Sunday, June 14, 2020

Goodbye to American culture, freedom and security in your lives

Starbucks Announces New ‘Black Lives Matter’ Shirts for Employees  . . . "If you’re a BLM barista at one of over 14,000 U.S. cafes, I’ve got great news.
"No longer will you be politically oppressed while making that venti iced skinny hazelnut macchiato with sugar-free syrup, an extra shot, light ice, and no whip.
"Starbucks is planting a metaphorical pole so you can let your flag fly." . . .

But that is now: this was then:
An internal memo sent to Starbucks employees last week specifically warned staffers against wearing accessories or clothes bearing messages in support of the Black Lives Matter movement."
Welcome To Your New World Order: A Rundown Of Woke Insanity Amid The Newest Cultural Revolution  "As the nation continues to spiral under its 21st century cultural revolution, here's a running list of the ongoing insanity."
. . . "For as long as the nation continues to go mad, purging books, movies, statues and history in its own cultural revolution launched by woke elites, The Federalist will be chronicling its destruction, updating this list with each new event in its collapse. The Federalist will also be keeping tally of those fired from lack of allegiance to the new woke overlords found here." . . . Here some of the memes listed in this article:

Petition Circulates To Remove Ghandi Statue

Meghan Markle’s Best Friend Fired From TV Gig After ‘Generic Call To Action’ On Race

Lady Antebellum Changes Name Because ‘Antebellum’ Is Offensive

Episode Of ‘Fawlty Towers’ Censored

Shows Depicting Police Get Cancelled

The Mob Comes For ‘Paws Patrol’

UCLA Professor Fired For Refusing Special Treatment For Black Students

Seattle Occupiers Running The ‘Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone’ Demand Anarchy And Segregation  Read their list of demands here.

Re: Re: Re: The Disturbing Campaign against Tucker Carlson

Disney and T-Mobile Drop Tucker Carlson Over BLM Remarks, #IStandWithTuckerCarlson Trends in Defiance


Rich writes: “You could subject a lot of prime-time hosts on other networks to such fine-grained interrogation and they’d be found wanting, yet for some reason there’s no campaign to get compliant advertisers to ruin their TV careers, and no mobs show up at their homes.”
"There are plenty of valid criticisms to make of Tucker Carlson as a practitioner of the forensic arts. But if Tucker had always behaved with perfect intellectual probity and had treated his opponents and their arguments with absolutely perfect charity, the same people would be trying to destroy him, using the same tactics and the same arguments, for the same two reasons: The minor reason is that they think that this will help them to hold political power, and the major reason is that they enjoy hurting people and will take any opportunity to do so.
"To be clear: They do not desire to hurt people because they hate them — they hate them because they desire to hurt people. What we call “cancel culture” is very little more than free-floating sadism in search of a target. Nobody gets up in the morning hating Justine Sacco or some obscure data analyst nobody’s ever heard of. Sadists get up in the morning wanting to hurt people as a form of recreation, and they find targets, and construct reasons to hate those targets, retrofitting the moral justification onto the sadism, because sadism with self-righteousness is much more enjoyable than sadism on its own — it’s bacon and eggs. These are people who don’t get enough of a kick out of pulling the wings off of flies but who don’t have the stomach to torture stray cats or cannibalize hitchhikers or whatever it is that more ambitious sadists did before there was Twitter. . .

. . . And yet the lines can get fuzzy: Should we remove George Washington and Thomas Jefferson from our currency because they owned slaves? (Just for good measure, statues of Christopher Columbus were also toppled in Richmond and other cities.)
"But if this surging wave of national introspection has claimed victims both worthy and absurd, it has also triggered some accountability and apologies." . . .

America is Gone with the Wind

Townhall  "The United States of America will never be the same. It will be a much worse place to live and work.  Amid a three-month pandemic there has been a three-week cultural revolution, ignited by the brutal death of African American George Floyd in Minneapolis, that has changed our country forever.
"Our country is a great experiment, a diverse nation of 50 states united by a founding document that enshrines God-given rights that people in other countries can only dream of realizing. The United States has become not only the world’s only superpower but also a country that has been a beacon of hope and freedom to the world.
"Unfortunately, evil forces are succeeding in permanently changing our great country. It was difficult enough for the nation to withstand its first national economic shutdown, but the troubles were multiplied when the nation witnessed the gruesome killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer.
. . . 
"Before relinquishing their hold on the area, the protesters have stated that their list of 30 demands must be met. The list includes “the abolishment of imprisonment,” and the “abolition” of the Seattle Police Department. Instead of removing these anarchists from her city, the mayor of Seattle views the protesters as patriots who are having a “block party” and a “summer of love.' ” . . . 

