Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Worst. Hillary. Introduction. Ever.

Thomas Lifson  . . . "At a Hillary Clinton campaign rally Monday in Wilmington, Senator Carper managed to humiliate himself and Hillary by choosing to try to lead the crowd in a chant that only reminded everyone of the sleaze of Hillary’s acquisition of her considerable wealth.  And failing.

"It’s painful to watch if you have empathy for a flailing speaker losing a crowd.  But it is hilarious if you think, “She works hard for her money,” the Donna Summer hit, does not apply to woman who gets hundreds of thousands of dollars for showing up and talking for 45 minutes to a bunch of Wall Street fat cats."


For Obama, this is no summer of '08; "From brilliance to arrogance and now failure."

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Silvio Canto, Jr.  . . . "They are not cheering today.  In Germany, thousands marched against free trade deals and carried posters that reminded us of the ones about Bush.  In Saudi Arabia, he was greeted by the governor of a state or province rather than a high-level delegation.  In London, he got into trouble every time he opened his mouth.

"In 2008, we heard about his brilliance.  Today, we read about his arrogance:
Obama’s election in 2008 inspired the world. But after eight years, it’s hard not to blame his abrasive style of politics for the rise of anti-politicians such as Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Americans are rebelling against the emergence of an imperial presidency. As Barack Obama offers his hand to the Queen this week, and lectures the British on their place in the world, voters here might feel somewhat resentful, too.
"From brilliance to arrogance and now failure.   
"President Obama has failed to project U.S. power the way his predecessors did.  In 2008, thousands longed for a U.S. president who didn't project power but rather led with words that told them what they wanted to hear.
"The Europeans and most of our allies have seen the consequences of that soft style and can't wait for America to be America again – the superpower that protected them all of those years.  They will never say it, but they long for Bush or a leader of the free world again."
OBAMA CARTOONS: Conservative Political Humor:    Obama's Foreign (Muslim) Policy.   OH MY - YES....IT DOES LOOK ENTIRELY 'DIFFERENT'.  GREAT JOB, ODUMBO!!!!!:

Lawmakers urge Census Bureau to ask more about sexual orientation, gender identity

We have become a silly nation indeed.
Washington Times

Students rally outside Santee Education Complex in South Los Angeles on Wednesday, April 20, 2016. The principal of the Los Angeles high school where a scuffle broke out with adult protesters over a new gender-neutral bathroom praised his students Wednesday as "trailblazers" for campaigning to install the restroom. Bathrooms for transgender students have become a focal point in the national debate over anti-discrimination laws. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)

"The U.S. Census Bureau should be demanding more information about “gender identity,” leading liberal lawmakers said Wednesday, asking for more probing questions to get at the increasingly complex family dynamics in America.
“ 'Many federal data collection instruments gather respondents’ race, ethnicity, sex, marital status and other personal demographic information. However, most of these instruments do not include direct measures of respondents’ sexual orientation or gender identity,” Rep. Raul Grijalva and Sen. Tammy Baldwin said in a letter they led, and which was co-signed by dozens of their Democratic colleagues." . . .
. . . "The lawmakers said they would then be able to craft laws better tailored to improve the situations of gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual people." . . .

Obama’s Green Agenda Should Be Kept Out of National Security

Daily Signal
"Under these mandates, the Army and Navy have been required to install solar arrays at various facilities. At Naval Station Norfolk, the Navy spent $21 million to install a 10-acre solar array—which will supply a grand total of 2 percent of the base’s electricity."

Democrat president Obama's "executive orders require the Department of Defense (DOD) to incorporate a host of climate change bureaucracies into its acquisition programs, logistics planning, and military plans and operations. The military is also required to help state and local governments “go green.”
"These activities are simply not the mission of the U.S. military. They harm readiness rather than contribute to the lethality of our armed forces. The military’s mission is to train for and fight our nation’s wars, not assist state and local governments with their carbon emissions levels.
. . . 
"Regarding the Department of Defense’s energy policy—decisions by installation commanders and DOD personnel need to be driven by requirements for actual cost-effectiveness and readiness, not arbitrary and inflexible green energy quotas and CO2 benchmarks.
"There were at least 680 of such wasteful green energy projects as of 2013, most of which have not met the efficiencies or cost-effectiveness promised. Additionally, engineers and resources committed to green energy are diverting focus from deficiencies in our military’s critical infrastructure.
"Under these mandates, the Army and Navy have been required to install solar arrays at various facilities. At Naval Station Norfolk, the Navy spent $21 million to install a 10-acre solar array—which will supply a grand total of 2 percent of the base’s electricity. According to the inspector general’s office, this project will save enough money to pay for itself in just 447 years. Solar panels, however, only last about 25 years."
Hat tip to Lucianne

