Monday, June 29, 2015

Politico Writer Proclaims: It’s Time to Legalize Polygamy

Sweetness & Light   "At first glance we thought this (originally 2,219 word, 51 paragraph) article was a reductio ad absurdum argument against ‘same sex marriage.’ But it isn’t. It’s written by a long time proponent of polygamy, who welcomes the ‘slippery slope.’ In fact, he says it’s long overdue.

"From the Politico:

It’s Time to Legalize Polygamy

Why group marriage is the next horizon of social liberalism.
By FREDRIK DEBOER | June 26, 2015
Welcome to the exciting new world of the slippery slope… The question presents itself: Where does the next advance come? The answer is going to make nearly everyone uncomfortable: Now that we’ve defined that love and devotion and family isn’t driven by gender alone, why should it be limited to just two individuals?
The most natural advance next for marriage lies in legalized polygamy—yet many of the same people who pressed for marriage equality for gay couples oppose it…
"Remember how the media mocked conservatives who said this was next?" . . .

Don't laugh; some people are discussing this seriously  . . . "And I wouldn't use the term "gay marriage," because no one will check whether the 2 women want to have sex with each other. 2 women could marry to obtain the economic benefits of the government's legal status of marriage. Why shouldn't 2 women marry to create a household within which they could manage childcare, file a joint tax return, and get better health insurance for the blended group?" . . .Althouse

ISRAEL-HATERS: Obama Hosts Radical Israel-Haters at ‘President’s Table’ During Muslim Dinner

"This isn’t surprising of our president anymore, but something we have sadly come to expect.
President Barack Obama hosted two radical anti-Israel activists, Riham Osman and Batoul Abuharb of Houston, Texas, on Tuesday night. They both had the honor of sitting at Mr. Obama’s exclusive “President’s Table” at the annual White House Iftar dinner. Both have publicly stated that they consider Israel and its leadership to be sponsors of terroristic acts.

Riham Osman, seated at the “President’s Table” Tuesday night, is the communications coordinator for the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), a group founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood that has challenged the U.S. designation of Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist groups.

Osman herself has engaged in toxic rhetoric when it comes to the state of Israel.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Intellectual Dishonesty of John Roberts

Peter Wehner   . . . "To quickly summarize: In King v. Burwell, the Court, in a 6-3 ruling, determined that the language in the ACA limiting insurance subsidies to “an Exchange established by the State” really means “an Exchange established by the State or the Federal Government.” Justice Scalia’s withering dissent shows how neither the plain text of the Act nor the context of the text justifies the majority’s decision. In reading the majority opinion, one senses that even Chief Justice Roberts doesn’t believe his own arguments; that even he knows that the reason the words “by the State” were included in the Act was to limit credits to state Exchanges. As Justice Scalia methodically pointed out, “Under all the rules of interoperation … the Government should lose this case. But normal rules of interpretation seem always to yield to the overriding principle of the present Court: The Affordable Care Act must be saved.”

"And so it has been, twice now, thanks to Chief Justice Roberts. For reasons that only he must know, Roberts decided to take it upon himself to salvage the Affordable Care Act by rewriting it. He decided to become a legislator in order to repair a failing law, which is not the proper role of a Supreme Court justice." . . .

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
United States of America Becomes the Newest Socialist Country  "The Supreme Court of the USA has now become the latest branch of the ObamaGov to legislate illegally. We no longer have 3 co-equal branches of government. As the Republicans have shown for—at least—the past several months, the people of the former USA no longer have any voice in government. Despite constituents “burning up the phone lines” to their Republican Congress members and Senators telling them to vote NO on TPA–which gives Obama virtually unlimited and unchecked power to do anything he wants with this treaty and likely those to come—they voted YES in a large majority. Like their Marxist Democrat brothers and sisters, the RINOs have chosen to ignore their constituencies and do that which benefits them—not us." . . .

