Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The GOP debate

Taegan Goddard's Political Wire: Reaction to the GOP Debate  "The fifth Republican presidential debate since Labor Day -- and by far the most entertaining -- had the same winner as the previous four. Mitt Romney is the only person on the stage who understands -- or can at least speak clearly on -- the full breadth of issues that face the president. Romney took heavy fire from nearly everyone, but his rivals usually did more harm to themselves.
"The biggest story of the debate was the puncturing of the Herman Cain bubble."....
Astute Blogger has this. He thinks Herman Cain would make a great Secretary of Commerce.

Romneycare comes under fire
"Romneycare comes under fire byPhilip Klein Senior Editorial WriterFollow on Twitter:@PhilipAKleinFor the first time of the debate season, Mitt Romney came under sustained fire from his opponents for the health care law he signed in Massachusetts.
"Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum kicked things off by emphasizing that like Obamacare, Romney's plan attempted to expand coverage, but didn't do anything to control skyrocketing health care costs"

APB put out for Obama's teleprompter

Rick Moran   "White House aides considered canceling several events, worried that the lack of a teleprompter would make the president more incoherent than usual. But Obama bravely insisted that "the show must go on" and would ad lib if necessary. Panicked advisors talked about rigging a "Fail Safe" switch so that they could turn the sound off on the president's mike if, as expected, Obama began to stutter and stammer while losing his place. It is unknown if they were able to install the switch prior to the president's appearance."


Our Idiot Brother: The Tea Party’s Relationship to Occupy Wall Street

Walter Hudson  How does one start from the same basic objection and reach the polar opposite prescription? The answer is a lack of maturity
"Occupiers see themselves as other-than-rich. Such is the sentiment underlying “I am the 99%.” When they talk about taxing the wealthy to provide for the people, the “wealthy” is some other guy and the “people” are them. However, in practice, socialism cannot function by eating just the rich. It eats anybody who earns anything until nothing is left." 
Walter Hudson is a political commentator and chair of Minnesota's North Star Tea Party Patriots, a statewide educational organization. He runs a blog entitled Fightin Words. He also contributes to True North, a hub of conservative Minnesotan commentary.

The Computer Fairy supports the Wall Street protestors

Are You Smarter Than a Wall Street Occupier?  "Over the past month, the crusaders at Zuccotti Park have braved the elements, tussled with police, and stood their ground against Mayor Bloomberg. But how much do the protesters actually know about the economic system that they're fighting to change? To find out, we asked 50 occupiers a series of questions about Wall Street, taxes, and government. The results were mixed. See if you can do better. " Language advisory; consider the sources.

Woman Raped in Tent at “Occupy” Protest In Cleveland

USBACKLASH.ORG  "Obama and the Democrats have aligned themselves with a great group of people, haven’t they?
"We have seen and read reports of violence, drug abuse, prostitution, anti-Capitalism, anti-Americanism, with people singing “F--k the USA”, and now even the rape of a 19-year-old female college student.
"Democrats have been courting the “Occupy” protesters to give the Obama administration the smallest glimmer of hope for the election in 2012, but the Democrats have been on the wrong side of most of the important issues and events in our nation’s history, like slavery, for an example, which the Democrats fought a war to protect, and assassinated president Lincoln after he freed the slaves. This is just one more example of how completely out-of-touch Obama and the Democrats really are."

Astroturf: “Occupy Wall Street” Riot Protesters PAID to Cause Problems   "We also are learning that the real people behind the anti-capitalism riots are the labor unions, George Soros, the Obama administration, and other anti-American jackasses.
"When stinky hippie protesters carry signs that read “Capitalism Is Organized Crime”, and all of the brainless losers around them agree, there is no more hiding from the truth!"

Ever wonder where those fancy, professionally printed posters and protest signs come from?  Of course, the signs are equal-opportunity choices.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Mother Jones tells us: How Occupy Wall Street Really Got Started

motherjones.com  "Months before the first occupiers descended on Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan, before the news trucks arrived and the unions endorsed, before Michael Bloomberg and Michael Moore and Kanye West made appearances, a group of artists, activists, writers, students, and organizers gathered on the fourth floor of 16 Beaver Street, an artists' space near Wall Street, to talk about changing the world. There were New Yorkers in the room, but also Egyptians, Spaniards, Japanese, Greeks. Some had played a part in the Arab Spring uprising; others had been involved in the protests catching fire across Europe. But no one at 16 Beaver knew they were about light the fuse on a protest movement that would sweep the United States and fuel similar uprisings around the world."