Serial kneeling of America

Advocates of kneeling seem to forget that an “Ad Nauseam Strategy” works for a very limited period of time, then (particularly if associated with Macarena…) and ends up as ridiculous and annoying propaganda.
Joanna Rosamond  "In the past, protest was associated with getting up and standing up for one´s rights, but ever since the left decided that the world looks better upside down, some demonstrators drop to their knees. As much as abuse of power, not to mention killing of an unarmed individual, should and must cause outrage, indignation can´t be selective because it will end up shapeshifting into race-, religion- or sex-oriented hypocrisy.
Look at me!
"A 66 year-old veteran, Dale Farhner died on May 12, 2020, 48 hours after “an altercation” with Veterans Affairs Police left him comatose, with a brain hemorrhage . Doesn´t this tragedy and the heinous act that caused it deserve more than a whisper from the mainstream media?
"Lt. Col. Allen West asks a pertinent question: “Who Decides Who and What Is Essential and Which Lives Matter?” and observes:
“ 'But the most vital issue in America right now is to stop enabling elected officials and the rule of the mob to determine who and what is essential — and whose lives matter.”
"Among the serial kneelers there are ingrates like Colin Kaepernick who protests the anthem of a country that gave him opportunities and wealth no other country would. There are pleasers like L.A Mayor Eric Garcetti, who emphasizes: “I wore a mask when I took a knee.”  And the clueless ones in desperate need of a doctrine. But the most pathetic of all the subgroups are the weak-kneed knights, like National Guard troops kneeling before the crowd" . . .

. . . "Whoever opted to transform an unreflective mass genuflection into an equally thoughtless ideology must have dreamt about serial kneeling of America." . . .

Hillary Clinton lost her appeal*, order stands to testify on private server and Benghazi emails

*Take that any way you like.

Veronika Kyrylenko  "Amid the chaos and anarchy across blue-city America that exclusively possessed public attention for the last couple of weeks, it was not hard to miss any other bit of news — especially if that news has not appeared or been even briefly mentioned by any major mainstream media outlet.  Take for example the news of Hillary Clinton, who lost her appeal in the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit on June 2, where she tried to avoid testifying under oath about her emails and the Benghazi case.
"The hearing in the D.C. Circuit came in the case Judicial Watch v. Clinton, a public records case involving a request for State Department documents and communication about the 2012 terror attack at the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya.  U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed in the attack.
"The case also involves Clinton's use of a private email server as secretary of state.  Judicial Watch, a conservative activist watchdog group that files Freedom of Information Act lawsuits to investigate claimed misconduct by government officials, uncovered another 756 pages of emails the FBI was able to retrieve that were part of Hillary Clinton's unsecured server revealing communications between some prominent Washington figures and classified emails sent by former prime minister of the United Kingdom Tony Blair.  The emails were part of the batch "Clinton tried to delete or destroy," Judicial Watch stated in its press release.  It showed that Clinton had asked Blair to continue using her private email after her confirmation and also revealed that Blair was sending classified information on her unsecured server.  Clinton had been "extremely careless" in her handling of classified information, as ex–FBI director James Comey carefully and rather mildly concluded in July 2016, announcing there would be no charges against her.  Judicial Watch did not drop the case." . . .

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Trolling silly people consumed with guilt and need to virtue-signal

Like Beto O'Rourke, our guilt has led us into so much silliness...and even into serious destruction by trolling gullible liberals into thinking a particular statue or monument is offensive. The ignorant susceptibles may cause us to look back in laughter, embarrassment, or worse, disgust at what our virtue-signaling has wrought, yet one has to be concerned for this generation and the damage they seem to be doing to our nation.  TD

On the Internet, the 2016 elections have been characterized by fake news, meme warfare and rampant misinformation.  . . . "From the earliest days of his campaign, Donald Trump has been buoyed by a contingent of 4chan devotees who pass around memes, swastikas and campaign slogans with the same winking irreverence. Their pursuit of lulz is explicit: They trend hashtags like #Repealthe19thand #DraftOurDaughters to “trigger” feminists; they juxtapose Stars of David with pictures of Clinton to — in the word’s of one troll’s Twitter bio — “offend you if you are Liberal, Politically Correct, Feminist, Democrat or Piers Morgan.”
"With the election looming, the viral fakery has received unprecedented attention from politicians and the media." . . .

