Showing posts sorted by relevance for query electoral college. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query electoral college. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

She's running: Hillary Clinton finally notices the electoral college matters

Monica Showalter  "After years of deriding the electoral college and touting her own success in winning the popular vote, Hillary Clinton is talking another story.
"According to a report in The Hill:
Hillary Clinton on Monday urged Democrats to choose a nominee who can win the Electoral College in 2020.
 "We have to hope that whoever ends up nominated can win the Electoral College," she said at a discussion of her book, "The Book of Gutsy Women," in Denver.
 "I think several of our candidates could win the popular vote but as I know ... that's not enough," added the 2016 Democratic nominee. 
 "I don't think we have a choice; we have to win" in 2020, she said, speaking alongside her daughter and co-author Chelsea Clinton at a sold-out event. 
"That intense focus on doing what it takes to actually win an election, instead of just count on solid-blue cities and states to carry the tally and yell victory, which she did earlier, insisting the whole thing was proof she really won the 2016 election, does signal some kind of change in thinking. As recently as Halloween, she was touting the importance of the popular vote. Something happened in the last five days while she's been out on book tour, touting some dreary book called "Gutsy Women about the importance of being left wing seems to have seeped into her frame of mind.
"Might it be that Joe Biden is flailing in the general election, the ooze of corruption from his son Hunter's doings, seeping closer and closer to Biden's own podium? Might it be that Wall Street is giving a Bronx cheer to the Democrats' reportedly best hope, Elizabeth Warren? Hillary Clinton never had problems shaking down that crowd. Might it be the spirited rallies and extreme enthusiasm seen at Trump rallies, way out in the deplorable flyover country, that place Clinton has long derided as not quite as good as her beloved blue cities? Most every hard-nosed observer of the political scene thinks Trump can beat every face on the Democrats' remaining roster. It could explain her sudden awakening to the importance, if not value, of the electoral college. 
"In any case, as her convenient book tour goes on, it appears she's getting warmer to the idea of running for president again. She's obviously convinced she could do it because she's now looking at practical ways of winning, the ones she ignored back when she was refusing to go to Wisconsin. Townhall has a pretty good writeup with some choice tweets here.
"She's running. Ready for Hillary, again?"

Clinton Unites Democrats — Against Her  
. . . "Hillary Clinton keeps flirting with running for president again, and the Democrat Party keeps rejecting her advances. You cannot blame Democrats for dismissing a candidacy the only rationale for which is hubris. And you cannot blame Republicans for desiring a candidacy that would take Democrats’ current chaos to another level.
"Welcome to the Clinton conundrum. On one hand, Hillary’s ominous omnipresence would signal an impending run if she were anyone else. On the other, Hillary’s two national election losses would signal a permanent retirement if she were anyone else.
"As they have been for almost three decades, Democrats are still trying to solve the Clinton riddle. Currently, they have their hands full with a fractured field that refuses to yield clarity. Four months in, and no closer to choosing next year’s nominee, the nominee from three years ago resurfaces." . . .

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The View Leslie Jones Electoral College Real School


ABC’s The View has never been a place for smart and informed discussions about politics. And that certainly wasn’t the case on Monday’s episode when Daily Show guest host and so-called “comedian” Leslie Jones openly admitted that before she joined Saturday Night Live in 2014, she seriously thought the Electoral College was a real place where politicians went to school. In 2014, Jones was 47 years old. Appearing on The View to promote her new book, the cast heaped obsequious praise on their guest. “And you don't shy away from politics. 

"ABC’s The View has never been a place for smart and informed discussions about politics. And that certainly wasn’t the case on Monday’s episode when Daily Show guest host and so-called “comedian” Leslie Jones openly admitted that before she joined Saturday Night Live in 2014, she seriously thought the Electoral College was a real place where politicians went to school. In 2014, Jones was 47 years old. 
 "Appearing on The View to promote her new book, the cast heaped obsequious praise on their guest. “And you don't shy away from politics. You follow politics closely and you’ll hit either side,” faux conservative co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin boasted. “What made you want to work that more into your humor the past few years?
 "According to Jones, she wasn’t into politics before moving to New York and that New Yorkers were “really smart about politics and stuff” compared to Californians:
"Well, honestly, because I just learned about it. When I went to SNL – Okay. Before SNL, just New York, period, you guys are really smart about politics and stuff. Like y'all really are on that. Like California, we’re over there smoking weed, you know, swimming pools, sun tanning. We ain't really into it, right?

