Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Almost 20 years ago, South Park nailed the insanity behind ‘transgenderism’

  Andrea Widburg  "Although conservatives are continuing to laugh, humor in the greater culture is on its way out. Tucker Carlson has done an entire Fox Nation special directed at the way in which the shibboleths of woke, leftist culture make mainstream comedy impossible. An utterly savage, incredibly funny South Park episode from 2005, which attacks the madness of transgenderism, and also gets in a huge dig at abortion, goes a long way to explaining why leftists fear and censor humor.

"Judging by the Wikipedia summary, the entire episode from which the clip is drawn seems worth watching. Mr. Garrison has decided he is a woman trapped in a man’s body and gets a sex change operation in Trinidad. At the same time that Kyle is told that he can’t play basketball because he’s too small and white. Upon learning about the sex change surgery, Kyle heads to Trinidad to get a “negroplasty” to make him African American.

"That’s just the setup and, of course, there is much more, including the now-viral clip below. I just want you to imagine anyone making a cartoon like that in today’s totalitarian woke climate. Wikipedia says that, even in 2005, Trey Parker was worried about airing the episode, but Comedy Central accepted it, and it got aired. Amazingly, the world did not end.". . .


Who fell out of Air Force One in Poland? Member of Biden delegation takes a big tumble

 Who fell out of Air Force One in Poland?  "The “slapstick” quality of the Biden presidency was in full display on the tarmac at Rzeszow-Jasionka Airport in southern Poland when a member of the presidential delegation appeared to fall down the stairs of Air Force One.

"It’s not clear who fell or whether they sustained any injuries, but a short video clip seems to show the individual being caught by others at the foot of the steps."

Related:  WATCH: Biden Stumbles, Barely Makes It Up the Stairs to Air Force One as He Leaves Poland "Russian President and Ukraine War aggressor Vladimir Putin must be shaking in his boots after U.S. “President” Joe Biden’s manly show of strength and unity in the region this week. First, Biden snuck into Kyiv to strut alongside Ukraine’s besieged President Volodymyr Zelenskyy — because nothing says “I’m the most powerful man in the world, leading the most powerful country in the world, and I go where I want” like having your handlers smuggle you into a meeting.

"After preening and posing alongside Ukraine’s actual wartime leader, Biden was whisked away by his handlers to visit neighboring Poland, where he was to deliver a speech. Upon landing, Biden’s support staff commenced the visit with a female staffer’s spectacular tumble down the steps of the jet she arrived in.

“ 'The person is understood to be part of the White House support staff who arrived in Warsaw on Tuesday morning,” reported the Daily Mail. “The clip, which appeared to be part of footage being broadcast on a Polish television network, has been viewed nearly half a million times.' ”

Special Interest Groups Block Gov. Kristi Noem’s Move to Stop China Buying South Dakota Farmland


Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s efforts to block China from buying up farmland in her state were thwarted this week when a supermajority of state Senators rejected her proposal.

As Breitbart News previously reported, Noem had proposed a bill that would “create a state-level version of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)” in order to curtail foreign Chinese entities from buying agricultural land in her state:

Currently, CFIUS is a federal board that approves or disapproves of foreign entities engaging in major U.S. transactions. Noem’s proposal would establish a CFIUS-South Dakota, or CFIUS-SD, which would review proposed transactions in the state where foreign entities including but not limited to Chinese entities seek to purchase land. The board, if established — which would require the legislature to pass Noem’s proposal — could block such land sales as it sees fit.

Essentially, Senate Bill 185 would have granted the South Dakota governor the power to unilaterally veto any purchase reviewed by the panel. The state senate rejected the bill on Tuesday with an 11-23 vote.

“The bill faced opposition from nearly every agriculture industry group in committee testimony. But the proposal’s supporters on the Senate floor said any flaws would be rectified before it becomes law,” reported South Dakota Public Broadcasting (SDPB).

The bill’s opponents, such as Republican State Sen. David Wheeler, feared that it would give too much power  to the executive branch.

Noem previously told Breitbart News that she considers the bill a matter of national security, charging that special interest groups did not want the bill to pass.

“This is an issue that came up months ago when we saw a land purchase in North Dakota, our neighbors to the north, where a Chinese entity bought up land next to their Air Force Base, saying they were going to build a corn plant, but there wasn’t enough even corn grown in that area to sustain a facility like that, and it came under question,” Noem said. “I think we all agree that we shouldn’t allow our enemies to have a presence, especially close to our national security infrastructure. ". . .

