Thursday, June 24, 2010

CNN: Gates wanted to keep McChrystal

Hot Air "Less than 24 hours after Barack Obama insisted in a Rose Garden statement that he would not “tolerate division” among his war council, someone’s leaking to CNN that Defense Secretary Robert Gates didn’t want General Stanley McChrystal fired. That seems to contradict a rather complimentary behind-the-scenes report from Politico’s Mike Allen, and demonstrates once again that McChrystal didn’t start the backbiting game but merely played along with it:"...

Ollie Loves Hugo & Hugo Loves Ollie

American Thinker " "South of the Border" may have been a bust in Venezuela, but the odds are excellent that it will be a good draw among the eastern liberals and the Hollywood crowd. Can't you just picture the gala Hollywood premier? Look over there on the left (far left) it's Danny Glover! Did I see Susan Sarandon and Jane Fonda avoiding a homeless producer? Is that Hugo's close friend Sean Penn walking down the red carpet? If only he would attack a photographer we could tell for sure."    Phil Boehmke

Hey, Remember When Harry Reid Called Petraeus A Liar?

Interior Secretary Salazar Seeks to Reimpose Drilling Moratorium

FoxNews "U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman, who was appointed by President Ronald Reagan and has owned stock in a number of petroleum-related companies, sided with the plaintiffs.
"If some drilling equipment parts are flawed, is it rational to say all are?" he asked. "Are all airplanes a danger because one was? All oil tankers like Exxon Valdez? All trains? All mines? That sort of thinking seems heavy-handed, and rather overbearing."
"He also warned that the shutdown would have an "immeasurable effect" on the industry, the local economy and the U.S. energy supply."

MSNBC's false narrative on Judge's offshore drilling moratorium ruling "MSBNC's drilling moratorium reporting is a disservice to the media-consuming public because it is a clear attempt to draw a conclusion that has not been adequately researched and very well could be completely untrue. MSNBC is again acting as a PR arm of the White House, so why should it be any surprise that its work would is as slipshod as that of the Administration?"

The threat of illegal alien amnesty-by-executive order

NumbersUSA   "Led by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), eight Senators addressed a letter to the President asking for answers to questions about a plan that would allow DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano to provide an amnesty if they can't secure enough votes for a bill in the Senate."
"The Administration would be wise to abandon any plans for deferred action or parole for the illegal population. Such a move would further erode the American public’s confidence in the federal government and its commitment to securing the borders and enforcing the laws already on the books."
The threat of illegal alien amnesty-by-executive order "This administration has accomplished its major policy agenda items through force, fiat, and fraud. Immigration will be no different." Michelle Malkin.

Business leaders say Obama's economic policies stifle growth

Washington Post "The chairman of the Business Roundtable, an association of top corporate executives that has been President Obama's closest ally in the business community, accused the president and Democratic lawmakers Tuesday of creating an "increasingly hostile environment for investment and job creation." "

THE 'WELL DUH!' COMMENT OF THE DAY  "Finally! Maybe the American small business community isn't going to sit back and take it any longer. The business owners, the entrepreneurs, the job-makers .. there is only so much these people can take before things get ugly. Well guess what: things ARE ugly but more importantly .. the future under The Community Organizer doesn't look all that great. If people really want our economy to turn around, clearly changes in our leadership must be made." Neal Boortz.

Every congressman with a D by his or her name is a likely YES vote for this man's policies and goals.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cops arrest Christians for handing out gospel at Dearborn Arab festival? Update: Pushback

Hot Air "Via Powerline, so insane is this that I’m paranoid there’s a key detail missing somewhere that might explain the whole thing. Could the Christians have been trespassing on private property, maybe? Sure doesn’t look like it, and in any case, they weren’t arrested for trespassing. They were arrested for “disorderly conduct,” which apparently now extends to the offense of offering religious literature to someone who might not want it."
I disagree strongly with this columnist's opinion the the Christians sue for a great deal of money. That is not the calling of Christians.

What a Sack of Sacrosanct

Ann Coulter "...With that in mind, here are some questions it would be fun to ask a New York liberal like Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan at her hearings next week:
-- Roughly one-third of Americans are Evangelical Christians. Do you personally know any Evangelical Christians? Name two.
-- In 1972, Richard Nixon was elected president with more than 60 percent of the vote, winning every state except Massachusetts and the District of Columbia. How many people do you know who voted for Nixon?
-- Appropriate or inappropriate: Schools passing out condoms to seventh-graders? Schools passing out cigarettes to seventh-graders?
-- Who is a greater threat to America, Sarah Palin or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?"

What gets Obama’s goat?

Bookworm Room "Obama has been in office roughly a year and a half. That’s long enough to get a handle on what motivates our president. He’s pretty binary. When he’s not partying with rock stars, he’s either apathetic or angry. Here, in no particular order, is a little list of Obama’s responses to both world situations and domestic policy initiatives that have occurred so far during his administration:"...H/t to Lucianne.

Reasoning Arizona

Karl Rove "Rather than forge a coalition on reform, Obama is content to use the issue to secure Latino votes—if not for Democrats in this fall’s contests, then for his reelection. He willingly mischaracterizes the Arizona law because doing so benefits his party and himself. But on matters involving race, the president’s obligation is to unify America, not add to tensions. Obama’s political handling of this sensitive issue is shameful."