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Showing posts sorted by date for query electoral college. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

'TRAITOR, TRAITOR, TRAITOR': Trump supporters hurl abuse at Mitt Romney on flight from Salt Lake City to D.C. for refusing to back bid to overturn Biden victory

UK Daily Mail  . . . "Romney is among the Republican Senators who have rejected an effort to oppose certification of Joe Biden's presidency this week when Congress meets to officially count the electoral college votes.

"He is seen in one video being confronted by a woman as he waits for his flight. She demands to know why Romney is not supporting Donald Trump with the president's unfounded claims of widespread voter fraud.

"Romney cannot be seen in the second video, which went viral on Tuesday night, and claimed to show maskless Trump fans screaming 'traitor' at the senator while on the plane.

"Thousands of Trump loyalists are flying to Washington D.C. to attend a massive 'Stop the Steal' rally scheduled for Wednesday." . . . 

. . . Trump allies Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina, and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, both also spoke out Sunday, insisting attempts to stop the certification of the Electoral College 'will go nowhere'. 
" The process will unfold Wednesday on Capitol Hill, but the final outcome is not in doubt. 
" The results will eventually be certified for Biden, who will be sworn in as the nation´s 46th president two weeks later." . . .

. . . "Some Twitter Democrats tut-tutted the Trump Republicans for their bad manners, but that was disingenuous. They made hay on harassing and threatening Republicans all through the summer, looting, rioting and burning ... and somehow that's what got them on top now. Kamala Harris even cheered the rioters and said the looting would go on ... and look where she is.

"Will it work for Republicans? Let's just say that Republicans in ballot-harvesting California learned to play the Democrats game by the Democrats' rules far better than the Democrats did this time around.

"Yes, harassing people in airports is something hippies used to do and perfectly characteristic of leftists today in their tactics. What's good for the goose is one argument, now that the left is the establishment. But it's also the result of frustration because legal means of redress for a fraudulent election have been dismissed or ignored without any meaningful hearings. When grievances fail to be redressed, wildcat tactics follow.

"Others noted that something bigger was going on and the lines to the Trump rally were already a mile long. A mass movement seemed to be brewing and maybe new party, without RINOs like Mitt, was in the works."

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Beware Mitt's Snits.

Mitt Romney's Trump-hatred is starting to look demonic  "Mitt Romney's singular focus in opposing President Donald Trump is eerie.  

"Is it revenge, as President Trump passed on him for secretary of state, or do we see his fight as more sinister still?

"Yesterday, Mitt Romney blasted Josh Hawley, who has stated that he will challenge the electors sent to Congress on January sixth.  Josh Hawley and countless other congressmen and senators are concerned with myriad reports, signed affidavits, video evidence, data dumps, statistic improbabilities, and hacked Dominion tabulating machines strongly suggesting that massive fraud occurred in the 2020 presidential election.

"If one has watched any of the televised testimony or read any reports, it is evident that a possibility exists that mass fraud occurred.  To date, none of this evidence has been given the scrutiny necessary to confirm affirmatively and transparently that Joe Biden legitimately beat Donald Trump.  Democrats are doing everything in their power to suppress this scrutiny.  Sadly, many Republicans, led by Mitt Romney, have worked tirelessly to hide evidence under a basket.

"In September, Mitt Romney blasted GOP senator Ron Johnson and Senate Republicans for their "illegitimate" investigation into Hunter Biden and his ties to China and Ukraine.  Today, after the election, Democrats and their sycophantic media and Big Tech have affirmed the legitimacy of this investigation.  Has Mitt apologized to Mr. Johnson or the American people?

"Does Mitt believe himself a god?*

"Mitt Romney's actions come off as holier than thou.  Does Mitt believe in his own self-righteousness?  Has he attained (in his mind) godlike qualities here on Earth?  Or is he, like the rest of the swamp (and Judas), just working to conceal his own sins?" . . .

* Which could be consistent with Mormon doctrine

Mitt Romney Flips out Over Josh Hawley Standing up in Senate Electoral College Fight, Mark Levin Lets Him Have It   . . . "Breitbart News reports that on New Year’s Day, Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) took to CNN’s airwaves, which has lately become a cozy perch where nominal Republicans like him seem to let loose in calling fellow Republicans, including Pres. Trump, “dangerous” to the nation. And he didn’t disappoint the NeverTrump gang with his performance this time." . . .

"So please, Sen. Romney. Spare us your tears for the demise of the Republic. We know your game well."

