Monday, April 19, 2010

The Making of the ‘Ballad of the Tea Party’

Big Hollywood  "It struck me that day, standing on the lawn of the Capitol, that the Tea Party might be more effective if it had a song–not an official anthem, but a singable ballad that could convey the spirit of the Tea Party and what it stood for in a fun, humorous way."  Joel B. Pollak

Greatest. Cartoon. Ever.

Powerline "Is the US turning into a nation of freeloaders? One certainly hates to think so, but there are powerful forces pushing us--lots of us--in that direction. Michael Ramirez captures the phenomenon of the 21st-century freeloader brilliantly. If you're not outraged, you haven't been paying attention."

Obama Must Persuade Israel He's A Friend  "Obama has the right policy — the only policy that makes sense — and Netanyahu is a weak prime minister who heads a shaky coalition. What's missing on Obama's part is not necessarily good intentions but the perception of them. He ought to do what Egyptian President Anwar Sadat did in 1977 to assure Israelis of his sincerity. Go to Jerusalem."   RICHARD COHEN in the "On The Left" column of IBD.

Timing of SEC's Goldman Sachs Fraud Case Was No Coincidence

Rush Limbaugh "So we have the weekend. Goldman Sachs, rotten to the core, meaning Wall Street's rotten to the core, meaning the regime has to come in here to save the day, protect us, the little guy, from these bandits on Wall Street, when in fact the government caused the problem in the first place."

Why All the Wounded Fawns?

Victor Davis Hanson  "For the once-giddy Left, which misinterpreted the causes of the Obama landmark victory, the current pushback is seen as somehow terribly unfair, and thus arise both their own furor and their amnesia about their own past attitudes during the Bush years."

Was Vicious Attack On Republicans Inspired by Democratic Party?

Powerline "It is deeply ironic that Democrats are trying to sell the idea that Republicans are somehow violent and unAmerican, when in fact, every actual violent incident is perpetrated by liberals, usually union thugs, against Republicans." John Hinderaker


Neal Boortz "Okay ... let's start with his first point that no one is raising taxes right now. Clearly this braindead liberal failed to learn about Obamacare and the 14+ taxes increases that will hit everyone, including the middle class. These are just some taxes increases in Obamacare."

The Defense of Self and Nations

Mike Adams "With each passing day it's become easier and easier to doubt the depth of Barack Obama's Christian faith. If we put aside his outright hostility towards Israel there is another glaring clue that reveals his personal worldview as one fundamentally at odds with the Judeo-Christian worldview. Obama revealed that clue with an announcement regarding a new defensive strategy for dealing with non-nuclear nations."  "Mike Adams is a criminology professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington and author of Feminists Say the Darndest Things: A Politically Incorrect Professor Confronts "Womyn" On Campus."

There is Nothing Conservative About This President

Heritage "This is not the first time the Obama administration has falsely claimed Heritage Foundation support for its policies. During the 2008 campaign, then-candidate Obama ran a multimillion-dollar television ad falsely claiming that we supported his tax plan. We did not. Then just last month, an Obama Treasury official falsely suggested to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that we supported the administration’s financial reform plan. We do not."

The Jews of Silence

American Thinker  "So it is better, it would seem, to weaken the U.S. and spread power around. A lot of what has occurred the last fifteen months makes sense in light of this extraordinarily foolish statement. Obama appears to think that the world would be a better place if, say, Russia, China, or maybe Venezuela and Sudan had more power, and the U.S. less. "  Richard Baehr

Why Rashid Khalidi is Happy: The Obama Middle East Policy and the Palestinians

Ron Radosh "Friends of Israel should be deeply concerned that Israel’s sworn enemies now see hope in Obama’s policies."

Tea partiers fight Obama’s culture of dependence.

Michael Barone  "Paul Lazarsfeld saw politics as just a matter of dollars and cents. But the tea-party movement reminds us of what the Founders taught — that it has a moral dimension as well. They risked all in the cause of the culture of independence. The polling evidence suggests that most Americans don’t want to leave that behind."