“So, when I got to SNL, there were so many things I listened about that I didn't even know. Like seriously, the Electorial [sic] College, I didn't know about that,” she recalled while mispronouncing it. She then admitted: “I did think it was a college-college. I thought, you know, people got to go there before they become a politician.” . . .

Monday, December 19, 2016

Donald Trump wins Electoral College - as attempts to cause rebellion turn to farce with DEMOCRATS deserting Hillary

UK Daily Mail  . . . "Calls for Trump to be voted down by members of the Electoral College were roundly ignored on Monday – with only two 'faithless' Republican electors rejecting the president-elect and four deserting Democrat Hillary Clinton.

"Several more electors tried to ditch the Democratic loser, in an effort to pressure Republicans into doing the same and selecting a more moderate GOP president.

"Trump applauded his victory when that scheme didn't work and flaunted it in front of the media. 
'Today marks a historic electoral landslide victory in our nation's democracy,' he said in a statement to reporters. 'I thank the American people for their overwhelming vote to elect me as their next President of the United States.' 

" 'The official votes cast by the Electoral College exceeded the 270 required to secure the presidency by a very large margin, far greater than ever anticipated by the media,' he added. 
Congress will certify the Electoral College vote on January 6 and Trump will be sworn in on January 20." . . .  

 Read More

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The Electoral College Must Remain

Moreover, Cohen's proposal would likely be rejected by smaller states because it could invalidate the importance of their votes and dissuade people from voting.  It could also allow a small number of densely populated cities to determine the outcome of an election.

American Thinker  "Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., recently introduced a proposed constitutional amendment that would eliminate the Electoral College.  This was obviously done in response to the fact that Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election despite winning nearly 3 million more votes than President Trump.  According to Cohen, the Electoral College is outdated and distorting.
"In a recent Fox News article, Cohen was quoted as saying, "Americans expect and deserve the winner of the popular vote to win office.  More than a century ago, we amended our Constitution to provide for the direct election of U.S. Senators.  It is past time to directly elect our President and Vice President."
Cohen's position is clearly partisan, will almost certainly fail, and will face stiff resistance from many smaller states.
"According to HistoryCentral, "[t]he Electoral College was created for two reasons.  The first purpose was to create a buffer between population and the selection of a President.  The second as part of the structure of the government that gave extra power to the smaller states."  The first reason revolved around the possibility that a candidate could manipulate public opinion to such a great extent that it would lead him to secure the presidency.  In other words, the Founders did not believe that the citizens could make the right decision on their own.  Therefore, the electorate served as a system of checks and balances.  This does not appear to be as much of a concern today.
"The second reason, however, is still relevant.  Generally speaking, the number of electorates  in a given state directly correlates to the number of congressional representatives in the state.  The minimum number of electorates for a given state is three.  Therefore, the "value" of a vote in a smaller state with a lower population would "count" more than it would in a state with a higher population.  For example, if a state had 90,000 votes and had three electorates, each electorate would represent 30,000 votes.  On the other hand, a large state with 10,000,000 votes and 54 electorates would mean that each electorate would represent approximately 185,000 votes.  Therefore, this system was initially used to appease the smaller states.
"Moreover, Cohen's proposal would likely be rejected by smaller states because it could invalidate the importance of their votes and dissuade people from voting.  It could also allow a small number of densely populated cities to determine the outcome of an election." . . .  
Never entrust the heritage nor the governing of our nation to this crop of Democrats!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Attacks on the Electoral College Gain Momentum

NRO  "You won’t hear about it in the mainstream media, but the Electoral College is on the verge of being eliminated. One important legislative vote could occur Thursday. Two others could occur in the upcoming days and weeks."