Why Romney Takes Issue with the COVID Vaccination Distribution Plan   "Everyone's favorite senator, Mitt Romney (R-UT), on Friday criticized the rollout of the Wuhan coronavirus vaccine." . . .

Saturday, January 2, 2021

REMINDER: Democrats Have Objected To Electoral Certification The Last Three Times A Republican Won

Gateway Pundit  "Democrats are absolutely freaking out about the fact that some Republicans are planning to object to the certification of Joe Biden by the Electoral College.

"Not only did they spend the last four years freaking out about Trump, they have objected to the certification the last three times a Republican won the presidency.

"This is what they do but when Republicans do it, they act like it’s a threat to democracy.

"PJ Media reports:

Democrats Have Objected to Electoral Vote Certification For the Last 3 GOP Presidents

Democrats are outraged that Republicans are planning on objecting to the certification of electoral votes. It’s “conspiracy and fantasy,” says Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

“The effort by the sitting President of the United States to overturn the results is patently undemocratic,” the New York Democrat said. “The effort by others to amplify and burnish his ludicrous claims of fraud is equally revolting.”

“This is America. We have elections. We have results. We make arguments based on the fact and reason—not conspiracy and fantasy,” he added.

There’s only one problem with Chucky’s “argument based on fact and reason.” Democrats have been challenging the electoral vote certification for 2 decades.

The last three times a Republican has been elected president — Trump in 2016 and George W. Bush in both 2000 and 2004 — Democrats in the House have brought objections to the electoral votes in states the GOP nominee won. In early 2005 specifically, Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., along with Rep. Stephanie Tubbs, D-Ohio, objected to Bush’s 2004 electoral votes in Ohio.

Thursday, December 31, 2020

January 6th; talk about a drop-dead date


Rich Terrell

Coming attractions for January 6  "Here are updates related to January 6, when a joint session of Congress will meet to vote on the Electoral College results.  (Depending on how things unfold, there may be some surprises.  Some could be quite shocking.  More on that further down.)

"On January 6, members of Trump's legal team hope to present their case of massive voter fraud to Congress and the American people.  I presume they've been sharing information with Congress for weeks now, but on the 6th, it will be official, and they will also have a platform to speak to the public — at least as far as I understand things.

"On that same day, dozens of speakers will be on stage before a massive crowd, challenging the election results, standing with President Trump, and standing for the Constitution.

"Inside the hallowed corrupt halls of Congress, twenty congressmen have pledged to challenge the Electoral College vote. " . . .

If enough senators challenge the election results, Trump wins 

. . . In brief: If senators follow Hawley's lead and take a stand against the fraudulently generated Electoral College votes, at that point, under the Twelfth Amendment, there is no elected president, and the matter returns not to the full House, but to a single representative from each state.  And so, Trump wins.

Hey, GOP: This is Your Do or Die Moment   Mr. Romney, you listening?

Sen. Josh Hawley to Join GOP House Members Who Will Contest Electoral College Results on Jan. 6  "January 6, the day Congress is expected to accept the results of the election, is fast approaching.

"There have been a lot of rumblings about what to do with so many Republicans questioning the results of the election. Polls indicate that at least 78% of Republicans do not believe that Joe Biden won legitimately and they want people to listen to the concerns being raised.

"Now, reports are that some in Congress will be objecting on January 6.

"Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) has been leading the charge in the House. Joining him will be several new incoming members including Reps. Barry Moore (R-AL), Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Madison Cawthorn (R-NC), Burgess Owens (R-UT), Yvette Herrell (R-NM), Dr. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), Bob Good (R-VA), Jerry Carl (R-AL) and Andrew Clyde of Georgia. While there are at least 10 new members joining Brooks, there are also current members who will be joining as well, such as Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA)." . . .

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

"Absolutely Unprecedented": Sidney Powell Goes Off in Latest Interview, Lays Out Upcoming Election Fight

 Trending Politics  "During a radio interview with [Rush Limbaugh fill-in host] Todd Herman," pro-Trump attorney Sidney Powell gave an update on her ongoing 2020 election fight. "Read Powell's rant below:" (Rant?)

