Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Worst Day of Hillary Clinton's Campaign....so far

 Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

Stephen F. Hayes  "In fact, she’s had a series of bad days since she announced her presidential bid April 12. But Monday was the worst of them.
In a bombshell report, the New York Times reported that Clinton, as secretary of state, used her private email to share private intelligence reports from noted conspiracy theorist and political hitman Sidney Blumenthal, at a time when Blumenthal was being paid by the Clinton Foundation and liberal political organizations that helped lay the groundwork for Clinton’s presidential campaign.
The emails included reports on Libya at a time when Blumenthal was seeking business in the country and included dubious information. The Times reported that Clinton nonetheless “took Mr. Blumenthal’s advice seriously” and “continued to pass around his emails even after other senior diplomats concluded that Mr. Blumenthal’s assessments were often unreliable.”

"A second story about Clinton and Libya broke the same day, this one casting further doubt on the Obama administration’s narrative about the attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, and specifically on claims Clinton made about nature of those attacks and motivations of the attackers. An intelligence report prepared by the Defense Intelligence Agency and sent to Clinton and other senior administration officials on September 12, 2012, just one day after the attacks, concluded that the attack “was planned ten or more days” in advance and was meant to “kill as many Americans as possible.” The report identifies al Qaeda-linked terrorists believed to have been involved in the assault.
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
"Despite this, the Obama administration crafted a public narrative that the attack had evolved from a “spontaneous” protest over a YouTube video and included a wide range of individuals. Clinton cited the video in remarks at a memorial service on September 14, 2012, for those killed in the attacks. She told members of the victims’ families that the administration would bring to justice those responsible for the video. The DIA report and several other Benghazi-related documents were released to Judicial Watch pursuant to a court order in response to a FOIA request.

"The DIA report further undermines the administration’s already-tattered claims that its public case was based on intelligence assessments. Emails released in response to a previous Judicial Watch request showed that the White House had drafted a set of political talking points that sought to blame the video and not administration policy. " . . .
"Hillary Clinton continues to say absolutely nothing about absolutely anything on the campaign trail, which is starting to make Hope n' Change wonder if she realizes that political candidates, unlike Trappist monks and Lois Lerner, are not required to take a vow of silence.

"Although if we were in Hillary's sensible shoes, we'd be keeping our yap shut too. After all, what can she possibly say to look good after the former deputy director of the CIA, Mike Morell, states as a certainty that every document which was ever on her private email server was downloaded by one or more foreign intelligence agencies."  . . .

This painting just sold for $46.5 million at Sotheby’s in New York

"A Mark Rothko painting sold for $46.5 million at a Sotheby’s auction in New York, an evening in which several records were set including one for a work by German artist Sigmar Polke.

"The Rothko work “Untitled, (Yellow and Blue),” measuring 2.42 meters by 1.86 meters (about 8 feet by 6.1 feet) and completed in 1954, had been estimated at between $40 million and $60 million.

"The painting was once owned by American socialite Rachel “Bunny” Mellon, according to Bloomberg.

"Rothko was one of the most successful and famous artists in America before he killed himself in 1970, The Guardian notes.

"Sotheby’s notes on its website that “few 20th-century masters have inspired greater awe and reverence in their followers than” Rothko." . . .
Emphasis mine, TD

The flag of Ukraine:

Democrats before Iraq War started....

More on the despised media and ABC's Steph infection


ABC’s ‘secret’ $105M gamble on Stephanopoulos  "ABC has plenty of reasons to be freaking out over the George Stephanopoulos scandal — 105 million, to be exact.
"The “Good Morning America” and “This Week” anchor renewed his contract last year for $105 million, TV industry sources told The Post Monday.
"The seven-year deal — which dwarfs the five-year, $50 million contract scored by since-suspended NBC rival Brian Williams — was supposed to keep Stephanopoulos in front of ABC’s cameras through 2021." . . .

Lucianne  gives us some resource material for journalism students:
Scandal Rap Sheet: 48 Excellent Reasons to Distrust & Despise the Media   "The American mainstream media is filled to the brim with liars, frauds, partisans, cheats, plagiarists, and those who tolerate, defend and enable all of them. There is no American institution — not the NFL, not the tobacco companies, not any corporation or enterprise regularly targeted by the media — that engages in anywhere near the amount of fraud and dishonesty that serially oozes from Our Media Overlords.

"Forget bias for a moment. Forget mistakes and misstatements and stupid or nasty things said during live telecasts. There isn’t enough Internet to begin to list the countless instances of left-wing bias and politicking and idiocy the media engage in. What I’ve accumulated below is the scripted, planned and intentional." . . .Keep reading...

 George Stephanopoulos, Brian Williams and the media’s sinking reputation

Obama, Distrust, and the Armed Forces

 Jade Helm: Distrust of our military, or distrust of this commander-in-chief?

 Russ Vaughn ..." I recently wrote a piece here about the Jade Helm military operations scheduled to be conducted across large areas of the U.S. this summer. A few irresponsible conservative web sites are using these routine military training activities to frighten citizens in the selected areas into believing the federal government is planning an armed takeover of their locales." . . .

"Not once in almost five decades of my association with the military have I heard any serving member or veteran agree that he would take up arms against fellow Americans to impose the political will of a sitting president. Conversely, I’ve heard many times that an order to do so would be considered unlawful and refusable. When the Jade Helm article was cross-posted at my favorite soldiers’ blog, This Ain’t Hell, I was gratified to see that the majority of comments there, almost all from still-serving service members or veterans, validated that belief." . . .

. . . "If we Americans really want to get mad about something, shouldn’t it be the fact that the Obama administration was unresponsive to citizens’ concerns on militarization of local law enforcement until it became a black issue? For example I rather suspect that the inclusion of bayonets on the federal list of proscribed weapons is likely due more to the symbolism of rifles with fixed bayonets having been used in black riot control in the past than for any heightened lethality lent to police armories, an indicator of the real priorities of this administration as it winds to a close." . . .Read more:

How to Kill Christianity

Trevor Thomas  " Much has been made of the recent Pew poll that highlights America’s religious landscape. What has drawn the most attention is the apparent decline of Christianity in the U.S. “The Christian share of the U.S. population is declining,” began the piece. Many liberals took gleeful notice. The Institute on Religion and Democracy’s Mark Tooley noted, “Secularists and their fellow travelers are ecstatic. The secular utopia about which John Lennon crooned is impending. Christianity is finally dying!”
. . . 
 By and large, the churches that are growing in the U.S. are those that unapologetically present the truth. Of course, a large or a growing church isn’t always a measure of a healthy and holy church, but when one is sincerely seeking the spiritual truths that we all at one time or another crave, most of us “seekers” know the truth when we hear it and see it. This doesn’t mean that the majority of us will embrace such truths. Jesus Himself warned us that this would not be the case.
Don’t be surprised to see the decline of Christianity continue. As it becomes more difficult and dangerous to be a follower of Christ, more and more people are going to find the “wide road” described by Jesus quite appealing. This is especially the case when so-called “Christians” are pointing the way.

By Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason. www.trevorgrantthomas.com
Trevor and his wife Michelle are the authors of: Debt Free Living in a Debt Filled World

Monday, May 18, 2015

Judicial Watch: Defense, State Department Documents Reveal Obama Administration Knew that al Qaeda Terrorists Had Planned Benghazi Attack 10 Days in Advance

Judicial Watch via  Lucianne
"Judicial Watch announced today that it obtained more than 100 pages of previously classified “Secret” documents from the Department of Defense (DOD)and the Department of State revealing that DOD almost immediately reported that the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was committed by the al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood-linked “Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman” (BCOAR), and had been planned at least 10 days in advance. Rahman is known as the Blind Sheikh, and is serving life in prison for his involvement in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and other terrorist acts.  The new documents also provide the first official confirmation that shows the U.S. government was aware of arms shipments from Benghazi to Syria.  The documents also include an August 2012 analysis warning of the rise of ISIS and the predicted failure of the Obama policy of regime change in Syria.

"The documents were released in response to a court order in accordance with a May 15, 2014, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed against both the DOD and State Department seeking communications between the two agencies and congressional leaders “on matters related to the activities of any agency or department of the U.S. government at the Special Mission Compound and/or classified annex in Benghazi.”

"Spelling and punctuation is duplicated in this release without corrections.

Defense Department document from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), dated September 12, 2012, the day after the Benghazi attack, details that the attack on the compound had been carefully planned by the BOCAR terrorist group “to kill as many Americans as possible.”  The document was sent to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Obama White House National Security Council.  The heavily redacted Defense Department “information report” says that the attack on the Benghazi facility “was planned and executed by The Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman (BCOAR).”  The group subscribes to “AQ ideologies:”
The attack was planned ten or more days prior on approximately 01 September 2012. The intention was to attack the consulate and to kill as many Americans as possible to seek revenge for U.S. killing of Aboyahiye ((ALALIBY)) in Pakistan and in memorial of the 11 September 2001 atacks on the World Trade Center buildings.

Reading list

On Poverty, Obama Shows Poor Judgment
barack obama at georgetown 2015" These days, it wouldn’t be a presidential appearance without some gratuitous Christian-bashing. And at yesterday’s roundtable on poverty, President Obama didn’t disappoint. During the panel discussion at Georgetown University, President Obama took the common goal of helping the poor and used it to drive an even deeper wedge between his administration and people of faith."

Sacramento State University Approves History Course that Ignores the World Wars
" Wait, this is a history course? And it doesn’t mention the two history-altering world wars?"

More photos of Dominique Sharpton's five million dollar ankle 
And this video:

The adolescent brain defense: The Tsarnaev death sentence and beyond. . . " From the
perspective of sound science in the courtroom, the teen brain defense in the Boston bomber case was feeble. Nevertheless, it is part of a larger project of criminal justice reform that invokes mechanical explanation of brain function in the service of exculpation of blame or mitigation of guilt." . . .