4chan trolling turned the OK sign into a symbol of hate
. . .  In February 2017, 4chan users started the hoax "Operation O-KKK," a call to spread the sign around the internet and claim it as a symbol of white supremacy. The anonymous 4channer who started it added a graphic demonstrating how the gesture could spell out the letters WP for "white power." The same month, Media Matters for America accused Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft, who made the gesture in a photograph in the White House press briefing room, of using a "hate symbol."
"Leftists have dug so deep down in their lunacy, we must force [them] to dig more," the 4channer wrote in their post. "Until the rest of society ain't going anywhere near that s**t." Just look at the documentation.

. . . "Claims that the “Ok” hand gesture are in fact a “white power” signal may have started as an online troll, but they’ve periodically swept social media ever since President Donald Trump took office. And on 4 September 2018, accusations flooded the online world when a White House lawyer was seen sitting behind Judge Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmation hearing with her right hand making what some viewers interpreted as the “white power” gesture: . . ."

#Gobald for BLM  "Women Are Getting Trolled By 4Chan Into Shaving Their Heads..."

Now we can see who would vote for a skateboarding politician that begs forgiveness just for breathing unprivileged people's air.  TD

Protests erupt at Atlanta Wendy's drive-thru where white cops shot dead a 27-year-old man as he ran away from them after resisting arrest because someone complained he was asleep in his car

More celebrity moments for Al Sharpton whom I feel enjoys incidents like this. How can he not? Meanwhile, expect demagoguery from Nancy Pelosi and Schumerglowers at the mike for Chuck.

UK Daily Mail
  • Rayshard Brooks, 27, was shot and killed near a Wendy's drive-thru in Atlanta late on Friday night 
  • Two Atlanta police officers were called to scene at around 10:30pm on University Avenue on Friday 
  • Cops received reports of a man who fell asleep in his car as it stood near the drive-thru window 
  • Wendy's customers had to drive around the man's car to get their food from the pick-up window 
  • Police said they approached Brooks and gave him a field sobriety test, which he allegedly failed
  • Video from the scene shows Brooks wrestling with two cops as they tried to arrest him
  • Brooks is then seen grabbing a Taser from one of the officers and running away as two cops gave chase
  • Gunshots are heard in the video after cops tried to Taser him. Brooks was later pronounced dead at hospital . . . 

UPDATED: On Friday night Tucker Carlson ran a tourism ad for the nation state of CHAZ.

UPDATE: Watch: Leftist Students Chanting ‘Let Us Eat’ After They Get Locked In By Police While Trying To Create ‘Autonomous Zone’
We want no consequences!

UPDATE 2: Chicago Protesters Take Over University Police Office, Whine When They Can’t Use The Potty UPDATE: They’re Pooping In A Tent In Police HQ Building…

Hah! Tucker Carlson Runs Tourism Ad For The CHAZ Antifa-Anarchist Autonomous Zone In Seattle (Video) #IStandWithTucker  
"(Gateway Pundit) – Tucker Carlson continued his extensive reporting on CHAZ, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone and nation state inside Seattle, Washington.
"CHAZ was a creation of Antifa-Anarchists and Black Lives Matter protesters following the -*/*mass protests of last week." . . .

"Cancel yourselves, you lousy twits"

Yeah! Cancel this!

Power Line Blog  "Tyler O’Neil draws attention to Tom Cotton’s resistance to the mass hysteria of the past few weeks in “Tom Cotton EVISCERATES Cancel Culture in ‘Obelisk of Wokeness’ Speech” (conclusion in video below). Speaking on the Senate floor, Senator Cotton let the fur fly. The leftist twits have labored to mock his speech, but the evidence he cited speaks for itself and supports his conclusion."

"Speaking on the Senate floor, Republican Sen. Tom Cotton slammed "cancel culture," the Democratic Party, and wokeness."