The very night of the election many people saw something that they had never seen before in the history of our elections. They saw votes being changed on the screen in front of them, going from President Donald Trump to Joe Biden. On top of that, the morning after the election, even that night, the voting stopped. They stopped counting in multiple districts at the same time before the vote got to 270 electors for President Trump. That’s never happened before. The only time votes have ever stopped being counted in this country on election night was when the Broward County problem developed over Hanging Chad’s in one county in FL. So for FIVE states to stop counting on election night is absolutely UNPRECEDENTED. And they did it because the vote count for the electoral college was about to hit [+ go over] 270 for President Donald Trump, because of the massive outpouring of votes for him that night. By the next morning, multiple mathematicians had contacted me and told me they knew the algorithm that had been run to change the votes. It was that obvious to people with mathematical expertise. It is a mathematical impossibility for 100’s of thousands of votes to show up for VP Biden alone and to have been injected into the system the way that they were. We have eye-witness testimony of countless people who saw votes coming in, in unsecured containers and improper means and looking different the night of the election. These people have come forward at great personal risk to themselves & their families to provide thousands of affidavits of voting abnormalities and actual crimes that they witnessed happen on election night. The very fact that the other side is working so hard to hide all of this. Federal law requires transparency in our electoral process and our elections.”

"There is a federal statute that requires all the documents pertaining to the election to be maintained for 22 months following an election, for the very reason that it has to be completely auditable. A Federal Judge in October [in ATL] found all kinds of problems w/ the Dominion system that GA bought and crammed down for everybody across the state to use. That’s where the most problems have been, is in GA. Witnesses have come forward, there was supposedly a water leak that they shut down voting for. That was an abject lie. We have video of witnesses pulling suspect ballots out from under a table after they ran off all the observers." . . .   Keep reading...

Tony Branco

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Joe Biden advises 'our darkest days are ahead of us'

Now he's saying that President Trump's supposed "failure to lead," in his words, "landed at my doorstep." Anybody want to place money on the idea that Biden could have come up with an Operation Warp Speed? Or, sent naval ships to big city ports to relieve hospitals, all in record speed? Biden, of course, would spend a couple years consulting "the experts." 

 Monica Showalter " 'President-elect" Joe Biden, is constantly nattering on about light and darkness. Plagiarizing Peggy Noonan, he did it throughout his presidential campaign: 

"Now that he's so-called 'president-elect,' he's focusing on just the 'darkness' part.

"Here's how bad it is, according to Deadline Hollywood:" . . .

Obama Invents 'Office of the President-Elect'  . . . “ 'Once again, [Obama] can’t wait to invest himself with the trappings of office.”

"Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin wondered: “What other make-believe offices are they going to invent between now and Inauguration Day? I can’t ever recall in my lifetime any mention of such an office.”

"Technically speaking, Obama may not even be the President-elect, according to the American Sentinel Web site.

“ 'Megalomaniac Obama’s ego grows even more insufferable,” a weekend posting reads.

“ 'Yes, he will be [president-elect]. But he’s not officially yet, until the Electoral College votes." . . .

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Laughable: Joe Biden plans to lecture Venezuela's Nicolás Maduro about the virtues of free and fair elections

Monica Showalter  "Free and fair elections?  From a guy whose presidential "victory" was sealed with Venezuelan Smartmatic technology?  Oh, this is going to be a good one, hearing Maduro's response.

"Maduro, like Biden, insists that all was free and fair with the elections in his country.  He's in there despite the shambles he's made of his country, yet somehow Venezuelans can't get enough of him, electing him and his party for six consecutive terms.

"That's garbage.  Venezuela's elections since 2004 have all been plagued by allegations of and considerable proof of fraud.  The fraud is forensicit's statistical, it's in total ballots cast, and it's in the declarations of disinterested international observers.  It's also visible in the behavior of Venezuela's voters, huge numbers of whom don't bother to vote anymore.

"Now Joe Biden's going to fix things in Venezuela by offering Maduro a deal — an end to U.S. sanctions in exchange for free and fair elections? 

"Maduro is going to be laughing up his sleeve.

"We all know what Biden thinks of free and fair elections, yelling about "threats to democracy" with every successive challenge to his "presidency" and making his first big post–Electoral College vote speech arguing that he somehow legitimately "won."

"Can you imagine Biden, whose coming "presidency" is going to be asterisked forever with allegations of election fraud, telling a guy like Maduro that he's got to hold "free and fair" elections?

"Maduro would laugh in his face." . . .

Must We Respect a Fraudulent President?   . . . "In the long months leading up to the election there was little doubt as to whom the people preferred.  Donald Trump’s rallies drew tens of thousands, while  Biden’s mustered up a few dozen, if that many.

"And then came the election itself.

