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Showing posts sorted by date for query electoral college. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Thomas Lifson

"Derangement is a mental impairment that causes those afflicted with it to make very bad decisions, often ignoring or disputing realities that would caution them against their self-destructive actions.  Even though the leftist-dominated psychology and psychiatric professions refuse to acknowledge it, Trump Derangement Syndrome is real, a genuine mass psychosis, and it is at the root of the impeachment vote today.
"It is often speculated that the real goal of Democrats is to "place an asterisk" next to President Trump's name.  But as the passion of the moment subsides and historians take a longer look, here are seven facts that will place an asterisk next to this impeachment, as a monumentally foolish act of political malpractice:
  1. First ever purely partisan impeachment.
  2. First ever impeachment advocated by House members before the president took office and took any official actions.
  3. No crime is alleged.
  4. The first ever impeachment brought less than a year before voters speak on the incumbent.
  5. Hearings led by a man who brazenly, extensively, and provably lied (Nunes vs Schiff memoranda).
  6. The speaker of the House opposed it but was bullied by young radicals she called "the Squad."
  7. Impeachment hearings drove approval of the target higher.
California Lefty Rep. Jackie Speier looks for an excuse to shut impeachment down
. . . "Even Rep. Jackie Speier, a grizzled old swamp leftist from the Bay Area, seems to be looking for a way for Democrats to get out of this growing fiasco.
"According to the Daily Caller:
Democratic California Rep. Jackie Speier said Tuesday that impeachment might be heading for a mistrial before it even gets to the Senate.
The Democrats' one-night stand with the founders  " 'I'll respect you in the morning" is what I half expect to hear.  Of course, the Democrats now invoking the Founding Fathers' memory in their effort to impeach President Trump won't respect our colonial progenitors at the next dawn any more than they did at the last one.
"Nonetheless, the Left has interrupted its regularly scheduled programming of trying to tear down the Founders' reputations and life's work — the Electoral College, the First and Second Amendments, and the Constitution generally — to claim that those Enlightenment men are on their side." . . .

Flipping Florida: How Pro-China Communists Plan To Turn The Sunshine State Blue In 2020

Noisy Room  "America’s main pro-China communist party Liberation Road is working overtime to win Florida for the Democratic Party in the 2020 presidential election.
"With 29 Electoral College votes—behind only California and Texas and tied with New York—Florida may well decide the 2020 election. California and New York are deeply blue states and Texas is moderately red, so purplish Florida will be heavily targeted as the most significant “swing state” in the nation.
"Liberation Road Maoists finally turned Virginia blue in 2020. They’re now using similar tactics to flip Florida.
"Liberation Road (until April this year known as Freedom Road Socialist Organization or FRSO) flipped Virginia by signing up at least 300,000 new minority voters over the last several years and working with then-Gov. Terry McAuliffe to restore voting rights for an estimated 200,000 former felons.
"Working through the New Florida Majority and allied organizations FRSO/Liberation Road has signed up hundreds of thousands of new minority voters in Florida and helped pass a referendum giving 1.4 million “Sunshine State” former felons the right to vote.
"They also helped to raise the Democratic vote for their friend Andrew Gillum in the 2018 governor’s race. Gillum only lost because Donald Trump endorsed Republican Ron DeSantis who called Gillum out for the socialist he undoubtedly is. Given that Gillum is now working with the Florida left to sign up another million minority Democratic voters, it’s entirely possible that China’s American franchise Liberation Road may well decide who wins the 2020 election." . . .  
. . . 
"Both campaigns saw the New Florida Majority deepen its ties with several allied organizations across the state through a new umbrella organization the Statewide Alliance Group (SWAG).
"The new alliance included:
• New Florida Majority
• Dream Defenders—a black-led pro-Palestine group closely affiliated to             Liberation Road.
• Organize Florida—led by Stephanie Porta, former leader of Florida ACORN.
• Florida Immigrant Coalition—led by Maria Rodriguez, a 2009 Rockwood Leadership Institute alumni and close affiliate of Liberation Road.
• SEIU—heavily penetrated by Liberation Road and other communist groups.
• Faith in Florida—part of Faith in Action, formerly known as the PICO National Network, which is closely affiliated to some Liberation Road supporters.
• Central Florida Jobs with Justice—led by Denise Diaz, who is closely affiliated to Liberation Road and the Communist Party USA.

