Saturday, July 10, 2010

Krauthammer: I believe Obama may be a tad narcissistic

Hot Air "Krauthammer refers to a pattern that many have noticed about Obama, his repetitive self-referential language in speeches and remarks that far exceed anything seen from his predecessors — even the man we used to call The Big Me, Bill Clinton."

'The Crisis at Which We Are Arrived'

William Kristol "So fear not the Tea Parties. Be open to fundamental reforms. Belt-tightening and program-trimming, more transparency and greater efficiency, are not enough. The danger for Republicans isn’t that they will address the current crisis too boldly. It’s that they won’t be bold enough."

Are You an American, or Do You Just Live Here?

American Thinker "These people who do not respect our country enough to enter the country properly and legally. They do not care that we have laws, and they bring their own culture here. Many of them do not respect our flag; in fact, they burn it and spit on it in public, periodically."  Heather Carlton
But they do vote Democrat.

What will be the October Surprise?

Atlas Shrugs "But the party of haters, infiltrators, anti-capitalists, anti-freedom, anti-individual rights is going to have to pull off something really catastrophic to stay in power this November. And they will, because they despise the premise of America and they mean to replace it with statism, the source of untold, incomprehensible human misery for centuries. Ayn Rand wrote of statism:"
The political expression of altruism is collectivism or statism, which holds that man’s life and work belong to the state—to society, to the group, the gang, the race, the nation—and that the state may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good. The Objectivist Newsletter, Aug. 1962, 35

Daily Gut: Ringo’s Mindless Peace & Love

Big Hollywood "They die because people listen to aging hippes like Ringo Starr. The idea that all the evil in the world will dissolve if we all chant peace and love is what enables evil in the world to flourish.Threat of war, however, makes peace possible – not silly proclamations of hugs and kisses.
"Of course, I’m probably picking on Ringo a bit too much here. But really, jackasses who spout peace, can only spout peace, if the more sensible folks around him are willing to wage war."
Should I remove that "Visualize peace" bumper sticker from my car?

Further thoughts about immigration, ‘racism,’ and political correctness (a lesson in common sense)

Roger Kimball "The attorney general of the United States, his boss, many college students, many college professors, the entire state of California, the ACLU, other squishy liberals of sundry description: all claim to be outraged by the fact that Arizona authorities have the temerity to be suspicious of people who are acting suspiciously. And yet, my friend points out, consider the following:"...

It Begins… First Oil Rig Relocates From Gulf to Foreign Waters

 Gateway Pundit  "Diamond Offshore announced on Friday that it will be the first company to relocate one of its oil rigs from the Gulf of Mexico to Egyptian waters due to the Obama Administration’s ban on drilling."
More here: Diamond Offshore to Shift Ocean Endeavor Rig to Egypt

Lack of Jobs Increasingly Blamed on Uncertainty Created by Obama’s Policies

Daily Caller "Seidenberg’s comments last month were a significant political moment. The Verizon CEO has been one of President Obama’s strongest allies in the business community, and as president of the 170-member Business Roundtable, he had tried to cooperate with the Obama administration on its trademark agenda items – health care, financial reform and energy legislation.
"But, Seidenberg said he was “troubled” by Obama’s agenda, so much so that he had “reached a point where the negative effects of these policies are simply too significant to ignore.”
Poster from TheWhitedSepulchre

Whitewashing black racism; Shabazz: “Prepare for war” (Updated)

Michelle Malkin "But with the racism shoe on the other foot, Team Obama and its media water-carriers are exhibiting the very racial cowardice Holder once purported to condemn. Thanks to Obama’s feckless Department of Injustice, these black supremacist brutes are free to show up on the next national Election Day at polling places in full paramilitary regalia with nightsticks, hurling racist, anti-American epithets at those exercising their right to vote and at those protecting the integrity of the electoral process.
"The reaction of our national media watchdogs: Shhhhhhhh."
Video: Megyn Kelly destroys Malik Zulu Shabazz

The NAACP's Second-Class Citizens "The NAACP couldn't do worse for blacks if it had been founded by Confederate Civil War veterans. And in the Gladney incident, the NAACP proved that they are no better than the KKK. "

Friday, July 9, 2010

Lebanese Minister Wiam Wahhab... : "I Like the Germans in the World Cup because They Burned the Jews"

Atlas Shrugs "How long is the world going to sanction this evil? How many Jews have to be annihilated?"

Anti-Business Obama

Heritage  "Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said this week:

Now, this president understands deeply that governments don’t create jobs, businesses create jobs. And our job as government is to try to make sure we’re creating the conditions that allow businesses to prosper so they can hire people back, get this economy going again.
"In reality, this President has done the exact opposite. He has attempted to use government spending to create jobs, failed miserably, and has only succeeded in creating an environment where businesses — the real job creators — are afraid to put America back to work."

Speaking of screwing up economies: Obama on Vegas: 'I love this town'  "The president never apologized, and while [Las Vegas Mayor]Goodman says he doesn't "hold any grudges," he declined to meet with the president while he was in town, citing a scheduling conflict.
"I checked my schedule; it was full," Goodman told the Las Vegas Review-Journal. "I'm meeting with Wayne Newton at 5 — that has been set up for over a week."  Plus he had a lot of laundry to fold.