TD is not in the top one percent. I am not even Joe the Plumber; I would have hoped to work for Joe the Plumber if his business was thriving enough for him to hire me. Often in my construction past have I seen government policies affect our chances of finding work. Mostly we hoped the government would leave us all alone so businesses would prosper and we would as well. Never did my wife and I wish that government would take from business and give it to us with no sweat on our part. We have no kinship with those protestors who seek something for nothing.

Obama’s Rising Bitterness

Commentary Magazine  "None of this seems to have bothered Fox News in the least; in fact, they have probably benefited from being on Obama’s enemies list, just as some of Nixon’s targets did. But the president’s hatred for elements of the press is a useful insight into his cast of mind. He is a man of growing grievances, of resentments he cannot contain. And so from time to time they spill out into his public statements. One can only imagine what is said in private as Obama – in his own cool, controlled way – rages against the many injustices he believes have befallen him."

Voters Don’t Blame Wall Street for Economy

Commentary Magazine  "The [Occupy Wall Street] movement appears to have struck a chord with progressive voters, but it does not seem to represent the feelings of the wider public.
"The Hill poll found that only one in three likely voters blames Wall Street for the country’s financial troubles, whereas more than half — 56 percent — blame Washington."
Editorial Cartoon

Updated: Bereaved Mom Seeks To Prevent Terrorists From Leaving Israel

Yeshiva World News  "Such a ban would prohibit the government from permitting the three to leave in line with the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange deal. The family’s attorney feels that their request is not outside the legal norms in Israel, and if the court rejects it, they feel it will signal the “political nature” of such a decision."

High Court To Rule On Petitions To Block Shalit Deal"Along with the state, responding in defense of the deal was Noam Shalit, Gilad’s father, who was told by some of the pained bereaved petitioners to “place a black flag on your home” for today is a sad day, one of mourning for the people of Israel.
"Mr. Shalit remained silent, opting not to respond, perhaps too emotionally charged to respond to such harsh words."

(Update) Butcher of Ramallah soon to be free  "As part of the deal to free Gilad Shalit, the butcher of Ramallah who participated in the disemboweling and mutilation of two Israeli soldiers who took a wrong turn on a road in the West Bank in October 2000 at the start of the 1st Intifada, will be set free:" ...Legal Insurrection
He will be welcomed as a hero and the western liberals will be pleased. Just not with Israel.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Obama extends support for protesters

Financial Times   "On Sunday, Mr Obama honoured Martin Luther King at a dedication to a new memorial on National Mall in Washington. Referring to protests that have spread from Wall Street to London, Rome and elsewhere, Mr Obama said: “Dr King would want us to challenge the excesses of Wall Street without demonising those who work there.” Mr Obama had previously said the protests “express the frustration” of ordinary Americans with the financial sector." Via Drudge.

Victor Davis Hanson:  Obama’s Blame Game  "Lastly, there are no consequences for Obama’s blaming his failed economic policy on someone else. The media long ago gave up their role as presidential watchdogs and became invested in Obama’s success." In case you didn't see this the first time around.


What I saw at the copycat Wall Street “occupation” in downtown Atlanta.

Mary Grabar  "The Tea Partiers never blocked a street, and left quietly down the sidewalks after their allotted time, leaving no traces, picking up trash that may have been dropped inadvertently.
"The Tea Party never occupied public land illegally. They assembled peacefully with permits arranged beforehand. Yet the media repeatedly characterized them as “angry,” “extremist,” and “racist.”
"The police officers probably welcomed the Tea Party gigs as a respite. In contrast, I can only imagine the indignity of having a punk holding up a camera in your face as you try to protect a hospital from a mob. But the Soros-supported organization, Cop Watch, trains extreme leftists to create or exacerbate conflicts with police and record them in order to make claims of police brutality. These guys seemed to be itching for valuable footage."  Emphasis added. 
 (Heaven help these police officers if they try to enforce Arizona's immigration laws.)

Political Cartoons by Eric Allie

HAMAS Reaction to Israel’s Shalit Mega-Terrorist Trade Says It All

debbieschlussel.com  " But HAMAS’ party-like-it’s 1939 reaction is even more telling about what a bad idea this is.  Yet another omen of more kidnapped Israeli soldiers (to ransom for more mass terrorist releases) to come.  (And leave it to the Wall Street Journal’s leftist, anti-Israel Jewish reporter Joshua Mitnick to connect the deal with the “Arab Spring,” something with which the trade has nothing to do, since the trade was in the works long before the first uprisings of the so-called Spring."