Obergefell and the roadmap to drive Christianity from the public square

“I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square. His successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization, as the church has done so often in human history.” Cardinal Francis George:
 burn church
"The Supreme Court decision Friday making homosexual marriage not only legal but giving it a status superior to heterosexual marriage* was ominous (never mind that the lead defendant’s name sounded like a rank in the Wehrmacht). In his majority opinion, one which cavalierly overthrew well over 6,000 years of human history in the service of Kennedy’s vigorously, if vicariously, twitching nether regions, Kennedy laid out a road map for the eradication of the legal ability to oppose homosexual marriage. This is the key section:
“Finally, it must be emphasized that religions, and those who adhere to religious doctrines, may continue to advocate with utmost, sincere conviction that, by divine precepts, same-sex marriage should not be condoned. The First Amendment ensures that religious organizations and persons are given proper protection as they seek to teach the principles that are so fulfilling and so central to their lives and faiths, and to their own deep aspirations to continue the family structure they have long revered.”
". . .  In Kennedy’s view, only religious organizations and religious persons would be allowed to dissent. This means that while your priest or pastor would be able to refuse to participate in a homosexual marriage it is nearly impossible for your actual church to do so. For religious colleges and universities with faculty and staff members who are not members of the denomination — this would include schools like Georgetown (though in fairness, Georgetown ceased to be a Christian much less a Catholic university years ago) and Catholic University — it would be nearly impossible for them to avoid participating in homosexual marriages." . . . More at the link.

Obama's Amazing Disgrace of a Eulogy; "Unity just isn't in his DNA."

Jeannie DeAngelis   "Fresh off a victory lap in the Rose Garden where the #LOVEWINS president narcissistically defined agreeing with him as “love,” President Obama segued from LGBTQ rights into racial rancor and Biblical misrepresentation during a eulogy where he also defined “God’s grace” as agreeing with him.

"Taking to the pulpit at slain Charleston Emanuel A.M.E. Church’s pastor and state Senator Clementa Pinckney’s going-home celebration, Barack ‘Can you say Amen’ Obama assumed a black-preacher cadence and began the eulogy by “Giving all praise and honor to [a] God” whose Word the president normally revises with as much liberality as he does the U.S. Constitution.

 "Pinckney was a Democrat senator representing the “Lowcountry” of South Carolina, so the president began by entertaining the possibility that the senator was unable to get resources to address inadequate schools, poverty, child hunger, and lack of healthcare because he was in the political minority.

"From that point forward, the president was in full-on, pedal-to-the-metal racial-injustice mode. Quite frankly, Obama’s self-serving eulogy exploited a dead man to offer racial grievances, latent hostility, and under the guise of grace, justify a buffet of tired liberal solutions.

"After complimenting the deceased pastor/senator’s character, Obama, just short of breaking into the Holy Ghost shuffle, went into his mediocre black-minister impression with talk of the “deeds and not just words” that the man who’s always talking and never doing believes Christian faith to be." . . .  More at the link.


Barack Obama Takes the Charleston Funeral from the Sacred to the Profane
 . . . "But, as Barack Obama implied in his Marc Maron interview, unity just isn’t in his DNA. So after all that, the community organizer — the Divider in Chief – went to work.
"We got a laundry list of America’s continuing sins. A reference to the myth of Republican voter suppression being by far the most egregious, because he knows it’s a lie from the pit of Hell and in no way true.
"And how Johnny gets a call back for a job, but not Jamal.
"Then came a long spiel on gun control, even while he admitted that not a single one of his proposals would have prevented what happened at the prayer meeting at Emanuel AME Church.

“ 'None of us should expect a transformation on race relations overnight,” Obama declared — and he seemed determined to make sure that prophecy was fulfilled." . . .

Obama’s half-brother sells [somewhat] revealing letter from president

NY Post
Obama’s half-brother sells revealing letter from president
President Barack Obama and his older half-brother Malik Abongo ”Roy” Obama
. . . "Malik, who lives in Kenya, also sold two other handwritten letters from Obama for nearly $15,000 each in 2013. Malik, who shares the same father with the president, has said they were best men at each other’s weddings. But earlier this year, he called Obama a “schemer” and said, “He’s not been an honest man . . . in who he is and what he says and how he treats people.”

