Sunday, September 6, 2009

Thank Madonna For Standing Up to Islamic Thugs, Raising Israeli Flag

Debbie Schlussel "Recently, I told you how the typical anti-Israel thugs were demanding that Madonna cancel her planned Israeli trip and concert. Although I’ve been a frequent Madonna critic, I lauded her for ignoring them."...."That’s brave for her, and I give her credit and props for that. And now she’s under attack from every segment of the Muslim and extremist world, not to mention nutty YouTube commenters (though that could be redundant)."

How far left will Obama have to go?

Beltway Confidential "Obama is facing an uprising from his base amid reports that he is considering a watered-down version of the Democratic health care bill that would not include a public option unless health insurance companies refused to lower costs and make coverage easier to attain and keep."

Obama’s weakness issue

By Dick Morris "In the meantime, Obama’s pathetic performance vis-à-vis Iran and North Korea cannot but send a message to all of America’s enemies that the president of the United States does not believe in using power — that he is a wimp and they can get away with whatever they want. A dangerous reputation indeed."

A Dangerous Delusion/ We go to war to defend our interests, not to encourage democracy.

By Andrew C. McCarthy = "Have you taken a look at Iraq lately? We went there to topple Saddam; we stayed to build an Islamic “democracy,” and the result is an Iranian satellite. The new Iraq is a sharia state that wants us gone, has denied us basing rights for future military operations, has pressured a weak American president into releasing Iran-backed terrorists, has rolled out the red carpet for Hezbollah, allows Iranian spies to operate freely (causing the recent ouster of the intelligence minister, who was an American ally), tolerates the persecution of religious minorities, and whose soon-to-take-power ruling coalition vows “not to establish relations with the Zionist entity” — a vow that would simply continue longstanding Iraqi policy, as Diana West points out. If that’s success, what does failure look like?"

Airstrike creates Taliban firestorm

Blackfive "Prep yourselves for another round of dead civilians or dead tangos. Sadly the narrative has been spun out so far towards the idea that anyone killed is called a civilian that we suffer some hearts and minds damage regardless."

A Migrating Maine Snowe-Bird

Pajamas Media "Snowe seems to be trying to make herself a darling of the Obama administration, with the fact that her proposals reflect none of the thinking of her party being of no concern to her. Neither, of course, are the millions of American citizens, many from Maine, appalled by the Obama administration’s push to Euro-socialism."

White House Adviser Van Jones Resigns Amid Controversy Over Past Activism

Washington Post ""On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me," Jones,... said in a statement announcing his resignation just after midnight Saturday. "They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide."

Saturday, September 5, 2009

From Preparedness to Appeasement and Back/ Are we about to repeat this tired cycle?

By Victor Davis Hanson "We are more likely now to put CIA interrogators on trial than to arrest and berate new terrorists. Dick Cheney, not Osama bin Laden, has become the new national threat. George W. Bush has been reduced to Orwell’s Emmanuel Goldstein, the “He did it” collective menace at whom we are supposed to yell out in hatred each morning. We now live in an era of renewed appeasement, faith in the United Nations, no “inordinate fear,” and all the usual tired slogans."

Time to End the Hyphenated American Thing

By Lloyd Marcus "These same Americans who so desperately want to be united without hyphenations are called racists by the Obama administration for disagreeing with his radical agenda.Freedom to identify one's self in whatever way one pleases is a part of the greatness of America. While I acknowledge my African descent, I will always proudly refer to myself as an American!"

AP is 'truly appalling' - UPDATED

Mudville Gazette "Associated Press says photo of Lance Cpl. Joshua Bernard shows realities of war. Ms Jacobson wanted people to see the 'realities' of war. She not only photographs his death she describes explicitly how he was injured and his last moments for his parents and family to read." Photos are available, but we have elected not to overtly link to them.

Mr. President, here is how to properly research job candidates

By George Jetson , blogger at

White House Memo to Al-Qaeda: Now Is the Time to Strike

Pajamas Media " was equally ludicrous to suggest that a president of either party would embrace a policy that would directly lead to the death and injury of more Americans under his watch for his own political purposes. That is because before last week it was ludicrous to suggest that any president would order criminal investigations of executive branch employees for performing their duty to keep the country safe from attack."