Former Abortionist Confirms: Abortion is Not Health Care, “Never Medically Necessary”

Former Abortionist Confirms: Abortion is Not Health Care, “Never Medically Necessary”   "Doctors never need to kill unborn babies to save their mothers’ lives, a former abortionist and Virginia OB-GYN explained this week in a column at The Federalist.
"Dr. John Bruchalski, the founder of Tepeyac OB/GYN in Fairfax, Virginia, wrote to correct the prevalent lie that state abortion bans are somehow endangering women’s health. And as a former abortionist himself, Bruchalski said he believes money, not sincere care for women’s health, is behind it.
" 'There are no advantages for a mother to end her pregnancy by an elective abortion, even in the most life-threatening circumstances,” he explained. “Elective abortions become more dangerous the further along in pregnancy, and that’s when the majority of these health complications arise.”
"Bruchalski said the goal of every good doctor should be to care for both patients: the mother and her unborn baby, and killing a baby in the womb does not help either one.
"Sometimes, he said an early induction is necessary to save the mother’s life, such as in the case of an infection, and her baby is too premature to survive. There also are times when pregnant mothers need chemotherapy to treat cancer and her unborn baby dies, but neither scenario involves intentionally killing the baby; the intent is to save a life, not to end one, Bruchalski continued.". . .

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

‘What a farce’: ABC attempts to defend its ‘stunning bias’

‘What a farce’: ABC attempts to defend its ‘stunning bias’ | The Courier Mail  "Sky News host Andrew Bolt says unbelievable scenes were seen today when ABC Managing Director David Anderson fronted politicians to defend the national broadcaster’s “stunning bias”.

“ What a farce. Including an amazing admission about that ABC report that claimed a meeting of Alice Springs residents was full of white supremacists - turned out the reporter wasn't even there,” he said. "Mr Bolt focused on three examples from Mr Anderson’s appearance at Senate Estimates on Tuesday that should make every Liberal and Nationals MPs realise the ABC is “out of control”. “ 'The rest of us should be alarmed and disgusted that our taxes are funding such a left-wing propaganda outfit,” Mr Bolt said. “ 'Mr Anderson, do you even listen to what your paid propagandists put to air?' ”. . .

ABC breached impartiality, accuracy in Alice Springs town meeting report | — Australia’s leading news site

The ABC was found to have failed in accuracy and impartiality after suggesting hundreds of Alice Springs residents were “white supremacists”.

"The ABC’s reporting on the Alice Springs crime wave was biased and inaccurate according to the outlet’s own media watchdog, after the public broadcaster suggested hundreds of residents who attended a town meeting last month were “white supremacists”.

"More than 3000 residents attended the Save Alice Springs meeting late last month to discuss the crime wave affecting their town, with the gathering reportedly lasting around 20 minutes.

"Now, the newly created ABC Ombudsman’s Office has found a controversial ABC Radio segment covering the meeting – which was slammed by residents and politicians alike – breached standards of impartiality and accuracy by presenting the event as “white supremacy” in action.

"In the segment in question, the ABC’s Indigenous Affairs correspondent Carly Williams interviewed attendees standing outside, with one woman describing the event as a “total white supremacist fest” with a “scary” vibe.". . .

Shame on those hordes who learn from Joy Reid, Antifa and Democrats. TD

Is ABC News Reliable? - The Factual | Blog...  What Is the Political Bias of ABC News?
"The Factual classifies news sites by political bias as either Left, Moderate Left, Center, Moderate Right, or Right. This classification is derived from third-party assessments from media bias organizations such as AllSides and Media Bias/Fact Check (MBFC). Based on this data, The Factual assigns ABC News a “Moderate Left” bias.
AllSides assigns ABC News a “Lean Left” classification based on blind surveys, third-party analysis, independent research, and 56,248 community ratings. The most recent analysis, a 2021 blind survey, found that 1,147 people across the political spectrum rated ABC News as “Lean
" Left” on average. Other research, such as a cited 2014 Pew Research study, reinforces this assessment. The Pew study found that 37% of the site’s audience identifies as left-of-center or left and 41% identifies as mixed or center. MBFC classifies ABC News as having “Left-Center” bias due to “story selection and word choices that moderately favor the left.” The site also receives a “High” score for factual reporting based on proper sourcing and very few fact-checking issues. MBFC supports this classification by providing evidence of biased headlines, such as “Trump: No regrets for praising Greg Gianforte for body-slamming reporter.”. . .

