Friday, September 11, 2009

Inexperience and Obama's latest Foibles

Lauri Regan "The inexperience of Obama and his advisors becomes more evident day after day as they blunder their way through both domestic and foreign policy. While most youngsters are taught from an early age that their actions have consequences, the world is watching these neophytes learn on the job – and the grown-ups are taking advantage of the children running the show here in America."

Down the memory hole: Democrat poor manners during presidential speeches

Instapundit "But someone who says “get in their face” and “punch back twice as hard” has little standing to bring that up. If you want to benefit from traditions of civility, you should respect them, and that has hardly been a hallmark of this administration, which has gone out of its way to try to demonize and shout down opponents." Hat tip: Ethel Fenig, AT

Beck bags another one

By Thomas Lifson "In an alternate universe where the mainstream media were not left wing ideologues, Beck would be garnering Peabody awards and maybe even a Pulitzer Prize for uncovering misconduct in high places. But the media and academic establishments are far too corrupt and committed to propagandistic support of Obama for that to happen."

Not This Pig

By Victor Davis Hanson "All the old wisdom, the old reverence are going by the wayside, replaced by a brave new world in which we will be the same in spirit and outlook, committed to replace truth with orthodoxy, roughly equal in ability, neither successful nor failures, neither rich nor poor, nothing “exceptional” at all, mere happy cogs in the brotherly redistributive wheel — mouthing platitudes about diversity and being green, clueless as to their meaning, but clued in to the necessity of chanting such mantras." Mediocrity, thy name is Liberal.

Listening to a Liar: Part II

by Thomas Sowell "Even those who can believe that Obama can conjure up the money through eliminating "waste, fraud and abuse" should ask themselves where he is going to conjure up the additional doctors, nurses, and hospitals needed to take care of millions more patients."

Van Jones and the 'Truthers'

By Charles Krauthammer "But on the eighth anniversary of 9/11 -- a day when there were no truthers among us, just Americans struck dumb by the savagery of what had been perpetrated on their innocent fellow citizens -- a decent respect for the memory of that day requires that truthers, who derangedly desecrate it, be asked politely to leave. By everyone."

"Hell To Pay" Author Barbara Olson killed on hijacked plane on 9/11

Book Review: "In Hell to Pay, Barbara Olson recounts Hillary’s own, personal “decade of greed” and reveals the paranoia of a first lady whom even a Clinton confidant has accused of operating a virtual “secret police” unit to destroy presumed enemies- including such lowly staffers as cooks and valets."...."No one has better penetrated the political rise of Hillary Clinton than Barbara Olson."


By Neal Boortz "Now ... just to turn the clock back .... The following are my program notes as they appeared on the Internet on September 11, 2001. Obviously the notes about the ISLAMIC attack were added after the notes were first posted. I'm sure most of the links for the reading assignments no longer work ... but it's a look back at what was happening eight years ago today: Link. "You have to ask ... would this tragedy have happened today if America had shown the resolve to rid the world of Saddam Hussein in 1991? Shows of weakness or timidity invite actions of this type. Bullies love to pick on big guys who won't fight back."

Obama to give speech on financial crisis Monday

Reuters ""He will discuss the aggressive steps the Administration has taken to bring the economy back from the brink (and) the commitment to winding down the government's role in the financial sector," the White House said in a statement."

Thursday, September 10, 2009

What 'Abortion Reduction' Means

Breakpoint-" “It won’t be easy,” writes Dinesh D’Souza for Christianity Today, “but somehow the case against abortion must include a case against sexual libertinism.”"...."Abortion reduction is intertwined with our views of sexuality, healthy relationships, and what brings happiness. It is ultimately a matter of worldview."

ACORN helps set up a supposed brothel.

By John Fund, WSJ "Just yesterday, 11 ACORN workers were accused by Florida prosecutors of falsifying information on some 900 voter registration forms. But this morning brings a Fox News report that ACORN officials in Baltimore offered to help get a housing loan and falsify tax documents for a proposed house of prostitution that would employ underage girls from El Salvador." Complete ACORN Baltimore Child Prostitution Investigation Transcript Here:

Lisa Benson cartoon
