Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Paul Ryan vs. Obama

Commentary "Well, he couldn’t even manage his own ObamaCare plan, so I suppose he isn’t into the details so much. Rather he’s in the bait-and-switch business — running as a moderate and governing as a liberal, urging bipartisanship and snapping at the opposition, and calling for fiscal sobriety but propounding an embarrassing budget. He is the un-Ryan — that is, unserious and uninteresting." Jennifer Rubin. And this: Ryan Gets Serious "Ryan has put a credible plan on the table. It isn’t perfect, but no plan for controlling the cost growth at the heart of the entitlement problem is going to be uncontroversial."

CBS: Obama’s bipartisanship call is really demand for GOP surrender

Hot Air "When a sitting president calls for bipartisanship by the opposition – he really means surrender. And if they block his proposals, its “obstinacy” and not political views they hold as strongly as he holds his." Mark Knoller, CBS.

Fox Uncovers Anti-Tea-Party Slush-Fund Scam

Jennifer Rubin "Fox News persists on covering news others don’t. It seems the “not really a news outlet” has uncovered a major scam by the Vast Leftwing Conspiracy:"

Scientists say IPCC should be overhauled or scrapped

The Australian "International scientists have called for the world's peak climate change body to be revamped or scrapped after damaging controversies that have dogged the expert panel in recent months."

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Israel has been wiped off the map

BareNakedIslam "Well no, not yet, Iranian leader Ahmadinejad didn’t get his wish. Target is selling a globe that lists every country on earth…EXCEPT Israel." ...."Devrian Global Industries of New Jersey, which imported “tens of thousands” of globes from China, apologized. “Obviously, it was a mistake. We obviously offended some people. Now we’re pulling them off the shelves,” said chief merchandising officer Larry Fine. No estimate on how many were sold. "

U.S. Military Base Not a Reasonable Option for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Trial

Heritage "To begin with, the terrorist trials will depend on highly classified information, and the intelligence community will insist--rightfully so--on appropriate security measures to protect its agents, sources, and methods. The courtroom will have to be contained in a sensitive compartmented information facility, known in the business as a "SCIF." It will need facilities for secure video teleconferencing and storage and review of classified materials. Then there are the standard courtroom accouterments: a digital evidence system, jury boxes, judges' chambers, and a holding cell for the defendants. But even these will not be run-of-the mill--they will have to be hardened and accommodate foreign language translators. That means soundproof, in-courtroom booths for foreign language interpreters and a public gallery placed behind a see-through, soundproof partition to keep state secrets secret." But wait! There's more:

Drillgate: Secretary Salazar's Cover-Up "Energy: The administration asked for public comments on a plan to expand offshore drilling. When they came in 2-to-1 in favor, the Interior Department sat on the news. Time for a "Texas tea" party? When you ask for public comment on a major policy issue, at some point you should make the results public, not hide them until you can figure out a way to spin the public reaction to support a conclusion you've already drawn."

Republican letter to Rahm Emanuel

John Boehner "For instance, the President decries Republican ‘obstruction’ when it was Republicans who first proposed bipartisan health care talks last May. The President says Republicans are ‘sitting on the sidelines’ just days after holding up our health care alternative and reading from it word for word. The President has every right to use his bully pulpit as he sees fit, but this is the kind of credibility gap that has the American people so fed up with business as usual in Washington."

These are the true deficits: Bush $800B, Obama $1.4T

Dick Morris "President Barack Obama is being disingenuous when he says that the budget deficit he faced “when I walked in the door” of the White House was $1.3 trillion. He went on to say that he only increased it to $1.4 trillion in 2009 and was raising it to $1.6 trillion in 2010. Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) might have said, “You lie,” but we’ll settle for “You distort.” "

A comprehensive alternative to Obama's economic plan.

Fred Barnes, Weekly Standard "McConnell’s set of proposals would do several specific things. First and foremost, it would provide a measure of certainty to the business and investment community about the future. The aim: Produce economic conditions conducive to private investment, economic growth, and job creation."

What Was All the Fuss About That Tebow Ad, Again?

Big Journalism "What could be more fun than watching the humorless nags of the Left consistently walk into the business end of the same half-open door time and time again and pick up a fresh shiner?"

The Fallacy of ‘Fairness’

Thomas Sowell, NRO "Creating a difference that would not exist otherwise is discrimination, and something can be done about that. But, in recent times, virtually any disparity in outcomes is almost automatically blamed on discrimination, despite the incredible range of other reasons for disparities between individuals and groups."