Saturday, September 4, 2010

Jihad, Islamization, and the Arab-Israeli 'Peace Process'

American Thinker "The current Washington negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians will be fruitless, for a very basic reason. The Arab and non-Arab Muslim umma, or global community, vehemently denies pre-Islamic Jewish, and ignores pre-Islamic Christian connections to all the territories that comprised historical Syro-Palestine -- including Judea, Samaria, modern Israel within the 1949 armistice borders, and Gaza.
This historical negationism is melded to Islam's own theological supresessionism which abrogates Judaism and Christianity as deliberately corrupted, crude manifestations of the one true primordial monotheism, Islam
(See Koran 3:67: "No; Abraham in truth was not a Jew, neither a Christian; but he was a Muslim and one pure of faith [i.e., Islam]; certainly he was never of the idolaters.")

Israeli ambassador: Hezb'allah has 15,000 rockets at Israel's border

Rick Moran  " "The Syrian-Iranian backed Hizbullah poses a very serious threat to Israel...Hizbullah today now has four times as many rockets as it had during the 2006 Lebanon war. These rockets are longer-range. Every city in Israel is within range right now, including Eilat," he said.
"Oren expressed Israeli concerns with Hizbullah's concealment of the weapons as well."

Reid Claims ‘War is Lost’ Comment Helped Turn Effort Toward Victory

Big Peace "Asked about his 2007 comment in which he proclaimed “This war is lost” while our soldiers were still in Iraq getting their heads shot at and before the so-called “surge” even had begun, Reid today said that his statement was actually a “successful” ploy to force President Bush to refocus on political reconciliation.
"The undeniable fact is Sen. Reid called it wrong on Iraq. He undercut our troops in the process. Bush called it right. The “surge” worked and it (not Sen. Reid’s “This war is lost” statement) made today possible. That’s the unvarnished truth and no amount of revisionist sophistry will change it."

That's Harry. Remember how he tried to take advantage of this "Phony soldiers" kerfuffle with Rush Limbaugh .   

Fearing for image, First Lady's aides warned against Spain vacation

Washington Examiner "The lavish trip, the aides reportedly argued, could result in harm to her image. "Aides say privately that they warned her there would be a cost to the trip, but she overruled them, insisting it was a rare chance to spend time with Sasha and with a friend whose father had died," the paper reports. "But the intensity of the uproar -- including accusations that she was a 'modern-day Marie Antoinette' -- caught the White House and Mrs. Obama off guard." "

Ramirez: Weekend at Recovery Bernie’s!

"Weekend at Bernies is a hilarious comedy from the 1980s about a couple of bumbling fools who try using charm to ingratiate themselves into power and get in way over their heads. Instead of dealing with the crisis rationally, the two try fooling everyone around them into thinking that the corpse is having the time of its life, and fooling themselves that their plans are working. The only difference between the movie and real life is that no one in the film ever noticed the stench. Unfortunately for Biden and Obama, the stench has become too obvious." Hot Air blog

Media Bias Gets Dangerous: Minimizing the Ecoterror Threat

Pajamas Media "Perhaps most disturbing? The number of people on left-wing blogs who have ignored Lee’s environmental and left-wing leanings and dismiss him as a nut — which he undoubtedly was — and who deflect along the lines of: “but look at the real violence on the right.” (Of course, without providing examples.)
"Worse, there are those who seem to agree with him — for example, this comment from a Huffington Post piece on Lee:
OilCrash: So what would be wrong with “programs encouraging human sterilization and infertility”? There are way too many people on this planet. My personal motto is “Human beings, no damn good.”"

Vanity Fair Reporter Admits Error In Sarah Palin Hit Piece

Newsbusters "Reporter Michael Joseph Gross describes Palin's youngest son, Trig, being pushed in a stroller by his older sister, Piper, before a rally in May in the Kansas City suburb of Independence.
"When the girl, Piper Palin, turns around, she sees her parents thronged by admirers, and the crowd rolling toward her and the baby, her brother Trig, born with Down syndrome in 2008," according to the article. "Sarah Palin and her husband, Todd, bend down and give a moment to the children; a woman, perhaps a nanny, whisks the boy away; and Todd hands Sarah her speech and walks her to the stage."
"Later in his piece, Gross described Piper joining Sarah on stage to "allow Palin to make a public display of maternal affection."
"Unfortunately, as Politico's Ben Smith reported [2] Thursday, that was a different Down syndrome baby: "Trig wasn't at the event, according to its organizer, Karladine Graves, a 61-year-old Kansas City physician, who, in 2009, founded one of the wave of new local conservative groups, this one called Preserving American Liberty. The "woman, perhaps a nanny," was the boy's mother, St. Louis talk radio host Gina Loudon, according to Graves."
"But it gets worse according to the AP:"...

America Has Become Too European

SPIEGEL ONLINE "The Obama administration and the Federal Reserve want to fix the United States economy by spending more money. But while that approach might work for Europe, it is risky for the US. The nation would be better off embracing traditional American values like self-reliance and small government."

The irony of Jesse Jackson's stripped SUV

The Michigan "Add Jesse Jackson’s ride to prominent vehicles being stripped in Detroit.
"Following the embarrassing news that Mayor Dave Bing’s GMC Yukon was hijacked by criminals this week, Detroit’s Channel 7 reports that the Reverend’s Caddy Escalade SUV was stolen and stripped of its wheels while he was in town last weekend with the UAW’s militant President Bob King leading the “Jobs, Justice, and Peace” march promoting government-funded green jobs."

Newsweek Hates Fox News: Cover Story Blames Them for New Era of 'Big Lie Politics' About Obama

Newsbusters "...Translation: Fox News may not spread lies all the time, but they're clearly not doing enough to please the White House by sounding exactly like Newsweek. Again, this is a terrible standard for Alter to claim for Newsweek. It's quite easy to recall how Newsweek would do anything to smear a Republican. In 1991, Alter and Clift endorsed a Kitty Kelley standard of truth for Republican presidents: if a mere fraction of anonymously sourced nastiness about the Reagans was true, the Reagans were a historical nightmare: "...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Fatwa: Australian Imam Urges Muslims to Behead Geert Wilders

Big Peace "Feiz Muhammad made the call during a speech at a secluded site of jihadists, in response to questions by Dutch radicals: “We see the evil filth of people such as that filthy Dutch politician. Anyone who mocks our learning, laughs at the Islam and degrades it must enter death, decapitate him, cut off his head.” "

Religion of Peace: Muslim cleric calls for beheading of WILDERS "Wilders is currently on trial in the Netherlands for inciting hatred and discrimination against Muslims.
"The Freedom Party leader made a film in 2008 which accused the Koran of inciting violence and mixed images of terrorist attacks with quotations from the Islamic holy book.
"Wilders was also charged because of outspoken remarks in the media, such as an opinion piece in a Dutch daily in which he compared Islam to fascism and the Koran to Adolf Hitler's book "Mein Kampf."
Of late he has been in the news for plans to speak out against a planned mosque in New York City on September 11, the ninth anniversary of the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people." Atlas Shrugs