Monday, August 9, 2010

Blaming Bush Doesn’t Create Jobs

Heritage "Notice how Speaker Pelosi is only concerned about the economy’s effect on government and unionized workers: teachers, police officers, firefighters and nurses. If you happen to work for the government, Speaker Pelosi is prepared to move heaven and earth to make sure your pay isn’t cut. But if you work for the private sector, Speaker Pelosi has nothing to offer you but higher taxes."
Mike Ramirez, World Magazine

Arizona Must Be Wondering: 'Why Have Laws?'

Newsbusters "America was discovered and founded by immigrants. All our ancestors came here from some other country. Immigration has sustained and strengthened America for over two hundred years, but legal, controlled immigration not wholesale invasion by anybody who wants to walk across the border.
"There is a major catastrophe on our horizon and the people who are supposed to do something about it absolutely refuse. They're long on talk but horribly short on action.
"So, as usual, it falls to we the people." Charlie Daniels

The Hidden Hand of Media Bias, Courtesy of the New York Times

Big Journalism "Reporters may think they’re being objective and balanced when they first report and then write a story, but those of us who know the racket can spot a rigged stuss game every time. It’s not just a matter of what you put in and what you leave out, whom you talk to and whom you don’t bother to ask for comment.
"It’s also the way the story is structured, and the little semiotic signals the writer (and/or editor) send to the reader that say this is what is important. This is whom you should believe."``

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Juan Williams: Missouri's Anti-ObamaCare Ballot Irrelevant - Only Old White People Voted For It

Newsbusters "Isn't it wonderful how much race is now brought into virtually every discussion about politics?
"I thought Barack Obama was going to change all that.
"On the other hand, if Williams and his ilk think the older white vote is irrelevant, they're going to be tremendously surprised in November.
"After all, it is indeed older white people that typically vote in off-year elections when the White House isn't at stake.
"As such, either Juan doesn't know this - which seems impossible given his years covering politics - or he was being a tad disingenuous this fine Sunday morning.
"Regardless of which, he should be rather embarrassed about his performance."   Noel Sheppard

A Rather Angry America

Victor Davis Hanson "We see the arrested adolescence and hypocrisy that come from that sermonizing generation, whether in Al Franken’s puerile face-making, the ideologically driven suicide at Newsweek, the steady destruction of the New York Times, John Kerry’s tax-avoiding yacht, the Great Gatsby Clinton wedding, Michelle on the Costa del Sol, Nancy Pelosi’s jet, Tim Geithner’s tax skipping, or the constant race-card playing of a Charles Rangel and Maxine Waters. Yes, one walk across the Yale or Stanford campus circa 1975, and one could see pretty clearly what sort of culture that bunch would create when it came of age and was handed power."

Rosie O'Donnell's Staffer: Ground Zero Mosque Opponents Like Nazis

Newsbusters "Into this fracas came O'Donnell, with the peace offering that radical Islam and radical Christianity are very similar:
"O'DONNELL: It's hard that people are associating [Islam] with terrorism. There are radical extremists in every religion, and it doesn't negate the teachings or the values of the religion, or the vast majority of people who follow the religion. "

Pat Condell on the Ground Zero Mosque: ‘Is America Losing Its Mind?   "This, lest we forget, is what free speech is all about."

Ahmadinejad: September 11 Deaths ‘Exaggerated” and Holocaust “Made Up”    " Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Saturday the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks were exaggerated in a fresh broadside at the United States just days after President Barack Obama voiced willingness to talk to Iran."

More Moderate Muslims "For a preview of the the Ground Zero Mosque, check out Virginia." Andy McCarthy

The Honored Dead

Pajamas Media "It was a California connection that had brought our small group of Silicon Valley Boy Scouts and dads to this quiet corner of the Potomac, where a classic early battle of the Civil War occurred."

The Separation Between Muslims and Taste

Townhall "Building a mosque at Ground Zero is like OJ’s mom putting a glamour shot of Orenthal over Nicole Brown’s gravestone. In other words, it’s very wrong and extremely disgusting, as every person with a lick of decency would agree. " Doug Giles

Not Your Father's Cordoba   "...if 2,000 or so people will eventually pray regularly at the proposed Ground Zero mosque (a figure suggested by the backers of this initiative), then it is likely that 200-300 of them will embrace Islamist ideas. But it’s no big deal, right?" David Stokes

A Muslim victim of 9/11: 'Build your mosque somewhere else'

Washington Post "The Iranian revolution compelled my family to flee to America when I was 12 years old. Yet, just over two decades later, the militant version of our faith caught up with us on a September morning. I still identify as a Muslim. When you are born into a Muslim family, there is no way around it, no choices available: You are Muslim. I am not ashamed of my faith, but I am ashamed of what is done in its name. " Neda Bolourchi lives in Los Angeles.

Afghan firefights

Blackfive "I just got this video which happened not too long ago. If you ever wondered what it looks like to be in a firefight, here you go." Uncle Jimbo.