Seven indisputable facts about this ‘historic’ impeachment that historians will use to condemn it as ‘folly’

Thomas Lifson

"Derangement is a mental impairment that causes those afflicted with it to make very bad decisions, often ignoring or disputing realities that would caution them against their self-destructive actions.  Even though the leftist-dominated psychology and psychiatric professions refuse to acknowledge it, Trump Derangement Syndrome is real, a genuine mass psychosis, and it is at the root of the impeachment vote today.
"It is often speculated that the real goal of Democrats is to "place an asterisk" next to President Trump's name.  But as the passion of the moment subsides and historians take a longer look, here are seven facts that will place an asterisk next to this impeachment, as a monumentally foolish act of political malpractice:
  1. First ever purely partisan impeachment.
  2. First ever impeachment advocated by House members before the president took office and took any official actions.
  3. No crime is alleged.
  4. The first ever impeachment brought less than a year before voters speak on the incumbent.
  5. Hearings led by a man who brazenly, extensively, and provably lied (Nunes vs Schiff memoranda).
  6. The speaker of the House opposed it but was bullied by young radicals she called "the Squad."
  7. Impeachment hearings drove approval of the target higher.
California Lefty Rep. Jackie Speier looks for an excuse to shut impeachment down
. . . "Even Rep. Jackie Speier, a grizzled old swamp leftist from the Bay Area, seems to be looking for a way for Democrats to get out of this growing fiasco.
"According to the Daily Caller:
Democratic California Rep. Jackie Speier said Tuesday that impeachment might be heading for a mistrial before it even gets to the Senate.
The Democrats' one-night stand with the founders  " 'I'll respect you in the morning" is what I half expect to hear.  Of course, the Democrats now invoking the Founding Fathers' memory in their effort to impeach President Trump won't respect our colonial progenitors at the next dawn any more than they did at the last one.
"Nonetheless, the Left has interrupted its regularly scheduled programming of trying to tear down the Founders' reputations and life's work — the Electoral College, the First and Second Amendments, and the Constitution generally — to claim that those Enlightenment men are on their side." . . .

Friday, December 13, 2019

Boy, Have the Democrats Ever Overplayed Their Hand!

Seth Macfarlane
David Limbaugh  "If cosmic justice were to prevail, Democrats would drop their impeachment sham in confessed disgrace and move to give President Donald Trump a second term by acclamation for having ceaselessly abused their power in trying to nullify his first term.
Though cosmic justice won't prevail, the Constitution will, including its prescribed Senate check on impeachment and its provision for election of presidents through the Electoral College.
"The Democrats have given new meaning to the term "overplaying your hand," and their witch hunt will continue to backfire. They will fail to remove Trump from office and, through their egregious overreach, will have probably ensured his re-election.
"Given the timely release of the inspector general's report on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuses, their bogus impeachment crusade has been further exposed as an appalling partisan travesty." . . .
These shysters have wanted to impeach him over his tweets, the Emoluments Clause, his tax returns, collusion with Russia to interfere with the election, obstruction of justice, quid pro quo, extortion, bribery and obstruction of Congress. They wasted weeks in formal impeachment proceedings, first in an underground Star Chamber in the House and then out in the open before the House Intelligence Committee. In those proceedings, the Democratic accusers paraded hearsay witness after hearsay witness to show that Trump had engaged in bribery in a phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. In raising the Ukraine issue, they didn't even bother to prove Trump's intent; they unilaterally declared that it was to cripple his likely 2020 Democratic presidential rival Joe Biden, when in fact, it was more likely about Trump's desire for past Democratic corruption to be investigated.. . . 
 David Limbaugh is a writer, author and attorney. His latest book is "Guilty by Reason of Insanity: Why the Democrats Must Not Win." Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at 
Freshman Dem Who Led Impeachment Charge: Let Me Get Back To You Next Week On How I’m Going To Vote, Okay?

Two Dems From States Won By Trump Say They’ll Vote To Impeach Him, Tulsi Gabbard Still Undecided

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Is Trump the Only Adult in the Room?

Victor Davis Hanson

The common denominator of all this petulance from Trump’s enemies is exasperation over the inability to derail him.

