Wednesday, August 29, 2018

President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments List:

Magapill  One accomplishment voided is the renege by North Korea. Regarding that, I have to consider on the international scene that the actions of Democrats and never-Trumpers have weakened this President in the eyes of America's adversaries.
Trump's backing away from Kim may look like a bit of schadenfreude to Democrats, but it is what I feel their beloved Obama should have considered in his dealings with Iran's mullahs. The Tunnel Dweller

Hat tip to Harley Standlee; Placerville, CA

Gavin Newsom: I’m Bringing Single Payer To Everyone In California, Regardless Of Immigration Status

Hot Air  "Gavin Newsom is currently running for Governor in California and, barring something dramatic, he is going to win. So when he says he plans to bring single payer to California as Governor, there’s a very good chance he’ll get his shot. Today, Newsom appeared on the Pod Save America podcast where he was asked about his health care plans. Newsom made clear he wants a single paper system that is for everyone in the state regardless of immigration status.

“ 'I’d like to see if we can control our own destiny,” Newsom said. He continued, “I’m not naive about it. I did universal health care when I was Mayor [of San Francisco], fully implemented regardless of pre-existing conditions, ability to pay, and regardless of your immigration status." . . .

But then the upshot of this, as Gavin seems to know but not contemplate in this interview is...
What’s really interesting about this is that earlier in this same interview, Newsom talks about homelessness in California’s major cities including San Francisco when he was mayor. “Here’s the problem though, it’s not a static number,” Newsom says. He continues, “We started with about 7,000 people on the street; we got 12,000 people off the street…there were still close to 7,000 people on the street. We did a survey, our annual surveys. One surveyed showed that over 90% of the people on the streets weren’t from San Francisco.
“So as soon as you house 2 or 3 people this dynamic population continues to challenge mayors of cities large and small.”

Trump Has Already Won on Impeachment

Earl of Taint
Conrad Black  "Only the final descent of the Trump assassination squads to the supreme self-humiliation of the Michael Cohen-Stormy Daniels nothingburger could drag me from my sublime writing holiday to inflict myself on whatever readers there may be in August. Amid the hydrogen bomb of decrials of moral turpitude and perceived high crimes, there is no one else audible who sees the Cohen rollover as the supreme victory for the president that it is.

"The Mueller investigation that started out with such a trumpet-blast of portentous Wagnerian prophecy of impending revelations of treason, has fallen to the asininity of getting a sleazy lawyer who has pleaded guilty to a smorgasbord of criminal frauds to declare that candidate Trump told him to pay hush money to a woman he had allegedly had a sexual encounter with 10 years before the election, and that this was an illegal campaign contribution and attempt corruptly to influence the outcome of the presidential election.
"There had never been any hint of impropriety by Trump in the matter—no coercion, no payment on the night, and the best that could be done for titillation was when Stormy, a generally engaging and peppy businesswoman, though she found nothing exceptionable in the future president’s conduct, or in “his junk,” claimed to have lightly spanked him with a copy of Time that had his picture on the cover. As S&M goes, this is pretty thin gruel." . . .

Mueller is the sheriff with a pretty big posse

Couldn't all this be why the North Koreans are becoming difficult? I'm sure they, the Russians, the Iranian mullahs, along with all other America's adversaries are watching and rooting fervently for Antifa, the leftist media, and the scowling Democrats. TD
Mueller the blackmailer . . . "Mueller is a student of Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria, the chief of the Soviet security and secret police under Stalin. Beria's boast was “Show me the man and I'll show you the crime,” meaning he could pin a crime on anyone."

How a twenty-year-old movie foretold the Mueller witch hunt  . . . "Twenty years ago, Will Smith starred in a terrific film called Enemy of the State.  It seemed a work of fiction at the time.  It was riveting for its portrayal of the government's abuse of every hi-tech tool at the ready to surveil and destroy a man's life. " . . .

Clintonite Robert Reich: Let’s Annul Trump’s Presidency  . . . "Tucker Carlson discussed this with Mark Steyn last night, suggesting that the left has nowhere left to go in words and that the next thing which could happen is a suggestion of violence. Steyn agreed, saying that the left has refused to accept the peaceful transfer of power and that it is harmful to the country." . . .

