Friday, May 22, 2015

On Letterman: "But, somewhere around the turn of the century, I lost interest. The show became less and less surreal."

 The Letterman set, hours after the last show:

Hat tip to Jeff Hayden; Plano, TX
Althouse    "Real celebrities started showing up, and I winced as Dave would suck up to them. Suddenly, everyone had a perfectly polished, self-deprecating anecdote — invariably meant to prove the utter fiction that Celebrities Are Just Like Us — that sounded suspiciously crafted by a team of writers. Suddenly, each episode had as many as three celebrities, with Letterman being unctuous and insufferable and fake-laughing his way through every minute. At times Dave would turn depressingly earnest, particularly when he thought he had a Deep Political Point to make.... His comedy started to sound like everybody else’s, with the same potshots at the same easy targets. His act sounded less like dada, more like Dad. Letterman was the barking dog who caught the car, was invited in, and curled up delightedly on the seat...."

Letterman’s departure is 15 years too late
. . . "Letterman was the antidote to the lame, showbizzy, let-me-entertain-you style of comedy I associated with Las Vegas, tuxedos and “The Tonight Show With Johnny Carson.”

"I couldn’t believe it when I heard Letterman worshipped Johnny. Johnny was this smug, self-adoring relic who’d have on Don Rickles or Phyllis Diller or Jerry Lewis to mug desperately, pull faces, shout — anything but be funny. They were pathetic comedy salesmen who wouldn’t leave your doorstep until they’d unloaded their wares.

"Half the time, Johnny wouldn’t even be on Johnny’s show. There’d be long stretches of guest-hosting — John Davidson! Joe Garagiola! — while Johnny went off to loaf. The only guest host who didn’t immediately make you want to turn off the TV was . . . Letterman."

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Murdered female cop is latest casualty in politically driven 'war on cops'    "In that latest incident in the disturbing "war on cops" being led by President Barack Obama, his administration, and numerous Democratic Party lawmakers and activists, an Omaha city police officer who had decided to forego taking her maternity leave following the premature birth of her daughter, was gunned down on Wednesday in a shootout with a dangerous fugitive. The 29-year-old officer, Kerrie Orozco, is the first female in the department's history to be killed in the line-of-duty.

Is Officer Orozco a casualty in this nation's war on police officers?
Courtesy of Omaha Police Dept./Facebook
"Besides giving birth to a baby girl, Officer Orozco was the stepmom of two young children, according to the Omaha Police Department's spokesperson on Thursday. The young police officer who had been rushed to Creighton University Medical Center was pronounced dead shortly after the shooting, the department's Chief Todd Schmaderer said during a news conference. Schmaderer described the suspect as being a 26-year-old black male, Marcus Wheeler, who was also pronounced dead at the same medical center. The dead officer is white.
. . . 
 "Police Officer Orozco coached baseball for the Omaha Boys and Girls Club,and was a volunteer for the Special Olympics. An active law enforcement advocate, she served as president of the Police Officers' Ball to raise money for the Special Olympics. She also helped to rescue dogs and was a participant in the Girl Scout mentors program." . . .

Mosby Announces Charges Brought By Grand Jury Against 6 Baltimore Officers In Death Of Freddie Gray

"BALTIMORE (WJZ/AP)—City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby said a grand jury has indicted all six officers in the the Freddie Gray’s death.

"Six officers were charged on May 1, following the death of Freddie Gray–Mosby calling the arrest illegal.

"She also announced that reckless endangerment was added to the charges against the officers and the charges of false imprisonment was removed.
 . Mosby also has dropped the false imprisonment. In some ways that was the most outlandish charge. When an officer makes a mistaken arrest he is not charged with false imprisonment. He may face some departmental issues, but it is not considered a crime. This charge presents a chilling effect on officers and maybe was the most problematic for that reason
Much more at the link.

BALTIMORE (WJZ/AP)—City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby said a grand jury has indicted all six officers in the the Freddie Gray’s death.
 Read the charges against each officer

 The NY Times

Washington Post

Washington Wants the Redskins (And is prepared to spend your money to get them.)