"Donald Trump certainly is mercurial at times. He can be uncouth.
"But then again, no president in modern memory has been on the receiving end of such overwhelmingly negative media coverage and a three-year effort to abort his presidency, beginning the day after his election.
"Do we remember the effort to subvert the Electoral College to prevent Trump from assuming office?
"The first impeachment try during his initial week in office?
"Attempts to remove Trump using the ossified Logan Act or the emoluments clause of the Constitution?"
"The idea of declaring Trump unhinged, subject to removal by invoking the 25th Amendment?
"Special counsel Robert Mueller’s 22-month, $35 million investigation, which failed to find Trump guilty of collusion with Russia in the 2016 election and failed to find actionable obstruction of justice pertaining to the non-crime of collusion?"
"The constant endeavors to subpoena Trump’s tax returns and to investigate his family, lawyers and friends?" . . .

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Democrats pick Hillary Clinton as 2020 front-runner in new party poll

NY Post  "A new poll of registered Democrats has Hillary Clinton as their top choice for the 2020 Democratic Party presidential nomination — and she’s not even running.
"The online Harris Poll survey released by the Center for American Political Studies at Harvard found that Clinton placed first with 21% of the vote, followed closely by former Vice President Joe Biden at 20%, Sen. Bernie Sanders at 12%, Sen. Elizabeth Warren at 9% and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg at 7%.

"It polled 1,859 voters and was conducted between Nov. 27 and 29 of this year.
"Pollsters also surveyed respondents without Clinton in the race — and Biden came out first, with 29% of the vote, followed by Sanders at 16% and Warren at 13%.
"Clinton has repeatedly said she is not running for president again, though she did tell the UK’s “Graham Norton Show” over the weekend that she’s been “deluged” with pleas to do just that.  
" 'I’d have to make up my mind really quickly,” she said, “because it’s moving very fast.”
"Clinton narrowly lost the 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump. Despite winning the popular vote with 65.8 million ballots to Trump’s 62.9 million, Clinton lost the Electoral College 304-227."

. . . "Smith also said the State Department and Clinton ignored her requests for information. “I am his mother. He was 34 years old, but he was still my baby,” Smith said. “I know what the government thinks of me, and I think just that much of the government – it stinks. This is how you get treated by the government, or, at least the way you used to.”
"Sean Smith’s uncle, Michael Ingmire, also criticized Clinton’s comments Wednesday.
“She has been in plausible deniability about Benghazi ever since it happened,” Ingmire told Fox News. “She was standing, basically before the coffins of Americans, blaming a horrible anti-Islamic video, but she’s just being consistent with her psychosis. The liar, the criminal, the crooked politician—those are the three faces of Hillary.”

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Elephant in the Spin Room

Andrew Thomas blogs at Dark Angel Politics
Timothy Philen   . . . " As was any navel-gazing about the “soul of the Democratic party” until, that is, “Hardball” host Chris Matthews pointed out the electoral “elephant” in the middle of the spin room.  It’s a problem bigger than the merits of the messengers. It’s about the tone-deaf aspects of the progressive message itself.
"Matthews bemoaned the fact that today’s Democrats “always miss the cultural piece,” meaning that they are quick to minimize -- and even demonize, as Clinton did -- the patriotic feelings and genuine apprehensions of a large swath of the American electorate -- one that goes far beyond the Left’s caricature of the uneducated angry white racist working-class male and his enabling wife “clinging to their guns and religion,” as President Obama painted them in a moment of candor.
"That swath extends, in reality, to millions of college-educated middle-class Americans of all colors who have heartfelt and conscience-bound concerns about such issues as abortion, the redefinition of marriage and gender, and the free exercise of their religion guaranteed by the Constitution."    . . .
Timothy Philen is an opinion writer, award-winning advertising creative director and author of Harper&Row/Lippincott’s You CAN Run Away From It!, a satirical indictment of American pop psychology.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Danger of Elizabeth Warren

