Saturday, May 30, 2015

As Obama's Economy Falls, White House Excuses Boom

. . . "On the list of excuses for President Obama's ongoing failure to produce decent economic growth, we hadn't heard this one: A "seasonal adjustment" problem at the Bureau of Economic Analysis, which compiles the GDP estimates.

"White House chief economist Jason Furman says that, despite its seasonal adjustments, the BEA might not be accurately accounting for the effect of winter weather on growth.

Read More

Clinton Foundation hit with racketeering lawsuit

 Clinton Foundation hit with racketeering lawsuit . . . "The racketeering, influenced and corrupt organizations, or RICO, case alleges the former first couple and their family philanthropy traded political favors for donations or generous speaking fees for Bill Clinton while his wife was the nation's chief diplomat.

" 'Negotiations by email about influencing U.S. foreign policy or U.S. Government actions to benefit donors to ... The Clinton Foundation or sponsors of speaking engagements would not be captured on a U.S. Government email account because her emails would not be with a U.S. Government official," Klayman said in court documents obtained by the Washington Examiner." . . .

Richard Larsen   . . . "Considering the nature of the charges against FIFA, it seems only logical to wonder if, or when, such charges will be levied against Bill and Hillary Clinton, and the Clinton Foundation.
 Wonder what FIFA got for their contribution to the Clinton Foundation"The DOJ indictment alleges that FIFA officials “abused their positions of trust to acquire millions of dollars in bribes and kickbacks,” according to Attorney General Loretta Lynch. The graft is alleged to have influenced World Cup host nation selection, marketing rights for sports marketing companies, and broadcast rights for television coverage of FIFA events.
"Prima facie, it doesn’t appear that FIFA did anything more legally dubious than did the Clinton Foundation. ' . . .
Soon Hillary will have even more reason to hate the press   "Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is widely believed to have a strong dislike for the national media, though there is no clear reason why. Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan thinks she knows the answer.

"In an op-ed on Thursday, Noonan said Clinton, when she was first lady, didn't initially grasp that just because reporters are generally liberal, that doesn't mean they're on her side."

Counting Up Obama’s Cataclysmic Foreign Policy Failures

President Obama, in describing his foreign policy doctrine in private conversations to reporters, said, “We don’t do stupid sh*t.” He actually does, quite a lot, and in ways that may be unmatched by any president in our history. Over the course of his presidency, Mr. Obama has implemented the policy he’s wanted. As a result, in several nations and in some regions, he has helped open the gates of hell.
Peter Wehner    "With the Islamic State expanding its reach after two key victories in Ramadi, the capital of Iraq’s Anbar Province, and Palmyra, a strategically important city in Syria, it might a good time to ask: What are the worst foreign policy failures of Barack Obama’s presidency? The list is long; here are several to choose from.

"1. The Rise of ISIS. President Obama failed to anticipate the rise of ISIS, which he ridiculed as a “jayvee team” as recently as last year, and he has since failed to do anything effective to impede it. ISIS had established territory in large parts of Syria and Iraq; it now “controls a volume of resources and territory unmatched in the history of extremist organizations.” Under Mr. Obama’s watch, a jihadist caliphate has been established in the heart of the Middle East — and the president has no strategy to deal with it.

"2. Losing the War in Iraq. President Obama’s predecessor handed to him a war that had been won." . . .  Read the full article.

I feel other nations must worry more about the American voters - legal or otherwise- who put this man into office not once, but twice. The second time after knowing what kind of president he has been! 
If the next time we elect an intelligent, courageous foreign policy leader, many of our allies may still be reluctant to follow our lead because they realize the very next administration will be another leftist, ineffectual one like that which Obama voters chose in 2008 and 2012.

Phoenix ‘Draw Mohammed’ Protest Organizer Says He’s Going Into Hiding: ‘Tyranny Is In America. Sharia vandalism update

"The liberal media might not have Jon Ritzheimer to kick around any more.

"He’s the Marine (there’s no such thing as an “ex-Marine”, Mediaite) who organized the “Draw Mohammed” protest in Phoenix last night. He said that he’s received death threats in response to his protest.

"Who saw that coming?

"Ritzheimer told the media that, as a result of the threats, he’s going into hiding for his own safety and the safety of his family.

"We can’t blame him.

"He noted that there had been people “calling for folks to come and behead” him. He called that “tyranny” and “terrorism right here in America.”

"President Obama would probably call it “protest violence.' ” . . . More...

 Oh, by the way...
UPDATE:  Canada: Muslim arrested for defacing and vandalism at Catholic Church, including hate graffiti calling the Christian Messiah "Jewsus" 
"Behind the church, graffiti with the words “There is no Jew God” was scrawled across the brick wall along with a drawing of a face labelled “Jewsus.”

