Saturday, March 20, 2021

How transgender mania wrecks sports equality

Image by Ghenghis Gary.

 Rue Williams   "Even with these data, there are still some who argue that not permitting males access to female sports is denying the males' identity, that by not letting them in, you are saying they are not women.  It's not about whether men are women.  It's about what's fair to women.  The undeniable advantage enjoyed by males, even when they call themselves females, cannot be ignored because of feelings.  Besides, think of how the girls feel when they train relentlessly to compete, only to get sidelined by a boy.  That's 50% of the population versus an extreme minority of people." . . .

Even with these data, there are still some who argue that not permitting males access to female sports is denying the males' identity, that by not letting them in, you are saying they are not women.  It's not about whether men are women.  It's about what's fair to women.  The undeniable advantage enjoyed by males, even when they call themselves females, cannot be ignored because of feelings.  Besides, think of how the girls feel when they train relentlessly to compete, only to get sidelined by a boy.  That's 50% of the population versus an extreme minority of people.

Full article here

Up the Down Staircase – Biden Style

Those with dementia, “are more likely to experience problems with mobility, balance and muscle weakness.” As we saw with Biden falling up the stairs.

 Brian C.Joondeph, MD   . . . "Putin, who laughs at Biden’s accusations of Putin being “a killer,” rides bare chested on a horse and takes dips in an icy lake. In an age where image is everything, America’s leader looks like a feeble nursing home resident, and the Russian leader looks like Rambo. Chairman Xi doesn’t need to rip off his shirt as his consigliere ripped Biden’s foreign policy team a new one during their recent meeting in Alaska.

Biden not long ago criticized Trump for slowly walking down a slick ramp to avoid falling, a common sense move for everyone in their 70s, especially the leader of the free world with cameras and a hostile media ready to pounce on any misstep. Trump falling would have been taken as evidence of his erratic mental status and unfitness for the presidency. Unlike Biden’s falling being blamed on “the wind.”

"Biden ironically said about Trump, “Look at how he steps, and look at how I step. Watch how I run up ramps and he stumbles down ramps. OK. Come on!” Talk about karma.

"An honest media would ask CircleBack Psaki if President Biden stands by his previous words and if they apply to his recent fall. Instead they will ask if Joe scuffed his shoes or scratched the Rolex the media once fawned over." . . .

Biden Apparently. Angry That Tony Blinken Brought An Aide With Purple Hair To CCP Meeting…

 Weasel Zippers

"Watching the talks live, her purple hair was the literal first thing I noticed. It made no sense."

Does anybody recall that Washington governor Jay Inslee said that purple-haired soccer player Megan Rapinoe would be his secretary of state if elected?

Rapinoe at right without her top hat and tails.

So now we have a name for this administration, (BAIZUO) .

 Youtube  Tucker Carlson Tonight 3/19/21: Full program with main emphasis on China vs America. Our main competitor recognize how silly the left has made this nation.

The Chinese know very well with whom they’re dealing

. . . Tucker Carlson touched upon all these things in his opening monologue on Friday night. He made it clear that America is governed by a feckless, ignorant political class and that the Chinese are miles ahead of us in understanding who we are – and, more significantly, in understand who America’s new leadership class is.

Baizuo (pronounced "bye-tswaw) is a Chinese epithet meaning naive western educated person who advocates for peace and equality only to satisfy their own feeling of moral superiority. A baizuo only cares about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment while being obsessed with political correctness to the extent that they import backwards Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism.

Why did “white liberals”(白左)become so hated in China? The full article contains the word "morons" 
They’re seen as denying supposed biological realities, seen as contemptibly naïve, as slavishly adopting values that sound nice but are thought to be impracticable. . . 

 Pompeo: When China Sees Dems ‘Deeply Tied’ to BLM ‘They Sense That America May Well Be in Decline’ – Must Defend America’s Greatness

. . . former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reacted to the exchange between American and Chinese officials earlier in the week and said that Chinese officials “mentioned Black Lives Matter as part of the reason they think American democracy is in decline, those are running buddies of Marxist-Leninists all around the world. And so, when they see a Democrat Party that is so deeply tied to the Black Lives Matter movement, I think they sense that America may well be in decline.' ”

 China Absolutely Owned Antony Blinken and Our President Can't Climb Stairs, and It's Not Fine

None of this is okay. China represents not just a threat 20 years from now, but a threat in the present. The Biden administration is wholly unprepared to deal with that threat. China doesn’t care about your lofty, virtue-signaling rhetoric. They are too busy taking over the South China Sea and gaining proxy countries in Africa. All they respond to is strength, and the U.S. is fresh out of that right now.

China Taunts Biden Admin at Alaska Summit: U.S. Does Not “Speak to China From Position of Strength”

"The Biden team called the car crash summit “substantive, serious and direct.”

