Monday, September 6, 2010

Conservative Voter Guide Available through Heritage

Heritage Alliance PAC  FYI: "Voter Guide for state candidates is FREE. Voter Guide for federal candidates, by law, requires a donation of $1 or more. Every $5 you donate allows us to reach a new member, multiplying your influence."
Serious people will want to ask for this, not caring that it will get their contact info on a mailing list. You can always unsubscribe or say no.

Labor Day Has Become Government Day

Heritage "This Labor Day marks a milestone in the history of the U.S. union movement. It is the first Labor Day on which a majority of union members in United States work for the government. In January the Department of Labor reported that union membership in government has overtaken that in the private sector. Three times as many union members work in the Post Office as in the entire domestic auto industry. The face of the union movement is not a worker on the assembly line but a clerk at the DMV."

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Useful Idiots: What Censorship?

Iraq Through the Looking Glass

Victor Davis Hanson "...a) Obama warns against “open-ended wars,” as if they are almost animate things. But wars end, not when they reach a rational, previously agreed-upon expiration date, but usually when tough, specific wartime choices are made that lead to victory or end in defeat. One party must decide — for good or bad reasons — that it doesn’t want to fight to win, or simply doesn’t believe it has the resources for victory. To say that “open-ended wars” are undesirable is a banality that offers no guidance for these real-life choices. A better truism is that America should not fight wars it does not intend to win."                                                                                                   

Muslim Brotherhood Islamic Supremacists Seek to Criminalize Free Speech

Atlas Shrugs "Did Muslim group ask DOJ to start enforcing sharia blasphemy law? Creeping Sharia .

"Hat tip to The Freedomist for picking up on this one. In a roundabout way, it sounds like a Muslim group that we’ve posted on before (teaching Muslims how to donate money without drawing attention of FBI) has essentially asked the DOJ to enforce Islamic blasphemy laws. via ABC News."
This article contains a number of links you can follow for more information.

Jay Leno Ribs Obama, the Clintons and the Economy

Newsbusters "Jay Leno on Friday ribbed Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and the poor state of the economy.
"In his opening monologue on the "Tonight Show," the comedian began with a lot of politics first joking about the President's Middle East peace talks, then moving to the war in Afghanistan, and eventually a poke at airline security.
"On the day the Labor Department announced an uptick in the unemployment rate, Leno had a number of jokes about how bad the economy is."
More quotes from Leno.

When Will We Have Another Black President?

Pajamas Media "It’s entirely possible that President Obama has poisoned the well for at least a generation. It has nothing to do with the fact that he is black; it is because he is grossly ill-fitted for the job and may well be the worst U.S. president thus far. To enumerate even his most egregious blunders would make for a very long article and I won’t bother. There are not enough good things to fill a short paragraph, aside from the possibility that he has united enough conservatives and frustrated enough leftists to make possible some changes we can believe in.
"Some probably disagree, but I think President Obama’s race was the deciding factor in his election. Had he been Caucasian, Asian, or Hispanic, he probably would not have got the Democratic Party nomination, much less been elected president. President Hillary Clinton would likely be sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office."
Mr. Obama has made many of us forget how far left Hillary is.

What Obama Should Learn From Lenin

Townhall "The man who campaigned against laissez faire economics has repeatedly demonstrated laissez faire leadership. When inconvenient problems (and aren’t they all?) come along, the predictable pattern has been to make a speech or two, drop a few expert names, point a finger, and then move on. "

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Warlord for Congress

Prof. Mike Adams "And there was plenty of potential for fireworks in the interview. Pantano had been accused of murder after killing two insurgents during intense fighting near Bagdad. But Ilario Pantano was cleared of all charges in an Article 32 Hearing, which is the military equivalent of a preliminary hearing. No trial was ever convened.
"Ilario Pantano also acquitted himself well in the court of public opinion. Even when dealing with tough adversaries like John Stewart he overwhelmed them with a sharp mind and an articulate tongue. When I saw his interview with Stewart I knew Ilario Pantano was congressional material.
"And now the Warlord is running for Congress  against Mike McIntyre – a Democrat who voted against the surge in Iraq."

Islam in the Modern World

Kerby Anderson "Islam is a seventh century religion. For a moment, think about that statement. I doubt anyone would consider Christianity a first century religion. You might acknowledge that it began in the first century, but you wouldn't probably describe it as a religion of the first century because the timeless principles of the gospel have adapted to the times in which they are communicated.
"In many ways, Islam has remained stuck in the century in which it developed. One of the great questions of the twenty-first century is whether it will adapt to the modern era. Certainly many Muslims have done so, but radical Muslims have not."...Via

The Moral Blindness of PBS

Dennis Prager, Frontline: "There was a time when liberalism was identified with anti-Communism; the liberal-led Korean and Vietnam Wars were examples. But the Vietnam War led liberals into the arms of the left, which had been morally confused about communism since its inception and had become essentially pacifist following the carnage of World War I."....
"First, on May 25, PBS host Tavis Smiley interviewed Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the ex-Muslim Somali writer and activist for human, especially women’s, rights in Islamic countries. After mentioning American Muslim terrorists Maj. Nidal Hasan (who murdered 13 and injured 30 fellow soldiers at Fort Hood) and Faisal Shahzad (who attempted to murder hundreds in Times Square), this dialogue ensued:
Ali: “Somehow, the idea got into their (Hasan’s and Shahzad’s) minds that to kill other people is a great thing to do and that they would be rewarded in the hereafter.”
Smiley: “But Christians do that every single day in this country.”
Ali: “Do they blow people up?”
Smiley: “Yes. Oh, Christians, every day, people walk into post offices, they walk into schools, that’s what Columbine is — I could do this all day long. There are so many more examples of Christians — and I happen to be a Christian." ."“There are so many more examples, Ayaan, of Christians who do that than you could ever give me examples of Muslims who have done that inside this country, where you live and work.” "
This guy could write "Law & Order" scripts.

For Democrats, the proof is in the telling, not the pudding

American Thinker "Glibness seems to trump everything else. Jan Brewer is not glib . As some people are "heavy on their feet," she is "heavy on her words." Same with Sarah Palin. Her words come out slowly and deliberately, tinged with the accent of the north woods ; an accent that, on both Coasts, implies "dumbness." "  Ever notice the sort of characters Hollywood saddles with a southern accent?