Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Where China Invests, And Why It Matters

Forbes "As the nation increases spending on overseas deals, it becomes even more important to keep tabs on where the renminbi* are going."  *Chinese currency

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Solutions for America

Heritage "Heritage Foundation President Ed Feulner describes Solutions as “a comprehensive guide for getting our nation back on the right track. Some of the policy recommendations are groundbreaking. Others are familiar. Some are being debated right now. They all have two things in common: They return power to the people, and they are all transformational ideas.” For example, Solutions recommends:"...

Ground Zero Mosque Site

Warning Signs Alan Caruba over at  Warning Signs  posted this most informative aerial view of Ground Zero and the proposed mosque site. How's this for perspective?

Pak-trained killers 'used Facebook' to track aid group

 NY Post  "One by one, the entire team -- Little, Woo, five other Americans, one German and two Afghans -- were wiped out. Only their driver, who fell to his knees and recited from the Koran, was spared.
"God was good to me," Safiullah told the AP in his first interview since being released. When the slaughter was over, one of the Taliban killers spoke Urdu into his radio.
"Mission accomplished," he coldly declared. "

A Nation of Teenage Deists?

Kerby Anderson, Point of View. "They summarized the mindset of teenagers in this way. (1) "A god exists who created and ordered the world and watches over human life on earth." (2) "God wants people to be good, nice, and fair to each other, as taught in the Bible and by most world religions." (3) "The central goal of life is to be happy and to feel good about oneself." (4) "God does not need to be particularly involved in one’s life except when God is needed to resolve a problem." (5) "Good people go to heaven when they die.""

Real Shariah in America: Will Rauf Denounce These Fatwas?

Big Peace "Rauf’s continued failure to repudiate these odious Sharia-based rulings—extracted below—would be concordant with his ongoing refusal to denounce the jihad terrorism of Hamas, providing more evidence that he is indeed a traditional Sharia-supremacist who shares an Islamic societal vision incompatible with America’s founding ideals.
"Germane 2006-2009 rulings by the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America which Imam Rauf must repudiate, are recorded below:"...
Pictured: Katem Al-Hajj ,an Egyptian cleric ... forbidding US Muslims to work for the FBI or US security services because of the ostensible harm these institutions cause Muslims...

Cordoba Initiative's Antisemitic Tweets "Apparently Haaretz erroneously reported that Imam Rauf, Daisy Khan and the waiter Gamal had shown some mercy and would move the mosque. I never believed it for a second. They have yet to exhibit one scintilla of humanity. What is interesting is their recent tweets. Look at the last one. They couldn't help themselves: when a Jew is involved, their fangs come out. Islamic antisemitism."  Pam Geller, Atlas Shrugs

Rachel Maddow to Receive Award for Her 'Civility' and 'Tolerance'

Newsbusters "As Maddow and MSNBC represent and emblemize some of the most divisive, hyperpartisan invective on television today, to even suggest she or the network she works for embodies the values of civility and tolerance is about as preposterous a comment one could make with regard to the media."

Let Me Clarify My Clarification of My Clear Remarks

Commentary Magazine "The New York Sun editorialized that [Sarah Palin] had made a practical proposal while speaking more forthrightly than the famously eloquent president, raising this question:"
How did one of the most intellectual presidents in history, a constitutional law professor with a government-provided staff of legal experts and policy geniuses and an ability, rarely if ever matched, to speak in lofty tones, manage to get himself in a position where he will end up following the lead of an ex-governor who has been constantly set down by the left as but a one-time beauty queen without brains and who has been watching the whole fracas from a lake-side camp at Alaska?

Articulate No More "So Obama has gone from inspirational to exasperating for his followers and cheerleaders. Maybe he just ran out of left-wing bumper-sticker phrases. Perhaps, you know, there’s not a brilliant mind at work but a panicked liberal pol who can’t seem to slide through sticky situations with gauzy phrases. It is a revelation to the left and a vindication to the right. Unfortunately, we have over two more years of him, and it’s generally not a good idea to have a president who has become the object of widespread derision. It tends to embolden our foes and demoralize our friends, in this case even more than they already are." Jennifer Rubin

Obama vs. America

NRO  "As Dorothy Rabinowitz has noted, Obama’s alienation from the citizenry is just beginning to be more broadly revealed, but has been on display since the 2008 campaign.The media either failed to report it or chastised anyone who dared notice. When some remarked about Obama’s refusal to do something as simple as wear a flag lapel pin, they were pronounced unsophisticated and jingoistic. Obama’s casual stance during the playing of the “Star Spangled Banner” was declared a triviality. When Reverend Wright was caught shouting ” G–damn America!” those who wondered whether Obama’s 20 years in Wright’s pews might suggest ideological concurrence were dismissed as alarmist. When some expressed concern that Obama might agree with his wife that America is a “downright mean country” and that perhaps he, too, for the first time in his adult life, was proud of his country, they were told to grow up."

A Tea Party Manifesto

DICK ARMEY AND MATT KIBBE "The movement is not seeking a junior partnership with the Republican Party. It is aiming for a hostile takeover."


Neal Boortz "Eureka!! We now have Barack Obama's official midterm election slogan: "Let's reach for hope." Got that? Look where that hopey-changey stuff has gotten us thus far. Let's see what I can list in 60 seconds: "....
"Perhaps Barack Obama is right ... some conservatives do want to "go backwards." But backwards does not mean to George W. Bush. If that were the case, then we would still have massive increases in government spending, entitlements the growth of federal government. No .. we are talking about going back to George Washington, not George Bush. While we living in different times, the principles of Washington's era still apply. That is the beauty of our Constitution. What is so wrong with "going back" to that?"

Obama's "Teachable" Shariah Moment

Frank Gaffney "As he hosted the Ramadan fast-breaking dinner at the White House on Friday, President Obama showed his true colors on shariah. Trying to dress up the Ground Zero mosque or any other aspect of this brutally repressive, totalitarian and inherently unconstitutional program as a matter of "religious freedom" does not pass the giggle test. Shariah is about power, not faith, and no amount of Obama subsidies, solidarity or spin on behalf of that agenda will persuade the American people to allow the so-called "tradition of Islam" to supplant our civil liberties, form of government and way of life."