SOTU: Feisty Joe Didn’t Run Offstage, And It Ultimately Paid Off

Issues & Insights  

Mr. White: “We bow, right?… and we’re off the stage before the applause dies out.”

Jimmy: “Well, what if they want an encore?”

Mr. White: “You unplug and you run, run offstage! Smiling, smiling, of course.”

That Thing You Do (1996 Film)

"How is Joe Biden like the infamous spy balloon?
1. Full of hot air.
2. Hovering over America in unwelcome fashion.
3. Maneuvered by China.
4. Ideally subject to immediate removal – except for too-high collateral damage.

This extended simile aligns with key “issues to manage,” as communications professionals would put it, that hung over Mr. Biden like that enemy airship pre-State of the Union:

1. Impugned Integrity: Hunter and filched documents anyone?

2. Deep Disapproval: 18% strong approval versus 46% strong disapproval, per the latest Washington Post/ABC poll. And yikes! 62% believe he has accomplished “not much” or “little to nothing” while in office.

3. Flabby Foreign Policy: That sense of global drift the meandering balloon truly symbolizes: The Afghanistan abomination. The Ukraine “minor-incursion” invasion-invitation. Heaping helpings of humble pie courtesy of China.

4. Imperative Impeachment Insurance: Removal, by resignation or impeachment, is virtually demanded by serial swindling, subterfuge, and deliberate dereliction of duty on the  economy, energy independence, immigration, and America’s national security. Joe’s burden cum saving grace: an insurance policy in the form of his callow, cackling veep, the subject of a nicely-timed New York Times hit piece.

And yet: Sleepy Joe woke up last week to a jobs report one stunned economist called “incredibly, surprisingly strong”: a five-decade unemployment low, 517,000 new jobs, longer hours, and wage growth.

So how to handle said situation? The crisis specialist in this commentator might suggest knocking down those “issues to manage” one by one, highlighting – briefly – unfolding solutions.

But one’s Mr. White/impresario side fairly screams: like the film’s one-hit Wonders, play the Top-Ten number – Those Jobs Americans Do! – do the heroes-in-the-gallery tour … then run, run offstage.

And Joe did squarely land an opening salvo featuring the job news: near record-low unemployment, 800,000 new manufacturing positions, and job-creating investment and projects resulting from bipartisan infrastructure and semiconductor-subsidy bills.". . .

To Counterpunch Smokin’ Joe, ‘G.O.P.’ Must Rebrand As ‘Government Of The People’ "Stipulated: Feisty Joe Biden deceived, demonized and divided his way through his State of the Union thumper. But he also adeptly defied his Republican foils – cleverly cornering catcallers in an impromptu imbroglio.

"And more important, deftly demagogued with a people-oriented pitch that may well set the stage for a surprise surge. The money line in suddenly-Smokin’ Joe’s populist appeal?

“Americans are tired of being played for suckers.”

"Dang straight. The Scrantonite and his scribes are on to something in combating “junk fees” and other indignities heaped upon the non-upper crust.

"Biden took on a Corn Poppish cornucopia of love-to-hate lowlifes: Health care hustlers. Old folk defrauders. Cable conmen. Cellphone scamps. Financial institution fleecers. Ticket tricksters. And most deliciously, airline over-chargers, whom he justifiably asserted “treat your child like a piece of baggage” in dinging families to travel in the same zip code as their toddlers.

"This swift switch to common-guy champion packs all the more punch when contrasted with Wrong-Way Republicans’ stubborn staying of the course.". . .

CNN's Lemon Problem

. . .There is a constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech even to say stupid things for all American citizens (except for most Republicans and conservatives), but there is no constitutional guarantee of the right to do so as an overpaid television presenter on some alleged “news” channel. . . 

Richard McDonough   "Don Lemon, whose brain may have disappeared into a near earth-orbiting black hole around the time of the November 2016 election, is in trouble again and may lose his job, with his absurd insensitive remark, referring to “person of color” Nikki Haley, upon her announcement that she is running for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024, that a woman is only “in her prime” in her 20s and 30s and maybe 40s.  (Note, by the way, that a confused Don Lemon claimed that that was the facts but that he was not saying he agreed with it.)  Equally absurdly, Lemon stated that one can verify this on Google.  Apparently, if Google says its true then it must be true.  In fact, one gets a far more nuanced view even on Google but nuance is not Lemon’s strong point.