While China showed utter disdain for the weak foreign policy stance taken by the Biden administration, Secretary Blinken congratulated himself and the White House on the new diplomatic approach undertaken after four years of Trump presidency. “I’m hearing deep satisfaction that the United States is back, that we’re reengaged,” he declared at the summit.

De Blasio Wants Police to Scold People For Saying Things That Are Legal But “Not Appropriate”

 Legal Insurrection

. . . "De Blasio insisted the confrontations could have an “educating” or “sobering impact” on people. That’s why the NYPD needs reports.He also said: “I assure you, if an NYPD officer calls you or shows up at your door to ask you about something you did, it makes you think twice. We need that.”I say “so-called” because the ones the MSM reported had nothing to do with racism: Oakland, CA, and Georgia Spa Murders. Literal speech police. Literally the speech police. De Blasio wants these reports so they can keep an eye on you."

It Begins, Ford Cancels Ohio Investment and Shifts to Electric Vehicle Production in Mexico

 Sundance  "The United Auto Workers are angered about a decision by Ford to move production of a new electric vehicle from Avon Lake, Ohio, into Mexico.  Ford previously agreed to spend $900 million on a new product line for the Ohio plant; however, according to the UAW the location has shifted.

"One way of looking at this change in direction from Ford relates to the cost of producing electric vehicles.  First, it is far less expensive in Mexico (labor, environmental regulation, energy costs, etc); secondly, an outlook the new Biden administration will not strongly enforce USMCA compliance measures against U.S. multinational firms.

"The UAW supported Joe Biden, but his policies will likely undermine their workers.  Unfortunately, this was all too predictable.   Partly because Biden-Harris owe Wall Street too much, and the multinationals are once again in control over the U.S. economy.

(Via Reuters) […]  The UAW said Ford in 2019 as part of its four-year contract agreement had committed $900 million for the plant in Avon Lake, Ohio, including a next-generation product to be added in 2023, which the UAW letter said would secure the plant’s “employment well into the foreseeable future.”

Ford issued a statement on Tuesday that did not directly address the union’s criticism but said in a letter to employees on Monday that conditions had changed since 2019.  A company spokeswoman said Ford had invested more than $185 million since 2019 at its Ohio Assembly Plant, including plans to increase capacity to build additional Super Duty trucks. The plant has about 1,600 UAW-represented employees. (story link)" . . .


Friday, March 19, 2021

Say it ain't so, Joe

With the CDC pronouncing that most Americans will be immunized by July, Biden’s presidium address to the nation sowed racial division and harkened back to darker days, offering little more than a childish endorsement of small-group summer picnics and a veiled threat of more lockdowns for those who cannot be brought to heel.

Rick Fuentes . . . "No part of the Biden speech was more ignoble and ill-informed than his fearmongering of twenty million Asian-Americans, for whom the streets of America have become a dangerous place. Biden’s game plan of igniting racial division and unrest by turning Asians against their own countrymen is a flagrant hat tip to the China Communist Party (CCP), who are playing a heavy hand in fabricating anti-Asian animus to pull a veneer over their irresponsible release and spread of the virus.

"Most bias-related incidents against Asians have taken place in multiracial neighborhoods where, for decades, Chinese and Korean mom and pop businesses set up storefronts in low-rent neighborhoods.  Some attacks are racially motivated and represent the longstanding trope of tense Black and Asian relations, while many others occur as crimes of opportunity -- street robberies, misdemeanor assaults, purse-snatchings, and the like. Progressive media outlets have now and then fueled tensions between Asian and Black neighbors in these communities, even poking the coals with an alternative woke reality that brands Asians as a model minority accorded honorary whiteness." . . .

. . . "Because of their disciplined reporting, NYPD data makes a weak case upon which Biden and a bootlicking media can rest their pro-China agitprop. Only by turning hate speech into crime can the Oval Office field a phantom army of street marauders and white supremacists driving Asian Americans indoors and off the front lines of the pandemic." . . .

Chris and Don going Nilsson

 Silvio Canto, Jr.   "Did you hear the rumor that a 21st-century version of Nilsson's "Without You" is about to be released by a new duo?   Yes, I'm talking about that classic from 1972 that goes like this:   

"I can't live, if living is without you

I can't live, I can't give any more...."

"The duo is Chris & Don. You know them as Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon of CNN prime time. 

"They are singing this song because Chris and Don can't live without Trump.

"According to new information from Nielsen Media via Fox News, the three-letter network is having a hard time now that Biden sits in the Oval Office:  

CNN’s viewership during the primetime hours of 8-11 p.m. ET dropped 36% since Biden took office after it spiked following Election Day. CNN’s primetime viewership decline was even sharper among the key demographic of adults age 25-to-54, plummeting 47% during the same period.    