Weekly Standard
 "They are a lousy team with perhaps the worst owner in all of professional sports, but the Imperial City wants the Redskins nonetheless.  As Alex Gold and Ted Gayer of the Brookings Institute write:
Recently, DC mayor Muriel Bowser announced that she has reached out to Dan Snyder, owner of the DC-area NFL team, about returning the team to the Nation’s Capital from its current location in suburban Maryland. 
"Fine, you think, if they want Snyder and his inept squad, no skin (red or otherwise) off my nose.
But, not so fast.  Seems that the governors of Maryland and Virginia are also interested.  Thus:
… a bidding war [is] likely, with each location promising a newer and fancier replacement stadium for the team’s current home.  
"And, in the way of these things:
Wherever the Washington team winds up, there’s little doubt that taxpayers – both locally and across the nation – will be on the hook for much of the stadium’s bill. 
"It can all be blamed, like so much else, on the lousy, jury rigged tax system:" . . .

After Fall of Ramadi, U.S. Vets of Bloody Battles Express Anger and Frustration

 The war in the Mideast run the way Bill Ayres and Reverend Wright want it run.

remember those who died and the progress made.

PJ Media  . . . "Ramadi, along with Fallujah — another city infamous for violence — lie in Anbar province, where more than 1,300 U.S. troops lost their lives during the Iraq War.
Some veterans expressed horror at the possible fate of the Iraqis who joined the so-called Awakening, when Sunni tribesman, some who once worked with insurgents, joined the Americans in a reversal that turned the tide in the war.

“ 'In reality, there’s good people there who are dying because we abandoned them,” said Joshua Revak, a former Army specialist who was wounded by a mortar in Ramadi in 2006 that killed his friend and roommate, Sgt. Terry Lisk.

"Daly, who worked with Awakening members and has kept in touch with some since leaving Iraq, said they painted a grim picture of events as the Islamic State moved in. One leader he worked with was kidnapped and burned alive, and the last tribesman he was in touch with went silent two weeks ago — he still doesn’t know his fate.

“ 'It’s just depressing, man — I mean, how can you let that happen?” Daly said.

"Many troops took to social media, and some penned opinion columns to lament the loss.

“ 'Thinking and hearing about it. … I have tears in my eyes, our brothers and sisters we lost, for what,” one person posted on the Facebook page of Veterans of Ramadi, Iraq. “Yes we did our best and we did one hell of a job but it feels like only those who were there care and no one else does, not our government, our neighbors, media and in part the world.”

A Patriot’s BUCKET LIST for the Final Days of the Obama Tyranny

The entire article reproduced here:

Although for a while it seemed as though Barack Obama’s tyrannical rule would never end, the truth is that in about 18 months America’s greatest season of discontent will come to a merciful conclusion.

Shortly after noon on January 20, 2017, Americans, both foreign and domestic, will set aside differences, petty and substantial, in order to unite in gratitude as the tyranny promoted and nurtured by Barack Obama, along with his arrogant loathing of the US Constitution and the rule of law, made possible by his bitter, racist hatred for American history, values and culture will be forced out of the Oval Office and plunged straight into the dungeons of Hades for eternity.

On that monumental day, Obama will be forced to surrender his undeserved and blatantly abused position as the most powerful man in the world, and will return to the violent, bloody streets of Chicago to resume his jaded war against America, Americans and the American way.

However, before Barack Obama is consigned to the back alleys of Chicago and the trash bin of history, his ruthless legacy must be indelibly drilled into the consciousness of all Americans as a stark reminder of what civilized people must never do again.

Thus, the Patriots’ BUCKET LIST of political, social, and economic objectives that must be achieved before Barack Obama moves on.

Therefore, let it be known that the following actions must be completed before noon, January 20, 2017:

( )ObamaCare must be expunged in total, and recorded as a complete failure, perpetrated by liberal nincompoops who destroyed the world’s most successful health care system in order to troll for votes;

( )Congress must declare a permanent war against Islam and it’s terrorist extremism, and note that Islam is, and has always been, the primary and most dangerous US enemy in history;

( )Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran must be permanently rendered null and void by the US Congress;

( )All Executive Orders issued by Barack Obama must be revoked by the authority of the United States Congress. Deportations of illegals aliens must resume immediately and continue at a pace which will effect the removal of all illegals from America by not later than July 4th, 2019.