"Bill O’Reilly makes a partially correct but partially incorrect defense of Lemon’s right to keep his job. 

"O’Reilly correctly stated that Lemon has a long history of absurd claims and that his recent statement is “preposterous” but adds that “The United States no longer has free speech. You will be punished if you say something ‘offensive.’ Lemon may lose his job.”  In fact, firing Lemon over this scandal has nothing to do with free speech.  But before considering O’Reilly’s claim, consider first Lemon’s statement.

"Lemon, like many talking-heads on television, should have known that he was on thin ice when he made any statement about a woman’s prime without stating upon what axis he is measuring them.  Poppy Harlow asked the correct question, which never occurred to Lemon:  Prime for what?  When Lemon limits a woman’s prime to her 20s-40s he is assuming the sexist view that a woman is good only for sexual attractiveness (not his expertise) and baby-making.   Unfortunately, Lemon appears to have forgotten that women have these things called brains that continue to function well into their old age. ". . .

Watch Alejandro Mayorkas struggle to answer basic questions about the ongoing border crisis and open border policies by Chris Wallace.

Train wreck; the cast of characters

 Morning Greatness: Buttigieg Ripped for Being ‘No-Show’ in Toxic Ohio Train Derailment  

"Sen. Eric Schmitt called out the Biden admin for a 'complete disconnect' with the American people

'More than two weeks after the toxic Ohio train derailment, the Biden administration is taking flak for how it has handled the toxic spill after refusing to approve a FEMA disaster declaration. 

'Sen. Eric Schmitt, R-Mo., is one of the White House's critics, and he joined "Sunday Morning Futures" to discuss how the administration's handling has indicated a "complete disconnect" from the American people. 

'"I think there's a complete disconnect here when you hear the president talking about sending American tax dollars to Ukraine to help pay for their pensions, and he does nothing about the millions of people who stream across our southern border distributing fentanyl, human trafficking and crime across the country," Schmitt told Maria Bartiromo. "It is completely out of touch to not address this."

"And Pete Buttigieg was a no-show this week in our committee to talk about FAA problems they had in January with the travel system across the country," he continued. "He's been a no show in Ohio, and so the American people are right to be upset about this. They demand answers. They demand a presence by this administration to know that they're going to take care of these issues."

"The Biden administration has said the crisis in East Palestine does not meet legal requirements for a FEMA declaration, even though the agency has deployed resources to the city. ". . .


FEMA to Deploy Federal Services to East Palestine Two Weeks After Train Disaster

“ 'We are ineligible for a FEMA disaster declaration, we’ve been told by FEMA that we will not meet the qualifications at this time,” Tierney said at the time. “And the reason for that is that FEMA disaster declarations are related to property damage, and solely property damage.”

"In addition to Friday’s announcement that FEMA will now be deployed to East Palestine, DeWine’s office also revealed that Ohio is setting up a medical clinic in the town this upcoming week “to engage with residents, answer questions, evaluate any symptoms, and provide medical expertise.”

"The governor’s office added that in response to a request from DeWine, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will be sending federal officials to East Palestine to support the clinic.". . .

TIME TO GO, PETE! Calls Grow Louder for Buttigieg's Resignation, Impeachment Talk Begins  From Just The News:

“Amidst an impending possible rail strike last year, Secretary Buttigieg left the country to vacation in Portuguese wine country,” [Senator Marco] Rubio wrote to President Biden. “Near misses in commercial aviation, as well as recent system failures, including the one that shutdown air travel in Florida in January, indicate that serious and persistent problems across the DOT are not being sufficiently remedied. I do not have confidence that Secretary Buttigieg is capable of keeping the American people safe.” 

Monday, February 20, 2023

Biden visits Ukraine but not East Palestine, Ohio

 FEMA Deploys Team to Ohio Two Weeks After Chemical Disaster

Perhaps the optics of sending massive aid to Turkish earthquake victims and paying for Ukrainian pensions while Americans in Ohio suffer from chemical fallout wasn’t as good as originally thought

. . ."Clearly, Ukraine is more of a priority for Biden…as he heads to Poland to commemorate the first anniversary of the start of the Ukraine-Russia War. However, President Donald Trump is heading to East Palestine to support the community on Wednesday, and he will likely highlight his America First agenda.". . .

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Why Is Pete Buttigieg Allowed To Keep Failing Upward?

