Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Senator Tom Coburn schools a constituent about the painful truth of government-run healthcare.

SayAnything Blog

Whoa, Trigger / The latest gimmick to disguise a health-care 'public option.'

WSJ Online "Liberals should love the idea because a trigger isn't a substantive concession; it merely ensures that the public option will arrive eventually, instead of immediately. Democrats will goose the tests so that private insurers can't possibly meet them, mainly by imposing new regulations and other costly burdens."

Obama gets conflicting tips on health care speech

Yahoo News "The president, admired the world over for his oratory, has struggled to find the right message on health care. Polls show Americans are losing confidence in his vision of a revamped system with guaranteed coverage and lower costs."


Boortz "They want Democrats to pass their card check bill. Pass the card check bill and the labor unions can go on their merry way, bullying workers into a giant unionized work-force. And it seems as though the White House pandered right to them. .... Barack Obama says that "every American owes something to America's labor movement."


Nealz Nuze "At least Michael Moore realizes that our current system is not a democracy. Moonbats like Michael Moore like the idea of democracy because it is rule by man compared to rule by law. I'm more of a law kinda guy myself. Maybe that's because of what our founding fathers believed about the notion of democracy. Remember this one? "... the term "democrat" originated as an epithet and referred to 'one who panders to the crude and mindless whims of the masses.'" Yeah, that seems to fit for a moonbat like Michael Moore."


By Neal Boortz "TeamObama must have loved this one. Talk about a hanging curveball. Once the manic inanity started all they had to do is sit back, prepare an innocuous speech for The One, and let the people scratch their heads wondering what in the hell the Republicans were so upset about! "

Venezuela's Chavez says hopes can work with Obama

Reuters "Chavez was in Venice for the world premiere of "South of the Border," director Oliver Stone's sympathetic portrait of a leader he says has championed the poor and who has been unfairly demonized by the U.S. media. "I have no reason to call him (Obama) the devil, and I hope that I am right," ..."

Monday, September 7, 2009

Has Liberalism Jumped the Shark?

Big Hollywood "We saw our government allow Iranian protesters, who peacefully challenged a rigged election, get shot in the street. Concurrently, we demanded that a tin-pot dictator be reinstated after his government got wise to his schemes and legally booted him. All of these little vignettes, as well as countless others over the last month or two, do not bold well for our little leftist friends. "

Text of Obama's education speech released

SF Examiner "But at the end of the day, the circumstances of your life – what you look like, where you come from, how much money you have, what you’ve got going on at home – that’s no excuse for neglecting your homework or having a bad attitude. That’s no excuse for talking back to your teacher, or cutting class, or dropping out of school. That’s no excuse for not trying. Where you are right now doesn’t have to determine where you’ll end up. No one’s written your destiny for you. Here in America, you write your own destiny. You make your own future." I say amen to that.

Van Jones’ Resignation

by Victor Davis Hanson "Worse still, by its own admission, the Obama administration seems to have monitored Jones and selected him for his czardom precisely because of, not despite, his flamboyant past."

Malpractice; Personal History: A Day in the Life

American Progress "Replaying the scene hundreds of times in my head, I asked myself, "What would I do differently if I encountered the same circumstances again?" The answer was always the same: nothing." From a liberal site, but part of a fair, reasoned debate article. The complete article here:

Obama’s Health Care Speech a High-Stakes Political Game

Rich Baehr, Pajamas Media "Former Senator Bill Bradley audaciously suggested that to get a reform bill through, the left needs to accept tort reform, including special medical courts to hear malpractice cases. The liberal Brookings Institution has also endorsed the idea. No one knows how much of the care now provided reflects defensive medicine, related to protecting physicians and providers against legal liability. But it is not trivial. There is, unfortunately, zero chance of the Democrats turning their backs on a loyal and substantial campaign funding source — the trial lawyers."