Alan Dershowitz: NY Prosecutors Pose Greater Danger to Trump Than Mueller  "On Fox and Friends Monday morning, the Harvard Law professor emeritus explained that while Trump has constitutional defenses in the federal investigation conducted by Mueller, that’s not the case in investigation currently underway at the behest of New York’s Southern District." . . .  If "Law & Order" was still producing, they would have a real leftist party with this.

Democrat love-in for John McCain another symptom of Trump Derangement Syndrome

Image by Dianny of Patriot Retort
Josh Kantrow  "This will probably get me in trouble, but the overblown tributes to John McCain are getting tiresome.  Some of the praise is being used as cover to hit President Trump, who has accomplished far more in a year and a half in public office than McCain did in thirty-six.  It is amusing how Democrats and their corrupt media allies (who despised McCain when he dared get in the way of their beloved Obama's ascension), are now elevating him to divine status.
. . . 
"McCain's 2008 campaign was a disaster.  He refused to hit Obama where he was most vulnerable: his association with terrorists like Bill Ayers, fraudsters like Tony Rezko (from whom Obama purchased his home in a shady deal), and racists like Jeremiah Wright.  He also paused his campaign during the financial crises and had a deer-in-the-headlights look about him whenever he was asked about economic policy.  Further, as much as I like many things about Sarah Palin, she was not ready for prime time – he failed to properly vet her.
"I also have a big issue with him killing the repeal of the Unaffordable Care Act (likely out of spite to President Trump) and not stepping down from the Senate when he could no longer perform his duties.
"I admire John McCain's service to his country, in Vietnam and later in politics, but hero-worshiping him for purposes of hitting President Trump is just wrong."

GOP senators looking at another chance to repeal Obamacare after McCain's death . . . "A repeal vote won't happen before the election and is doubtful in the lame duck session in December. Lawmakers are looking at 2019 as a target date for repeal legislation to come to the floor." . . .

A maverick? Hardly.  . . . "If major newspapers, neoconservative opinion makers, and 70-year-old politicians are referring to McCain as a maverick because he was one of the top Republicans to side with former President Barack Obama on key issues, then you know there is very little intellectual diversity in the nation’s capital.
"With his unfortunate and tragic death in the spotlight, the important question is: Why?" . . .

Obama's crimes went unpunished

Don Surber  "Barack Obama became president and remained unimpeached. Indeed, his administration appointed no special counsel to investigate his shady deals, his campaign finance violations, or the 36 Obama aides who owed $833,000 in back taxes as of January 12, 2012. They went unprosecuted.

"Let us start with the shady aides.

"He appointed many tax cheats to his administration. Three years into his first term, Investor's Business Daily reported, "A new report just out from the Internal Revenue Service reveals that 36 of President Obama's executive office staff owe the country $833,970 in back taxes. These people working for Mr. Fair Share [Obama] apparently haven't paid any share, let alone their fair share."

"That was 36 out of 437 White House staff members.

"Their average annual pay from taxpayers was $84,668.19.

"And they didn't pay their taxes.

"Instead of going after them, Obama's IRS went after the Tea Party-- harassing them in a manner that taxpayers had to shell out $3.5 million to cover up the Obama administration's "illegal and unwarranted scrutiny."

"No one went to jail for that illegal activity." . . .

Yet the left loves Obama and Hillary!

Expose Liberals & Media Bias

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Flag etiquette: when to fly the flag at half-staff

Half Staff Displays  . . . "Flying the flag at half-staff is an area of flag etiquette that most people want to make sure they get right. It is also an area for which the road to error is routinely paved with good intentions. With that in mind, we offer this refresher course as the all-important intersection where knowledge meets benevolence." . . .