 The Federalist

. . ."Now the secretary of transportation is both a political celebrity and someone immune to meaningful criticism over our country’s transportation failures — and there have been many.  

"Though the left rarely misses an opportunity to announce that “the adults are back in charge,” Buttigieg’s failures suggest otherwise. His highlight reel at the Department of Transportation includes a supply-chain crisis punctuated with a personal leave, flight system disruptions that stranded millions of travelers and temporarily grounded all U.S. flights, rail strikes, and a series of horrific train derailments. On Main Street, people get fired for far less.

"Plucked from obscurity as mayor of a struggling Rust Belt city, Buttigieg found himself among the leading Democratic presidential candidates in 2020; he even won the Iowa caucuses. Biden, who considers the former mayor a future party star, awarded him a cabinet post. It defies logic.

"Where logic fails, leftist dogma can fill in some of the gaps. Buttigieg will continue checking the “first gay ___” box as far as he climbs the ladder. In the current manifestation of the Democratic Party, which selects and rejects candidates over such identity trifles, it is a powerful weapon in his arsenal. Any honest reflection on his meteoric political rise must consider identity factors. Ask incisive questions next time you meet someone who admits to being a 2020 Buttigieg supporter. It is an instructional exercise in today’s political environment.". . .

Gigi Sohn: Sen. J.D. Vance Puts Biden’s Nominee For FCC Commissioner On FULL BLAST For ‘Racialized Rhetoric’

"If confirmed, Sohn will become the first openly gay FCC commissioner. She and her wife Laura have been married since 2008." UK Daily Mail 

 K. Walker  "We all know that none of that racist B.S. would fly if it went the other way as Sen. Vance so beautifully pointed out. Somehow these race-obsessed leftists don’t even see their own bigotry as bigotry. It’s nice to have it tossed in their smug faces while they have to sit there indignantly. It’s especially nice when it’s done with decorum and finesse as Senator Vance did."...

ClashDaily's Associate Editor since August 2016. Self-described political junkie, anti-Third Wave Feminist, and a nightmare to the 'intersectional' crowd. Mrs. Walker has taken a stand against 'white privilege' education in public schools. She's also an amateur Playwright, former Drama teacher, and staunch defender of the Oxford comma. Follow her humble musings on Twitter: @TheMrsKnowItAll and on Gettr @KarenWalker

. . .Gigi Sohn, President Biden's pick for a vacant seat on the Federal Communications Commission, is a proud member of a nonprofit that wants to uphold sex work online, and which honors sex workers including a dominatrix who boasts about urinating on people's faces. . . 

Cruz throws down with radical Biden nominee who tweeted: ‘Fox News plays a role in destroying democracy’ ( . . ."Then Cruz asked her an obvious question and her reply stretches credulity to the limits of belief.
" 'Can I ask you one final question? Is MSNBC very, very close to the Biden administration?” the conservative asked.
“ ' haven’t the slightest idea. I don’t watch it,” Sohn snapped back.
“ 'You don’t watch MSNBC?” Cruz asked, obviously not believing her claim in the least.
“I do not, I don’t watch CNN either. I listen to NPR. Honestly, I don’t,” she responded.
"At one point during the hearing, Senator Cruz asserted, “Ms. Sohn portrays herself as a defender of free speech, but she has a history of campaigning to censor conservatives. She calls Fox News, quote, ‘dangerous to our democracy.’ And has urged the FCC to revoke Sinclair’s broadcast licenses.”
“To Ms. Sohn, it seems that conservative speech is worse than obscenity,” he claimed.". . .

. . ."This new reality makes the Biden administration’s nomination of Gigi Sohn to the FCC all the more troubling given her track record of disregard for our sensitive secrets and outright hostility to intellectual property, which could dangerously empower America’s enemies namely Russia and China, if she is confirmed.  She is an utterly inappropriate choice, and the administration should withdraw her nomination straight away.

"Unauthorized release of classified information is a federal crime in the United States, and over the last decade, two significant leaks of government information carried out by NSA contractor Edward Snowden and Army private Chelsea Manning have directly undermined the safety of the American people as sensitive information enabled our adversaries to target U.S. soldiers and our allies in Afghanistan. The senior-most military leaders in our country — serving under Presidents from both parties — have testified as much to the U.S. Congress. 

"The Snowden and Manning leaks should be front and center again as Ms. Sohn’s nomination is considered because she serves as a board member and champion of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), which has been outspokenly supportive of her nomination. ". . .