Shame on sour grapes Hillary Clinton for opening the door to ending the Electoral College.
. . . Then there was Warren’s response to an endorsement by an obscure, fringe activist group calling itself “Black Womxn For.” “Black trans and cis women, gender-nonconforming, and nonbinary people are the backbone of our democracy…,” she tweeted November 7th. . .
Selwyn Duke  "Senator Elizabeth Warren, one-time Indian and beer drinker, would make a very dangerous president. This isn’t just because of her policies, which include ending the Electoral College, banning fracking everywhere, regulating a naturally occurring gas (CO2), being radically pro-abortion, decriminalizing illegal border crossing, and free health care for illegal aliens. It’s not only her complete phoniness, which is in one way actually reassuring: it informs that the aforementioned policies are surely as pliable as her family history narrative. No, it’s also because she’s frightfully out of touch with reality in a largely unrecognized way, one common to leftists.
"Approximately 25 years ago, I attended a local feminist conference concerning how our “patriarchal” society supposedly hobbled girls’ academic performance. Because I’d articulately refuted the speakers’ thesis using facts and reason during the commenting period, some of the organizers approached me afterwards, suspicious, wondering what organization I represented (only myself). The group, perhaps four middle-aged women, remained civil, but the arrows shooting from their eyes betrayed their thinly veiled feelings. Anyway, uninterested in my thoughts, they quickly begged out of the conversation by offering to mail me literature on their positions. I said, jokingly, sure, “as long as you don’t send a hit squad to my house.” The response?
"Very seriously and sternly they replied, “We don’t do things like that.” They didn’t get that it was a joke (and, mercifully, I didn’t get the literature).
"But perhaps those feminists graduated from the Patsy Schroeder School of Comedy. To wit: Engaging in demagoguery during a 1990s budget battle, the Democrats claimed the elderly would have to eat dog food to afford medicine if the GOP prevailed. Radio host Rush Limbaugh then spoofed this in a GOPAC speech, claiming he’d bought his mother a new can opener so “she can get the dog food easier when she has to eat it.”
"Taking this seriously, liberal congresswoman Patsy Schroeder (D-Colo.) appeared on the House floor the next day and emotionally exclaimed that “this is what it’s come to! …Rush Limbaugh actually said he's going to buy his mother a can opener so she can have dog food. Wow!” The point?" . . .

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Ten Reasons Impeachment Is Illegitimate

Victor Davis Hanson
We are witnessing constitutional government dissipating before our very eyes.

"There are at least ten reasons why the Democratic impeachment “inquiry” is a euphemism for an ongoing coup attempt.
"1) Impeachment 24/7. The impeachment “inquiry,” supposedly prompted by the president’s Ukrainian call, is simply the most recent in a long series of “coups” that sought to overturn the 2016 election and thus preclude a 2020 reelection bid. The pattern gives away the game.
"Usually the serial futile attempts to abort the Trump presidency — with the exception of the Mueller Dream-Team debacle — were each characterized by about a month of media-driven hysteria. We remember the voting-machines-fraud hoax, the initial 2017 impeachment effort, the attempt to warp the Electoral College voting, the Logan Act, the emoluments clause, the 25th Amendment, the McCabe-Rosenstein faux coup, and various Michael Avenatti–Stormy Daniels–Michael Cohen psychodramas.
"Ukraine then is not unique, but simply another mini-coup attempt that follows the last failed coup and that will presage another coup to take its place when it too fails to remove Trump." . . .
An outline on the content of the rest of this article: "There are at least ten reasons why the Democratic impeachment “inquiry” is a euphemism for an ongoing coup attempt.
2) Whistleblowers Who Are Not Whistleblowers.
3) First-term impeachment.
4) No Special Counsel Finding. 
5) No Bipartisanship. 
6) Impeachment without High Crimes or Misdemeanors
7) Thought Crimes? 
8) Different Standards of Justice.
9) The Schiff Factor.
10) Precedent. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