"The amount paid for the letter was not disclosed. The White House did not comment."

Tunisia gunman ‘laughed’ as he shot victims

 As survivors’ stories brought forth, media hails Briton who took bullets for his fiancee: ‘He just told me to run’
 Times of Israel
 Matthew James and fiancee Saera Wilson (YouTube screen capture/BBC)
"A gunman who shot and killed 38 people at a Tunisian beach resort on Friday, most of them British tourists, was “laughing and joking” as he mowed down his victims, UK media reported Saturday, quoting eyewitness reports.

One man told Tunisian radio station Mosaique FM “He was laughing and joking around, like a normal guy. He was choosing who to shoot. 

 “Some people, he was saying to them, ‘You go away,'” the witness said. “He was choosing tourists, British, French.” . . .

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Look What Gay Marriage Did To The Freedom Of Speech In Canada

Chicks on the Right

. . . "In an excellent piece in Aleteia, Dawn Stefanowicz, a woman who lives in Canada and was raised by gay parents, pens a warning to the United States: We don’t want to embrace gay marriage, and Canada is proof.
"Canada federally mandated gay marriage about 10 years ago in 2005. Since then, their freedoms have eroded. 
Over and over, we are told, “permitting same-sex couples access to the designation of marriage will not deprive anyone of any rights.” That is a lie.
"It slowly creeps up, and before you know it, you can’t speak about the traditional family of a man, woman and children without authorities considering it “hate speech.” In fact, you couldn’t even have this kind of debate in Canada, because everyone would start shouting, “OMG you’re so homophobic and bigoted!” (Sound familiar?) But it doesn’t end there.
Because of legal restrictions on speech, if you say or write anything considered “homophobic” (including, by definition, anything questioning same-sex marriage), you could face discipline, termination of employment, or prosecution by the government.

"Next" . . .
One of numerous comments in this post:
I haven't heard anything along those lines yet. However, Christian venues refusing to host gay weddings/receptions have been hauled before the HRC, and Christian clergy who have publicly spoken out against gay marriage have been prosecuted for "hate" speech. There are many examples of this in the articles I linked to above.
I can't stress enough how undemocratic these odious HRCs are. Like SLAPP lawsuits, the goal is to financially bankrupt the defendant into submission. Ezra Levant (a Canadian free speech hero!) has said that the process is the punishment when it comes to Human Rights Commissions.) While some may rejoice because the target today is Christians, I firmly believe it won't be long before less peaceful and tolerant religions start to use these tactics against LGBT groups. Intolerant gay rights activists would be wise to recall Martin Niemoller's famous quotation: "First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--because I was not a Socialist..."
It does make me wonder how long it will be before North American churches are forced to perform gay marriages or lose their charitable status, or face prosecution, or go before a kangaroo court like the ones here in Canada.
We are living in interesting times...

Liberal Silliness, But a Danger to our Nation Nonetheless

 . . . "Administrators want members of campus to avoid the use of racist and sexist statements, though their notions about what kinds of statements qualify are completely bonkers. “America is a melting pot,” “Why are you so quiet?” and “I believe the most qualified person should get the job,” are all phrases that should raise red flags, according to the UC speech police. ' " . . .  The LA Times even thought it "over the top"
 Democrat Wants To Sue Global Warming Skeptics   "The lefties have been trying their best to make people believe in man-made global warming, but people just aren’t buying it. Despite a media blitz, celebrity endorsements, and public shaming, most people in this country don’t see it as an issue or flat-out don’t believe it. The biggest problems are that global warming doomsayers’ science is not credible and their motivations are suspect. A democrat from Rhode Island may have found the perfect liberal solution: sue the skeptics into compliance."  Wasn't a flat earth once "settled science"?  

 Walmart Refuses To Bake Cake With Confederate Flag Image, No Problem Making One With ISIS Flag

Flashback Hillary 2002: “Should New York Recognize Same-Sex Marriage?” “No” . . .
That was then...

