Monday, July 5, 2010

Harry Reid Curiously Quiet About Michael Steele

Legal Insurrection "In 2007, Sen. Reid opposed the Iraq "surge" and questioned publicly the integrity of Bush's general -- David Petraeus.
"In 2010, Reid supports the Afghanistan "surge" and gushes public praise for Obama's general -- David Petraeus.
"Sen. Reid owes the country an explanation. He can start with Nevadans, who must decide in November whether he's fit to send back to Washington. But in the end, he must stand accountable to the soldiers who won his "lost" war.
"There is a poster child for betting against our troops and rooting for failure. But it's not Michael Steele."

Former U.S. prosecutor to testify on New Black Panthers charges "There, two members of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense hurled racial threats and insults at black and white voters, federal prosecutors in the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division alleged in a complaint accusing the group and three members of violating the federal Voting Rights Act.
"The prosecutors later won a default judgment against Minister King Samir Shabazz, whom they identified as leader of the Philadelphia chapter, and sought dismissal of charges against the organization and two other members.
"Now, one of the prosecutors, J. Christian Adams, has resigned from the Justice Department amid a widening flap over the case. He said he was scheduled to testify Tuesday before the U.S. Civil Rights Commission in an investigation over dismissal of the charges."

Netanyahu Must Play for Time

Caroline Glick,Townhall "Over the past several months there have been repeated reports that Jewish Americans are drastically cutting back their donations to Democrats. The current trend will likely escalate if Obama forces Netanyahu into a corner next week.
"What this means is that Netanyahu is well placed to stand up to Obama's pressure. If he plays his cards wisely, he can say no to Obama and avoid an open confrontation."

What Obama Doesn't Understand About Zionism Obama couldn't have been more wrong. The roots of Jewish aspirations for a state -- what we call Zionism -- run much deeper in the cycle of history. The quest for Jewish statehood did not germinate in European persecution -- not in the Holocaust, not in the Spanish Inquisition, not in the systematic slaughter of Jews during the Crusades.
"To trace Zionist roots, one must rewind the historical tape to a non-European setting some 4,000 years ago. The genesis of Zionism starts with the Book of Genesis."....
"You can hear this revisionist argument in Palestinian circles and throughout the Arab world -- a total denial of the historical reality that Jews, in fact, are the most indigenous people in Palestine -- by a margin of several
millennia." Emphasis added.

This Fourth of July, Remember the Importance of Christianity

Townhall  "In Washington’s writings, he used the word “God” at least 146 times, “divine” at least 95 times, “heaven” at least 133 times and “providence” at least 270 times.
"His first act as president was a prayer. When he finished his oath of office at his first inaugural, he added the words, “So help me God,” and bent down to kiss the Bible. Then he led the crowd across the street to a chapel for a two-hour service. Alexander Hamilton’s wife said she was at Washington’s side when he took communion that day."  Peter Lillback

Obama Plays Election-Year Politics on Immigration

Michael Barone Obama "might have added, but didn't, that an Arizona law requiring employers to use the federal E-Verify system has resulted in a statistically significant decline in the illegal immigrant population in that state, according to the Census Bureau. A similar federal measure might make a comprehensive bill more palatable to many Republicans and some Democrats, too. "

Sunday, July 4, 2010

What Jefferson Wrought; The author of the Declaration laid the philosophical bedrock of the American republic.

National Review Online  "It expressed our mind, though not our practice, most obviously when it came to the disgrace of slavery. Yet the Declaration has served over time as an acid test of freedom; it has exposed our failures to live up to truths we pronounced “self-evident.” In the 19th century, apologists for slavery felt compelled to dismiss the Declaration as a “glittering generality.” It was Abraham Lincoln, the great vindicator of freedom, who boasted, “I have never had a feeling politically that did not spring from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence.”
"Those sentiments, so vividly expressed, should always inform debates over the role and purposes of government in America."  Rich Lowry is editor of National Review.

An Immodest Proposal

Prof. Mike Adams "Earlier this week, the Court ruled that a public university may require all student organizations to admit any student as a voting member or officer. The decision applies even to a student who is openly hostile to the group's fundamental beliefs." Emphasis added.

A suggestion for this 4th of July

American Thinker "The Oath of Office is as follows...I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
"Since Obama has proven incapable of doing the job we must do it for him."

Blame game could 'boomerang' on Obama, strategist says

CNN  "Though the Democrats controlled Congress in the last two years of the Bush administration and have controlled both the White House and Congress for a year and a half -- 41 percent of people surveyed in a recent CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll said Republicans are responsible for the current economic problems. Twenty-eight percent blamed Democrats, and 26 percent said both parties share responsibility."

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Fourth of July: What We Should Be Celebrating

Of Thee I Sing 1776  "This is a Republic we have been given, “if” as Franklin is reported to have said, “we can keep it.” Keeping it means knowing what it is to be fortunate enough to live in a republic such as that bequeathed to us by the founders, and how important that is to maintaining both our freedom from the oppressive government our founders feared and the liberty necessary to pursue our individual dreams."

"On this 4th of July weekend, the 234th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence felt it would be appropriate to provide a copy of the document that marked the birth of an independent American nation. Happy Birthday America!"

Leno demonstrates effectiveness of American education on history   "If you want the right answers, get Grandpa to answer them, a message I heartily endorse. Hopefully, he took Jay’s advice and sat his family down with a history book or two, but in fairness, it looks as though plenty of Americans don’t have a clue about their own history."

A silver platter of GOP talking points for November

American Thinker  "Using what I call a "silver platter" of campaign talking points handed to them by the Obama administration and Democrat leadership; Republicans should trounce the opposition in debate after debate all the way to a landslide victory on November 2nd.
"But having said that, I'm beginning to get a little - no - a lot worried at what I am seeing after watching Republicans these past several months."  Neil Braithwaite

Obama Rated One of Best Presidents Ever - Better Than Reagan

Newsbusters "A survey of 238 "presidential scholars" released Thursday ranked Barack Obama as one of the nations's best presidents ever. According to the Siena College Research Institute, Obama is currently in the fifteenth position an amazing three spots AHEAD of Ronald Reagan.
"Imagine that: a man that has been in the White House for less than eighteen months and hasn't accomplished anything is considered better than the president that reinvigorated America after the dreadful Jimmy Carter years while also ending the Cold War.
"Speaking of Carter, these geniuses actually ranked him higher than George W. Bush."