Friday, May 29, 2015

Some late posts
Afghan Interpreter Is Murdered By Taliban After Waiting For 4 Years For Promised U.S. Visa For His Service 
 Screen Shot 2015-05-29 at 1.10.32 PM
"This just infuriates me. The government made promises to these guys, who put their lives on the line for us and thus earned their way onto a Taliban hit list. Many of the interpreters have just been left to be killed because the Obama regime can’t get off the golf course to follow through on the promises made. This man’s death is on their heads."    Thanks to the organization that brings you healthcare and veterans benefits.

Hastert indictment is related to old allegations of sexual misconduct, law enforcement says
. . . "The indictment did not spell out the nature of the “prior misconduct” by Hastert, but it noted that before entering state and federal politics in 1981 Has­tert served for more than a decade as a teacher and wrestling coach at Yorkville High School in Illinois.

"In 2010, confronted about the “prior misconduct,” the former speaker agreed to pay $3.5 million to the person “to compensate for and conceal his prior misconduct against Individual A,” prosecutors alleged." . . .  
 "Small ball compared to Sharpton and the Clintons.", comments Lucianne

Democrats' 'War on Women' Attack Is Not Going Away
 "Colorado Democrats are accusing a Republican of being a social extremist, even though she shares many of their views on abortion rights."

Weasel of the Week: May 29th, 2015

Watcher of Weasels   "Yes, once again, It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!

"Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were all spectacularly disgusting, but the votes are in and we have our winner winner…the envelope please…"

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie ‘Let ‘Em Riot’ Rawlings-Blake!

Don Surber: "Mustela Baltimoron mayorus Stephanie Rawlings-Blake for giving rioters, arsonists and looters a space of their own. Her actual words:
“I made it very clear that I work with the police and instructed them to do everything that they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their right to free speech. It’s a very delicate balancing act. Because while we try to make sure that they were protected from the cars and other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well. And we worked very hard to keep that balance and to put ourselves in the best position to de-escalate.”
"Oberlin graduate! Need we say more? It takes a certain kind of cowardice to stand up to a crowd of lawless outlaws and say, “Do what you want to the girl, but leave me alone.'”

Related: VIDEO: Freddie Gray Cast: More Mosby Incendiary Statements
" In the video clip Mosby calls for “Justice, by any and all means necessary,” echoing Malcolm X."

Reading list

. . . " My personal view, and I want to stress it’s MY PERSONAL VIEW, is that it’s spiritually suicidal not to be politically aware, and even politically involved to some degree.  Some Christians want to continually shut the world out and live in a vacuum.  According to that mind set, as long as we have our church services, our retreats, seminars and concerts, as along as we still have all of our Christian paraphernalia, then everything will be hunky-dory because, hey, it’s “of the Lord”.  " . . .

CULTURE OF ENTITLEMENT: Bill Clinton: Sure, you can give me an award — but first give $500,000 to… “ 'The Clinton Foundation had rejected the Happy Hearts Fund invitation more than once, until there was a thinly veiled solicitation and then the offer of an honorarium.' ”
'I’M AFRAID': Baltimore Residents Want COPS To KICK A-- AGAIN as Violence Spikes
 "Who do they call when they’re afraid to leave their house? Is it Al Sharpton?" . . .

Hope PosterCreator of Viral Obama Poster Loses Hope  . . . "Uneducated? Complacent? It almost sounds like Fairey is describing the millions of ‘low information’ voters who cast their ballots for Obama in 2008 and 2012.  "  . . .  Jon Gabriel of Ricochet:
Perhaps Obama was too busy raising $1.1 billion in 2012 to get around to taking money out of politics.

The New York Times' hypocrisy regarding displays of "offensive" religious imagery runs unabated, as shown in a Scott Reyburn article in Friday's Arts section on the sale of Chris Ofili's controversial painting "The Holy Virgin Mary," which shows the Virgin Mary clotted with elephant dung against a porn-collage background -- and accompanied by a photograph of the offensive work.
Yet when the paper refused to reprint a cartoon of Muhammad that appeared in the Paris satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo that resulted in the January 2015 massacre of 12 magazine staffers, it offered this smug, cowardly justification:
- See more at:
The New York Times' hypocrisy regarding displays of "offensive" religious imagery runs unabated, as shown in a Scott Reyburn article in Friday's Arts section on the sale of Chris Ofili's controversial painting "The Holy Virgin Mary," which shows the Virgin Mary clotted with elephant dung against a porn-collage background -- and accompanied by a photograph of the offensive work.
Yet when the paper refused to reprint a cartoon of Muhammad that appeared in the Paris satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo that resulted in the January 2015 massacre of 12 magazine staffers, it offered this smug, cowardly justification:
- See more at:
The New York Times' hypocrisy regarding displays of "offensive" religious imagery runs unabated, as shown in a Scott Reyburn article in Friday's Arts section on the sale of Chris Ofili's controversial painting "The Holy Virgin Mary," which shows the Virgin Mary clotted with elephant dung against a porn-collage background -- and accompanied by a photograph of the offensive work.
Yet when the paper refused to reprint a cartoon of Muhammad that appeared in the Paris satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo that resulted in the January 2015 massacre of 12 magazine staffers, it . . .