Get Up Off Your Knees

Michelle Malkin  "Dear law-abiding Americans,
"You have done nothing wrong.
"Being white is not a crime. Being a Trump voter is not a crime. Being a police officer sworn to “protect and serve” every day is not a crime. Being a non-white police officer proud to uphold and enforce law and order is not a crime. Being a black or brown or yellow American who rejects excuse-making for criminals is not a crime.
"Rejecting collective guilt is not a crime. Refusing to acknowledge “white privilege” when you were born poor, or in a broken home, or with physical or psychological challenges, is not a crime. Embracing the historic American nation, instead of erasing it, is not a crime.
"Enforcing your private property rights is not a crime. Teaching your wife and children to use a gun in self-defense is not a crime. Owning an AR-15 or two is not a crime.
"Do not let the media, Hollywood, academics, or politicians gaslight you. Stop internalizing lies. Who are the criminals? Who are the heroes? Who are the makers and keepers of peace? Who are the sowers and reapers of hate?
"The Proud Boys who have guarded their communities and country for the past three years, were lone citizen soldiers in the battle against Antifa that no one else on the ground wanted to fight. The group and its leader, Gavin McInnes, have suffered greatly for trying to stop the violence now raging nationwide. McInnes has been deplatformed everywhere and falsely labeled a “white supremacist.” Scores of Proud Boys of all colors have lost their jobs after being doxxed by Antifa vigilantes. Two Proud Boys are in prison, railroaded by New York Democrats, after a Kafkaesque trial in which the cop-hating Antifa “victims” who lured the Proud Boys into an October 2018 street brawl refused to press charges or testify.
"Their crime? These unapologetic Americans stood on their feet, not on their knees." . . .

Loony Tunes Live, Radical Edition

Officials in Madison, Wisconsin ordered police officers to “stand down” during the rioting in that city, forcing them to watch as criminals damaged or destroyed dozens of businesses and defaced the memorial to fallen law enforcement officers near the state capitol.
NY Post  This will help with the big-city murders.
Intellectual Takeout  “ 'Those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad.”
That warning comes to us as an ancient Greek proverb. You remember the ancient Greeks, right? Those guys we once considered some of the founding fathers of Western civilization before our academic institutions tossed them and all the other dead white men out the door?
"Well, the gods are partying hardy these days. Reports of the mad among us arrive so thick and fast on the Internet that some commentators wonder whether all of America has collectively lost its marbles. As for me, I have only to look at my friends, family, and neighbors to disagree, though I might add that the nutters are driving the rest of us a little crazy with their lunatic thoughts and actions.
"Let’s look at just a few of these round-the-bend folks.
"Warner Brothers recently announced that Elmer Fudd of Loony Tunes fame would no longer carry a firearm during his future hunts of Bugs Bunny. Instead, he’ll carry a scythe. Gun violence, don’t you know. But a scythe? Who hunts rabbits with a scythe?
"In the wake of riots, burning, and looting, the Minneapolis City Council voted to disband its police department. It’s doubtful whether Minnesota’s population of 75,000 Somalis, or the rest of the state, really want Minneapolis transformed into Mogadishu. Other cities, all progressive bastions, are also exploring ways to defund the police.
"In Cary, North Carolina, three white police officers and other white attendees washed the feet of black faith leaders to express “humility and love.” Across the nation other whites have knelt before blacks asking their forgiveness. Black podcaster David J Harris’ objection to such abject submission is a powerful message." . . .
. . . "J. K. Rowling instigated a ruckus when she mocked a headline using the words “people who menstruate.” She tweeted, “‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a name for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?” Unlike so many others, when the radicals flew in on their broomsticks, screeching she had offended transgenders, Rowling refused to back down or offer an apology. She represents one island of sanity in our sea of madness." . . .

Democrats Blame Racism To Deflect Attention From Failures Of Cities They've Run For 50 Years

Tony Branco
Real Clear Politics  "Bob Woodson, founder of the Woodson Center, joins Tucker Carlson with insight on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'

" 'In the past 50 years, $22 trillion has been spent on poverty programs. Seventy percent goes not to the poor but those who serve poor people," he said. "So many of those people taking office use this money to create a class of people who are running these cities, and now after 50 years of liberal Democrats running the inner cities, where we have all of these inequities that we have, race is being used as a ruse, as a means of deflecting attention away from critical questions such as why are poor blacks failing in systems run by their own people?"

" 'It's more class than it is race ... and now race is being used to deflect attention away from the failures of people running those institutions," he added. "The question is why are black kids failing in school systems run by their own people?"

" 'When Eric Holder was a U.S. Attorney in Washington, D.C., a lot of young people were shot by the police, but they were black police shooting black kids and not one was prosecuted. But there was no public outcry because as long as illegality or evil wears a black face, then it escapes detection and that's what's wrong with looking life through the prism of race."

" 'I don't know what systemic racism is. Maybe someone can explain what that means," he said." . . .

Case in point:  Don Lemon: White Men Denying Systemic Racism Is Essence Of White Entitlement, That Is "Whitemansplaining"
 . . . "Listen, I'm just going to say it," Lemon told viewers. "I'm just going to say this stuff from now on and I'm not going to like kowtow to you know, people that say black folks, white folks, whatever and whisper 'white people, black people.' We don't have to whisper anymore, I'm just going to say it." . . .