"By now the allegations of voter fraud -- and accompanying evidence -- are well known.  There are the statistical impossibilities arising from late-night ballot dumps.  The official observers who were prevented from watching.  The corruption was made possible by mail-in balloting.  And then there is the matter of Dominion Voting Systems machines. " . . .

Must We Respect a Fraudulent President?  . . . "In the long months leading up to the election there was little doubt as to whom the people preferred.  Donald Trump’s rallies drew tens of thousands, while  Biden’s mustered up a few dozen, if that many.

"And then came the election itself." . . .

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Joe Biden’s Inaugural Committee: ‘Stay Home,’ ‘Limit Gatherings During the Inauguration’

Tony Branco

Breitbart  "Joe Biden’s Inaugural Committee does not want supporters to travel to Washington, D.C., in January for the swearing in of the 46th president.

"The Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC) consulted “with medical experts advising President-elect Joe Biden” and announced “initial protocols to protect public health during the inauguration,” an event that takes place outside on the Capitol lawn.

"Biden’s advisors said in a press release that the “historic ceremony” will include “vigorous health and safety protocols,” and “honors and resembled sacred American traditions while keeping Americans safe and preventing the spread of COVID-19 [Chinese coronavirus].”

"Biden’s speech will focus on the coronavirus, “build back better, and bring the country together.”

"That may stand in sharp contrast to the speech he delivered Monday after the Electoral College cast the sufficient number of votes to make him the president-elect.

“ 'Biden did not just acknowledge victory; he taunted his defeated opponent, President Donald Trump,” Breitbart News’s Joel Pollak noted. “Rather than celebrate the result and reach out to Trump and his supporters, Biden — coughing up phlegm throughout his speech — attempted
to rub salt in the wound, continuing to argue the case after he had already won it.”

“ 'The ceremony’s footprint will be extremely limited, and the parade that follows will be reimagined,” the PIC said, without giving further details.

“ 'The PIC is urging the public to refrain from any travel and participate in the inaugural activities from home,” the committee said.

"It also recommended supporters should “limit gatherings during the inauguration,” a theme that was implemented during the campaign, which saw Biden play to tiny, well-spaced crowds of backers.

“ 'Our goal is to create an inauguration that keeps people safe, honors the grand traditions of the Presidency, and showcases the Biden-Harris Administration’s renewed American vision for an inclusive, equitable, and unified citizenry,” PIC CEO Tony Allen said." . . .

Friday, December 11, 2020

Texas Sues Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin at Supreme Court over Election Rules

...It is a fundamental idea in all republican forms of government that no one can be declared elected * * *, unless he * * * receives a majority or a plurality of the legal votes cast in the election.

 First the background:

Joel B. Pollak  "The State of Texas filed a lawsuit directly with the U.S. Supreme Court shortly before midnight on Monday challenging the election procedures in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin on the grounds that they violate the Constitution.

"Texas argues that these states violated the Electors Clause of the Constitution because they made changes to voting rules and procedures through the courts or through executive actions, but not through the state legislatures. Additionally, Texas argues that there were differences in voting rules and procedures in different counties within the states, violating the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause. Finally, Texas argues that there were “voting irregularities” in these states as a result of the above.

"Texas is asking the Supreme Court to order the states to allow their legislatures to appoint their electors. The lawsuit says:

Certain officials in the Defendant States presented the pandemic as the justification for ignoring state laws regarding absentee and mail-in voting. The Defendant States flooded their citizenry with tens of millions of ballot applications and ballots in derogation of statutory controls as to how they are lawfully received, evaluated, and counted. Whether well intentioned or not, these unconstitutional acts had the same uniform effect—they made the 2020 election less secure in the Defendant States. Those changes are inconsistent with relevant state laws and were made by non-legislative entities, without any consent by the state legislatures. The acts of these officials thus directly violated the Constitution.

This case presents a question of law: Did the Defendant States violate the Electors Clause by taking non-legislative actions to change the election rules that would govern the appointment of presidential electors? These non-legislative changes to the Defendant States’ election laws facilitated the casting and counting of ballots in violation of state law, which, in turn, violated the Electors Clause of Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution. By these unlawful acts, the Defendant States have not only tainted the integrity of their own citizens’ vote, but their actions have also debased the votes of citizens in Plaintiff State and other States that remained loyal to the Constitution.  . . . 