U.S. plots with United Nations to expand Syrian refugees from 10,000 to 200,000

Washington Examiner
Touching photo but they are not likely to assimilate, preferring instead Sharia Law I would guess, fearfully. TD

. . . "U.S. officials, meeting with United Nations human rights officials in Geneva, joined in a project that looks to "alternative safe pathways" to setting Syrian refugees in America and Europe that include pushing colleges and universities to offer tuition programs and encouraging Syrians already in the country to open their homes to those who've fled the war-torn Middle East nation.
"The plan already has one victory. Last week, the University of Southern California revealed that it is offering five free tuition programs for Syrian refugees, including one in the school's journalism program.
"The effort was revealed Monday in a Center for Immigration Studies post. It quoted a Georgetown University professor and U.N. refugee policy advisor who spelled out the backdoor plan to settle thousands more Syrians past the 10,000 President Obama has pledged to OK this year." . . .

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

These stories give new meaning to the airline that called itself "Trans World"

When Tolerance Is A One Way Street
. . . "March 31 was the “International Transgender Day of Visibility,” and DNC Chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz made a statement about fighting “the discriminatory laws” of Republicans when our nation has worked so hard to “distance ourselves from the ugliest chapters in our history” regarding discrimination. Did she make a civil rights comparison with the plight of a transgender person not having a bathroom to call their own?
"Actor James Woods was one voice of reason putting this in perspective when he tweeted:" . . .
James Woods 
The world is fighting Islamic terrorism, starvation, and disease, but democrats are fighting for men to pee in the ladies' room.
4:42 PM - 17 Apr 2016
. . . "The president also had the audacity to salute the struggles of gay and lesbian Americans during his speech in Selma, Alabama, marking the 50th anniversary of an important civil rights march. LGBT issues are all about advancing behaviors that violate the morals and religious beliefs of many Americans, but is race a behavior?" . . .

YouTube Transgender Bathroom ‘Experiment’ Results In Screams Of Outrage  But this is what the Democrat Party wants! It's what Bruce Springsteen wants!

More than 2 Dozen Stories Prove Transgender Bathroom Policies are Dangerous to Our Women and Children
"Warner Todd Huston has put together at least twenty-five stories that document the dangers of such policies. Here's the list, linked to the stories.": 

Transgender, Gay Groups Say Federal Officials Should Ban Single-Sex Bathrooms in All K-12 Schools

Big Government
Transgender Kinder AP

. . . "But these huge and intrusive changes would be made for the benefit of a tiny slice of the population. A recent study of the 2010 census showed that only 89,667 adults had changed their names from one sex to another. That’s roughly 1 in 2,400 adults. Advocates of greater status for people who live like people of the opposite sex, however, say one in every 400 American adults are transgender.
"Unsurprisingly, a new poll shows public opinion is shifting rapidly in favor of preserving single-sex bathrooms and locker rooms.
"Any effort to use Title IX anti-discrimination rules to force transgenderism on America’s schools is simply illegitimate, Dacus told Breitbart News. “There is absolutely nothing in the way of case law or statutory language that would legitimize such a mandate upon public schools,” Dacus said." . . .

