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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query electoral college. Sort by date Show all posts

Thursday, October 11, 2018

If America Goes Socialist, Is Civil War Inevitable?

“In Defense of Rural America”
“In the middle of the nineteenth century, the United States embarked on a new relationship with death, entering into a civil war that proved bloodier than any other conflict in American history, a war that would presage the slaughter of World War 1’s Western Front and the global carnage of the twentieth century.”  —Drew Gilpin Faust, Contemporary historian

"The warning from Mr. Faust should tell us that embarking on a civil war, no matter how wide is the gap between us, should be avoided at all costs. Those that are calling or yearning for a civil war and oiling up their guns have conveniently forgotten our bloody and savage history.  But what is the answer when are differences slowly but surely evolve into animus and rising violence, as they are now?
"Democrats are vehemently opposed to anything conservative and are employing all the dirty tricks they can invent to stop a conservative movement under Trump. Some Democrats are calling for open violence against conservatives, or impeachment of President Trump even though the President has done nothing that would warrant impeachment.
"Republicans take opposition with anything that falls under the Progressive banner.
"Blacks and Latinos take aim at Whites.  Whites aren’t very fond of Black and Latino intransigence, or the Black Lives Matter movement.
Mention the words abortion or gay rights, or gay marriage and the battle lines form quickly.
"Nominate a conservative Supreme Court justice and liberal fear mongers fill the airways.
"Oppose open borders and illegal immigration and you are called a racist. Follow immigration law by the border patrol and ICE, then detain and deport illegal aliens and the human rats come out from behind the garbage dump to protest a legal government policy, not because they care about illegal aliens, but because they want to tear down President Trump.
"Implement a travel ban on immigrants from Muslim countries for national security reasons and Democrats become apoplectic and go straight to U. S. District Court to challenge it, even though the President has constitutional authority to impose such a travel band, no matter who is president." . . .
Democrats want to repeal the Electoral College thereby turning America into mob city rule.  If they are successful the 15 most populated states will rule America from a socialist platform.
For many older Americans, the memory of leftists cheering for the Communists of North Vietnam to defeat America and even for the more recent praising of the murderous dictator of North Korea has left a deep wound. TD

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Breathtaking Arrogance Of Pete Buttigieg

"If, as some say, Pete Buttigieg is the face of the future Democratic Party, then that Party will be even more insufferable and intolerant than the current incarnation"
Pat Cross
Paul Mirengoff  "My conservative cousin formerly from New York (now from California) has closely followed presidential politics since the days of Dwight Eisenhower. He finds in Pete Buttigieg an arrogance he hasn’t come across before, not even from Barack Obama.

Pete Buttigieg may well be the most arrogant candidate ever to run for a major party’s nomination in American History. Start with his record as South Bend, Indiana Mayor.
Buttigieg admits to being a failure at managing this small city’s police department. In Mayor Pete’s view the lessons learned from this big fiasco make him the best choice for Commander-In-Chief. What arrogance!
Silly me, back in the day when I interviewed candidates for promotions I would look for people who performed well at previous jobs. Instead I should have learned from the Buttigieg school of management that failure is often a better recommendation for promotion than success.
What nonsense! What arrogance!
Then there’s his sweeping proposal to change the very nature of our Republic. Abolish the Electoral College. Pack the Supreme Court. . .End the Senate filibuster. . . .
Full article

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Are Battle Lines Being Drawn? The Elements of Civil War Are Here