 A little known clause of the Constitution has a huge bearing on the Texas election lawsuit   . . . "The clause is well suited to the present situation, in which:

As the facts alleged by the State of Texas demonstrate, the 2020 elections ... represent the antithesis of a republican form of government.  An elite group of sitting Democrat officers in each of the Defendant States coordinated with the Democrat party to illegally and unconstitutionally change the rules established by the Legislatures in the Defendant States, thereby depriving the people of their states a free and fair election — the very basis of a republican form of government.

The Guarantee Clause places an obligation upon the United States to ensure that such an unlawful election not be carried to fruition.  This Court is the sole forum available for the enforcement of that obligation under the circumstances faced by the nation today[.]

From the anti-Trump National Review: The odds of the Texas election lawsuit prevailing in the Supreme Court might not be less than one in a quadrillion, but they are extremely remote — and should be.   . . . "Texas has no standing to challenge the election procedures in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia, and the Supreme Court doesn’t have the authority to order new elections in those states or bar electors from those states from voting in the Electoral College. The case was brought by Texas because the Supreme Court is required to hear all lawsuits brought by a state against other states, but it retains the power to dismiss those suits out of hand if the case is not one that a state legally can bring. If there were any prior case that lent credibility to these outlandish claims, Texas would have cited it." . . .  Even Andy McCarthy calls the suit "frivolous"  "There is no way the Supreme Court is going to entertain Texas’s lawsuit."

BREAKING: Pennsylvania House of Representatives Join Texas in Their Lawsuit Against Key Swing States

 The legislators joined the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society in supporting the Texas lawsuit, which asks the Supreme Court to remand the election results to swing-state legislatures for review and potential reversal.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Reminder: In 2016 Democrats Threatened and Harassed Members of Electoral College to Stop Trump

Legal Insurrection

“I’ve had people talk about putting a bullet in the back of my mouth.”

"As we watch Democrats and their many friends in media melt down over Trump’s challenges to the 2020 election over alleged voter fraud, it’s important to remember where we were four years ago after Trump’s surprise 2016 victory.

"Not only were Democrats claiming that Russia stole the election for Trump, they harassed members of the Electoral College in a last ditch effort to prevent Trump from being certified as the winner.

"In December of 2016, Mark Moore reported at the New York Post:

Electors are being harassed, threatened in bid to stop Trump

Electors around the country are being harassed with a barrage of emails, phone calls and letters — and even death threats — in an effort to block Donald Trump from being voted in as president by the Electoral College on Monday.

The bullying is overwhelming Sharon Geise’s tech devices, but not her resolve to support Trump.

The Mesa, Arizona, grandmother woke up Wednesday morning to more than 1,500 emails demanding she not carry out her legal duty to vote for the president-elect.

“They just keep coming and coming,” Geise told The Post, estimating she’s received more than 50,000 emails since the election. “They’re overpowering my iPad.”…

Reports of GOP electors being badgered have been reported in numerous states, including Georgia, Idaho, Tennessee, Arizona, Utah and Michigan.

Like Geise, Republican Patricia Allen of Tennessee told The Post she’s been bombarded with 2,000 emails, 120 letters and five phone calls all urging her to switch and vote against Trump. But Allen, 74, said that despite the “siege,” she’s not budging.

"One elector told CNN he was getting death threats: . . ."

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Democrats’ Guide to Losing Gracefully

Ann Coulter  "Here are the times Democrats have conceded a presidential election with grace and dignity:" ..........

"OK, now on to my column."

"I hope someone is recording the media’s demands that Trump supporters ACCEPT THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTION! inasmuch as the Democrats refuse to accept the results of any presidential election they lose, unless it’s a landslide, and sometimes even then.

"After George W. Bush won the 2000 election — despite the media depressing Bush turnout in Florida by calling the state for Gore when polls were still open in the conservative panhandle — Gore contested the election until Dec. 13, the day after the Supreme Court called off the endless recounts (in only certain Florida counties) demanded by Gore.

"The night of the court’s ruling, Laurence Tribe, the Harvard law professor who’d argued one of Gore’s cases before the court, and Ed Rendell, general chairman of the Democratic National Committee, went on TV and said it was time for Gore to concede.

"Both were immediately attacked by their fellow Democrats and forced to retract their statements. Gore’s deputy campaign manager, Mark Fabiani, for example, told The New York Times that Rendell “seems to be more interested in getting his mug on TV than in loyalty.”

"The next day, Gore conceded, telling his supporters he had “congratulated him on becoming the 43rd president of the United States,” adding, “while I strongly disagree with the court’s decision, I accept it.”