Look at a night-time satellite photo of the US. If the Electoral College is eliminated, our presidents will be chosen by the brightly lit areas. Those in less-lit areas, such as Iowa, Nebraska, Utah, etc., will be castoffs and can forget about candidates giving them a second thought.  The Electoral College is a safeguard against a movement, faddish candidate that does not transcend the entire nation. This should have worked against someone like Obama, but I suggest he was a politically correct aberration. TD

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Here's a List of Democrat Presidential Candidates Who Want to Abolish the Electoral College


. . . "Other candidates haven't been directly asked about the issue, but when they are, this list will be updated."

Beto: 'I Think There’s a Lot of Wisdom' in Abolishing Electoral College   "Former Rep. [Robert Francis] O’Rourke believes abolishing the Electoral College is a wise idea—apparently knowing better than the founding fathers.

"Responding to a question posed by MSNBC correspondent Garrett Haake about getting rid of the Electoral College, O’Rourke said he “sees a lot of wisdom in that" idea. 
“ 'I think there’s a lot to that. Because you had an election in 2016 where the loser got 3 million more votes than the victor,” O’Rourke said. “It puts some states out of play altogether, they don’t feel like their votes really count.' " . . .

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Electoral College Revolt Brewing? "A Republic. How does it work?"

"Democrats aren’t limiting tumult to their own side of the Electoral College. There’ve been numerous reports of Republican Electors receiving death threats from Hillary supporters:" . . .
Legal Insurrection  "As half the country learned two weeks ago, we do not select our president by popular vote, our president is selected by Electors in our Electoral College; a safeguard against pure democratic rule.

"As far as modern history is concerned, Elector’s votes are typically congruent with their respective state’s popular vote.

"Now, a handful of Democratic electors are threatening to vote their conscience:

. . . "One Michigan Elector, Michigan Young Republicans Chairman Mike Banerian, was forced to file a police report after his voice mail filled up with terrifying messages. “You have people saying ‘you’re a hateful bigot, I hope you die,’ ” Banerian told the Detroit News.
“ 'I’ve had people talk about shoving a gun in my mouth and blowing my brains out. And I’ve received dozens and dozens of those emails. Even the non-threatening-my-life emails are very aggressive.' ” . . .

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

This map, which, fails to show all-red Alaska, tells us which portion of America would choose our President should the Electoral College be replaced by a popular vote:

Or, to put it another way, in the satellite photo below the very brightest clusters of lights will choose the President. Candidates will no longer care to campaign in other areas nor to be concerned with their issues.

Image result for satellite photo of us at night

Thursday, December 31, 2020

January 6th; talk about a drop-dead date


Rich Terrell

Coming attractions for January 6  "Here are updates related to January 6, when a joint session of Congress will meet to vote on the Electoral College results.  (Depending on how things unfold, there may be some surprises.  Some could be quite shocking.  More on that further down.)

"On January 6, members of Trump's legal team hope to present their case of massive voter fraud to Congress and the American people.  I presume they've been sharing information with Congress for weeks now, but on the 6th, it will be official, and they will also have a platform to speak to the public — at least as far as I understand things.

"On that same day, dozens of speakers will be on stage before a massive crowd, challenging the election results, standing with President Trump, and standing for the Constitution.

"Inside the hallowed corrupt halls of Congress, twenty congressmen have pledged to challenge the Electoral College vote. " . . .

If enough senators challenge the election results, Trump wins 

. . . In brief: If senators follow Hawley's lead and take a stand against the fraudulently generated Electoral College votes, at that point, under the Twelfth Amendment, there is no elected president, and the matter returns not to the full House, but to a single representative from each state.  And so, Trump wins.

Hey, GOP: This is Your Do or Die Moment   Mr. Romney, you listening?

Sen. Josh Hawley to Join GOP House Members Who Will Contest Electoral College Results on Jan. 6  "January 6, the day Congress is expected to accept the results of the election, is fast approaching.

