Friday, June 11, 2021

MSNBC Hack Melts Down Trying to Turn Voters Against Trump: ‘What If Trump Kills Someone?’

 Trending Politics  "MSNBC left-wing contributor Donny Deutsch really wants people to stop supporting Donald Trump.

"During a segment on MSNBC, Deutsch had quite the meltdown trying to “convince” people that they shouldn’t support Trump.

"At one point, he shouted “what if Trump kills someone” before them insulting Americans by saying “even then” they wouldn’t stop supporting the former president.

"[The] MSNBC host asked:

Okay, Donny, you study people and trends and how people respond to things. We’ve had so many incidents kurg the Trump presidency where the world was kind of shocked by what Donald Trump was doing. And I just wonder whether you think people are going to look at this story, which is clearly, you know, gets at the very heart of what the democratic experience is, an independent judiciary and the rule of the law, and the freedom of the press, as well. And whether people will say, this is a reminder of how terrible this was, we must always protect our constitutions. Or whether people will look at this and say Donald Trump, he’s down in Mar-a-Lago, we don’t want to think about him anymore, and we know he did crazy things.

The Unbearable Lightweightness of Kamala Harris

...How about Harris’s inept nonleadership with the “border crisis” ongoing?  Come now, there’s no border crisis for Democrats.  It was, is, and will continue to be an opportunity to flood the nation with illegals, whom Democrats want to make welfare dependents, maids, yard boys, and their voters. ...

 American Thinker  . . . "The betting here is that Biden is a goner.  It’s just a matter of timing.  Do Democrats roll the dice and give Joe the hook before the midterms?  Will they wager that with Biden gone before next year’s contests, and Harris installed at the White House, a short-term Harris bump gets their corrupt elections measure (the diabolically misnamed “For the People Act”) passed, among other contemptible legislation?  Or do cooler heads calculate that Kamala Harris is so terrible, so not a leader, so able to turnoff even rank and file Democrats, that they dare not tempt a huge voter backlash in the midterms? 

"Dunno.  But do believe this: Xi Jinping, Vlad Putin, the mullahs, and Kim Jong-un aren’t losing any sleep at night anticipating a Harris presidency."  

American Thinker must be running a Kamala Harris special today

Staff murmer to press that they're 'perplexed' about Kamala Harris's performance on her first trip abroad  . . . "They're not angry at the press, they're embarrassed about her, and her inability to answer a simple question from CBS's fawning Lester Holt, (a newsman who views fairness in news coverage as overrated), and very likely wanted to make Harris look good." . . .

Then Harris meets a Marine Corps general:

You won't go to the southern border because you know everyone down there thinks you and Joe are idiots, and they're going to tell you that to your face.  The people trying to keep the lid on this boiling kettle of disaster will want to know what you and Joe are going to do about the mass mayhem, and all those furious, frustrated sheriffs and mayors of all those Texas, Nevada, California, and Arizona border towns overrun by illegals are going to demand answers from you that you just don't have.

‘I’m Not Finished’: Kamala Harris Scolds Univision Reporter Over Border Visit Question

"Harris gives a long-winded answer. Ilia Calderón is not impressed and asks once again, “Do you have a date for your trip to the border?' ”

I never thought we’d have someone more unlikable than Hillary Clinton. So fake. So condescending.

God forbid people want to know when you’re going to do your job.

The best part of the interview? Calderón does not hold back her disdain for Harris’s disrespect. 

Is California Over?

Reason video "For well over a century, California was synonymous with the American dream. By the early 1960s, it had become the most populous state in the country. Now its population is declining for the first time in recorded history—The reasons behind California's decline aren't hard to fathom."

" 'People are just emptying out of California!” says Kristin Tate, who reports on why so many abandon the state: "exorbitant tax rates, the high crime rates, the failing public school systems, the exorbitant cost of living.” "Despite these failures, the LA Times writes, Make America California Again? That's Biden's plan. "Why would the rest of us want California’s problems? "Our video above highlights California laws and regulations Biden pushes for, and the California politicians who failed their way into his administration. “ 'If we make America California, we are all going to be paying for it,” concludes Tate."

Evidence Mounts — Chauvin Did Not Murder Floyd

Prosecutors knew they had a problem. To make the murder charge stick in the Chauvin case, they had to secure an “asphyxia” diagnosis from a physician. 

The American Spectator  "In his motion for a new trial, former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, through his attorney Eric Nelson, made an obvious point. Quoting case law, Nelson reminded the court of “the prosecutor’s inherently unique role in the criminal justice system, which mandates that the prosecutor not act as a zealous advocate for criminal punishment, but as the representative of the people in an effort to seek justice.”

"Had the State prosecutors set out to honor this mandate and seek justice, they would not have presented the medical evidence they did. In fact, they would not have charged Derek Chauvin with second-degree murder or charged his colleagues as accomplices.

"If justice were the goal, prosecutors would have taken two critical steps to assure that the medical testimony supported the charge of murder. The first was to run a controlled experiment to see if Chauvin’s actions could possibly have resulted in the death of George Floyd. The second was to make the court and the defense aware of the potential compromise of its star medical witness, Hennepin County Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker.

