Monday, November 27, 2017

McCain Recommends Hillary ‘Shut Up’ And ‘Move On’

Daily Caller "Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain called out former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for trying to rewrite the history of the 2016 election shortly after she lost, and recommended she “just shut up.”

“ 'You’ve got to understand that you can’t rewrite history,” McCain told Esquire magazine for a long profile released Monday.

“ 'One of the almost irresistible impulses you have when you lose is to somehow justify why you lost and how you were mistreated: ‘I did the right thing! I did!’ The hardest thing to do is to just shut up,” McCain said." . . .

John McCain To Hillary Clinton: Find Something To Do  . . .  "Personally, I like the idea of Bill and Hillary not having much to do these days. It means they’re not engaging in their previous decades of machinations. Even the fluff pieces on daughter Chelsea seem to have subsided in recent months." . . .

'Blowback': Clinton campaign planned to fire me over email probe, Obama intel watchdog says   "A government watchdog who played a central role in the Hillary Clinton email investigation during the Obama administration told Fox News that he, his family and his staffers faced an intense backlash at the time from Clinton allies – and that the campaign even put out word that it planned to fire him if the Democratic presidential nominee won the 2016 election.
. . . 
"The Obama appointee discussed his role in the Clinton email probe for the first time on television, during an exclusive interview with Fox News. McCullough – who came to the inspector general position with more than two decades of experience at the FBI, Treasury and intelligence community – shed light on how quickly the probe was politicized and his office was marginalized by Democrats." .

 . . .

Sunday, November 26, 2017

For Christmas: Feminist Baby!

  • "If you have always thought that at bottom, to be feminist is to be obnoxious, this book supports your view. A feminist child apparently is one that would normally be described as ill-behaved."
Power Line  "Included in Target’s selection of books for young children is one titled Feminist Baby, by Loryn Brantz, a writer on feminism and body image for Buzzfeed."

"If you have always thought that at bottom, to be feminist is to be obnoxious, this book supports your view. A feminist child apparently is one that would normally be described as ill-behaved.
"This one, I don’t even understand. How is it feminist to say “no” to pants–apparently meaning, in this context, diapers?"

. . . 
"Amazon tells us that customers who bought Feminist Baby also bought She Persisted and A Is For Activist, which includes such lessons as “C is for Co-op. Cooperating Cultures. Creative Counter to Corporate vultures.” And “T is for Trans.”
"Board books are normally intended to be read to very young children, but it is impossible to imagine any sane parent reading books like these to children. I suppose they can be thought of as coffee table board books, bought for the self-gratification of liberal parents and for display to liberal friends. In which case, they typify many aspects of contemporary liberalism."

See the source image

In Charts, How These 7 Taxpayers’ Bills Would Change If Tax Reform Was Enacted


. . . "This analysis does not, however, show how those tax cuts would vary based on factors such as total income, type of income, number of children, and itemized deductions.
"While the plans lack a pro-growth cut to the top marginal tax rate (the Senate plan slightly lowers the top rate, but the House keeps the top rate and adds a higher bubble rate), both bills achieve significant reductions in business tax rates. This will help make America more competitive with the rest of the world, and will result in more and better jobs as well as higher incomes for all Americans.
"To get a better idea of how some workers, families, and small businesses would fare under the proposed tax reform, The Heritage Foundation has estimated the tax bills of a range of taxpayers under current tax law, the House’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and the Senate’s modified mark of that bill." . . .  Full article.
Rachel Greszler is a senior policy analyst in economics and entitlements at The Heritage Foundation's Center for Data Analysis. Read her research.
Plus this: On taxes

Media anti-Trump hysteria is hurting the press and helping the president

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Rick Moran  . . . "The media and liberal activists are so cocooned, so out of touch with ordinary Americans that they are failing to realize they are in the process of re-electing the president. It isn't just that the media has lost credibility. They didn't need to trash Trump for that to happen. Nor is it really a question of their hollow warnings of the imminent establishment of a Trump dictatorship that is causing many ordinary Americans to wonder about the media's sanity.

"What the media is doing with their over the top criticisms of Trump is angering millions of voters. They are motivating ordinary people to go to the polls and stick it to the Democrats and their media allies.
"That anger may not translate into an advantage for Republicans in 2018, largely because Trump is not on the ballot. But if the media continues this assault on reason in criticizing Trump, even those predisposed to stay home or vote against him will cast a protest ballot in Trump's favor." . . .
See the source image
Anti Trump Derangement Syndrome

Not all sex scandals are created equal: breaking down the different types

Report: Hillary Clinton Needs to Be Worried About Informant’s Testimony Tuesday

Independent Sentinel   "William Campbell, the FBI informant who will testify on Tuesday, will be able to show that the Uranium One scandal went far beyond the sale of the U.S. mine and its assets. The Russian conspiracy is part of a larger plot.

"If it were not for Sen. Chuck Grassley and Campbell’s attorney Victoria Toensing, this information would have remained secret. The gag order would have put Mr. Campbell is jail had he revealed the information he collected.
"There are documents, video recordings and more to show the Obama administration and the FBI were very well aware of the depth of the Russian conspiracy to control the uranium market, even in the United States. The former president wanted a reset with Russia at all costs.
"Circa news reporter Sarah Carter was asked if Hillary Clinton should be worried about what we learn Tuesday and her one word answer was, “Yes.' ” . . .