( )GITMO must be recovered, revitalized, and reestablished as a viable, funded resource for lifetime detention and interrogation of anti-American terrorists and advocates, sans the Koran, prayer blankets, and other Islamic symbols of death allowed under the closeted Muslim dictatorship of Barack Obama;

( )Voter ID laws must be implemented in all US states and territories;

( )A joint declaration shall be made in which the EPA, State Department, Pentagon, and White House affirm that global warming and climate change are epic liberal scams with no scientific merit whatsoever, and which exist solely for enriching liberal politicians and falsely discrediting the great successes of US capitalism;

If we the people can cause these BUCKET LIST items to become reality, the tragic legacy of Barack Obama can be expunged and our nation made whole, and Holy, once again.

End quote.

We’re Still Dumbing Down the Iraq War

 The truth about the danger of Saddam Hussein and why we went into Iraq.

Bruce S. Thornton 
 Photo via FrontPage Magazine

"Jeb Bush tangled himself up recently when he tried to answer a dumb question on the intelligence failures about Iraq’s WMDs and their role in going to war with Saddam Hussein in 2003. I’m not interested in the media’s usual pointless chatter about the incident, or in the other Republican hopefuls who circled to plunge a spear in Jeb like the Greeks jabbing the dead Hector. More troubling is the continuing dumbing down of the context and circumstances that surrounded the decision to go to war."
. . .
"Bush didn’t help his candidacy with his careless answer to a question more suitable for a high school paper. He should have taken the opportunity to turn the question about Iraq’s current disorder back to where it really belongs: Obama’s strategically idiotic but politically driven decision to pull all our forces from a country which, despite all the earlier missteps and bungling, by the time he took office was stable. Instead he reprised our dishonorable behavior toward South Vietnam and traded our soldiers’ sacrifices and our country’s interests for a mess of partisan political pottage. That’s the real point everyone should be making about Iraq instead of rehashing the Democrats’ stale “no WMDs” talking point."

Nazi flag flies high over mosque in Israel (VIDEO)

 Pamela Geller    
Nazi flag flies high over West Bank mosque (VIDEO), The Washington Examiner [2], May 20, 2015 (thanks to Christian):
Keeping alive the long history between National Socialism and Jihaddist Islam [3], the twisted cross of Naziism is flying high and proud over a heavily Arab-Muslim [4] town south of Jerusalem today, as reported by the Israel National News Service via Google New [5]s on May 20, 2013.
mosque nazi flag
When I ran ads highlighting the relationship and cooperation between the the Third Reich and the Muslim world, Western media and cultural elites widely condemned and vilified me.  When Muslim annihilationists (under the cynically named “Palestinian” movement) proudly display their Nazi sympathies, all is quiet on the Western front.
Israel should have blown up that flagstaff and minaret.

- See more at:

. . . "Not exactly their first experience Islam has had with the Master Race.

"During the Second World War, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haji Amin al-Husaini threw his considerable support behind Herr Hitler, and was even an honored guest on Berlin.

"Al-Husaini was also instrumental in forming the all-Muslim SS Hansar Division who were reportedly very enthusiastic fighters for the cause of Nazism [6].

"It’s certainly not the first time Jew-hating “Palestinian” Muslims have raised [7]the Nazi flag. Below, a Nazi flag bearing a large black swastika was seen waving above the Palestinian village of Beit Ummar." . . .

...Islamic Jew-hatred, it’s in the Qur’an. 
When I ran ads highlighting the relationship and cooperation between the the Third Reich and the Muslim world, Western media and cultural elites widely condemned and vilified me.  When Muslim annihilationists (under the cynically named “Palestinian” movement) proudly display their Nazi sympathies, all is quiet on the Western front.
Israel should have blown up that flagstaff and minaret.

City of Ferguson Installing Memorial Plaque For Mike Brown - See more at:

By Lauren Richardson

The memorial to Michael Brown on Canfield Drive has been removed and will be replaced by a plaque, Mayor James Knowles III and Michael Brown Sr. announced Wednesday. - See more at:
The memorial to Michael Brown on Canfield Drive has been removed and will be replaced by a plaque, Mayor James Knowles III and Michael Brown Sr. announced Wednesday. - See more at:
The memorial to Michael Brown on Canfield Drive has been removed and will be replaced by a plaque, Mayor James Knowles III and Michael Brown Sr. announced Wednesday. - See more at:
The memorial to Michael Brown on Canfield Drive has been removed and will be replaced by a plaque, Mayor James Knowles III and Michael Brown Sr. announced Wednesday. - See more at:


Hillary emails — Her Benghazi Problem just got worse. How can she deserve to be President?