She's running: Hillary Clinton finally notices the electoral college matters

Monica Showalter  "After years of deriding the electoral college and touting her own success in winning the popular vote, Hillary Clinton is talking another story.
"According to a report in The Hill:
Hillary Clinton on Monday urged Democrats to choose a nominee who can win the Electoral College in 2020.
 "We have to hope that whoever ends up nominated can win the Electoral College," she said at a discussion of her book, "The Book of Gutsy Women," in Denver.
 "I think several of our candidates could win the popular vote but as I know ... that's not enough," added the 2016 Democratic nominee. 
 "I don't think we have a choice; we have to win" in 2020, she said, speaking alongside her daughter and co-author Chelsea Clinton at a sold-out event. 
"That intense focus on doing what it takes to actually win an election, instead of just count on solid-blue cities and states to carry the tally and yell victory, which she did earlier, insisting the whole thing was proof she really won the 2016 election, does signal some kind of change in thinking. As recently as Halloween, she was touting the importance of the popular vote. Something happened in the last five days while she's been out on book tour, touting some dreary book called "Gutsy Women about the importance of being left wing seems to have seeped into her frame of mind.
"Might it be that Joe Biden is flailing in the general election, the ooze of corruption from his son Hunter's doings, seeping closer and closer to Biden's own podium? Might it be that Wall Street is giving a Bronx cheer to the Democrats' reportedly best hope, Elizabeth Warren? Hillary Clinton never had problems shaking down that crowd. Might it be the spirited rallies and extreme enthusiasm seen at Trump rallies, way out in the deplorable flyover country, that place Clinton has long derided as not quite as good as her beloved blue cities? Most every hard-nosed observer of the political scene thinks Trump can beat every face on the Democrats' remaining roster. It could explain her sudden awakening to the importance, if not value, of the electoral college. 
"In any case, as her convenient book tour goes on, it appears she's getting warmer to the idea of running for president again. She's obviously convinced she could do it because she's now looking at practical ways of winning, the ones she ignored back when she was refusing to go to Wisconsin. Townhall has a pretty good writeup with some choice tweets here.
"She's running. Ready for Hillary, again?"

Clinton Unites Democrats — Against Her  
. . . "Hillary Clinton keeps flirting with running for president again, and the Democrat Party keeps rejecting her advances. You cannot blame Democrats for dismissing a candidacy the only rationale for which is hubris. And you cannot blame Republicans for desiring a candidacy that would take Democrats’ current chaos to another level.
"Welcome to the Clinton conundrum. On one hand, Hillary’s ominous omnipresence would signal an impending run if she were anyone else. On the other, Hillary’s two national election losses would signal a permanent retirement if she were anyone else.
"As they have been for almost three decades, Democrats are still trying to solve the Clinton riddle. Currently, they have their hands full with a fractured field that refuses to yield clarity. Four months in, and no closer to choosing next year’s nominee, the nominee from three years ago resurfaces." . . .

Monday, October 21, 2019

A glimpse inside Hillary and her demagoguery, showing her state of mind

Still loved by Feminists and TV hosts like Colbert; is Hillary the best they can come up with?

Richard Kantro  "It's genuinely remarkable, what with her résumé overflowing with maledictions, malefactions, imprecations, fabrications, machinations, and depredations, that Hillary Clinton was able last week to outdo herself -- at this presumably late stage of her malodorous political career -- by hurling a ball of flaming bile at Tulsi Gabbard.
. . .
"Ah, grace.  Hillary Clinton's frayed psychology is showing, and this perennial beldam's psyche is as ugly as her politics and her tactics.  Tulsi Gabbard's positions aside, she is young, good-looking, well-spoken, patriotic, and politically viable:  reasons enough for a jealous harridan to smolder and burn against her.  The one quality, youth, Clinton left behind decades ago.  The others she never had, and never could."

Explaining Hillary Clinton's feud with Tulsi Gabbard  . . . "With some Obama administration officials, they unleashed the Russian collusion hoax.  Despite the conclusion of the Mueller investigation of Trump, the matter morphed into obstruction of justice and now political abuse of power with Ukraine and military material support.  
The eyes of Sauron
"But you have to go back to 2000 to remember that Hillary opposed the election of George W. Bush since he had not won the popular vote against Al Gore.  Later, the California absentee vote revealed a much closer vote, generally not reported by the liberal press.  Our Constitution's Electoral College does not seem to matter to Hillary.

"So why is Hillary so focused on Gabbard?  During the 2016 Democratic primaries, the party had rigged the process against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).  It was clearly Hillary's effort to ensure her nomination.  Tulsi Gabbard found this unacceptable and supported Sanders after resigning her high-level position within the party.  Clinton carries her grudges, and this is payback." . . . 

Gabbard Releases Official Video Response to Clinton's Smear  
" 'People warned me in 2016 that my endorsement of Bernie Sanders would be the end of my 'political career,'" Gabbard said in the video "They said, 'Clinton will never forget,' that she and her rich and powerful friends, her allies in politics and the media will make sure that you are destroyed." . . .

