Monday, September 3, 2012

Suppression! DNC Charlotte: Identification required, even just near convention site

Twitchy  "Oh, dear! What will Ellen BarkinMichael MooreJoe Biden, the NAACPAttorney General Eric Holder and his apologists, Rep. Keith Ellison, and other unhinged leftists (redundant) say about this suppress-y turn of events? As they have told us, over and over, there is nothing more bigoted than requiring photo identification. Well, except for maybe “kitchen cabinets” and “chairs." 

It’s about the Iranian Bomb, Not Obama (Updated)

Commentary Magazine  "Earlier this year, a leftist Israeli think tank surveyed Israelis’ opinion of the left. The results were shocking: 63 percent viewed it unfavorably, 48 percent deemed it elitist, only 33 percent said it shared their values, only 31 percent deemed it capable of governing effectively, and only 28 percent thought it had good solutions for national security challenges."
...."But leftists who profess themselves bewildered by these results would also be well-advised to study the recent spate of leftist pundits (here and here, for instance) claiming that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s main, if not only, reason for weighing an attack on Iran this fall is to harm President Barack Obama’s reelection bid."  

Israel News;  'Iran must steer clear of US interests in Gulf'  "Washington reportedly sends Tehran indirect message saying it will not back Israeli strike on nuclear facilities as long as Iran refrains from attacking American facilities in Persian Gulf." Shimon Shiffer 

Update: ; Obama’s Plans Won’t Soothe Israel’s Fears  "President Obama might avoid such an eventuality if he were to make firm public promises about the use of force and state that he would do so before Iran’s program got close to completion rather than afterward. But that is something he seems most reluctant to do. With reassurances like these, the Israelis are being brutally reminded that they must depend on no one but themselves."

Sunday, September 2, 2012

What a difference four years makes!

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

150 years ago; the Battle of Chantilly and the return of Gen. McClelland

Sept 1, 1862; Battle of Chantilly (Ox Hill)  "Making a wide flank march, Jackson hoped to cut off the Union retreat from Bull Run. On September 1, beyond Chantilly Plantation on the Little River Turnpike near Ox Hill, Jackson sent his divisions against two Union divisions under Kearny and Stevens. Confederate attacks were stopped by fierce fighting during a severe thunderstorm. Union generals Stevens and Kearny were both killed. Recognizing that his army was still in danger at Fairfax Courthouse, Maj. Gen. Pope ordered the retreat to continue to Washington. With Pope no longer a threat, Lee turned his army west and north to invade Maryland, initiating the Maryland Campaign and the battles of South Mountain and Antietam. Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan assumed command of Union forces around Washington."

The Battle of Chantilly  "General Pope summed up the situation fairly enough, though with a certain amount of favorable coloring, in his despatch to Halleck on the evening of the battle. He says:"....

The prima donna McClelland relishes the defeat of his colleague Pope. 
Such an inconsistency from a general who purported to love his troops so much.

Interactive battle map. As you view this map, you can easily see how little of the battlefield was preserved from development

Sept 2, 1862; Union General George B. McClellan restored to command in Virginia

With Northern armies driven out of Virginia, Lee begins the Maryland campaign.

This seat is taken!

The Top Ten Reasons Paul Ryan is So Despicable!

Michael J. Fell  "Paul Ryan’s background, experience and trustworthiness demonstrate that he is a proven leader and a fine citizen who is ideally qualified to become Vice President of the United States.  America knows where he was born, that he will support small businesses and private enterprise, understands the threat posed to America’s unreformed “entitlement” programs, and will not redistribute taxpayer’s money to fringe radical self-separating hyphenated identity victim groups.
"America will not like taking some of the steps necessary to recover from a mountain of debt, but someone with Ryan’s extensive knowledge of the issues, experience in how Congress works and exceptional, American bred humility knows how to accomplish the task."  Via Conservative Daily News

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Obamanation- One Painting Says It All

Conservative Daily News  "Jon McNaughton is a very talented artist, and this video walks you through his painting “Obamanation”. The painting is actually interactive, so analyze it for yourself. Take the challenge at

