Monday, September 14, 2009

Obamacare for illegal aliens: A brief history

Michelle Malkin "Do you trust a government that can’t/won’t stop illegal aliens from getting home loans to write a health care bill that prevents them from getting government-subsidized insurance coverage?"

An Unnecessary Operation

by Fred Barnes "Obamacare threatens what's right with American health care."

Obama’s Speech Prompts Ten Questions from Republicans

CNS News "The questions – and the words that prompted them – appear here verbatim:..."

Obama’s Address to Congress Didn’t Quite Do It

by Victor Davis Hanson "The President really has to watch this constant return to these soaring cadences that deliver banalities. One cannot sound like Lincoln if there really is no message. It is time to move on, ignore criticism, and offer something that most can work with; instead, after 9 months we are getting a ‘they are mean to me’ whine at about every speech and photo-op..."

Mike Ramirez cartoon

CLEAN Conservatives vs FILTHY Liberals-- A Photographic Essay

Gateway Pundit "The democrats were obviously waiting for Big Government to clean up for them. " We stuck this article in for the fun of it; it gave us a thrill up our leg.

Dems on playing the race card: 'You ain't seen nothin' yet'

By Rick Moran "It's one thing for liberal bloggers and pundits to casually drop the "R" word in trying to smear administration opponents. But it appears, according to this Politico story by Jonathan Martin, that the race card will become an official meme of the Democrats when attacking their opponents:..."...."The debate over the president's agenda is about to turn very ugly indeed."

A Destructive Toy Story Made in Washington

WSJ online "A dubious safety law is hammering small business, but Congress refuses to fix the mess it created in 2008." I'm from the government and I here to, um...

Higher Taxes Are Coming. Are You Prepared?

Wall Street Journal "As the recession and bailout have pushed this year's federal budget deficit to an unheard-of $1.6 trillion, an unpleasant reality has dawned: Taxes are going up. The only questions are when, how much, and for whom?"


By Neal Boortz "The liberal media can't, for the life of them, understand that there could be this many people who are not in love with massive and overbearing government. So they are trying to come up with other reasons why so many people would gather in protest, and the one reason they keep returning to is race. They continue to believe that this outcry has nothing to do with our imperial federal government but has everything to do with the color of the president's skin."


By Neal Boortz "...I was at an event last evening where I had a chance to shoot the breeze with both of Georgia's U.S. Senators. Let me tell you, my friends ... you've made an impact. There will be a lot of Senators and Representatives heading back to their Capitol Hill offices today trying to figure out just what this tremendous showing means. "

'Pimp & hooker' catch B[roo]klyn staff

NY Post "Honesty is not going to get you the house," a loan counselor at the offices told two activists posing as a mortgage-seeking pimp and prostitute."