This is now:
Today? If the price is right, you buy my schlocky merchandise, I’ll say I support you.
"Mary Dewan: when a Rep[ublican] changes their mind it is called flip-flopping, when the pres[ident] and Hillary change their minds it is called evolving. Go figure".  From The Comical Conservative

Pennsylvania newspaper won't accept anti-gay marriage editorials anymore
 . . . "Salvador Dalí couldn't paint a more surreal picture of America in the last 48 hours."

Obama Unlikely To Heed Ex-Aides' Condemnation Of Iran Deal. Nor Will Obama Heed Israel's.

US rebuffs Israel’s last-ditch bid for nuclear constraints in Iran accord
. . . "This briefing was greeted in Jerusalem with shock and alarm. Very few of the conditions for a deal stipulated by the US upon embarking on the negotiations had survived: Iran would continue to enrich uranium, be allowed to bar international inspections of military facilities suspected of hosting nuclear research activity (where were Obama's "intrusive inspections?) and - Israeli officials heard this for the first time - the Iranian UCF facility at Isfahan would be expanded. This plant is engaged in the conversion of “yellow cake” to enriched nuclear material.

"They also discovered that President Obama, who had originally promised the deal would provide for “snapping sanctions back” in the event of violations, had assured Tehran that once sanctions were lifted, they would not be re-imposed.

"Netanyahu asked Brennan for time to digest the full extent of the Obama administration’s retreat in the face of Iran’s nuclear aspirations. He then asked for his national security adviser to be given a chance to propose changes that would allay some of Israel’s concerns." . . .

 "The president is unlikely to listen to his former advisors. The glory of a deal, and the roar of the crowd, is more compelling to him than accepting cold reality."
Investors  "Nuclear Deal: Top former Obama national security aides have joined with prominent figures from both parties to warn against the emerging Iran nuclear pact. Reality is closing in on the president.

"For Barack Obama, Thursday's bipartisan public statement from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, signed by 19 figures including U.S. diplomats, Congress members, ex-White House branch policymakers, and scholars, is devastating.

"The statement's star is Gen. David Petraeus, the architect of George W. Bush's against-the-odds Iraq surge in 2007 and former Obama CIA chief whom the White House no doubt thought would have contritely faded into the sunset by now in the wake of a sex scandal.
Others who signed include:" . .  .Read More At Investor's Business Daily


Now That Gays Can Marry Politico Wants Legal Polygamy

"One of the arguments opponents of gay marriage have made was that allowing same-sex couples to wed would be a slippery slope. The Supreme Court greased up that slope today by ruling in favor of gay marriage. The ink isn’t even dry on the erroneous decision and already liberals are calling for polygamy to be legalized. Once we start sliding, it’s impossible to stop.

"Politico posted a disturbing piece today called bluntly: It’s Time to Legalize Polygamy

"There’s no ambiguity here, the author really believes that multiple partner marriage should be decriminalized:
Now that we’ve defined that love and devotion and family isn’t driven by gender alone, why should it be limited to just two individuals? The most natural advance next for marriage lies in legalized polygamy…
 Coalition Of African-American Pastors Threatens Civil Disobedience Over Gay Marriage Ruling
" That awkward moment when liberals can’t figure out which side to support." . . .

Liberals’ Racist Attacks Against Bobby Jindal Intensifies

Downtrend   "Liberals have launched a hateful, racist attack against Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal because he’s not acting “Indian” enough.

"With the trending hashtag “#BobbyJindalIsSoWhite,” these liberals – who scream racism at every turn, have turned their own racist attacks against the latest presidential candidate.

"The racist attacks in the press against Jindal have been coming for a while now. Recently, The Washington Post tweeted: “There’s not much Indian left in Bobby Jindal,” the liberal New Republic are claiming Jindal and Dinesh D’Souza are “erasing their ethnic identities” by not being shrill liberals.'  . . .
This is what the "tolerant" left produces: