Sunday, October 31, 2010

Liberty Institute Resources for Voters

Help for voters  "How do I find my district/races?
"To find your district and election races, please visit the Action Center and fill out the appropriate information."

Issues  "All across the country, your freedoms are under attack. Sometimes the attacks are obvious, such as the attack on free speech in a possible revival of the Fairness Doctrine, but some are more subtle, like hate crimes legislation which limits free speech while creating an entire new class of crime penalizing thoughts instead of actions.
"Liberty Institute looks at these attacks, and works to make sure that your values are upheld and your freedoms preserved. We work in the courts, legislature, media, and culture to combat these attacks head-on. Join us in the fight to protect freedoms and strengthen families.
"Click any of the terms on the left to find out more about how your freedoms are under attack and what you can do to stop it."

Obamination: Terror & Treason

Crusaders Armory "I learned through Red White Blue News, that President Barack Hussein Obama spoke yesterday about the bombs shipped from Yemen.  I selected three paragraphs from that speech because they contain al-Taqiyya requiring exposure & refutation.  Use the link above if you want to read the whole speech in context; the video is embedded below."....
  "Terrorism is not a function of poverty, insecurity, idleness or geography; it is doctrine driven.  The doctrines which drive Islamic terror are contained in the Qur'an & hadith." 

Obama’s Islamic Appeasing Tour Continues

LogansWarning  "The president, who lived in Indonesia for four years as a child, plans to deliver a speech in Jakarta following his visit to the mosque. White House Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Mr. Obama plans to “talk about some of the themes of democracy and development and our outreach to Muslim communities around the world, while also speaking of Indonesia’s pluralism and tolerance as well.” "  Tolerance?   

What Kind Of Person Posts A Tweet Like This?

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion  "The same kind of person responsible for running (and still defending) the Christine O'Donnell "one night stand" story. "

"There is a sickness in our media, and Gawker is one of its primary homes."

(Updated) Rally to Restore Yusuf Islam's Reputation (aka, the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens)

Weekly Standard "You can imagine the media firestorm that would have engulfed Glenn Beck for inviting someone who'd wished death upon a writer for exercising his free speech rights. But, hey, Cat Stevens made some pretty great music, so Stewart gets a pass, right?"


I cannot say Islam has brought out the best in Mr. Stevens.

Fatwa-endorsing singer featured at “Restoring Sanity” rally   [Stevens-Islam] "added that “if Mr Rushdie turned up at his doorstep looking for help, ‘I might ring somebody who might do more damage to him than he would like. I’d try to phone the Ayatollah Khomeini and tell him exactly where this man is’.” "
Peace Train Lyrics  Do the words apply only to Muslims?

Repeal—Now More than Ever

Weekly Standard "When the Democrats passed their health care reform legislation in March, they assured one another that the law would grow increasingly popular as its contents became better known and its early provisions began to take effect. Seven months later—as those contents have become better known and those provisions have begun to take effect—the law only looks worse, in both substantive and political terms. Its disastrous consequences are already being felt. Voters clearly know it. The case for repealing Obamacare and starting over has never been stronger."

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The highs and lows of the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. (Updated)

Photo from ConservativeBlogsCentral
Slate   "C-SPAN's host sought a bit of clarification from one caller: "Now, you refer to the rally as a concert, so do you think it's political or do you think it's entertainment?" She replied, correctly, "Yeah." "

Stewart-Colbert ‘Sanity’ Rally Hosted By Radical Muslim Singer Yusuf Islam…"The event sought in part to be a counterpoint to the “Restoring Honor” rally in August by Glenn Beck, the Fox News commentator popular among conservatives and tea party supporters. Beck’s rally, which had strong religious overtones, drew some protests from civil rights supporters."

The Stewart/Colbert Shark Jumping Contest "Aside from the smug sanctimony oozing from these alleged comedians, this tuneless anthem can’t decide if it’s pro or anti-American. But it stands as a good example of the kind of “entertainment” what preceded it. An attempt to extol the virtues of big government sandwiched between performances by geriatric pop stars and lame humor bits that sucked harder than a million vacuum cleaners."

For a larger photo, click here.

Cat Stevens Appearance At Sanity Rally Rankles Right Winger

TPM  "...Salman Rushdie or indeed any writer who abuses the prophet, or indeed any prophet, under Islamic law, the sentence for that is actually death. It's got to be seen as a deterrent, so that other people should not commit the same mistake again." Cat Stevens, aka Yusuf Islam, supporting the Ayatollah Khomeini's fatwa calling for the death of Salman Rushdie.

 "During Islam's appearance, Sarah Palin aide and Weekly Standard writer Michael Goldfarb tweeted "What the f---. Sanity = supporting fatwa against Salman Rushdie?"

Cat Stevens
Yusef Islam

Tea Party Brews in Israel, Prompted by Concerns About Obama

The Freedom Fighter's Journal "Sunday’s rally in Tel Aviv is headlined “Say no to Obama,” signaling the view held by many Israeli conservatives that the president is placing undue pressure on Netanyahu to make concessions in negotiations that are not in Israel’s national interest."

(Updated) Christians In the Muslim World- How Islamic Nations treat Christian minorities- Christian News- Videos

Freedomist  "A video tour of the fate of Christians in the Muslim World. While Islamists fight to have the right to build mosques in our neighborhoods, they kill our brothers and sisters in Christ.
"Christians in Egypt face death every day"

BLOODBATH ENDS BAGHDAD CHURCH HOSTAGE SITUATION  "The police arrested eight gunmen, who are believed to be affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq, a militant organization affiliated with Al-Qaeda in Iraq."

Pre-election terror plots

Troy 2010   "But did the Saudis assist in interupting a plot, or did they assist in staging, or, more likely, simply free-lance a propaganda coup?
"My friend further notes:
"I also understand that O is on his way yet another reach-out to Muslims. He will undoubtedly mention this excellent good turn as an example of Islam as the religion of peace and love.
"Watch for it."

Terror plot thwarted as US-bound explosives seized   "Authorities on three continents thwarted multiple terrorist attacks aimed at the United States from Yemen on Friday, seizing two explosive packages addressed to Chicago-area synagogues and packed aboard cargo jets. The plot triggered worldwide fears that al-Qaida was launching a major new terror campaign. "

Cargo plane bomb plot: Key developments  Comments: "This timeline is important because, according to an article in today's Telegraph, even with all these data, Obama failed to pass on crucial information to the British--they learned about it when they saw his TV speech."

Republican gains may foil terrorism trials in U.S.  "Only one suspect from Guantanamo, Ahmed Ghailani, has been brought to U.S. soil for trial. His case in New York began on a rocky note when the judge barred a witness from testifying because he was located as a result of coerced interviews.
"Republicans have seized on that ruling as a sign that the criminal courts cannot deal with terrorism suspects." Via KeepAmericaSafe

A Referendum on the Redeemer

Wall Street Journal  "Barack Obama put the Democrats in the position of forever redeeming a fallen nation rather than leading a great one."  Shelby Steele;  Cartoon: Chip Bok, Townhall