Part of the YouTube description:
"I chose to use an undisclosed studio so I could paint privately, without interruption, to focus on the task of embedding in a single painting all the subtle, mindless, radical and dangerous atrocities of the Obama administration.                "I am just one person, a citizen of this country using my first amendment rights to speak out through my art. This is my declaration that we have never had a president do more to harm our country than Barack Obama.                                   "To those who scoff or wish to trivialize this painting, I challenge you… I DARE YOU… study the links of the various symbols and metaphors that you see. There are over 60 in the painting. No person can analyze this image and learn about these facts and still, in good conscience, vote for Obama in 2012."
 Via Conservative Daily News

Black Bishop Calls For All Christians To Leave Democrat Party

Godfather Politics   "In his plea for Christians to make an exodus from the Democratic Party, Jackson refers to the Party as cult-like and cites the following reasons for his statement and actions:
  • Pro-abortion
  • Rejection of biblical family model and values
  • Open hostility to anyone who expresses their Christian values including Dan Cathy of Chick-fil-A and Olympic gold medal gymnast Gabby Douglas
  • Actions taken against cities and towns for displaying crosses at memorials
  • Actions taken against anyone who invokes the name of Jesus during prayers at official events
"Jackson expressed his disappointment in the way journalist Mary Elizabeth Williams with wrote about Gabby Douglas’s tribute to God."  
....Yet after her victory, one of the first responses that truly resonated for me was from a colleague who noted, “I would like her more if she were not so, so, so into Jesus.” Which raises the question – what is Jesus going to do now for Gabby Douglas’ career?....
Bishop Jackson added, “The Democrat Party has turned its back on Christians. It is time to turn our backs on the Democrat Party.”  Hat tip to Linda Sumter, Oklahoma

The The Christian Post gives background on the motivation for Bishop Jackson's efforts: "Jackson pointed to recent statements from liberals attacking Olympic gymnast
Gabrielle Douglas, the 16-year-old sensation who won the all-around gold medal in gymnastics at the 2012 London summer Olympics.
"After her historic victory, Douglas (pictured, left) tweeted a verse from Romans 12:19: "Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, 'Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.'" 
"Her tweet brought both applause and criticism, but it was the source of the criticism that was the source of irritation for Jackson.
"The accomplished young lady had the nerve to give glory to God for her win," Jackson said in a written statement. "This apparently offended liberals." " 

Chris Matthews of MSNBC could not be reached for comment.

More on the Bishop from Watchwoman on the Wall  "Bishop Jackson is running for U. S. Senate in Virginia.  Please visit his web site and learn more about this honorable candidate." reports that "Jackson also cited the Democratic party's support of organizations such as Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, the Freedom From Religion Foundation and even the NAACP as examples of how far the party has moved away from Christians, particularly black Christians. "What was once an historic and honorable civil rights organization is now nothing other than a left-wing apparatus of the Democratic party," 

Team USA Athletes: 10 Christian Olympic Medal Winners Glorifying God  Number one on the list is Gabby Douglas. Christian Post includes in this list Serena Williams, whom they say is a Jehovah's Witness.

Empty chair=Empty suit

Why Does MSNBC Want to Go Backwards?

Heritage   "Who knew that telling people they have rights would be so controversial?  ....
"MSNBC’s Chris Matthews went apoplectic. “It’s clear that Paul Ryan was talking to people who think about rights as something…produced by Thomas Jefferson, ignoring the people for whom the rights only came in the 1960s.”

"Another MSNBC commentator, Touré Neblett, said the line that rights come from God and nature is “so offensive.” For “black people, Hispanic people, and women, our rights do not come from God or nature. . . They come from the government and from legislation that happens in relatively recent history in America.”
"But rights don’t come from government. They can merely be protected by governments."