Hillary Clinton think tank slams Obama on Islamic State strategy

. . . "If this is true, then reinforcing a failing strategy that depends on Baghdad doing the right thing might not only be misguided but counterproductive,” he writes. “A better approach might be to surge resources to those actors in Iraq who we judge would actually take on ISIS on the battlefield.”

“ 'There are actors — the Kurdish peshmerga and several Sunni tribes — that would benefit from more direct support from the United States and its allies. It may be possible to deploy special operations forces and other capabilities more directly proximate and responsive to these actors.”
. . . 
 "Several former senior military officers have come forward in recent months to call for a change in the Obama administration’s Iraq strategy. The CNAS analyses represent stiff criticism from some of Mr. Obama’s former political appointees."

Republican candidates breed like rabbits

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

..Political Cartoons by Larry Wright
..Political Cartoons by Henry Payne
..Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

If Hillary becomes president, who will make her obey the law?

 Washington Examiner  . . . "Ultimately, the Presidential Records Act depends on the honesty of the president. That's not Clinton's strong suit. Recent polls have shown substantial numbers of Americans do not believe she is honest and trustworthy. After the State Department experience, they would have good reason to be suspicious of her in the White House.
"Don't look for this to become a big campaign issue — compliance with the Presidential Records Act is not exactly the most critical issue facing voters in 2016. But as far as Hillary Clinton is concerned, it could be a harbinger of bigger problems to come."

The Jarring Reasons People Don't Want Hillary Clinton to Be President

 . . . "You can imagine the paroxysms into which this sort of reasonsing, focused on making history rather than making policy, will send some commentators: People elected Obama because it made them feel good to elect the first black president, and look at his approval now! Have we not learned our lesson?! But clearly the idea of Clinton finally breaking the glass ceiling she cracked, by her count, 18 million times in 2008 holds a strong pull. (The third reason, at 8 percent, is that she'd represent a change from the Obama and Bush policies—a maybe optimistic sense.)

"What is surprising, as Grace Wyler points out, are the reasons people give for not wanting her to win:" . . .
Bag Claim 600 LI

Most Democrats Think Illegal Immigrants Should Vote

Rasmussen Reports
 "Are voters ready to let illegal immigrants vote? A sizable number, including most Democrats, are.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that one-out-of-three Likely U.S. Voters (35%) now believes that illegal immigrants should be allowed to vote if they can prove they live in this country and pay taxes. Sixty percent (60%) disagree, while five percent (5%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

"Fifty-three percent (53%) of Democrats think tax-paying illegal immigrants should have the right to vote. Twenty-one percent (21%) of Republicans and 30% of voters not affiliated with either major political party agree." . . .

Voters under 40 are twice as likely as their elders are to favor allowing illegal immigrants to vote, but they, too, draw the line at counting illegal immigrants when setting up legislative districts.

Krauthammer: Why doctors quit

 . . .The newly elected Barack Obama told the nation in 2009 that “it just won’t save billions of dollars” — $77 billion a year, promised the administration — “and thousands of jobs, it will save lives.” He then threw a cool $27 billion at going paperless by 2015.

Charles Krauthammer

About a decade ago, a doctor friend was lamenting the increasingly frustrating conditions of clinical practice. “How did you know to get out of medicine in 1978?” he asked with a smile.

“I didn’t,” I replied. “I had no idea what was coming. I just felt I’d chosen the wrong vocation.”

"I was reminded of this exchange upon receiving my med-school class’s 40th-reunion report and reading some of the entries. In general, my classmates felt fulfilled by family, friends and the considerable achievements of their professional lives. But there was an undercurrent of deep disappointment, almost demoralization, with what medical practice had become.

"The complaint was not financial but vocational — an incessant interference with their work, *a deep erosion of their autonomy and authority, a transformation from physician to “provider.”
*(Emphasis added, TD)

"As one of them wrote, “My colleagues who have already left practice all say they still love patient care, being a doctor. They just couldn’t stand everything else.” By which he meant “a never-ending attack on the profession from government, insurance companies, and lawyers . . . progressively intrusive and usually unproductive rules and regulations,” topped by an electronic health records (EHR) mandate that produces nothing more than “billing and legal documents” — and degraded medicine." . . . Read the full article