George Soros: "It's Sort of a Disease When You Think Of Yourself Some Kind of God, The Creator of Everything, But I Feel Comfortable With It Now, Since I Began To Live It Out"

Infidel Bloggers

A reminder that George Soros thinks of himself as a “God”.
"Usually people like this are committed to Mental Hospitals.

"But when you're rich, and you are like this, the Left makes you a hero."

Trump Renews Feud With CNN. Petulant? That's my word for Barack Obama

But please, please stop the tweeting! Now Trump has lost RedState, no fan of the Democrats.

Red State  "President Trump renewed his feud with CNN on Saturday, taking a swipe at the network that has kept him pressed to the wall for the past year. 

"Trump fed his daily red meat to his famished base on Twitter: 

.@FoxNews is MUCH more important in the United States than CNN, but outside of the U.S., CNN International is still a major source of (Fake) news, and they represent our Nation to the WORLD very poorly. The outside world does not see the truth from them!
"That he’s singing the praises of Fox News is no surprise. Trump is the most petulant, petty, and vindictive president in modern history. He has done the Herculean task of making a corrupt Obama look mature, by comparison. He is an embarrassment of immeasurable proportions.

"Fox News gets a pass because the majority of the on-air talent for the network grovel and snivel at Trump’s feet, tossing softball interviews and cooing with doe eyes over anything he says, no matter how bizarre and unhinged. 

"So what’s the latest beef to get Trump’s Depends in a knot? 
The tweet comes amid tensions over a potential merger between AT&T and Time Warner. The Justice Department allegedly told AT&T to sell off either CNN’s parent company or DirecTV as a condition of approving the merger. The department formally sued AT&T to block the $85 billion merger on Monday, arguing that it would hurt competition and consumers. AT&T has denied it has offered to sell the cable network, or that it would in the future. The Justice Department move has drawn criticism from observers who note that Trump is often critical of CNN. 
. . .
Do not admire CNN, however. Never forget this penetrating question asked of Obama by CNN's Dan Lothian:

Protecting Pregnancy Centers

Point of View

Protecting Pregnancy Centers

"The Left is attempting to force California pro-life pregnancy centers to promote abortion services they don’t offer and find immoral. These centers exist to help women facing unplanned pregnancies understand they have life-affirming alternatives to abortion. Crisis pregnancy centers help young women who are often afraid and sometimes facing outside pressure to abort. Most of these centers are operated by Christians who are motivated by their faith to affirm and protect the sanctity of human life.
"Abortion activists are putting the squeeze on these centers by getting laws enacted that would dilute their message and deprive them of the right to operate according to their beliefs.
"A California law, the Reproductive FACT Act, orders pregnancy resource centers to instruct women on how to obtain free or low-cost abortions through the state’s Medi-Cal program. FACT is an acronym for Freedom, Accountability, Comprehensive Care and Transparency. Ironically, enacting this law would deprive pregnancy centers of these very qualities.
"The FACT law comes with draconian fines for centers that don’t comply. The law also forces non-medical pregnancy centers to post large and prominent disclosures, in up to 13 different languages, stating they are not medical — an attempt to undermine a pregnant woman’s confidence in them.
"Courts have struck down similar laws in Texas, Maryland, and New York. A California superior court judge ruled that the law violates the “freedom of mind” protection in the state’s 1949 Declaration of Rights. But the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit disagreed and permitted the statute to stand.
"Now, thanks to this split in circuit court decisions, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to take the case and will make the final call.
"Requiring pro-life pregnancy centers to promote abortion violates their constitutional rights of conscience and free speech. The nation’s 400 pregnancy resource centers have helped countless women to choose life for their babies and the High Court now has the opportunity to affirm their right to do so."    Penna Dexter

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Republicans need to learn the lesson of Clinton and Kennedy

Don Surber  "Scott Adams of Dilbert fame thinks Roy Moore is toast, I don't. The allegations of sexual impropriety are specious at best, and overwhelmed by the shoes elsewhere dropping like a shoe store in an earthquake.

"The election comes down to whether Republicans want to limit government, cut taxes, and Make America Great Again -- or whether they would like to please the news media. We cannot risk the disapproval of Charlie Rose, can we?"

"Glenn Thrush may skewer us in the New York Times.

"Democrats have no such problem. They would vote for a yellow dog if he were a Democrat, and they have.

"Ted Kennedy drove drunk, let a woman die, and not only kept his Senate seat but almost became the party's 1980 presidential nominee.

"Bill Clinton was a perjurer and abuser of women.

"In both cases, Democrats stood by their man as if they were in a Tammy Wynette song.

"Republicans will say we should not lower ourselves to their standards.

"That's loser talk.

"I love my country more than I love my party -- so I say vote for Roy Moore. If guilty, you can remove him. But if innocent, you cannot install him if he loses to super-liberal Doug Jones.

"The fate of the country is too important to give Democrats a Senate seat.

"Oh sure, Democrats are willing to sacrifice Al Franken only because Democratic Governor Mark Dayton will appoint a Democrat to succeed him.

"I don't think Franken likes the job any more." . . .

Stupid Leftists pardoned turkey no thanks

Democratic State Rep. Arrested In Anti-Black Friday Protest Photo of Peter Hasson PETER HASSON

Daily Caller  "A Democratic state representative in Missouri was among those arrested as part of anti-Black Friday protests in St. Louis.

"State Rep. Bruce Franks Jr. was among seven people arrested after they marched through the St. Louis Galleria mall, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports. The protesters reportedly chanted “Shut it down!” as they marched through the mall.
"Franks advertised the protest on Twitter beforehand." . . .