Thursday, September 10, 2009

Conservatives, Time to Adopt Saul Alinsky Tactics

Free Republic "Alinsky taught that in order to most effectively cast themselves as defenders of moral principals and human decency, organizers must react with "shock, horror, and moral outrage" whenever their targeted enemy in any way misspeaks or fails to live up to his "book of rules." "Moreover, said Alinsky, whenever possible the organizer must deride his enemy and dismiss him as someone unworthy of being taken seriously because he is either intellectually deficient or morally bankrupt. "The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength," said Alinsky. He advised organizers to "laugh at the enemy" in an effort to provoke "an irrational anger." "Ridicule," said Alinsky, "is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."

It's Still the Economy, Stupid

By DANIEL HENNINGER Hat tip to Rush Limbaugh. "To save himself and his party from another health-care debacle, Barack Obama should put his campaign agenda on the back burner, bend his efforts to the reviving economy, rebuild his political capital by taking credit for the inevitable rebound, minimize the loss of House seats and then revisit his wish list in 2011. The alternative is promising big, accomplishing little and getting credit for nothing. This could be America's greatest failed presidency."

Talking Cure, Again

National Review "Neither the government-heavy substance nor the dishonest and demagogic tactics have changed. The president denounced “scare tactics” — in a speech that warned that failure to go along with his plans would cause people to die. He pretended that preventive care will “save money,” even though this claim has been authoritatively and repeatedly debunked. He claimed, in defiance of every independent assessment, that the legislation before Congress will reduce costs. He denied that the legislation he supports will spend federal dollars on abortion, which can be true only if he has some private and novel definition of “federal dollars.” He denied that it will cover illegal immigrants, even though Democratic congressmen have specifically voted not to require verification of legal residence."

Morning Bell: The President Learned Nothing From August

Heritage "At the very least, Mr. Obama and the Democrats should stop trying to ignore reality; they should stop pretending that August didn’t happen, that there hasn’t been a national revolt against a government takeover of health care. They keep telling themselves—and thus keep hearing—that the Town Hall meetings of summer were concocted by FOX News and abetted by the Internet. Reality may need to set in before we can get real reform."

Barack Obama’s Past Grace

Liberation. France, Hat tip to WatchingAmerica "Polls are becoming worrying for the White House. Uncertainty is taking hold domestically and, at the same time, the horizon is darkening on foreign fronts. Translated By Drue Fergison"

Flashback: Democratic etiquette in the Bush era

Hot Air "Here’s a clip from the State of the Union speech in 2005, when George Bush warned Congress that Social Security was going broke and needed reform immediately. Did Democrats politely listen to the warning? Not exactly. Listen to the boos and catcalls:..."

Video: GOP congressman yells “liar” at Obama; Update: Wilson apologizes

Hot Air “This evening I let my emotions get the best of me when listening to the President’s remarks regarding the coverage of illegal immigrants in the health care bill. While I disagree with the President’s statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility.”

ObamaCare: First, Do Some Harm — Then, Exploit the Crisis

By James Lewis "ObamaCare is a really sweet deal – if you believe in abysmal ignorance and wild guesswork as a basis for turning over control of a half-trillion-dollar-per-year medical system to a Central Committee of Wise Heads. No sane real-world organization could work this way. But power has its perks, and one of them is to dictate a revolution in the United States without ever trying to understand its consequences."

I Think the Racists in the Left Wing are Upset

By Monte Kuligowski "President Obama’s old pastor, Jeremiah White-Folks’-Greed Wright, recently made a phenomenal statement that carries tremendous insight into the worldview of the radical left. On the subject of Obama’s proposed healthcare “reform” the not-so-good reverend had this to say: “I think the racists in the right wing are upset because poor people are about to be helped.”Say what?"

Political Malpractice

By G. Wesley Clark, M.D. "Asserting that the many layers of government regulation have only served to produce our current crisis, they argue that constructive deregulation could resolve market distortions, reducing costs and enabling better informed, cost-conscious decision making by consumers, as opposed to arbitrary bureaucratic manipulation."

Wilson apologizes for breach of protocol

American Thinker "Please note that Wilson did not aver that he is wrong, that illegal immigrants won't be included under Obamacare: That's because he was dead on, 100%, right as Bill Jacobsen points out:..."

The News in the Speech

TNR "...And the public plan? He gives a lengthy, strong defense of the idea. It could have come straight out of the literature of groups like Health Care for America Now...But he also makes clear, to left as well as right, that he's open to compromise."