"There have been a lot of rumblings about what to do with so many Republicans questioning the results of the election. Polls indicate that at least 78% of Republicans do not believe that Joe Biden won legitimately and they want people to listen to the concerns being raised.

"Now, reports are that some in Congress will be objecting on January 6.

"Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) has been leading the charge in the House. Joining him will be several new incoming members including Reps. Barry Moore (R-AL), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Madison Cawthorn (R-NC), Burgess Owens (R-UT), Yvette Herrell (R-NM), Dr. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), Bob Good (R-VA), Jerry Carl (R-AL) and Andrew Clyde of Georgia. While there are at least 10 new members joining Brooks, there are also current members who will be joining as well, such as Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA)." . . .

Sunday, December 22, 2019

NYT: Impeachment rightfully gives losers tyranny over winners

Bookworm Room

At the NYT, hard Leftist Michelle Goldberg explains that impeachment offsets the tyranny of the Electoral College, giving losers their rightful victory.

. . . "Before I get to the opinion piece, though, do I need to remind you that presidential elections in America are governed by the Electoral College? Since I know that my readers have a high level of intelligence and knowledge, I almost certainly don’t need to offer that reminder. Nevertheless, I think it’s easier to understand how horrific the NYT opinion piece is if you remind yourself about the constitutional background.
"If you want to read about it at the source, the Electoral College is right there in the Constitution, at Article II, Section 1, Clause. The whole point of the Electoral College is to ensure that America is not a direct democracy but is, in fact, a representative democracy, including representative votes for the president. The Founders deliberately put all sorts of layers between voters and their government.
"For starters, we don’t run the country on a giant town hall basis, which would be the most direct democracy of all, with every single action of the United States being put to all the voters. Instead, we elect representatives who carry out the will of the people who placed them in office." . . .

Sunday, January 1, 2017

A Theology of the Electoral College

Just Thinking…for Myself  "Applying biblical truth to social, political, and theological issues in our world."

Image result for Founding Fathers Electoral College
. . . "Please understand that in stating the aforementioned, I am in no way inferring or implying that the United States Constitution is a theological document in and of itself.
"I am not saying that at all.
"What I am saying, however, is that the protections that are inherent within it are clearly and unarguably rooted and grounded in the doctrine of the sinfulness of human beings.
"The Electoral College is but one example of this.
“Every soul has its nature in Adam until it is born again in Christ. The unregenerate soul is unclean and sinful both in condition and in action.” – R. Stanton Norman, from A Theology for the Church, edited by Daniel L. Akin, chapter 8, Human Sinfulness, p. 434
"Regardless if the Founders were deists, theists, agnostics, or even atheists, they clearly had an appreciation (if not an affinity) for the fact that human beings are innately sinful and, as such, are susceptible to the temptations and seductions that invariably accompany positions of power and influence.
"So, it is in that sense that I am most thankful to God for the wisdom bestowed upon the Founding Fathers in giving our nation both the Constitution and, conversely, the Electoral College, as safeguards that exist for the purpose of protecting us from ourselves."
“ 'For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” – Romans 3:23 (NASB)"

Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Democrats’ Plan To Steal The Presidency For Good –

  Issues & Insights (

"There’s an old joke, funny mostly because it’s so true: “Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.” If you’re not in the majority, you’re the sheep, and you are eaten."

Electoral College, 2024. Source: Chessrat, via Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain.

"While Americans brace for another contentious presidential election, the Democrats have a better idea: Subvert the Constitution in the name of “democracy.” Once again, the party of the left shows why it’s losing Americans’ trust.

"Quietly but steadily, the Democratic Party has been advancing its latest bold idea to create a uni-party state: A “National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.”

"In case you missed it, the Associated Press reported last week that “Maine will become the latest to join a multistate effort to elect the president by popular vote,” the 17th state to do so.

"As the AP noted, “Under the proposed compact, each state would allocate all its electoral votes to whoever wins the national popular vote for president, regardless of how individual states voted in an election.”