Your racial reading list: Racialists in the media bludgeon Republicans with "Racist!" epithets

In his essay, Racism vs RacialismDaniel Hindes draws this distinction between the two
As a moral philosopher, Appiah finds such a viewpoint mistaken but not immoral. Racialists do not become racists until they make such convictions the basis for claiming special privileges for members of what they consider to be their own race, and for disparaging and doing harm to those deemed racially Other."
Liberal silly season graphically demonstrated: The Condensed Liberal Handbook of Racial Code Words  
A chorus of faux-ragers from the Huffington Post to NBC’s Andrea Mitchell hammered Mrs. Romney for her double-whammy sandwich of elitism and racism. Apparently, “you people” is the verbal equivalent of putting black people back in chains. One little, teeny-tiny problem: ABC News admitted: “Our ruling after reviewing the original audio is that she did not include the ‘you.’” In other words, it was manufactured out of whole cloth. Give the dog-trombone media another black mark for ridiculous bias denial. “Black mark”? I know: Raaaaaaaaaaacist!  Michelle Malkin discussed this on Hannity Friday night so I went to the source for more.

Daily Caller has more on this silliness:  New frontiers in hypersensitivity: State Department officer says ‘holding down the fort’ is racist   Not, repeat NOT, satire.
 The race canard   "Silly season is over. Racist season is here. 
"Silly season is when nothing is going on in the presidential campaign and the debate focuses on trivialities. Racist season is when the presidential campaign begins in earnest and President Barack Obama looks vulnerable. Then, liberal commentators pull out all the stops to deem practically any criticism of the president racist.
"Chris Matthews of MSNBC* led the charge this week with an on-set rant against Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus. Matthews didn’t muster an argument so much as an accusation — a lot of them, actually." Rich Lowry.
* Check out the MSNBC Facebook page to see them as the Democrat propaganda arm that they are.

So, what does the term "dog-whistle" mean in politics?  "A type of political speech using code words that appear to mean one thing to the general population but have a different meaning for a targeted part of the audience."....

Colby King: GOP Only Has Blacks at Conventions to Sing 'God Bless America' or Lead Prayers  "Interesting how King and Totenberg forgot Condoleezza Rice as well [as] Jane Edmonds, the former Massachusetts secretary of workforce.
"Of course, it really doesn't matter how many minorities Republicans feature at their conventions. "To folks like King and Totenberg, minorities only count when they're at Democratic events."

RNC List: That's Raaacist!   "We are a few ridiculous examples to add to our “That’s Raaacist” list.  As you can see, as we inch closer to the election, we get more and more cries of racism, and they arguably become more incoherent (as if that were possible)." Neal Boortz

Mark Steyn; Are there any words left that aren’t racist?  "Time’s Mark Halperin wrote this week that “Obama can’t win if he can’t swing the conversation away from the economy.” That’s a pretty amazing admission. The economy is the No. 1 issue on the minds of voters, and, beyond that, the central reality of Obama’s America. But to win the president has to steer clear. That doesn’t leave a lot else. Hence, the racism of golf, the war on women, the carcinogenic properties of Mitt Romney. Democrat strategy 1992: It’s the economy, stupid. Democrat strategy 2012: It’s the stupidity, economists."

White Man Who Was Doused With Gas and Set On Fire By 2 Hoodied Black Males Dies At Burn Center  "Where is the outrage.  Where is Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton?   "Of course this is a wanton display of evil but where are the usual racists calling to label this a hate crime, a progressive oxymoron. "It is not my intention to minimize the tragic loss of life of  Vincent Bloom.

"Perhaps had he been armed the outcome may have been more favorable. "
Chris Matthews could not be reached for comment.

All the Anti-Eastwood sources you need

Press bias discussed including this piece on the Eastwood speech: TWENTY FIVE! Childish Media Stories Mocking Eastwood

Ed Timperlake at American Thinker calls it The Greatest Piece of Performance Art in American Political History. He gives these reasons that may have escaped the rest of us:
"In this age of ubiquitous social media -- especially YouTube -- every observation and attack segment that Clint Eastwood articulated will be proliferated nationwide by his countless fans.  His performance was, at times, filled with nuance and droll asides, but always combined with the underlying principle a direct no BS statement of what it means to be an American citizen."
Well...the thought of Dirty Harry versus Dingy Harry appeals to me.