"Dr. John Dunn did run such an experiment, and he made a video of the same. Dr. Dunn comes well credentialed. He is a former member and chair of the medico-legal committee for the American College of Emergency Physicians, board certified in legal medicine, and co-author with a pathologist of a chapter on forensics for a text published by the American College of Legal Medicine. He has followed the case from the beginning, studied the videos, and reviewed Floyd’s autopsy report." . . .

Thursday, June 10, 2021

"Welcome to our bizarre new world, where Democrats are offended by American flags" . . .


MSNBC Host Explains Anxiety She Felt Over American Flags Hanging From Trucks of Trump Supporters On Long Island, NY  Wouldn't MSNBC call this all a "merry caravan"?  

"This weekend, during a segment on MSNBC, Mara Gay expressed her concern over “dozens of American flags” flown by Donald Trump supporters during a weekend trip to Long Island, New York.

"Welcome to our bizarre new world, where Democrats are offended by American flags, and anyone who disagrees with their far-left ideology is a racist.

New York Post reports – The left-wing editorial board member for the New York Times was also distressed by what she called expletives on the trucks against President Biden, describing the flag-flying Trump supporters as sending a clear message: “This is my country … not your country. I own this.” . . .

‘View’ Libs Cheer, Defend NYT Writer Calling American Flag Racist, Triggering

Fellow lefty co-host Sunny Hostin was the worst, griping that she was “so surprised actually that she is receiving this kind of backlash” and said this should have been a case where those who disagreed with Gay folded and accepted her take as fact because Gay’s a Black woman.

Yoga is full of ‘white supremacy’ says successful Black yoga instructor

Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight It

. . . [socialists] are remembered for their gulags, show trials, executions, and mass starvations. In practice, Marx’s ideas unleashed man’s darkest brutalities.By the mid-1960s, Marxist intellectuals in the West had begun to acknowledge these failures. They recoiled at revelations of Soviet atrocities and came to realize that workers’ revolutions would never occur in Western Europe or the United States*. . . 

  Imprimus   "Critical race theory is fast becoming America’s new institutional orthodoxy. Yet most Americans have never heard of it—and of those who have, many don’t understand it. It’s time for this to change. We need to know what it is so we can know how to fight it.

"In explaining critical race theory, it helps to begin with a brief history of Marxism. Originally, the Marxist Left built its political program on the theory of class conflict. Marx believed that the primary characteristic of industrial societies was the imbalance of power between capitalists and workers. The solution to that imbalance, according to Marx, was revolution: the workers would eventually gain consciousness of their plight, seize the means of production, overthrow the capitalist class, and usher in a new socialist society.

"During the 20th century, a number of regimes underwent Marxist-style revolutions, and each ended in disaster. Socialist governments in the Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, Cuba, and elsewhere racked up a body count of nearly 100 million of their own people. They are remembered for their gulags, show trials, executions, and mass starvations. In practice, Marx’s ideas unleashed man’s darkest brutalities.

"By the mid-1960s, Marxist intellectuals in the West had begun to acknowledge these failures. They recoiled at revelations of Soviet atrocities and came to realize that workers’ revolutions would never occur in Western Europe or the United States, where there were large middle classes and rapidly improving standards of living. Americans in particular had never developed a sense of class consciousness or class division. Most Americans believed in the American dream—the idea that they could transcend their origins through education, hard work, and good citizenship." . . .

Skulls full of mush

14-Year-Old Rioter Arrested After VICIOUSLY Kicking Man In The Face Who
 Tried To Help Another Victim

*But then riots in the streets during 2020-21 seems to have broken the ice with murders, burnings, lootings, aided by corrupt press, academia, and media to open the doors and remove all restraint from evil behavior. TD

The preceding is adapted from a lecture delivered at Hillsdale College on March 30, 2021.

Voting Rights: It's 'Racist' Not to Let Democrats Cheat

. . . The John Lewis bill will give unelected bureaucrats at the Justice Department vast power to impose voting rules on the states. Based on previous such exercises of unaccountable power, 10-year-olds will soon have the right to vote. (See Title IX.)

 Ann Coulter  "Why aren't Republicans screaming from the rooftops about the Democrats' plans to change voting rules to give themselves an advantage?

"Their sleazy election bills, HR 1, the "For the People Act," and HR 4, the "John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act," are intended to help Democrats win majorities in both houses of Congress, at which point they will ignore Republicans entirely, end the filibuster, and pass everything in AOC's Dream Journal -- amnesty, gun control, a wealth tax, and a rainbows and unicorns energy bill.

"So it's kind of important for Republicans to kill these bills in the crib. It shouldn't be hard. All they have to do is tell people what's in them."...

..."Unless Republicans agree to ludicrous voting rules that give Democrats a partisan advantage, they're racist. That's the full argument. Republicans are trying to "suppress the vote" of black and brown people! John Lewis risked his life for the right to vote!