Canada Free Press

     "What started in whispers is now appearing in print…American Thinker, Market Watch, Huffington Post, Washington Times, National Review, Daily Wire, Breitbart, Real Clear Politics, and The New Yorker, among others. They are writing about the possibility of a second civil war in this country, a redo of            Democrats’ nullification of federal law, the insistent opposition and rejection of the lawful election of a president, the movement of many of our citizens to a more agreeable state, and acts of violence.
     "These elements of civil war are now with us once again…nullification, separation, rejection, and violence. We can argue on the order, but the same elements that 159 years ago transported this country from peace and unity into the hell of armed conflict have reappeared, complete with a great social issue of our own…abortion.
     "The Democrats’ past subversion cost 750,000 lives with hundreds of thousands wounded in a country of 31 million… an entire generation of sons nearly wiped out and/or maimed.
     "Liberalism was once a fight for liberty, civil rights, equality before the law, a color blind society, free-speech, limited government, a re-commitment to Judeo-Christian principles, equal opportunity, and support for capitalism. It has now evolved into a full-blown communist drive. If anyone wants to call it democratic socialism, they will only be kidding themselves. I will call it communism for the sake of accuracy.
     "The precursor to the American Civil War was the Nullification Crisis of 1832. Having originated in South Carolina, it advanced the idea that a state did not have to abide by federal law, that it could nullify laws it did not agree with, or were found to be damaging to their interests. President Jackson was ready to send federal troops to heel the defiant states, forcing them to obey federal law, but the legendary Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky stepped up, offered a compromise that averted disaster, but revealed deep divisions between the sides that would only get deeper. 
     "Today, in America, ICE agents, officers of the federal government, attempting to enforce immigration law are being ignored and/or disobeyed in spite of the deaths of thousands of American citizens. Twelve states, all blue, have nullified the Electoral College because it is in their political interest to do so." . . .
Democrats’ tent has become so large that they have lost control, allowing the crazies to take over. . .  
 Antifa Group Plans Rally Against NYPD, Says To ‘F*** S*** Up.’ Donald Trump Jr. Has Hilarious Response.  "A far-left Antifa group that has plans for an anti-police demonstration in New York City on Friday urged their followers to “f*** s*** up on J31 all day long.” That prompted a withering but also hilarious reply from Donald Trump Jr., who fired back on Twitter, “Too late … [The New York] mayor has been doing that for years now.' ” . . .

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Washington secretary of state: Possible $1,000 penalty proceeding against four ‘faithless electors’

The Volokh Conspiracy

Washington’s Electoral College made national news Monday when four “faithless” electors declined to vote for Hillary Clinton, who carried the state 54-38 over Donald Trump.
Eight electors cast ballots for Secretary Clinton, three votes went to former Republican Secretary of State Colin Powell and one elector voted for Faith Spotted Eagle, an activist opposing the Dakota Access Pipeline.
It was the first time Washington had a “faithless” elector since Mike Padden of Spokane Valley, now a state senator. He voted for Ronald Reagan in 1976, rather than Gerald Ford, who had carried the state that year. The Legislature quickly passed a law imposing a civil penalty of up to $1,000 for voting for someone other than the nominee. Secretary of State Kim Wyman, the state’s chief elections officer, said she will enforce the statute. She is conferring with the Attorney General on a process for levying the penalty. . . .
"Though I’m not an expert on the subject, I’m inclined to think that a state may not legally bind electors to do the voters’ will, just as it can’t legally bind senators or representatives to vote a particular way. " . . . 

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Stop Sneering at Evangelicals for Supporting Trump

James Arlandson  "The religious left is still looking down on conservative Christian peons for supporting imperfect, feisty Trump.  Throughout social media and elsewhere, the left accuses us of compromising our faith and standards.

"Prof. Randall Balmer of Dartmouth University recently posted an opinion piece at the Los Angeles Times with the ironic title “God Is on Team Trump? Let’s take a quick check with the Bible.” The sarcasm is seen when God is on Trump’s team, not the other way around. Then he proceeds to dismantle -- at least in his mind -- evangelical support for Trump.

"He starts off with more sarcasm that God put his thumb on the scale of the election, so that Trump barely won and only by the Electoral College. Some victory for God! In reply, just because we cannot figure out the details of how God works in an ocean of humanity does not mean God does not have his purposes and works them out. Prof. Balmer seems to assume that if a victory is not a landslide, then God was not at work. Since he wrote a book about evangelicals, he must know that some of them with a more prophetic gifting predicted long before the November 2016 elections that Trump’s victory would stun the world. It did.  

"Next, Prof. Balmer tackles immigration and summarized some verses in Leviticus and one in the epistle to the Hebrews (since Heb. 13:2 is talking about household hospitality -- not on a national scale -- and the possibility that an angel could be a guest without our knowledge, let’s skip past his wrenching that verse out of context). It is difficult to find mass migration in the ancient world, but let’s assume that millions and millions of immigrants moved into ancient Israel in 20-30 years. And let’s assume that a certain percentage of them raped and assaulted women and children at the border and transported some sort of ancient, mind-altering drugs. Yes, protect the innocent, but there would be nothing wrong with building a wall back then, much as Israel has done today, to good effect. Obama and other Democrats in the past have said there was a crisis at the border. And there is nothing immoral with securing our borders today with a wall or updating the one that is already there. In any case, these are two different contexts, so let’s move on." . . .
James Arlandson’s website is Live as Free People, where he has posted Leftwing NY Hillsong Pastor Carl Lentz Misses Facts on Race, and William Penn Proclaims Pennsylvania’s Charter of Privileges.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Democrats and President Trump do not play well together

The Democrats now rightly can be renamed Leftocrats.  Their hostility to President Trump has reached pathological dimensions or worse.  Their mantras about the "top 1%" or "top 0.1%" have become the tip of a spear of seemingly bottomless hatred for our president, our history, our legal structures, our institutions, our religious heritage, our language, and our achievements in every sphere of human endeavor.  They have left the realm of constructive criticism and have moved even beyond destructive criticism into the pathological domain of hysterical dementia . . .   E. Jeffrey Ludwig
Trump Is Masterfully Using Democrats' Opposition against Them  . . . "What does the predictable reaction of the Democrats look like?  For example, Trump makes it clear that he is not going to fight in Syria anymore, and without exception, all Democrats immediately become militant hawks, who categorically demand a continuation of the war.  If Trump trolls the Iranian regime by threatening to attack Iranian objects, including cultural objects, all Democrats, without exception, immediately become peace doves and demand "hands off Iran!"
"The irony here is that the very opponents of Trump, who advocate for "preserving the Iranian cultural heritage," are calling for the destruction of Confederate historical monuments in America.
"No doubt, all this (D)egenerative nonsense will be beneficial to Trump during his re-election campaign." . . .
Democrats Have Become a Disfigured Reflection of the Party They Once Were  . . . "The Leftocrats are apologists for evil (not just disagreeable) foreign regimes and are against fundamental Constitutional ideas and structures such as the Tenth Amendment as they resist federal disengagement from setting nationwide education priorities.  Leftocrats have been vehemently calling for abolition of the Electoral College.  They are cursing the president from every podium and venue that presents itself and thereby undermine the separation of powers and demonstrate disrespect for the law of the land since our president is head of the Executive Branch." . . . 

Democrat hatred for President Trump is greater than their fear of our nation's enemies. TD
Officials Appeared To Withhold Soleimani Intel Due To Concern Some Might Leak To Enemies  
USA kills Sulaimani. Kudos! After 40 years, about time USA fights back against Iran terrorists.
In classified briefing, it appeared defense & intelligence reps held back info out of concern too many Congressmen can't be trusted to keep classified info from USA enemies.
. . . "[Rep. Mo Brooks, non-D, AL] continued. “So if you just had that experience where members of Congress are quite clearly leaking information that was collected in a SCIF environment, how can you trust them not to leak classified information regarding Iran that could lead to the deaths of our intelligence sources, or empower terrorist organizations to avoid American retribution for the killing that they have done?” . . .

Warren, Sanders Did Participate In That Joint Conference Call With Iranian Lobby Group Linked to Tehran  . . . "The “#NoWarWithIran Strategy Call,” hosted by, another advocacy group and political action committee first organized in 1998 in response to former President Bill Clinton’s impeachment, also included commentary from Jamal Abdi, president of NIAC. U.S. Reps. Barbara Lee and Ro Khanna, both California Democrats, and others also participated.
"Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA, called Warren and Sanders “disgraceful” for participating in the call with “pro-Iran group NIAC the day after Iran bombed our military bases.” . . .

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Weaponized Governmental Failure: A Primer

The American Spectator

Democrats rule over a ruin, but they rule.

This is why the leftists keep insisting that the Electoral College needs to be scrapped and a national popular vote would be better. They want the handful of largest cities - dysfunctional under Democrat mismanagement - to decide for the nation.- From a reader's comment to this article 

"The simple definition of Weaponized Governmental Failure is this: it’s the deliberate refusal to perform the basic tasks of urban governance for a specific political purpose.

"The crime and the graft and the potholes and the bad drainage, not to mention the spotty trash collection or nonexistent snow shoveling, aren’t incompetence. In fact, none of what you see in the American public sector is incompetence. The people responsible for it are quite highly educated and well-trained in their craft. You just need to understand what their craft is.

"It’s a choice to do a poor job with the more mundane tasks of running a city, and an educated and purposeful choice at that. If you do those things effectively, after all, what you will get is middle-class voters moving in. Middle-class voters tend to choose to live in places where they can expect to get actual value out of their tax dollars — good roads, safe streets, functional drainage, decent schools, a friendly business climate, and a growing economy, among other things — and those things are hard to produce when you govern the way the Left does.

"Put a different way, middle-class voters are a pain in the ass.

"They want lots of things that make for unrewarding grunt work for a mayor, and a Democrat blowhard like a Mitch Landrieu or Ted Wheeler of Portland would rather spend his time on vacuous cultural aggressions like “social change” and offering wealth redistribution and excuses for the bad personal habits that cause so many people to be poor.

"Not to mention tilting at bronze statues of better men long dead and nearly forgotten as a means of “making a difference.”

"For a Landrieu, or a Kwame Kilpatrick, Marion Barry, Bill de Blasio, or Lori Lightfoot, it is no great loss if those middle-class voters declare themselves fed up and decamp to the suburbs. Their exodus simply makes for an electorate that is a lot less demanding and easier to control.

"That “white flight” is a feature. It’s not a bug. And it isn’t all that white either. Those suburbs the folks are leaving for? Their minority population share usually increases as their population does. Why do you think that is? Simple: the black middle class has no more use for these woke urban Democrats than the white middle class does.

"And it’s quite a mutual sentiment, to be sure.". . .

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Joe Biden’s Inaugural Committee: ‘Stay Home,’ ‘Limit Gatherings During the Inauguration’

Tony Branco

Breitbart  "Joe Biden’s Inaugural Committee does not want supporters to travel to Washington, D.C., in January for the swearing in of the 46th president.

"The Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) consulted “with medical experts advising President-elect Joe Biden” and announced “initial protocols to protect public health during the inauguration,” an event that takes place outside on the Capitol lawn.

"Biden’s advisors said in a press release that the “historic ceremony” will include “vigorous health and safety protocols,” and “honors and resembled sacred American traditions while keeping Americans safe and preventing the spread of COVID-19 [Chinese coronavirus].”

"Biden’s speech will focus on the coronavirus, “build back better, and bring the country together.”

"That may stand in sharp contrast to the speech he delivered Monday after the Electoral College cast the sufficient number of votes to make him the president-elect.

“ 'Biden did not just acknowledge victory; he taunted his defeated opponent, President Donald Trump,” Breitbart News’s Joel Pollak noted. “Rather than celebrate the result and reach out to Trump and his supporters, Biden — coughing up phlegm throughout his speech — attempted
to rub salt in the wound, continuing to argue the case after he had already won it.”

“ 'The ceremony’s footprint will be extremely limited, and the parade that follows will be reimagined,” the PIC said, without giving further details.

“ 'The PIC is urging the public to refrain from any travel and participate in the inaugural activities from home,” the committee said.

"It also recommended supporters should “limit gatherings during the inauguration,” a theme that was implemented during the campaign, which saw Biden play to tiny, well-spaced crowds of backers.

“ 'Our goal is to create an inauguration that keeps people safe, honors the grand traditions of the Presidency, and showcases the Biden-Harris Administration’s renewed American vision for an inclusive, equitable, and unified citizenry,” PIC CEO Tony Allen said." . . .

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Ten Reasons Impeachment Is Illegitimate

Victor Davis Hanson
We are witnessing constitutional government dissipating before our very eyes.

"There are at least ten reasons why the Democratic impeachment “inquiry” is a euphemism for an ongoing coup attempt.
"1) Impeachment 24/7. The impeachment “inquiry,” supposedly prompted by the president’s Ukrainian call, is simply the most recent in a long series of “coups” that sought to overturn the 2016 election and thus preclude a 2020 reelection bid. The pattern gives away the game.
"Usually the serial futile attempts to abort the Trump presidency — with the exception of the Mueller Dream-Team debacle — were each characterized by about a month of media-driven hysteria. We remember the voting-machines-fraud hoax, the initial 2017 impeachment effort, the attempt to warp the Electoral College voting, the Logan Act, the emoluments clause, the 25th Amendment, the McCabe-Rosenstein faux coup, and various Michael Avenatti–Stormy Daniels–Michael Cohen psychodramas.
"Ukraine then is not unique, but simply another mini-coup attempt that follows the last failed coup and that will presage another coup to take its place when it too fails to remove Trump." . . .
An outline on the content of the rest of this article: "There are at least ten reasons why the Democratic impeachment “inquiry” is a euphemism for an ongoing coup attempt.
2) Whistleblowers Who Are Not Whistleblowers.
3) First-term impeachment.
4) No Special Counsel Finding. 
5) No Bipartisanship. 
6) Impeachment without High Crimes or Misdemeanors
7) Thought Crimes? 
8) Different Standards of Justice.
9) The Schiff Factor.
10) Precedent. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Seven indisputable facts about this ‘historic’ impeachment that historians will use to condemn it as ‘folly’

