Monday, September 6, 2010

A growing movement among Jews strives to assert sovereignty over the Jerusalem Temple Mount "The al-Haram ash-Sharif (the Noble Sanctuary) consists of nearly 40 acres of religious structures and gardens, including the Aqsa Mosque in the south and the Dome of the Rock in the center. Muslims consider this to be the place from where Muhammad made his journey from Jerusalem to heaven. It is their third most holy site. According to evangelical Christians, the Temple Mount must be rebuilt in order for Jesus to return and bring on the End of Days."
Mounting Tensions “The Temple Mount has always been at the center of national awareness,” says Berkovitz. “The call of the rabbis from the Zionist religious movement has enhanced the longing that has always existed for site.
"Currently,” he concludes, “there is a vacuum of sovereignty on the Mount. And we all know that a vacuum like this cannot be sustained.”" Jerusalem Post

Helping American Jews learn to give Sarah Palin the love she deserves

Bookworm Room "I don’t know whether Sarah is ready to be president, whether she is electable (given how much the Left’s hatred permeates society, infecting people who are casual about their politics), or whether she is actually presidential material. Only time will tell. What I do know about Sarah is that she is a truly admirable American, many of whose values resonate with me and with most Americans (even those prejudiced Jews); that she is a bone-deep philosemite, whose appreciation for Jews extends to the state of Israel; and that she is a political powerhouse who cannot and should not be ignored."
"So, please, check out Jewish Americans for Sarah Palin ."

Time Magazine is Already Blaming Israel if Peace Fails (Revised)

American Thinker "Yet there is no front page article about why Gaza, the PLO, and Israel's many other enemies do not want peace. If such an article was written it would be very short; it would be because for Israel's enemies, the total destruction of Israel is far more important that any peace agreement."

Teaching Hatred to Palestinian Children What passes for children's entertainment in the Middle East.  Also here.

Illustration from Big Peace.

The power of images turned against the Democrats

American Thinker "I have no idea who made the ad. These days, thanks to the democratizing nature of the internet and cheap computing power, it could be a lone individual who put it together. The Democrats have relied for two generations on their near-monopoly of the media elites to stigmatize Republicans and conservatives. That monopoly is no more, and they are geting larger and larger doses of their own medicine.
"At 3 minutes 11 seconds, it is too long for a TV ad buy. But viral distribution can make this happen in a big way."  We're doing our part here.

Obama's political toxicity on display today "Another way putting it is that Obama has been discovered to be a fraud. Once trust is lost, it is never easily regained. This is the stark reality of Democrat politics; their standard-bearer is toxic. The only thing that can save the Democrats' fortunes is GOP incompetence and untrustworthiness. So, regrettably, all is not gloom for the Democrats."

Lazy Media Reruns Press Release, Calls It News, Blows Real Story of Socialist-Led Rally

Big Journalism "If these news organizations actually researched what they were reporting, they would have discovered the story they were spoon-fed was a fabrication. Along with the unions, the organization organizing the rally, United for Peace and Justice, is directed by an all-star team of Marxist, Socialists and Communist organizations.
"Participants in the rally called, One Nation, Working Together, includes"...

America Is Ruled By A True Leftist

Izvestia, Russia "The participants of anti-government rallies, who just recently were considered patriots, are now seen as racists, homophobes and potential terrorists. Anti-war protests have stopped, and Hollywood is no longer making anti-war movies. Television is no longer making pseudo-documentaries about assassination attempts on the president. The mass media that used to be a watchdog for people’s freedoms have turned into poodles and lapdogs. The Congress passes new laws by new rules that in the past would have caused widespread opposition among the intelligentsia, but now are welcomed by it."  Vladimir Kozlovskii

Am I Islamophobic?

Big Peace "...President Bush said: “Many Muslim scholars have already publicly condemned terrorism, often citing Chapter 5, Verse 32 of the Koran, which states that killing an innocent human being is like killing all humanity…” He most likely did not read the entire verse which states: “…whoever kills a person, unless it be for manslaughter or for mischief in the land, it is as though he had killed all men.”

"So it is okay according to the Quran to kill anyone who creates “mischief in the land.” It is easy to see how the Taliban can justify killing. Mischief can be translated to pretty much anything they want, such as foreigners in their country, even those who are there as aid workers."....
"The point I am making is that unlike Christianity, which has gotten over its barbaric past, the fanatics of Islam are still in the Dark Ages. Where are the moderate Muslims protesting the daily atrocities committed in the name of their religion? Where are the moderate Muslims protesting the Mosque to be built at ground zero?
"If we are to believe that Islam is “the Religion of Peace” then it is the responsibility of Muslims everywhere to quell the hate and violence of the Jihadists. Until that happens the distrust of Muslims will continue and if one wants to call that Islamaphobia, so be it."

Must we be boy scouts?

Powerline Blog "If rooting out corruption in places like Afghanistan is a prerequisite to successful counter-insurgency, we should rethink our willingness to undertake long-term military projects in places like Afghanistan. But I doubt that that it is a prerequisite. The Iraq surge succeeded in its primary objectives of turning the tide against al Qaeda and heading off a civil war without, as far as I can tell, substantially eliminating corruption in Iraq. As I understand it, we succeeded in part because we took the village and tribal elders as we found them, and proved that we were serious about fighting the enemy. We did not attempt to remake them in our image."

Must we be boy scouts? A colonel comments "In your post you ask if military commanders are just now coming to the conclusion that fighting the enemy is more important that fighting corruption. As an officer with multiple tours in Iraq (although none in Afghanistan), I can almost guarantee that is not the case."

Finding new weapons to kill bedbugs (more liberal fallout)

WaPo "A common household pest for centuries, bedbugs were virtually eradicated in the 1940s and '50s by the widespread use of DDT. That insecticide was banned in the 1970s, and the bugs developed resistance to chemicals that replaced it."

On a similar note: School Named After Al Gore and Rachel 'DDT' Carson Built on Toxic Soil  "A new school will be opening in Los Angeles next Monday that is named after Nobel Laureate Al Gore and Rachel Carson, the woman almost single-handedly responsible for DDT being banned in the '70s."

Ongoing issue: Did Obama WH use the wrong seal for Oval Office rug?

Hot Air "So no, Obama and his team didn’t use the wrong seal for the carpet, or get the seal wrong at all in any official sense. Some may not like the non-traditional representation of the seal in the new carpet, but it’s at least slightly more traditional than Bush 41 — and if tradition is what people like, then Bill Clinton’s Oval Office rug would be the hands-down winner."  Except for the DNA stains here and there.
Photo from Wikipedia

Interview: Steven Crowder Discusses His New Movie and Upcoming Book

Big Hollywood "“I didn’t expect them to so blatantly attack the message,” Steven Crowder recently told me over the phone. He was discussing how critics had reviewed his recent Christian-themed movie “To Save A Life.” Some negative feedback from critics was anticipated, but he expected that they would be a little more clever when it came to disguising their prejudice towards Christians and their message. In an interview I conducted with the young actor/writer/comedian, we discussed this criticism, as well as “edgy” comedians and the reason why so many young people are liberal."