"But that still wasn’t the end of it! Weeks later, the Congressional Black Caucus tried to prevent congressional certification of the Electoral College for Bush, raising objection after objection on the House floor.

"Over the course of the next year, the Florida ballots were painstakingly recounted by an independent investigative firm at a cost of nearly a million dollars, paid for by the same media outlets currently telling you to shut up and accept the results — including The New York Times, CNN, The Washington Post and the Associated Press, along with several others." . . .

Monday, November 9, 2020

Will Republicans show a spine?


Rich Terrell

From Wisconsin to Nevada to Pennsylvania to Georgia, Trump's 2020 Election Legal Challenge Starts to Take Shape

"It’s unclear if the point on the 2020 election timeline has been reached that allows for serious discussion of legal challenges around what the Trump camp is suggesting looks like widespread fraud. Too early and the newly gracious and delicate media will revert back to hurling invective, painting those giving such insane notions quarter as mad and pathologically incapable of just letting a legitimate loss go. But the Trump administration’s legal challenge — and his legal team has shown amazing resolve in revealing only little bits here and there — is starting to take shape, and it could put as many as 94 electoral college votes in play by some estimates. So here’s to risking the smear.

"There are many angles the Trump administration could take based on anecdotal reports out of many states. In Michigan and Georgia there were problems with glitches in the vote counting software (Dominion, used in 28 states, which has its own interesting history I won’t get into here except to say in 2010 it bought the software named in a federal investigation into the 2004 recall election of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela). It should be noted, the Michigan county in question is disputing Dominion — used in almost all other Michigan counties — was the source of the glitch. Georgia, however, has four counties that experienced some kind of tech glitch, Spalding and Morgan counties, Gwinnett (which led to a delay counting absentee ballots), and Fulton (which led to people being asked to fill out provisional ballots). Fulton has also indicated a problem with their vote count reporting leading to a rescanning of some ballots.

"Then there’s Nevada, where a whistleblower has come forward indicating he witnessed illegal ballots being counted." . . .

Judge Jeanine Speaks Out: “Stay in there! We’re still fighting!”

Saturday, November 7, 2020

If Elected, Biden Will Wield ‘Phone and Pen’ with Flurry of Executive Orders To Reverse Trump Policies

First Neil Kinnock, now he's plagiarizing Obama!


"The far-left Washington Post reports that if Joe Biden wins the presidential election, he intends to bring back the Obama era phone and pen approach with a flurry of executive orders.

“President-elect Joe Biden is planning to quickly sign a series of executive orders after being sworn into office on Jan. 20, immediately forecasting that the country’s politics have shifted and that his presidency will be guided by radically different priorities,” the far-left Post reports, and does so inaccurately by referring to Joe Biden is “president-elect.”

"Joe Biden is not president-elect. Only the corporate media have said he won the election, which is still going through a series of recounts and lawsuits.

"You are not “president-elect” until the electoral college meets and confirms your victory.

"Among other things, if he wins, Biden intends to rejoin the disastrous Paris climate accords, rejoin the World Health Organization, repeal President Trump’s ban on immigration from countries that try to sneak terrorists into our country, and reinstate the DREAMer program.

"So, good news… If Biden wins, prepare yourselves for higher gas prices, Islamic terrorism, and caravans of illegals aliens… All problems Trump solved." . . .

Biden plans immediate executive orders to reverse Trump policies upon taking office    "Earlier today, new organizations called the Presidential race for Joe Biden.

"According to a new report, Biden now has immediate executive orders planned to reverse Trump policies.

"Per Chron, Biden plans to

-Rejoin the Paris climate accords
-Real the ban on immigration from many Muslim-majority countries
-Reinstate the program allowing “dreamers,” who were brought to the United States illegally as children, to remain in the country

"Per the report “pushing major legislation through Congress could prove to be a challenge.

"Although the Democrats will hold a narrowed majority in the House, the final makeup of the Senate is not yet clear. That will be decided on Jan. 5, with two runoff elections in Georgia. "Democrats would need to win both races to effectively have control of the Senate – with Vice President Kamala Harris serving as the tie-breaking vote – while Republicans would retain a narrow advantage by winning at least one.”

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Vote No on 1984; Thought crimes, ministries of truth, and memory holes belong in Oceania, not America.