Thomas Lifson

"Derangement is a mental impairment that causes those afflicted with it to make very bad decisions, often ignoring or disputing realities that would caution them against their self-destructive actions.  Even though the leftist-dominated psychology and psychiatric professions refuse to acknowledge it, Trump Derangement Syndrome is real, a genuine mass psychosis, and it is at the root of the impeachment vote today.
"It is often speculated that the real goal of Democrats is to "place an asterisk" next to President Trump's name.  But as the passion of the moment subsides and historians take a longer look, here are seven facts that will place an asterisk next to this impeachment, as a monumentally foolish act of political malpractice:
  1. First ever purely partisan impeachment.
  2. First ever impeachment advocated by House members before the president took office and took any official actions.
  3. No crime is alleged.
  4. The first ever impeachment brought less than a year before voters speak on the incumbent.
  5. Hearings led by a man who brazenly, extensively, and provably lied (Nunes vs Schiff memoranda).
  6. The speaker of the House opposed it but was bullied by young radicals she called "the Squad."
  7. Impeachment hearings drove approval of the target higher.
California Lefty Rep. Jackie Speier looks for an excuse to shut impeachment down
. . . "Even Rep. Jackie Speier, a grizzled old swamp leftist from the Bay Area, seems to be looking for a way for Democrats to get out of this growing fiasco.
"According to the Daily Caller:
Democratic California Rep. Jackie Speier said Tuesday that impeachment might be heading for a mistrial before it even gets to the Senate.
The Democrats' one-night stand with the founders  " 'I'll respect you in the morning" is what I half expect to hear.  Of course, the Democrats now invoking the Founding Fathers' memory in their effort to impeach President Trump won't respect our colonial progenitors at the next dawn any more than they did at the last one.
"Nonetheless, the Left has interrupted its regularly scheduled programming of trying to tear down the Founders' reputations and life's work — the Electoral College, the First and Second Amendments, and the Constitution generally — to claim that those Enlightenment men are on their side." . . .

Friday, March 22, 2019

A Brief Survey of 2020's Psychotic Democratic Roster

Chinese-Americans are already seeing the specter of Mao in this crop of candidates.  So, as Mr. Bardmesser advises, do anything and everything you can to convince those less politically aware that if any one of the declared Democrats wins in 2020, America as we know it will be relegated to the ash heap of tragic history along with our precious Constitution.

Patricia McCarthy  "There was a superb column at The Federalist on Wednesday by George S. Bardmesser: "Every Time Democrats Talk, I Want to Vote for Trump Twice."  It is as hilarious as it is frightening.  It is also a courageous confession, especially for a lawyer who lives in D.C.  Let's hope he has personal security."
. . . 
"Then there is the thoroughly insubstantial Kirsten Gillibrand, who has never held a position longer than politically convenient.  Now she is so pro-illegal immigration that she even wants to reward illegal aliens' law-breaking with Social Security.  This woman's character is as ephemeral as a puff of smoke.  She also sounds like a little girl who never developed an adult voice, rather like Ocasio-Cortez.

"But even Gillibrand is not as silly as Andrew Yang.  One of his core issues is circumcision!  He is against it!  He is also for giving money away in the form of a "universal basic income."

"Like the rest of the Left, all of these people's plans require taxing people beyond sanity — the kind of taxation that would destroy the country. 

"Pete Buttigeig is the current mayor of South Bend, Indiana.  He is openly gay with a stellar résumé, including the fact that he is a veteran.  His particular issue is "intergenerational justice," whatever that is.  He is clearly a smart guy but, like all the others, makes catastrophic climate change part and parcel of his agenda.

"Curiously, in a recent survey of Millennials that sought to determine the top twenty things that worry them, climate change did not make the list.  And to anyone paying attention, global cooling is very likely a graver danger.

"Why are Ocasio-Cortez's approval ratings falling?  Aside from the fact that she knows nothing about anything, her Green New Deal is a pathetic joke.

"Oh, yes, and they all suddenly want to abolish the Electoral College!  Had HRC won, they would be singing its praises." . . .

