Monday, December 7, 2009

Palin faces 'death panel' and leaves 'em laughing

Chicago Sun-Times • "Her book did not have an index, so she made one up: "So under A, we have Alaska, media not understanding, pages 1 through 432. Under B. Biased media; pages 1 though 432. And under C, conservative media, got to see acknowledgments for that.""

Update on Fort Hood heroine

Ethel C. Fenig "While American Muslims react to violent hate crimes committed by their fellow American Muslims by transitioning into professional victims , whining about non existent threats against them, a genuine American victim of American Muslim hate is valiantly carrying on."


Neal Boortz "If the Democrats were truly concerned about improving the delivery of health care and making insurance more affordable they would have tried at least one of the following three options: Give individuals the right to deduct the cost of a health insurance policy from their taxable income. Your employer can do it, why not you? Allow insurance companies to market their products across state lines. Allow people to organize into groups for the purpose of buying health insurance policies. The evil Republicans proposed all three of these ideas, and more. All were shot down by Democrats.


Neal Boortz "As I've said before, we have three basic classes of people in our society. There are the producers that create the wealth. Then there are the moochers that seek to consume the wealth created by the producers; and finally we have the looters who seize the wealth from the producers to transfer to the moochers in exchange for votes ... which is the same thing as saying in exchange for power."

Dec 7th; UN Climate Treaty: A Sneak Attack on Humanity

Alan Caruba in Canada Free press "The Copenhagen conference has already generated a torrent of green lies from environmental organizations. The fraud-—now dubbed Climategate—-will require the masters of worldwide media to choose between repeating discredited climate lies or to finally report the views of legitimate climate scientists and others that have been repudiating them for decades." Sic 'em, Alan!

White House Dismisses ‘Climategate’ Because ‘Most People’ Believe in Global Warming

CNS News "But White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs dismissed the controversy on Monday, saying that most people don’t dispute global warming.“In the order of several thousand scientists have come to the conclusion that climate change is happening,” Gibbs said."

Pelosi Endorses ‘Global’ Tax on Stocks, Bonds, and other Financial Transactions

CNS News "At her weekly press briefing on Thursday, Pelosi said the financial transactions tax (HR4191) currently before Congress would have to be made “global” to keep U.S. investors from taking their business overseas and out of taxable reach." Will this woman never go away?

Local man (Michael Yon) reports on troop morale in Afghanistan

Bay News 9 "Yon says morale among British and U.S. troops had stayed pretty high, and now the troops there are really ready to take the fight to the enemy. "Just in the past couple of days since I have gotten back, I have talked with quite a few," he said. "It's clear they see this troop commitment is very important. And it's clear it's bolstered their morale." Yon says the commitment of additional troops is a signal to Afghan tribes in troubled areas they should fight on the U.S. side."

Obama’s Exit-Strategy Justifications

Max Boot in Commentary "Does anyone doubt that if Obama were still in the Senate and President McCain were announcing a troop surge in Afghanistan, he would be in violent opposition? I don’t. It is, therefore, all the more laudable that he has gone against his natural instincts by ordering the surge. But there is obviously still a part of him that is uncomfortable with the policy. Hence the deadline."

Bam: Man in the muddle

Michael Goodwin "Perhaps it was inevitable. A man who voted "pres ent" 130 times in the Illi nois Legislature couldn't possibly morph into a savvy and decisive leader of the free world in such a short time. Yet even the pessimists among us are alarmed by the cloud of uncertainty and confusion hanging over the White House. Less than a year on the job, President Obama seems to have run out of both charm and ideas."

Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Black Pastor Speaks Out on President Obama’s Past

Ron Radosh "First, the President was taught for twenty years by a virulent anti-Semite, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. In the black community it is called “sitting under”. You don’t merely attend a church, you “sit under” a Pastor to be taught and mentored by him. Obama “sat under” Wright for a very long time. He was comfortable enough with Farrakhan and Wright’s friend to attend and help organize his “Million Man March”. I was on C-Span the morning of the march arguing that we must never legitimize a racist and anti-Semite, no matter what “good” he claims to be doing. Yet a future President was in the crowd giving Farrakhan his enthusiastic support. The Pastor continues to argue that he thinks today President Obama holds the “classic left-wing view” that “Israel is the oppressive occupier, and the Palestinians are Israel’s victims.” He continues:"

Our Present Anxieties

Victor Davis Hanson "Barack Obama, nearly a year into his term, is still talking about Bush culpability for everything from unemployment to Afghanistan. At what year will it ever stop? Bush inherited a nuclear Pakistan, a firewall between the CIA and FBI in matters of counter-terrorism, an appeased and ascendant Osama bin Laden, unsustainable no-fly zones over Iraq (the French had already bailed), al-Qaeda with a safe zone in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, and an intifada-prone Mideast—in other words, no more than the regular stuff. But I don’t remember Bush talking of the creepy Clinton pardons—Eric Holder being at their epicenter—after a year in office."