Monday, September 14, 2009

Venezuela to Develop Nuclear Energy With Russian Help (Update1)

Bloomberg No bomb, they say. This is what happens when the US runs up the white flag and says it will not be the international influence it once was.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Nancy Pelosi on Joe Wilson, Sept 11th

The Hill "Speaker Nancy Pelosi has agreed the House should vote next week on scolding Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) for his outburst during President Barack Obama's speech unless he apologies (sic) on the floor of the House."

Nancy Pelosi on Joe Wilson, Sept 10th

Politico “The episode was unfortunate. He has apologized. It’s time to talk about health care,” Pelosi told reporters today. Read more:..."

Maureen Dowd's disgusting insinuation that Joe Wilson is a racist would land her in court in Britain

UK Telegraph "Nasty piece of work, Maureen Dowd. In the Barack Obama-worshipping New York Times over the weekend, she insinuated that Congressman Joe Wilson’s “you lie” outburst during the presidential address was inspired by racism:"...

Bomb threat against Tea Party organizers

Hot Air "The Washington DC Tea Party appears to be a big success, but it’s not for lack of trying among the movement’s more lunatic opponents. Yesterday, the DC Metro police evacuated the offices of Freedomworks after several threats, including a bomb-threat phone call that police considered credible enough to investigate:"

Video: Tea partiers chant “Glenn Beck” during CNN live shot

Hot Air "Revenge for the now legendary Susan Roesgen incident via TV Newser. Watch to the end or else you’ll miss the crowd reaction when she asks about Joe Wilson."

Holder's Destructive Investigation

by Bruce S. Thornton " Holder’s investigation promises to be yet another of those public self-flagellations that embolden the enemy and convince him to fight on for another day. Our ability to forestall attacks will be compromised, and the people charged with protecting us will be demoralized. Whether for partisan advantage or out of delusional utopianism, Holder’s investigation will endanger our security."

Would Obama Really Fight the War?

By Andrew C. McCarthy= "In 16 years of talking to and studying jihadists, I learned that what actually drives attacks and recruitment is American weakness. No display of weakness was more provocative than the U.S. pullouts from Beirut in 1983 and Somalia in 1993" ...."If pulling out of Afghanistan were seen in the same way those failures of resolve are seen, then that would be a strategic disaster. It might ultimately cost many American lives. What inspires wavering jihadists to join terror networks is the sense that the terrorists can win; what discourages them is the demonstration that they can’t."

U.S. Universities: Education or Indoctrination?

Pajamas Media "That’s right: Virginia Tech was telling prospective tenured faculty members that if they were not sufficiently committed to eliminating “socially constructed differences” and inequalities based on characteristics including “body size,” they were not wanted."

America’s Worst Colleges for Free Speech on Campus

by Robert Shibley "And Tufts University found an entire student newspaper guilty of “harassment” for publishing two pieces, one satirizing affirmative action and the other commenting on Islamic Awareness Week. The latter of these two pieces included only factually verifiable information about Islam, as well as quotes from the Koran."

Debate Over Tea Party Protest Numbers Masks the Real History Made

Pajamas Media "It is definitely an opposition movement, however. Certainly there is mass unhappiness with President Obama and his policies. And there is opposition to the Democrats in Congress. But does this really translate into electoral strength for Republicans? I am going to go out on a limb and say no. The anger here is a reaction (reactionary?) against a growing government, higher taxes, and the sense that the country that they grew up in is slipping away right before their eyes."

Who's afraid of Barack Obama?

Politico "His problem has been almost from the beginning that while Democrats on the Hill appreciate him, they're occasionally inspired by him, they're not all that impressed with him," said Bush political advisor Karl Rove. "They appreciate his diffident attitude, but I'm not sure it's one that inspires either fear or respect." What happened to that feared Chicago Machine?