"The goal of this “movement” — it’s really a plot — is to get enough states to join to get to the magic number of 270 electoral votes, the amount needed to win the Electoral College. With Maine, the group now claims 209 electoral votes, a mere 61 away from their goal.

"What’s wrong with this picture? Nothing, except it’s an out-and-out attempt at subverting the protections placed in the Constitution to keep from having a national popularity contest for the presidency. This is what Democrats call “democracy.” In fact, it’s a recipe for mob rule.

"Our founders, who were extraordinarily wise and deeply steeped in both political history and philosophy, understood very well: Nations that start as law-respecting republics (America, in case you didn’t know, is a republic, a representative democracy, not a pure democracy) and employ “majority rules” quickly devolve into dictatorships.

"That was the whole reason for the Electoral College, which plays a vital role in determining our president by giving states a role in the election of a president. The media understand this, as a recent ABC News headline shows: “State law takes U.S. a step closer to popular vote deciding presidential elections”." . . .

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Illegal immigrants could elect Hillary

"How noncitizens decrease Republican chances of winning the White House next year."



"Illegal immigrants—along with other noncitizens without the right to vote—may pick the 2016 presidential winner. Thanks to the unique math undergirding the Electoral College, the mere presence of 11-12 million illegal immigrants and other noncitizens here legally may enable them to swing the election from Republicans to Democrats.

"The right to vote is intended to be a singular privilege of citizenship. But the 1787 Constitutional Convention rejected allowing the people to directly elect their President. The delegates chose instead our Electoral College system, under which 538 electoral votes distributed amongst the states determine the presidential victor. The Electoral College awards one elector for each U.S. Senator, thus 100 of the total, and D.C. gets three electors pursuant to the 23rd Amendment. Those electoral numbers are unaffected by the size of the noncitizen population. The same cannot be said for the remaining 435, more than 80 percent of the total, which represent the members elected to the House. " . . .

"The distribution of these 435 seats is not static: they are reapportioned every ten years to reflect the population changes found in the census. That reallocation math is based on the relative “whole number of persons in each state,” as the formulation in the 14th Amendment has it. When this language was inserted into the U.S. Constitution, the concept of an “illegal immigrant,” as the term is defined today, had no meaning. Thus the census counts illegal immigrants and other noncitizens equally with citizens. " . . .

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Elizabeth Warren's call to abolish the Electoral College is part of a pernicious pattern

Monica Showalter  "Unlike, say, Beto O'Rourke, who offers nothing upstairs, or Kamala Harris, who flits with the wind with regard to what she's in favor of, Elizabeth Warren is a Democratic presidential candidate with some specific ideas.

"And they're not good ones. 

"Here's what's probably her worst, from Twitter:

Every vote matters. We need to get rid of the Electoral College so that presidential candidates have to ask every American in every part of the country for their vote, not just those in battleground states.

"It's a programmatic call from the worst of the Democratic electoral operatives' dream book: to wipe out the constitution and replace it with riggings for Democrats.  With Warren, it's now coming into the mainstream as a respectable idea.

"It's also awful, an idea clothed in the California-style slogan of "count all the votes," which is the rationale used for the open practice of ballot-harvesting there.  "Count all the votes."  "Every vote matters..."

"What it is is a bid to second-guess and smash up the wisdom of the founding fathers for the sole reason that Democrats don't like losing.  Call it the Democrat Pacifier for Permanent Power Act of 2020."

Save the Electoral College

Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Republican electors find that Hate Trumps Love (Updated)

"He said he’s been getting death threats via email, snail mail, Twitter and Facebook.
“ 'Somebody threatened to put a bullet in the back of my mouth,” Banerian, 22, told The Post on Wednesday."
Electors are being harassed, threatened in bid to stop Trump  
"Electors around the country are being harassed with a barrage of emails, phone calls and letters — and even death threats — in an effort to block Donald Trump from being voted in as president by the Electoral College on Monday.
"The bullying is overwhelming Sharon Geise’s tech devices, but not her resolve to support Trump.
"The Mesa, Arizona, grandmother woke up Wednesday morning to more than 1,500 emails demanding she not carry out her legal duty to vote for the president-elect." . . .