"Are we crazy who watch the violence in our streets and scream at our TVs that that masked man, this hooded woman on the screen is, in real time, assaulting the police, looting a family’s store, tossing a firebomb at a police car — and all with virtual immunity? Did Americans miss out on some new state or local law decreeing that it’s now legal to ransack a store or demolish a business?"

Victor Davis Hanson  "If we were to wake up in 2022, would we be more likely to see a 15-person Supreme Court, a Senate without a filibuster, a nation without an Electoral College, and an effort to admit two more states and with them four more senators if Joe Biden or Donald Trump were president?

"Why would we blow up a nine-justice Supreme Court after 151 years, or a 233-year Electoral College, or a 170-year Senate filibuster, or a 60-year 50-state Union? And why now? What is the theme, the argument, the momentum for shattering these traditions, other than that progressives see them as ancient impediments to their radical ends?

"Who, if president, would alter our ways of governance, and who would resist? Why are the proponents of these radical changes to the way we are governed so fanatical and yet so quiet about their intentions?" . . .

What became of our sense of right and wrong?  ... "Are we crazy who watch the violence in our streets and scream at our TVs that that masked man, this hooded woman on the screen is, in real time, assaulting the police, looting a family’s store, tossing a firebomb at a police car — and all with virtual immunity? Did Americans miss out on some new state or local law decreeing that it’s now legal to ransack a store or demolish a business?" . . .

What judgment will future generations pass on us?  ..."For a generation so prone to damn the past by the standards of the present, what will our grandchildren say about us in 50 years, we who have aborted 2,000 to 3,000 infants a day? Will they scream that we were racists to allow 1,000 African-American lives to be extinguished every 24 hours? And which current presidential candidate would be more likely to say, “Please, don’t do this” and which to boast, “Who are you to object?' ”...

Today we have our tech barons just as the 1800s had the robber barons:  . . . "When listening the other day to the senatorial furor directed at Jack Dorsey, Twitter founder and CEO, I thought of the 19th-century agrarian venom against the railroad monopolies that rigged freight rates when farmers had no other way to ship their produce. Dorsey essentially admitted that, as a private tech baron, he too can do as he pleases. And as he pleases means censoring conservative content on all he owns. 

CEOs of Facebook, Twitter and Google

"Dorsey, like the late-19th-century railroad conglomerates, operates a virtual octopus, as do Facebook and Google. Their tentacles squeeze out all their competition. They are vertically integrated. Long ago they strangulated competitors and censored and rigged their operations in a way that assumes that they are neither operating in the public domain like a utility nor subject to antitrust and anti-monopoly laws that tend to reappear when moguls express open contempt for their customers." . . .

More at the Tunnel Wall

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Poll: The Shy Trump Vote Is Bigger This Year...And Who Falls into This Category Should Terrify Democrats

Matt Vespa

"I’ll say it again, folks. The polling is screwed. It’s skewed. It’s a mess. Either we’re right to be highly skeptical and Trump wins an Electoral College landslide, or the pollsters are right and we’re heading for Armageddon come Election Day. Still, the oversampling of Democrats, college-educated voters, and suburban Republicans hostile to Trump should bring a ton of scrutiny. The reluctance from some of these clown firms to switch to likely voter samples is also suspect. We’re not going to have a 2008 or 2012 electorate. For starters, a new Hill-Harris poll noted that young Americans are not excited about this election at all. They’re not planning on voting. Gallup is reporting the youth interest in voting this cycle has hit its lowest levels since 2000. That’s in keeping with the results from Democracy Institute’s Patrick Basham, whose polling data, which has been mentioned in The Washington Times and Forbes, suggests there will be one million fewer young people voting this cycle." . . .

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Why we must fear Democrats' desire to rule over our nation

Delaware Pizza Shop Cancels Event for Republican Senate Candidate After Pressure From BLM    . . . After [America First senate candidate] Lauren Witzke  following a pressure campaign from the left.

"Witzke announced her meet and greet at the venue, the left set up petitions and began a harassment campaign to get the owner to cancel the event. Their mob tactics worked, and less than 24 hours before the event, the shop posted on Facebook that it had been cancelled." . . .