 Pentagon Insists Obama’s Iraq Strategy “Is Working” Despite Islamic State Sacking Ramadi… 

Unions Flood Clinton Foundation With Millions; Some Donations Marked As “Political” Activity… 

Leftists Go Crazy Comparing Police Treatment Of Waco Biker Gang To Treatment Of Black Rioters In Baltimore, Ferguson 

Knowing what we know now . . . Liz Cheney Flips Media’s Script on Iraq War
 Liz Cheney Twitter photo
. . . "Rand Paul provided a great template for turning this type of question back on Democrats when he flipped the script on abortion.

"And now, Liz Cheney provides the perfect way to make this question about the Iraq War relevant:"
When will the media ask & key question for 2016- Knowing what we know now, would you still have abandoned Iraq?

 "This is exactly the kind of response we need from quick-witted and able Republican candidates."

Urban legend: Statement reproduces Hillary Clinton's response when asked to identify her major accomplishments as Secretary of State.

"She answered, "My accomplishments as Secretary of State? Well, I'm glad you asked. My proudest accomplishment in which I take the most pride, mostly because of the opposition it faced early on, you know. The remnants of prior situations and mindsets that were too narrowly focused in a manner whereby they may have overlooked the bigger picture and we didn't do that. Very proud. I would say that's a major accomplishment." Read more

 Snopes rates this "False", however...
. . . "It's doubtful that Hillary Clinton made such a statement, however. None of the numerous reproductions of this quote we've found on the Internet makes any mention of whom Hillary Clinton was speaking to when she allegedly said it or identifies the specifics of the setting in which it was supposedly uttered.

. . . "Hillary Clinton did sit for an interview with ABC's Diane Sawyer which aired on 9 June 2014, after which she was criticized by some commentators (as she had been before) for not being able to provide a succinct or definitive answer when questioned about her top or proudest accomplishments as Secretary of State. But nothing like the passage quoted above was spoken by Clinton during that ABC interview. "
 Hillary Can't Name Top Accomplishment As Secretary of State   "From 6/10/2014:   Last night, Diane Sawyer asked Hillary Clinton a question that should’ve come as no surprise: What significant things did she accomplish during her four years as Secretary of State? What’s surprising is that Hillary didn’t even attempt to answer the question. She just changed the subject. The Washington Post reported:

When Sawyer asked Clinton to detail a marquee accomplishment or signature doctrine as secretary, she gave no answer — an exchange her Republican critics immediately highlighted.
"ABC is only posting snippets of the interview, but the Republican National Committee made sure to capture the relevant 20 seconds."

Of Course America Is Giving Up on Christianity — We Gave Up on God Ages Ago


PJ Media
Christians decided going to church was enough, rather than advocating Christian morals and values. Jews decided even God wasn't necessary.

Al Sharpton's daughter sues the city of New York for $5 million after she fell in the street and sprained her ankle

 "The eldest daughter of civil rights activist Al Sharpton has launched a bid to sue the city of New York for $5 million after she fell in the street and sprained her ankle.
"Dominique Sharpton, 29, said she was 'severely injured, bruised and wounded' when she stumbled over uneven pavement at the corner of Broome Street and Broadway downtown last year. 
"According to the lawsuit obtained by The New York Post, Sharpton now wants millions of tax payer money to compensate her for the fall which occurred on October 2, 2014." . . .
Healed: This picture of her on social-media shows her climbing a ladder to decorate a Christmas tree in 2014 just a few months after she fell in the street
Healed: This picture of her on social-media shows her climbing a ladder to decorate a Christmas tree in 2014 just a few months after she fell in the street

Sharpton Daughter Climbed Mountain With $5M Sprain
 "It almost looks like the Reverend’s daughter is trying to shake down New York City for $5 million dollars for something that didn’t happen.
From the New York Post:

Al Sharpton’s daughter hiked up a mountain on ‘sprained’ ankle

By Michael Gartland and David K. Li | May 18, 2015
The Rev. Al Sharpton’s daughter unwittingly proved that her $5 million sprained-ankle suit against the city is a mountain of BS. Dominique Sharpton posted pictures to Instagram showing she completed a difficult mountain climb in Bali, Indonesia — even though her suit says that “she still suffers” debilitating pain after twisting her ankle in a street crack in Soho last year.
"$5 million for a sprained ankle? It must have been a racist crack. Of course, in a sane world, one is usually responsible for one’s own walking skills." . . .
 Meetings: Sharpton, right, has been invited to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for meetings with President Barack Obama at least 73 times since 2009, according to some estimates

Self-immolation? Look who's stepping up to play defense for Hillary on ABC as Steph falters

 Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
 Thomas Lifson   "You would think that the on-air talent at ABC News would get a clue and realize that the position of defensive lineman for Team Hillary carries with it risk of injuries. But that hasn’t stopped ABC News (and NPR, too) political analyst Cokie Roberts  from shamelessly shilling for Hillary. Weasel Zippers highlights some cringe-inducing apologetics:
 “ 'I don’t think anybody votes on whether a candidate answers questions or not.”
. . . 
 "Like George S, Roberts has considerable personal charm and is well liked by her media colleagues all over the political spectrum.  But her shameless shilling for Hillary might be just a ,ittle but out of step with the tastemakers on the left who rule media. "  More here
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden