Saturday, March 6, 2010

Onward, He Said, Regardless

Charles Krauthammer"Unfortunately for Democrats, that seven-hour televised exercise had the unintended consequence of showing the Republicans to be not only highly informed on the subject, but also, as even Obama was forced to admit, possessed of principled objections -- contradicting the ubiquitous Democratic/media meme that Republican opposition was nothing but nihilistic partisanship. "

S.O.S. — Save Our (Navy) Seals "We have reported how captured al-Qaida training manuals advise captured enemy combatants to lie about their treatment. "If you claim that you are tortured or mistreated, that will usually resonate with the hard left in America and around the world and they know it will have an impact," Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., said at a Thursday press conference with McCabe." Since Vietnam, I've watched America's enemies play our left like an accordian.

Dare to Ignore Race

Scott Boerman "Societal and family pressures have been inclined to let racism fade in recent generations, but the race industry keeps it front and center with never-ending enumerations, apportions, and other privileges based upon...race. These actions change the minds of very few, but they harden the hearts of many. It is foolhardy to believe that a person's thoughts can be changed by legislative fiat."

Theories, Facts, and 'Denialism'

American Thinker "The climate is constantly changing. That is a fact. The notion that climate change is caused by human activities is a theory that seeks to explain the fact. By calling the theory a "fact," climate change scientists have effectively foreclosed the possibility of further discussion. After all, only a fool argues about facts, right? ".... "In just the way in which the talented "Cheers" writing staff created a billionaire out of whole cloth by doing nothing more complicated than putting his name next to Donald Trump's, so too did the no-less-imaginative Climategate fabulists associate those who question the AGW thesis with Holocaust Deniers."

The Democrat's Daring Dozen

American Thinker "This is not the first time Rep. Bart Stupak has "backed up belief with action" when addressing abortion language contained in a health care reform bill. Last year the Michigan Democrat stalled legislation in the House until satisfied that federal tax dollars would not fund abortions." Jeannie DeAngelis.

The Goddess That Failed

Phyllis Chesler "For years now, newly arrived refugees have been contacting me. They write to tell me that they’ve lost nearly everybody they once knew. Their whole world is gone now. Some whisper over the phone. Others write long letters. They ask me how I’ve managed. I am talking about ideological refugees from feminism, leftism, gay liberation, socialism, and progressivism."...."But now, there is no going back. I understand that we were never “friends,” only “fellow travelers.” When I departed from and dared to criticize the Party Line, I no longer existed."

Hundreds of [British Hospital] wards to be shut in secret plans

UK Telegraph "Plans that could lead to the closure of hundreds of hospital wards are being drawn up but will not be made public until after the general election, opposition parties have said." Politics rules one's health care. Your life or death can depend on some back-room deal made by politicians seeking votes.

It’s About Government, Not Health Care

Mark Steyn "...the governmentalization of health care is the fastest way to a permanent left-of-center political culture. It redefines the relationship between the citizen and the state in fundamental ways that make limited government all but impossible. In most of the rest of the Western world, there are still nominally “conservative” parties, and they even win elections occasionally, but not to any great effect... . The result is a kind of two-party one-party state: Right-of-center parties will once in a while be in office, but never in power, merely presiding over vast left-wing bureaucracies that cruise on regardless."

The America-Loathing of the Daily Kos

Newsbusters "Apparently, in the land of the Kosmonauts, unless the radical left is in charge of the government, America is a predator nation that should be hated. Even now, with Obama and liberals in charge of Congress, these people still spit at the alleged awfulness of Americans to see the radical light."

MSNBC On-Air Talent Bails; Points Finger At Matthews

Pajamas Media "Lest you think this is a moderate or conservative who’s fed up with the poisoned atmosphere and “lefty games” at MSNBC, this is what passes for “level headed analyst” there. On the day of Teddy Kennedy’s funeral, Crawford (co-author of Listen Up, Mr. President with Helen Thomas) tweeted the following level-headed missives:"...

Syria Engagement, or How America Loses Its Soul

Jennifer Rubin " “Engagement” constitutes “appeasement” if it fails to change Syrian conduct, and the failure to change is overlooked while the “engagement” continues and accelerates. This would not just be fooling ourselves but condoning, rewarding, and thereby inducing even more bad conduct by the Assad regime. Which is precisely what has happened during this year of American engagement." Another "progressive" administration humiliates America before the world.

Weir Waves Napolitano's 'Right-wing Extremism' Report To Brand Bedell

Newsbusters "Patrick Bedell was a registered Democrat who believed George W. Bush was behind 9-11. So how does Good Morning America portray him? As a right-wing extremist, part of a pattern of anti-government violence that flares during Dem presidential administrations . . . " Bill Maher on Pentagon Shooter’s Death: ‘Why Couldn’t it Have Been Glenn Beck?’ "A conservative commentator would never in a million years be able to get away with [deleted] like this...."