Monday, September 7, 2009

Ayres to defile Purdue University

American Thinker "“I assume he was invited because of his competency in education,” Targ said, apparently unaccompanied by a laugh track. “It is unfortunate that people want to protest this. “If there is any hoopla, it will be extraneous. It was 40 years ago when he did this stuff.” Well, by that standard, may we Purdue graduates look forward down the road to Theodore Kaczynski giving a remote lecture on the dangers of TNT? "

Glenn Foden cartoon

Why Parents Don’t Trust the Educator-in-Chief and His Comrades

CNS News "Obama served with Weather Underground terrorist and neighbor Bill Ayers on the Chicago Annenberg Challenge education initiative. Downplaying academic achievement in favor of left-wing radical activism in the public schools is rooted in Ayers’ pedagogical philosophy."

Van Jones goes down swinging

Powerline Blog "Jones was also a perfect symbol of the dereliction of the mainstream media in the Age of Obama. Those who rely on the New York Times for their news, for example, will learn of Jones's departure some time soon, but it will come as a great surprise to them, and well after the shouting is over. Whatever Jones said is already heard indistinctly, like a distant echo, in the Times's lame overnight report."

Does our president have a moral compass?

Powerline Blog "Obama portrays himself as a visionary, able to view the petty disputes that preoccupy the rest of the world from a higher plane, divorced from anything as banal as America's interest. That posture is offensive enough. But what if, like so many extreme leftists who came before him, he's just a man without a moral compass that points anywhere other than in direction of sharing the wealth and increasing government power? "

America's flawed sex offender laws

UK Guardian "The Jaycee Dugard case illustrates how America's sex offender registries hurt efforts to stop repeat sex crimes."

Peace between Israel and Palestine – a Task Too Difficult for Obama?

By Ana Ilie, Romania "...However, this would signify that the conflict started in 1967. The conflict has deeper roots, since the foundation of the Israeli state in 1948, if not from the arrival of the first Jewish people determined to reconstruct their country in the last years of the nineteenth century."

China alarmed by US money printing

UK Telegraph "The US Federal Reserve's policy of printing money to buy Treasury debt threatens to set off a serious decline of the dollar and compel China to redesign its foreign reserve policy, according to a top member of the Communist hierarchy."

Tens of Thousands Protest Chávez in Venezuela

WSJ Online "Anti-Chávez protesters, many of them wearing white, filled the streets of Caracas, denouncing recent arrests of opposition members for alleged violence during protests and a new education law that critics fear could lead to indoctrination in schools." Buncha bleepin' nazis and astroturfers organized by Republicans. Oh, here's this: Stone film says U.S. demonises Chavez, other leaders. But wait! There's more! "Capitalism is evil," says new Michael Moore film .

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Good Morning, Bias:Diane Sawyer’s Liberal Spin

Media Research Center "She derided the Bush administration’s “massive tax cuts,” championed campaign finance “reform,” and even asked then-candidate Barack Obama to judge whether America is “more racist or more sexist.”"

'We tried to kill Carter and Blair'

Jerusalem Post "He also disclosed that his men had planned to kill Carter and Blair, both of whom he dubbed "infidels," during their recent visits to the Gaza Strip. "The hands of Carter and Blair are stained with Muslim blood," he said. "It was our duty to kill the two." Taleb said that Hamas foiled the assassination plots and arrested the men who had set out to carry them out."

Another Snowe Job

IBD "Health Care: In the wake of a public outcry effectively killing the "public option," who comes along to try to revive socialistic health reform? The definitive Republican In Name Only — Sen. Olympia Snowe."