchange for them not bombing us. How well would that go over?" . . .

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Unhinged Joe Scarborough Demands Trump Supporters Leave US and Be Replaced By Immigrants… Seriously

. . . Tim Scott’s brilliant retort to Biden was even more empowering toward that end. That is a trend that must be reversed for the Democrats to have any shot at future survival. To do so, however, Democrats must count on the nation to first disregard American history. 

The Gateway Pundit   "MSNBC host Joe Scarborough went on an unhinged rant during his show Morning Joe, demanding that Trump supporters leave the US and be replaced by

"Of course, any time someone on the right asserts that the Democrat Party is attempting to replace American voters they are called racist, bigoted, conspiracy theorists.

"“America, love it or leave it! . . . Just leave . . . Get the hell out! We don’t want you here,” Scarborough shouted." . . .

 Joe Scarborough’s insane rant proves he’s just a histrionic blowhard

In January 2020 he wrote a silly op-ed for the WaPo in which he said Trump was “ignorant of world history.”  Why?  He was angry that Trump had taken out the Iranian terrorist Soleimani!  How dumb do you have to be to object to the legitimate assassination of a man who was responsible for thousands of American deaths and injuries?  Just who is anti-American? 

 “Morning Blow [Hard]” Goes Off On Rant At Americans Who Question November Election Results…”Get the Hell Out! ”Millions of Immigrants” Will Take Your Place

The rant by “Morning Blow [Hard]” falls on deaf ears for most Republicans who will never concede that a candidate who couldn’t string two coherent sentences together, campaigned from his basement, and drew dozens (including the media) to his rallies, won more votes in the November election than any president in American history.



Sen. Tim Scott’s Reply To Biden Exposes Dems’ Jim Crow Past

 Issues & Insights

"These days, one can barely finish a first cup of coffee without confronting more accusations of racism in America. Cable news, print and social media, and even congressional proceedings are all now geared toward convincing the nation of its systemic bigotry.

"Today, everything is racist. Biden’s congressional address in late April wallowed in assertions of our supposed collective racist ills. Even his recent Infrastructure bill defines highways as racist.

"Senator Tim Scott, R-S.C., pushed back on that canard in his bold response to Biden’s congressional snooze-fest, declaring: “America is not a racist country”.  Then began the left’s racist attacks.

"Within minutes, progressives on Twitter trended the hashtag “Uncle Tim”, a disturbing moniker dismissing Senator Scott’s remarks because of the color of his skin. Leftwing guests on cable news ridiculed Scott as the only black Republican in the U.S. Senate.  Odd, because the Democrats currently only field two (Booker and Warnock).  In fact, there were no Democrat Senators until 1996.  Republicans have the honor of electing the first in 1870 and several more since. 

"Earlier in April, in an effort to again tar Republicans with the racist mantle, Democrats in the Senate held a day-long examination of what they identified as “Jim Crow” laws revisited, specifically those evils underpinning the new Georgia voting statutes. 

"Not only are these assertions and countless others simply unsupported by the facts, they grossly misrepresent the history of “Jim Crow” laws and the responsibility of the modern day Democratic Party for this heirloom of their past." . . .   Full article here...

California nightmare: How high taxes, rampant crime, suffocating wokery, streets littered with homeless addicts, and years of liberal policies are blamed for ruining the Golden State... as thousands of families flee to Republican Texas and Florida

UK Mail

 "Scott Thatcher and his wife Angela were born in California and love the sun-kissed Golden State. But two months ago they sold their home, packed up their belongings and travelled 1,700 miles with their three sons to start a new life in Texas.

"Despite earning good salaries with secure jobs as a driver and a nurse, the family’s combined income of about $140,000 (£99,000) a year was not enough to prosper in their town of Modesto, about 90 minutes east of San Francisco.

" ‘We were surviving but not thriving,’ said Scott, 35. ‘We were getting by but it felt like we would never really get ahead.’

"The pandemic was the final straw after politicians shut down schools in the state. Now the couple have a far bigger home in Fort Worth – and although they earn slightly less, they take home more money thanks to lower taxes in Texas. As Scott says: ‘You pay a high premium for the Californian lifestyle.’

"But increasingly, people are deciding this is a premium no longer worth paying and joining the exodus from America’s most populous and economically powerful state." . . . 

The Two Uncle Joes

 John Simpson

. . . "The overarching point of my history recap is this: By ruthlessly purging his best soldiers and officer corps and politicizing the Red Army to the point of debilitation, Stalin left the Red Army shattered and the Soviet Union wide open for Hitler’s invasion. It was only through sheer force of numbers (which included the use of hundreds of political prisoners as unarmed shock troops) and the ruthless cunning of such brilliant Russian commanders as Marshall Georgy Zhukov, that the Russians still speak Russian today and not German (whatever Russians would have been left alive by the genocidal SS Einsatzgruppen, that is). 

