Saturday, February 6, 2010

MSNBC Palin-Hater Schultz Will Cover Palin Speech Tonight

Gateway Pundit "This is the same guy that called her “political sliime” just last year." And this is the same channel that "Law & Order" promotes repeatedly.

Biased Headline Of The Day: USA Today

"So the title makes it look like a majority of Americans are in favor of repealing DADT, but the poll they use shows 51% are against it and that 19% refused to answer the question. Only 30% are in favor of gays serving openly:" Language advisory in WZ.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Who are the 300 terrorists held in U.S. prisons?

Byron York, via Lucianne "[Republicans] argue that one of the reasons some terrorists were handled in the criminal justice system is that it took George W. Bush and Congress years to establish a military tribunal system that satisfied constitutional requirements -- a process that was lengthened by legal challenges filed by some of the same lawyers who now work in Holder's Justice Department." Emphasis added.

Two Cheers for the Maine Ladies

Robert Costa, NRO "[Senators] Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe poke President Obama’s “blind spot” on terrorism."...."As the Obama administration continues to spin and fizzle, Snowe and Collins should become more prominent in the national-security debate ..." Related: Obama’s Attorney General (for now) "Holder also relies on the Zacarias Moussaoui case to bolster the argument for a civilian trial, which is also a terrible precedent. That proceeding took four and a half years, and the presiding judge said of the trial, “I don’t think in the annals of criminal law there has ever been a case with this many significant problems.” " (Jennifer Rubin)

Misunderstanding the Ryan Roadmap

NRO "The Ryan proposal offers a stable, sustainable course for the welfare state that promises to be far more stable than a centrally directed alternative that burdens the federal government with more complexity than it can successfully manage. Cutting checks — the core business of the Social Security Administration — is something government does well. Micromanaging medical providers, as we've discovered through long experience, is not something government does well." Related: A congressman with a presidential-level agenda. "Liberals accuse Ryan of cutting future Medicare benefits. True enough—but they’re missing the point. “Any reform would do that,” he says. “They want to do it by a government monopoly and rationing. We attack the root cause of health care inflation by introducing free-market mechanisms into the system.” "

ABC Reporter Attacks National Tea Party Convention Leaders During Press Conference (Video)

Gateway Pundit "After biting his lip for twenty minutes New York-based ABC reporter John Berman ripped into the National Tea Party Convention leaders at their press conference today."

Trashing the Job Makers

Victor Davis Hanson "When it comes to creating a psychological climate to encourage employers to start hiring again, a little certainty and a little praise are lot better than uncertainty and talk of taxing even more those who now already pay the most."

Congratulations to Mark Kirk

Max Boot "I had the privilege of chatting with him last year when he visited the Council on Foreign Relations, and I found him to be extremely well-informed about world affairs — far more so than the average House member. He was also full of shrewd and sensible insights. "

White House Prepares for Possibility of 2 Supreme Court Vacancies

ABC News "Court watchers believe two of the more liberal members of the court, justices John Paul Stevens and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, could decide to step aside for reasons of age and health. That would give the president his second and third chance to shape his legacy on the Supreme Court." Candidates better remember Obama's reprimand during the SOTU.


Neal Boortz "We don't always have time to talk about these, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't know about them! Hope you enjoy this new feature." Here's what's on Boortz's first list:


Neal Boortz "So ... along comes this ill-prepared community organizer/president who tells you that he will give you a $5000 tax credit if you will just hire someone to work in your business. Trouble is, (1) you don't need an additional worker right now because your business isn't growing; and (2) if you do hire an additional worker it is going to cost you at least $50,000 when you consider salary, matching Social Security "contributions", unemployment insurance, workers comp and other expenses. "

The Great Peasant Revolt of 2010

Charles Krauthammer "This being a democracy, don’t the Democrats see that clinging to this agenda will march them over a cliff? Don’t they understand Massachusetts? Well, they understand it through a prism of two cherished axioms: (1) The people are stupid, and (2) Republicans are bad. Result? The dim, led by the malicious, vote incorrectly."