Keith Olbermann: Trump Supporters Are ‘Maggots,’ Must Be ‘Prosecuted’  . . . “Remember it, even though to remember it means remembering that the fight does not end on November 3rd but in many ways will only begin that day,” he said. On October 7, Olbermann announced he was leaving ESPN to devote himself fulltime to political commentaries." . . .  Keith Olbermann lets out his inner Maoist in a YouTube rant  . . . "Instead, Olbermann wants to eliminate people who have political views with which he disagrees.  The tip-off is that he included Amy Coney Barrett on his list.  She is a woman who has lived an exemplary life.  However, she believes that the Constitution is America's central document and that a judge must measure the government's laws and actions against the Constitution.  She also believes that abortion is morally wrong.  For that, says Olbermann, she must be "removed from our society.' " . . .

5 Major Ways America Will Fundamentally Change If Biden Packs The Court  . . . "Let’s lay out five potentially major changes to American life and society that court packing would result in." . . .

Schiff: ‘I Would Favor Doing away with the Electoral College’   . . .In order to take power over you, the Democrats are willing to destroy the foundations of your nation -- from its borders, to the Electoral College, to the Supreme Court, to the Constitution itself. They do not care about your rights or the rights of your children. They care about power -- by any means necessary. Donald Trump was correct. It is you they are after. He is just standing in their way.

Friday, September 11, 2020

2020 & the Great Convergence II: The Coming Storm

2020 & the Great Convergence II: The Coming Storm

"The progressives will not accept a Trump victory in November, thus ending an unbroken history of 232 years of peaceful transfer of power in our nation dating to when the Constitution was adopted in 1788.  Seemingly the only question is how progressives will attempt to end Trump’s tenure if their vote-fraud-by-mail schemes fail to deliver victory?" . . .

"To put this in perspective, the progressive left is attempting to balkanize America.  They have condemned our history and seek to erase both our history and our culture as immoral. It is, in many ways, our version of the bloody Maoist Cultural Revolution.  The radical neo-Marxist progressives are intent on turning us into groups of warring tribes — and they are perilously close to succeeding.   As Victor Davis Hanson recently wrote:

We are living in the most racially polarized climate since the 1960s. America’s past, present, and future are in the process of being recalibrated entirely through the lens of one’s skin color. Columbus is reduced to nothing more than another racist white Italian sailor of a half-millennium past. Grant might as well have fought for slavery in the mind of today’s campus ignoramus. Apparently, the Antifa thug thinks he could just as easily have written the Gettysburg Address or sculpted a statue of Frederick Douglass.

The old liberal ideas of assimilation, integration, and intermarriage are being destroyed by the Left under the specious doctrines of cultural appropriation, or “acting white” or “how we look is who we are.”

A new fuzzy Jim Crow returns with racially segregated campus safe spaces and theme houses or the race-based reeducation and training sessions in the workplace—all predicated to stop racism! Somehow selecting strangers on the basis of their race to bully in a restaurant, or targeting old anonymous men and women to beat up in the street by their race, or singling out suburbanites by their race for racial taunts and profanity is redefined as reparatory justice or overdue payback—on the assumption that no one would dare say that the arson, looting, and rhetoric are descending into ever more hate-filled nihilism.

Our collective future of nationalized tribalism will become what always results when citizens identify by superficial appearance or shared religion. Just go to Lebanon, the Balkans, or Iraq to see what is in store first hand. . . .

"This is, collectively, the predicate to the coming storm.  On the ground, the armed wings of the Democrat Party, BLM and Antifa, have executed over 570 violent riots in 22 cities during the past several months, most tolerated, if not outright aided and abetted, by local and state officials, including DA’s funded by George Soros.  The left is stoking a race war even as they comprehensively attack the pillars of our society and Western Civilization as a whole.   Tyler O’Neil, at PJM, has written an insightful article likening this convergence and the violence in the streets to the similar events that occurred in the years prior to 1861 and the start of our first Civil War.  For his part, Weather Underground ex-terrorist Bill Ayers agrees. Just as a reminder, the Civil War, fought in the days of largely solid-shot cannon, single-shot rifles, cutlasses and bayonets — and in a country of only 31 million people — cost the lives of well over six hundred thousand Americans, more by far than any other conflict before or since.  All four horsemen of the apocalypse roam free anywhere there is civil war." . . .

. . . "Not only has the progressive left shown that they now hold the Constitution and laws in contempt, they are openly plotting that, not if but when they return to power, they will change the rules of the game such that they then remain in power for decades, if not permanently.  To name but a few of the plans they have quite seriously floated:

"In all of this, they have virtually lockstep support from a media that has jettisoned all journalistic ethics.  And should the neo-Marxist succeed in taking power, they would immediately begin extra-legal targeting of Trump’s constituency.  This election is for all the marbles." . . .  Keep reading...