"American military battle readiness, ingenuity, and cunning have been the core of our national defense spanning our entire history, from Steven Decatur and William Tecumseh Sherman to Chester Nimitz and George S. Patton, Jr. Yet today our own politically driven Uncle Joe, with support from his newly appointed military commissars such as DoD Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III, appears far less concerned with training and operational readiness than with mindlessly obsessing over the chimeras of right-wing extremism in the ranks and climate change.

"I can assure Secretary Austin that yes, climate change will be a factor if an American city goes up in a mushroom cloud because our commanders were too busy trying to figure out a policy for how trans officers should be addressed or directing servicemen and women to the cause of saving the earth for Gaia. A million degrees Fahrenheit is most definitely a significant change in climate, Mister Secretary. You got that right!" . . .   The author John Simpson

Where the heck is Joe Biden as anti-Semitic attacks engulf America?

This is more than just speculation. Sharpton, for one, visited the Obama White House with Joe Biden the sitting vice president 72 times, according to leftist PolitiFact, and according to Wisconsin GOP Congressman Glenn Grothman, and former Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani, it was probably a higher figure. Whatever the number of times, it was a big number with a bottom at 72, obviously underlining to Old Joe that political power for Democrats depends on the love of Jew-hating Al Sharpton. Obama taught Biden everything he knows and probably continues to serve as a shadow president.


Saturday, May 22, 2021


 Against UFOs; We romanticize the possibility of visitors from above to distract us from our failures to love our neighbors here below.

. . . "Why, apart from our reluctance to accept that this earth is the stage upon which the romance of human life will begin and end, are we still looking to the skies for answers, especially when we have no reason to believe that the officially unidentifiable black dots we have all seen are anything else but meaningless blots on screens that have nothing to do with the ordinary business of men and women and children and families?" . . .

 The Best UFO Sightings Videos & Encounters Of 2021  "We start 2021 very much in the same way we began 2020 – with an apparent expectation of a huge release of information combined with an admission of prior knowledge about the existence of UFOs and alien life. Essentially, “disclosure”.

"Of course, whether that disclosure arrives remains to be seen. However, sightings of strange lights and objects in our planet’s skies have continued over the first four weeks of the new year, suggesting that 2021 will indeed be a busy year for all things UFO-related." . . .

UFOs  "Whether it is sightings over the world’s military bases and installations, to the absolute plethora of accounts from individuals around the world, to sightings witnessed by multiple people at the same time, accounts and reports in the UFO section range from the plausible to the outlandish.

"All, however, at least according to the respective witnesses, are completely true.

"As expected, such bizarre accounts and claims undoubtedly divide opinion. And that is no different in the UFO community and, in turn, with the range of our articles here." . . .

"From close-up viewings of apparently otherworldly craft to the dazzling and magnificent displays of lights in our skies, humanities history is rich in these strange but intriguing accounts…

Biden’s handlers to release three jihad terrorists, including Osama’s bodyguard, from Guantánamo

 Dr Rich Swier

What could possibly go wrong? Many other jihad terrorists freed from Gitmo have returned to the jihad, but these three will become stockbrokers, right?

. . . "The decision to approve the three releases, one official said, was made early last week by the attorney general, the director of national intelligence, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs ofStaff and the secretaries of defense, homeland security and state. All of them have representatives who sit on the Periodic Review Board, the organization that assesses the threat posed by the detainees".

"Mr. Uthman has been held longest of the three. He was brought to Guantánamo within days of the opening of Camp X-Ray in January 2002 as a suspected member of Osama bin Laden’s bodyguard corps. He was turned down for release in 2018 in part because he lacked “credible plans to support himself upon transfer” and had not said how his family might support him"….

We Are Descending Rapidly into Cultural Madness

To Demi Lovato, I say this: You are not non-binary, existing outside the realm of male or female. You are a confused woman needing help from the inside out. That’s why I will not refer to you as “they.” . . .

Townhall  I do not write this to be cruel or judgmental. And I certainly don’t want to hurt anyone. To the contrary, I want to help. But I do write with a sense of urgency, both to the nation and to confused individuals like Demi Lovato, the latest to identify as non-binary and want to be called “they.”

To the nation, I say this: Wake up! We are losing touch with reality and engaging in dangerous semantic and ideological games. Worse still, we are not providing the real help that struggling people need." . . .

. . . "Before we look at Lovato’s recent announcement, let me repeat what I have said many times before (here, quoting from a 2016 article), if perception is substituted for reality, there is no end to the social madness that follows."

Read the disturbing examples the writer shares with us:  

You do not just have a man being named Woman of the Year.

You do not just have a white woman who identifies as black.

You have a father of 7 who identifies as a 6-year-old girl.

You have a man who identifies as a dog named “Boomer.” . . .

. . .  "That’s why the Urban Dictionary carries an entry on the term “transvaxxite,” defined as, “A person who identifies as having been vaccinated even though they haven't actually been vaccinated.”  . . .

But if I truly respect someone, I will not be a partner to their own delusion. Instead, I will commit to helping them to find their way back to reality, since our biological sex is not subject to our emotions or perceptions. It is what it is.