 Hillary Clinton enjoyed herself with a roundtable of voters in Cedar Falls, Iowa, Tuesday. With cameras rolling, she heard from young Democrats who blasted Republicans as the party of the old and the rich. It prompted Hillary to jot down a note reminding herself to lie about her age and income.  Comedian Argus Hamilton
 Legal Insurrection
 Small window opens on Hillary’s emails, and the view isn’t good, particularly of Benghazi.
 "The New York Times has extensive reporting on the first partial batch of Hillary emails released to the public regarding Libya.

"This is only the first batch, and of course, we don’t know what was deleted from her private server.
The bottom line is that the relationship with Sidney Blumenthal is as suspicious as suspected, Hillary knew the video story was a crock, and most of all, the entirety so far demonstrates why Hillary sought to hide her activities for so long.

"First Batch of Hillary Clinton Emails Captures Concerns Over Libya:" . . .
"The Times has a separate article on the Sidney Blumenthal relationship and influence peddling, A Closer Look at Hillary Clinton’s Emails on Benghazi:" . . .
Knowing this, the decision by Hillary to send Susan Rice to do the full Ginsburg on September 16th with those phony talking points looks a lot more understandable. As Secretary of State, that task should have fallen to Hillary Clinton, not the then-UN Ambassador, who was out of the loop. Rice, however, wasn’t planning on running for President in 2016. With Blumenthal’s e-mail in on the 13th (and the DIA’s corroboration later), Hillary would have known better than to get stuck on video telling the whoppers that Rice ended up delivering on Obama’s behalf.
  Contentions Do You Deserve to Be President After Jeopardizing National Security?
. . . " Clinton’s transparent aim is to allow the sting of these myriad controversies to be acutely felt early, and only to address them when she can legitimately dub them “old news” and thereby scold those reporters who myopically dwell on ancient history. That strategy is only effective, however, when the revelations dry up. But the scandalous details of her behavior exposed in the press continue to emerge, one by one, drip by drip, gradually eroding away Clinton’s presidential prospects." . . .
 Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

Ramadi? A mere bump in the road! Global warming is the real issue.

Apologies to Monty Python

 HARF MAKES BAHGDAD BOB SOUND LIKE JESUS: Marie Harf Claims ‘Iraqi Forces Held Their Line’ "Despite the fact that they ran and surrendered to ISIS militants. Harf told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, ' . . Remember Baghdad Bob?
Obama ‘Logic': With No Plan to Stop ISIS, Obama is Worried About Climate Change Threat " ISIS is growing stronger and the White House’s plan to stop the terrorist thugs advances is a joke.
. . .  "Republicans in Washington immediately replied that the weather was not the main concern when Ramadi just fell to ISIS and the threat of terrorism is a real and present danger." . . .

Obama Warns the Coast Guard of Rising Seas, Not Real Threats
 Michael Ramirez Cartoon
For Obama, Admitting Failure Is Never An Option . . . "At a press briefing on Monday, a reporter asked White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest if, given the fall of Ramadi and reports that the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq is moving into Libya, "Would you say that, overall, this strategy has been a success?"

"Earnest's answer: "Overall, yes."

"Even the mainstream press and fellow Democrats seemed stunned by the answer.

"They wouldn't have been if they'd been paying attention to Obama the past six years." . . .

Via Lucianne

Once again, It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!

 The obvious choice:

New Zeal  "Once again, It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!
Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were all disgusting, but one of them stood out as an almost unanimous choice. The envelope please…"

. . . "Of course, just before the crapola hit the media fan, Stephanopoulos ran to the Leftist rag, Politico, and vomited a confession. This was after trying to cover it up. He didn’t tell his bosses about the donations and he didn’t tell viewers that he had given money to the Foundation even as he reported on it and the Clintons.

"On April 26, Stephanopoulos put Peter Schweizer in the hot seat; he’s the author of the sensational”Clinton Cash” book that exposes the Clintons and their graft. Stephanopoulos pressed him to admit the book contains no ‘smoking gun.’ The implication was that, if it’s not indictable, it’s not important. He sounded more like a lawyer than a media hack. Stephanopoulos cleverly used that standard to give the Clintons the all-clear. The anchor also cited Schweizer’s ‘partisan interest,’ noting that Schweizer was a speechwriter for President George W. Bush. Boy, pot meet kettle.

"Another media sycophant bites the dust amid lies and scandal. Flip this media shill – he’s done. Another Progressive weasel gets whacked." . . .