Prof. Lawrence Lessig: Our attempt to steal the election is going well  "In Colorado, a judge ruled against Clinton electors who claimed a right to vote against how state law required them to vote. So Lessig’s theory, advanced by many people, that electors can vote however they want even in states where they are bound, has so far not found any judicial authority."

. . . "The “Hamilton Electors” movement, or whatever other name you want to give to Operation Flip the Electors, is nothing short of an attempt to rewrite the election rules after the fact. Like saying after a football game that the team with the most yardage should win even though it didn’t score the most points." . . .

. . . "Protesters in the city may chant, “Love trumps hate,” but that’s not stopping some from piling on Donald Trump’s family." . . .

Pa. releases Trump electors' contact info, GOP slams "unprecedented harassment"  "Republican Party officials say they believe the Pennsylvania Department of State willfully disregarded open records protections when it released the contact information of President-elect Donald Trump's electors, opening them up to harassment"
"These electors were never on the ballot, nor were they ever candidates," Sweeney said. "Nevertheless, Governor Tom Wolf's Department of State chose to break with precedent and release the phone numbers and home addresses of Pennsylvania's twenty electors."
The Myth of Hillary’s Popular Vote 'Victory'  "Many modern liberals are fascists at heart who can’t accept losing power; that’s why Bush wasn’t “their” president.
"Those liberals are currently bemoaning the fact that Hillary won the popular vote which, according to them, means she should really be president, though were the case reversed we all know they’d be extolling the virtues of the Electoral College.
"Driven by a lust for power liberals don’t get that everyone has to follow the rules; demanding the rules change when you lose so that you can win" . . . 
Celebrities urge electors to flip. Well, that's good enough for me.

Even the Washington Post said, Griping about the popular vote? Get over it.  . . . "Aiming for 270 electoral votes out of 538, both Clinton and Trump focused on 13 swing states; Trump won that contest-within-a-contest by 816,000 votes." . . .

Hat tip to Lucianne for much of the above research.

Update: Electoral college voters will NOT rebel against Trump they say - as they tell of desperate appeals from 'idiots' to oppose president-elect on Monday  . . . "Associated Press interviews with more than 330 electors from both parties found little appetite for a revolt.
"Whether they like Trump or not, and some plainly don't, scores of the Republicans chosen to cast votes in the state-capital meetings told AP they feel bound by history, duty, party loyalty or the law to rubber-stamp their state's results and make him president. 
"Appeals numbering in the tens of thousands - drowning inboxes, ringing cellphones, stuffing home and office mailboxes with actual handwritten letters - have not swayed them." . . .

Monday, November 28, 2016

Hillary’s Last Gasp


By Fred Lucas  . . . "It would have to be all or nothing for Hillary to become the first woman president. If just two states flip to Clinton, Trump still wins. For instance, suppose the two most populous states switch and Hillary wins Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes and Michigan’s 16, that would bring her to just 266 and Trump down to exactly 270. A two-state scenario that includes Wisconsin’s 10 votes means even less." . . .

The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts  . . . "The recounts, if done by hand, which can be demanded, may take longer than the last day for completing the official counts in a state and directing Electoral College voters.  If all 3 states miss the deadline, Trump is at 260, Hillary at 232.  No one hits 270.  
. . . 
"If this goes to the US House and Senate, and the result is the same as result from the Electoral College without the recounts, why do it?  The answer is to make Trump seem even more illegitimate, that he did not win the popular vote  (he lost by over 2.1 million), he did not win the Electoral College (did not reach 270), and was elected by being inserted into the presidency by members of his own party in Congress."

Jill Stein's vote count madness  . . . "But leftists are experts at deploying deception and chicanery to achieve their ends by whatever means necessary.  And the serial offender Democrats by any name are up to no good on this one.
"Consider the plot developed so far:" . . .