Put Up or Shut Up on These Accusations, Hillary
Until Hillary Clinton or anyone else generates some actual proof, treat Tulsi Gabbard for what she appears to be — an impassioned isolationist who believes the United States has no business attempting to spread our values or stand up for human rights abroad, and who’s comfortable working with brutal dictators if the end result is fewer American casualties. Not every bad or controversial idea in public life is a sign of a sinister conspiracy.
Mayor Pete's Ability to Spin Clinton's Attack on Gabbard Is Utterly Shameful

Tulsi Gabbard, Jill Stein, And Hillary Clinton’s Greatest Fear

By the way, incase you hadn't heard, Hillary Now Blaming The DNC For Her Loss To Trump…  That would be the same DNC which gave her so many superdelegates.

No. Wait! It was sexism: Hillary Clinton (Again) Blames ‘Sexism’ For Election Defeat…

Hillary Clinton’s sad, sick conspiracy theories  . . . "In her efforts to rationalize her 2016 loss, Hillary Clinton has gone full cuckoo. Vladimir Putin not only robbed her, he’s positioning his “assets” to do it again.
" . . .She’s the favorite of the Russians,” Clinton raved.
"She plainly meant Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, as Plouffe said. Never mind that Gabbard ruled out any third-party bid on CNN in August — or that she’s a veteran who put her life on the line for this country.
"This follows last week’s New York Times story hinting at the same conspiracy theory, which cited at least two former Clinton aides and which Gabbard slammed onstage at last week’s debate." . . .

Via Weasel Zippers:

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Tulsi Gabbard: 'They will destroy you' if you stand up to Clinton

Hillary Clinton’s words are supposed to carry weight. She has made a charge that the Russians are meddling in the 2020 presidential election. If her statement wasn’t so batty, it should probably trigger an investigation – maybe another special counsel.
The Tulsi-Hillary show  "Has Hillary Clinton finally lost it?" 
" 'In what sounded like a sketch from “Saturday Night Live” or an episode of the old “Twilight Zone” TV series, Clinton used a podcast interview this week to throw out a bizarre conspiracy theory attacking struggling Democratic presidential contender Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii.
"Shocked by her stunning defeat at the hands of Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential race, Clinton and her supporters – including most of the media – concocted a Russia collusion hoax to explain Trump’s victory." . . .

Tulsi Gabbard fights back against Comrade Clinton’s smear attempts
 . . ."Remember, Hillary is the one who signed off on selling Russian-connected parties 20% of the US uranium supply, after which the Clinton Foundation got more than $100 million in “donations” and Bill pocketed $500,000 cash for speeches to Moscow banks controlled by Putin-allied oligarchs.
"Why would the Russians have ever supported Donald Trump when they already knew that they could, uh, do business with the Clintons? They say Vladimir Putin is a gangster, and he probably is, so let me ask you: since when do gangsters want to replace crooked cops they’ve already bribed, and therefore own?" . . .

What the Framers Knew That Hillary Doesn’t 
. . . "Democrats have claimed over and over that Trump has some sort of mental illness, but a far stronger case could be made that it is Clinton who is clinically delusional. She remains unable to understand that she failed to gain an Electoral College majority because she was the less talented candidate and because of her obvious use of her governmental position corruptly to increase her and her family’s wealth."
. . . 
"Clinton’s talent for fabrication, a talent also shared by her husband (a man once branded by a fellow Democratic politician, Senator Bob Kerry, as an “unusually good liar”) is also manifested by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and the other Democrats pushing for the impeachment of President Trump with the currently manufactured tale of misdeeds involving the Ukraine.". . . 

Try beating this panel, CNN!

Ben Garrison
CNN Democrat Van Jones Slams Hillary Over Her Atrocious Attack Of Tulsi
. . . "Here’s what he had to say Friday night:
“If you’re concerned about disinformation…that is what just happened, just throw out some information, disinformation, smear somebody. She is Hillary Clinton. She’s a legend. She’s going to be in the history books. She’s a former nominee of our party, and she just came out against a sitting U.S. congresswoman, a decorated war veteran, and somebody who’s running for the nomination of our party with just a complete smear and no facts.”
. . .