"If that's why Republicans don't want to talk about these bills, they better get used to it. They're going to be called "racist" a lot more if that's all it takes to stifle the opposition."...   (Emphasis added by TD)

Why Math Is Racist

Power Line Blog  "This is actually a claim that is being made often these days: the sciences in general, and math in particular, are racist. The latest comes from Oregon:

The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) recently encouraged teachers to register for training that encourages “ethnomathematics” and argues, among other things, that White supremacy manifests itself in the focus on finding the right answer.

An ODE newsletter sent last week advertises a Feb. 21 “Pathway to Math Equity Micro-Course,” which is designed for middle school teachers to make use of a toolkit for “dismantling racism in mathematics.”

"How can mathematics possibly be racist?

Part of the toolkit includes a list of ways “white supremacy culture” allegedly “infiltrates math classrooms.” Those include “the focus is on getting the ‘right’ answer,” students being “required to ‘show their work,'” and other alleged manifestations.

“The concept of mathematics being purely objective is unequivocally false, and teaching it is even much less so,” the document for the “Equitable Math” toolkit reads. “Upholding the idea that there are always right and wrong answers perpetuate objectivity as well as fear of open conflict.” . . .

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Reality Hits Hard—Lib Cities Move to 'Re-fund the Police'

 PJ Media

Guatemalan president's 'disrespect' for VP Harris's 'pandering' was 'palpable'

JustTheNews  President Alejandro Giammattei "lectured her about 'your policy created this problem' on one hand, and then on the other hand, he makes her put on a mask," said Trump political adviser.

"The Guatemalan president's treatment of visiting Vice President Kamala Harris illustrates world leaders' lack of respect for the Biden administration, according to David Bossie, president of Citizens United."

Oh Please! ABC Spins Kamala Harris as 'Clear,' 'Blunt,' 'Direct' Border Hawk  "Get ready for the new spin from the corrupt network media: Kamala Harris, border hawk! After burying the ongoing crisis, ABC and CBS on Tuesday laughably morphed the Vice President into a “clear,” “blunt,” “direct” tough talker when it comes to the emergency. Only NBC offered a different take, shocking viewers by calling out Harris’s lie that "we've" been to the border. 

"Over on Good Morning America, the new talking points are that the Vice President is really serious about stopping illegal immigration. Co-host Robin Roberts tried to flip the sprawling disaster for the administration: “Vice President Kamala Harris on her first international trip since taking office with a clear message for anyone looking to illegally cross the border.”

"Co-host George Stephanopoulos touted, “[Harris has] been tasked by President Biden to help reduce the flow of migrants to the border and sending a blunt message: ‘Do not come.’” . . .

The White House Is Reportedly Not Happy with VP Harris' Disastrous Trip to Latin America  . . . "Some administration officials are quietly perplexed about the Vice President’s answers to some questions, in particular the particular question she got from Lester Holt where she equated the question about the border with Europe. There was hope the trip would be a success, and in the end, they feel it may have been overshadowed by some of her answers to these questions," Diamond added." . . .

. . . "I wrote yesterday about the real reason Harris does not want to go see the mess the Biden administration helped exacerbate." . . .

Tucker Carlson's Takedown of Kamala Harris Is Hilarious and a Must-See


 RedState  "Tucker hits every aspect, from Harris’ pathetic presidential campaign to the media now treating someone so obviously unimpressive as a transformational figure. At one point, he plays a montage of various news outlets talking about her Guatemala trip and every single one is obsessed with the fact that she’s a “person of color.” You know, because race dictates results when it comes to diplomacy or something. Later, Tucker gets more serious by pointing out how weak she and other Biden officials makes the country look when they spend all their time apologizing for past sins and not on solving current problems.

"But honestly, I’m underselling the video. Take the time to watch it. It’s worth it."

Nickelodeon continues its LGBT crusade for children

The way to stop this is to do what leftists have long done: tell Nickelodeon's advertisers that you're done with them until the station stops selling sex and sexual identities to children.  Even among woke corporations, the bottom line still matters.

 Andrea Widburg  "When last we caught up with it, Nickelodeon had reached out to the five- to eight-year-old set, the ones who watch Blue's Clues & You, with a colorful video introducing them to homosexuality, so-called transgenderism, pansexualism, and other alternative sexual lifestyles, all to a bouncy tune sung by a tuneless cartoon drag queen.  Since it's still "Pride month," Nickelodeon is back again, this time with the tuneless drag queen explaining all the symbolic meaning behind some of the colors in the alternative sexuality flag." . . .

. . . "Foot fetishes and heterosexual pedophilia, though, are so yesterday.  For Nickelodeon, the energy is all about Pride.  (And again, I have no sense of pride related to people on the LGBT spectrum and feel no need to celebrate or promote them.  Apparently bizarrely in 2021, I judge people by the content of their character, not by their sexual plug-and-play options.)

"Nickelodeon's latest entry in selling LGBT sexuality to children is another drag queen video, again featuring "Nina West," the man who sang for the Blue's Clues & You video." . . .

"If you thought we’d kind of moved past the Chick-fil-A-is-Hate-Chicken phase of the national discourse, think again.". . .