CNN’s viewership also suffered among the total day audience since Trump left office, leaving the liberal network without its bête noire.

"Let me translate "bete noire": "a person or thing strongly detested or avoided."  In this case, its Chris & Don that audiences are avoiding." . . .


Biden's serial unbelievability

Biden takes full credit for vaccine work started before he took office  . . . Missing from Biden’s speech was any mention of the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed program, which worked hand in hand with private biomedical companies to get vaccines developed and distributed all within a year’s time. You’d think the “unity” candidate would at least throw a bone to the men and women who worked tirelessly to make Operation Warp Speed such a resounding success, but you’d be wrong." . . .

Fact Biden’s Misleading Vaccine Boasts  Part of Joe's pattern: The Very Long List Of the Many Times Joe Biden's Been Caught In Major Lies

Joe Biden's lengthy history of fabrication, plagiarism and racial controversy

Legal Insurrection: Dude, you got the vaccine in December. A month before you took office!    . . . "Biden also did not mention that his administration is working off contracts from Trump’s administration.

"If you want to get technical, and we all should, most of the credit goes to Big Pharma. The private industry took charge, with scientists kicking butt 24/7 to make a viable vaccine.

"If we cut the red tape, we wouldn’t have needed the private companies to get special permission to pass out the vaccines in America. But alas, we have all the red tape!

"The man keeps preaching unity but will not acknowledge the vaccine development under Trump, and his FDA made it readily available to people in a matter of months . . ."

Chicago Now drips with sarcasm toward Joe

God bless you, Joe Biden, for getting all that good stuff done without even stepping out of your basement hide-away. If the media had wasted your time by asking any serious questions about how you would do better, you would not have had time to save us.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

5 Stars Who Stood Up to Woke Mobs + 5 Who Bowed Down to Cancel Culture

 Neon Nettle

The politically correct world needs heroes to take on the villains

"In February, actress Gina Carano was fired from Disney’s Star Wars spin-off “The Mandalorian” over a controversial social media post, which likened persecution of conservatives to the Holocaust: “The government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. "How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?”

"Most decent-minded people may ask "where will it all end?"

"Will breathing in or out one day be deemed "offensive" or "not inclusive" by the outrage mob?

"It's easy to see why such radical ideas spread across social media - and into real life - so easily, especially when they are propped up by virtue signaling "liberal" celebrities.

"Luckily there is still a handful of heroes among the stars who are willing to stand up against the cancel culture villains and those who have bowed down before the woke mobs.

"Here are five who stood up to the mob and five who chose a different path:" . . .

BOWED DOWN: Jimmy Fallon....  

"I am very sorry for making this unquestionably offensive decision and thank all of you for holding me accountable.” He then opened his next show in June promising a personal reformation: “I had to really examine myself, really examine myself in the mirror this week…"I realized I need to get educated.”

. . . "the mob must learn that ruining lives for sport can never achieve any end other than the propagation of misery.

"As University of Southern California professor Karen North put it, “We all know the phrase ‘misery loves company,’ but when researchers have looked at that, what they find is that when people are miserable, they don’t just want company, they want people to share in the misery.  "So, misery loves miserable company.” "Insincere atonement serves only to gratify the mob, not to redeem the offender."  more..

WH: Biden Isn’t Visiting Border Because He’s Too Focused On ‘Action…Looking For Creative Ideas’…

 Weasel Zippers


Father Arrested, Jailed For Contempt After Referring To His Daughter As ‘She’

Daily Wire  

 " . . .the BC Supreme Court convicted Clark of “family violence” in April 2019. Judge Francesca Marzari even issued an order authorizing Clark’s arrest “without warrant” by any police officer who might catch him referring to his daughter “as a girl or with female pronouns.' ”

On Tuesday, the father of a biological girl who believes she is a boy turned himself into a Canadian court and was subsequently taken to jail after the Attorney General of British Columbia issued an arrest warrant for contempt after the father had insisted on referring to his daughter as his “daughter” and used the pronouns “she” and “her.”

"Robert Hoogland, from Surrey, British Columbia, has a 14-year-old daughter. In February 2019, the Supreme Court of British Columbia, Canada ordered that the girl receive testosterone injections without obtaining parental consent. “The court also declared that if either of her parents referred to her using female pronouns or addressed her by her birth name, they would be considered guilty of family violence,” The Federalist noted.

"When she was in seventh grade, the girl’s school urged the girl to see psychologist Dr. Wallace Wong, who recommended the girl should begin taking cross-sex hormones at 13. Hoogland cited his daughter’s alleged history of mental health issues, and refused to give permission. Doctors at BC Children’s Hospital decided the girl should receive testosterone injections." . . .