Sunday, July 19, 2020

The left is laying the groundwork to challenge Trump’s election

Krugman is monomaniacal, but he’s not stupid. He’s probably aware that each of his tweets is ridiculous. That doesn’t matter. All that matters is that, in concert with Hillary and others in the Democrat echo chamber, he is working to build the foundation of a narrative holding that any Trump victory is illegitimate.

Andrea Widburg  "The polls currently show Biden in the lead, but there are reasons to suspect their accuracy. For example, in 2016, at the same time during the election cycle the polls also showed Hillary in the lead. Another problem is that many of the polls are national, which is irrelevant. We don’t have a national vote; we have fifty state votes, plus D.C. Whether Biden wins by one vote or three million votes in California, he still gets the same number of electoral college votes.

"But the single most significant indicator that the polls are untrustworthy is the fact that the Democrats are starting to lay the groundwork for rejecting Trump’s possible (or probable?) victory. If you thought the last three and a half years of “resistance” were terrible, as Al Jolson would say, “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”
"The most prominent person to start getting ducks in a row for an attack against Trump’s victory is Hillary Clinton. Hillary, who has spent the last three-and-a-half years being the mother of all sore losers, has announced that she thinks Trump, when he inevitably loses, will refuse to leave the White House: . . .
. . . "Like a dog responding to his master’s whistle, Paul Krugman, who once was a respected economist before he became a rabid Democrat partisan, went on an extended and feverish Twitter rant about Trump’s inevitable coming loss. The corollary for Krugman is that the only way Trump can win is “to steal the election.” It’s worth examining each tweet in his manic thread. First, there’s the premise:" . . .

. . . "Likewise, in Red states, the Democrats’ graveyard vote will turn out in big numbers. Conservatives cannot afford to be complacent but must, instead, have an overwhelming turnout.

"You need to vote as if your life depends on it -- because it probably does."
Emphasis added by TD

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Today, Al Gore still bristles when asked about his relationship with Hillary Clinton – who many characterized as Bill Clinton’s co-president, diminishing Gore’s role as veep.

NY Post  "Tipper Gore was more enraged about Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky than even Hillary Clinton, according to a new book.

"“Tipper Gore was furious at Bill Clinton, angrier than Hillary Clinton was,” author Kate Andersen Brower told The Post. Her new book, “First in Line: Presidents, Vice Presidents and the Pursuit of Power,” comes out Tuesday. 

"With Lewinsky being the same age as the Gores’ eldest daughter, Karenna, Tipper “felt personally offended by the scandal,” said ex-Gore aide Jamal Simmons. The White House intern was 22 when the affair with Bill Clinton began.
“ 'In Gore’s case there’s no way he would have gotten to such a dark place if Tipper hasn’t been so mad,” another aide told the author.
"That “dark place” was Al Gore’s decision not to campaign with Bill Clinton during Gore’s 2000 run for the presidency, which – like Hillary Clinton – he lost because of the Electoral College math.
"Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, used her husband’s White House record to vault into a US Senate seat in 2000, representing New York, becoming the first first lady to ever hold elected office." . . .

Saturday, January 9, 2021

28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists

The Federalist

After excusing and ignoring riots from leftists all year, Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted to fit their narrative.

"Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted to fit their narrative.

"On Wednesday, a mob of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol building. It was an astonishing display of anarchic protest that delayed congressional certification of the Electoral College vote formally handing former Vice President Joe Biden the keys to the White House.

"The scenes from the dark day of disaster demonstrations illustrated a deteriorating country, repulsed millions, and traumatized a nation still recovering from the death, despair, and disruption that came to define the dystopian months of 2020. Above all, what happened Wednesday served as a grim reminder that the institutional stress test of 2020 has followed us into 2021.

"A trip down memory lane chronicling the left’s reaction to last year’s eruption of unrest claiming the lives of at least 30 people not only exposes the hypocrisy suffusing Democrats’ condemnation of political violence, but also illustrates a sobering reality that there’s plenty of blame to go around for the situation in which the United States now finds itself.

1. Kamala Harris Urges Followers to Cover Rioters’ Bail  

Incoming Vice President Kamala Harris encouraged her supporters last summer to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which provided bail money to the militant anarchists facing charges for setting fire to Minneapolis.

"2. Chris Cuomo: Who Said Protests Were Supposed To Be Peaceful?

"CNN’s Chris Cuomo showcased his ignorance of the First Amendment in June when dismissing the idea that militant protests sweeping the nation in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death were illegal.

“Please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful,” Cuomo demanded.  

"Here’s the text from the First Amendment, emphasis added:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

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