Jill Stein Faces Uphill Battle in Pennsylvania Recount Suit

Stein’s Recount Crusade In Pennsylvania Riddled With Hurdles...Like The Fact That She Missed The Deadline . . . "But can these voting machines be tampered with? Yeah, but that would be an arduous process in which someone would have to enter the warehouse that’s under 24-hour surveillance, where all 4,500 machines are stored—and the tamper with all the machines over a period of four months. In other words, there’s really nothing to these accusations of fraud (via CBS Pittsburgh):" . . .

Monday, December 19, 2016

Hillary Clinton supporters need to quit whining about the Electoral College; The Founding Fathers got it right, and California is proof

MarketWatch  via Drudge
"Second, Clinton’s 2.3-million-popular-vote plurality over Trump depends on the votes in a single state: California. Clinton has more than a 4-million-vote plurality over Trump there. In the other 49 states plus the District of Columbia, Trump actually has a 1.7-million-popular-vote plurality over Clinton. So California single-handedly turns a Trump plurality into a Clinton plurality."
Video discussion here.

. . . "Many die-hard Clinton supporters cannot bring themselves to believe their candidate could lose to Donald Trump. They think: How could such a crude and inept con man be elected president? Even after it has happened, it is unthinkable, a nightmare. So, the election must not have been fair.

"Those on the fringe raise the specter of diabolical Russians hacking away at our democracy. More grounded Clintonians have less malevolent boogeymen — our Founding Fathers. As they see it, the election’s outcome should be blamed on a dysfunctional and archaic electoral vote system. Hillary won the national popular vote. She should be president. It is as simple as that. The Electoral College should go the way of Trump University.
"They are right about one thing: Hillary did win the national popular vote. As votes continued to trickle in three weeks after Election Day, Clinton received 50.9% of the two-party vote to 49.1% for Trump. With about 135 million votes counted, Clinton has 2.3 million more votes than Trump.
"Yet Clinton has only 232 electoral votes (in 20 states plus Washington, D.C.) to Trump’s 306 (in 30 states plus one from Maine), making him the president-elect. So Trump’s election without a popular-vote plurality is regarded as an injustice. Some Democrats claim a moral victory as victims of an electoral vote system that once again horribly “misfired.” Their claim, however, neglects two facts." . . .
Under our electoral vote system, American voters elected a national president, not California’s choice.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Reminder: In 2016 Democrats Threatened and Harassed Members of Electoral College to Stop Trump

Legal Insurrection

“I’ve had people talk about putting a bullet in the back of my mouth.”

"As we watch Democrats and their many friends in media melt down over Trump’s challenges to the 2020 election over alleged voter fraud, it’s important to remember where we were four years ago after Trump’s surprise 2016 victory.

"Not only were Democrats claiming that Russia stole the election for Trump, they harassed members of the Electoral College in a last ditch effort to prevent Trump from being certified as the winner.

"In December of 2016, Mark Moore reported at the New York Post:

Electors are being harassed, threatened in bid to stop Trump

Electors around the country are being harassed with a barrage of emails, phone calls and letters — and even death threats — in an effort to block Donald Trump from being voted in as president by the Electoral College on Monday.

The bullying is overwhelming Sharon Geise’s tech devices, but not her resolve to support Trump.

The Mesa, Arizona, grandmother woke up Wednesday morning to more than 1,500 emails demanding she not carry out her legal duty to vote for the president-elect.

“They just keep coming and coming,” Geise told The Post, estimating she’s received more than 50,000 emails since the election. “They’re overpowering my iPad.”…

Reports of GOP electors being badgered have been reported in numerous states, including Georgia, Idaho, Tennessee, Arizona, Utah and Michigan.

Like Geise, Republican Patricia Allen of Tennessee told The Post she’s been bombarded with 2,000 emails, 120 letters and five phone calls all urging her to switch and vote against Trump. But Allen, 74, said that despite the “siege,” she’s not budging.

"One elector told CNN he was getting death threats: . . ."