The Empty Pantsuit

NRO  . . . "They get tired of Send Bernie home! But the ensuing selection of chants is equally uninspiring: First comes I believe that she will win! Perhaps, but there are lots of people who believe that she will win who also believe that she is a miscreant, a criminal, a crook, and worse. Get your average Washington Republican talking about it after cocktail hour and he may well agree that she will win. It’s time for a woman in the White House! has its appeal, but it comes with an implied question: “Why this woman?”  Kevin D. Williamson


The Right Scoop  . . . "According to another memo dated September 16, 2012, just FIVE DAYS after the attack on the ‘consulate’ in Benghazi, the Obama administration via the DNI concluded that the terrorist attack had been planned at least 10 days before the attack occurred and that it wasn’t a coincidence that it happened on the anniversary of 9/11. If you recall, the Obama administration was lying about it, saying it was a demonstration against a film about the Prophet Muhammad that got out of control. They were saying this on the very same day this DNI memo went out to different agencies including the National Security Council and the State Department.
"They not only concluded that it was planned ten days in advance, they also wrote why the attack was planned in this same Sept. 16 memo:
“The intention was to attack the consulate and kill as many Americans as possible to seek revenge for the U.S. kill of Aboyahiye (Alaliby) in Pakistan and in memorial of the 11 September 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center buildings.”
"One last thing this report reveals is another memo that shows the Obama administration not only knew ISIS was a threat, but predicted the formation of a caliphate 17 months before Obama compared ISIS to a junior varsity team."

Jailhouse Rock the Vote

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, hillary, virginia, felons, vote, mcauliffe

"Members of the GOP are loudly complaining about Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe's executive order to restore the voting rights of 206,000 felons who are (ahem) "likely Democratic voters" just in time for the general election in November.

"McAuliffe said that the 150 year old law which he unilaterally rescinded was originally put in place to suppress the rights of black voters, suggesting that he thinks the words "black" and "felon" are entirely interchangeable. . .  

"He also suggests that if the GOP is unhappy about this new voting bloc (or cellbloc), they need to "quit complaining and earn ex-felon's votes," perhaps by adopting Hillary's inspiring proposals to get tough on cops, empty the prisons, and send convicted criminals to all-expense-paid colleges where they can use whomever's bathrooms - or showers - they feel like.

"Then again, perhaps in the heat of this tortuous election cycle Hope n' Change is being too cynical. After all, it's not like Governor McAuliffe has any suspicious political ties to Hillary Clinton.

"Well, other than being her Presidential campaign manager in 2008..."

American Silliness April 26, 2016

dcs-3097_1zMichelle Obama Lunch Rules Bans Frosted Flakes In Daycare Centers…  . . . "The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service issued a final ruleMonday that will affect more than 3 million kids in daycare centers across the country. The regulation will only allow daycare centers to serve juice once a day, will ban fried foods, and encourages centers to not add honey to a child’s yogurt." . . .

Remember when Presidents talked about the ‘shining city on the hill’ and not letting men in the girls room?

Melissa Click: Mizzou Fired Me Because I’m White   "I’m a white lady. I’m an easy target." 
 "Remember Melissa Click, the University of Missouri professor who lost her job after assaulting a student on camera and asking for some “muscle” to help get rid of him? According to Click, her dismissal from Mizzou wasn’t because she attacked a student in a pathetic bid to shut down free speech. Nope. Click says she was fired for being white." . . .

The president shouldn’t be meeting with celebrity thugs  . . . "Student senator: Picture of gun is threat to 'black mental and emotional health'
"The Obamas have two young daughters. How can they welcome such guests into “the people’s house' ” . . .
Student senator: Picture of gun is threat to 'black mental and emotional health'
"Ochiagha continues, “My Black Mental and Emotional Health Matters. I shouldn’t be reminded every time I leave my dorm room of how easy my life can be taken away, or how many Black lives have been taken away because of police brutality. This is emotionally triggering for very obvious reasons."

Barack Obama and the end of the Anglosphere

Financial Times
"The crucial point is that he is America’s first Pacific president"

Ferguson Illustration

. . . "Still, any Brits who feel nostalgic for the Anglosphere, and a little resentful about Mr Obama’s “back of the queue” comments, might reflect how much they still benefit from the cultural power of the US. The traditional Anglosphere may be in disrepair. But a different sort of Anglosphere has emerged in Brussels, with English now the common language of the EU institutions."

The writer does not expand on Mr. Obama's view of Britain as the colonizer of Africa, including Kenya. Perhaps this explains his disdain for Winston Churchill .