USA Today photo

When should the flag be flown at half-staff?  "An easy way to remember when to fly the United States flag at half-staff is to consider when the whole nation is in mourning. These periods of mourning are proclaimed either by the president of the United States, for national remembrance, or the governor of a state or territory, for local remembrance, in the event of a death of a member or former member of the federal, state or territorial government or judiciary. The heads of departments and agencies of the federal government may also order that the flag be flown at halfstaff on buildings, grounds and naval vessels under their jurisdiction." . . . 
"In the early days of our country, no regulations existed for flying the flag at half-staff and, as a result, there were many conflicting policies. But on March 1, 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower issued a proclamation on the proper times. 

"The flag should fly at half-staff for 30 days at all federal buildings, grounds, and naval vessels throughout the United States and its territories and possessions after the death of the president or a former president. It is to fly 10 days at half-staff after the death of the vice president, the chief justice or a retired chief justice of the United States Supreme Court, or the speaker of the House of Representatives. For an associate justice of the Supreme Court, a member of the Cabinet, a former vice president, the president pro tempore of the Senate, the majority leader of the Senate, the minority leader of the Senate, the majority leader of the House of Representatives, or the minority leader of the House of Representatives the flag is to be displayed at half-staff from the day of death until interment. " . . .  Full article here.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Praised John McCain. Then Things Got REALLY Weird.

Daily Wire  . . . "The derision went on for some 10,000 replies, though some of those were other Democrats trying to draw the friendly fire away from Ocasio-Cortez and redirect to more productive targets. Others were actually Republicans, praising Ocasio-Cortez for being a decent human being and acknowledging a significant death.

""Ocasio-Cortez, to her credit, does not appear to have apologized for her social media eulogy, even when feminist rag Jezebel droned on at her for over a thousand words, excoriating Ocasio-Cortez for lending credence to McCain's "imperialism" and his opposition to high taxes and free abortions."

Alas, poor liberal media.


Why the media, Democrats, and even Republicans are mum about the Chicom spy in Feinstein's office  . . . "Feinstein's husband, Richard Blum, has personally profited from his wife's relationship with the Chinese government." . . .

ESPN Host Angered Over Tiger Woods Urging Respect for the President: 'Stupid Comment'  . . . "Trump tweeted praise of his friend Monday and criticized the “fake news” media."
The Fake News Media worked hard to get Tiger Woods to say something that he didn’t want to say. Tiger wouldn’t play the game - he is very smart. More importantly, he is playing great golf again! 
CNN even got the Trump Koi fish pond story wrong

Former NH Gov Torches CNN For Trying To Turn McCain Tribute Interview Into A Trump Bashing Event   Again with the Koi pond story.  . . . "But Camerota pushed back saying that it was not the press who bred this division. That may be the case, but they’ve sure done a good job making sure that wound is open, infected, and festering—all because Hillary Clinton lost an election (via Mediaite):" . . .

Sunday, August 26, 2018

96 Percent of Google Search Results for 'Trump' News Are from Liberal Media Outlets

PJ Media

          Facebook Censors Conservatives Articles, Saying They 'Look Like Spam'

"Is Google manipulating its algorithm to prioritize left-leaning news outlets in their coverage of President Trump? It sure looks that way based on recent search results for news on the president.

"Conservatives and Trump supporters have for the last several years questioned whether Google was deprioritizing conservative news sites, hiding them from users who utilize their search engine. Google has maintained that all outlets are treated fairly, but nevertheless, conservative sites have reported reduced search traffic and, in the case of Google-owned YouTube, content creators have been banned and demonetizedGoogle's high-profile firing of conservative James Damore, purportedly over his conservative political views, only reinforces the idea that Google is picking winners and losers.
"To test the premise, I performed a Google search for "Trump" using the search engine's "News" tab and analyzed the results using Sharyl Attkisson's media bias chart." 

The #Walkaway campaign

It is past time to #Walkaway from the obscene Obamaphilic TV hosts, the scowling Democrats in Congress, the black-clad vandals with their bicycle chain weapons spewing their hatred for America and all we have been, even considering our failings.
I do wish President Trump had more grace and class in his pronouncements, but see that he has the courage no liberal has shown me: eliminating the ISIS caliphate, opposing the evil North Korean dictator, standing up to the United Nations by defending our faithful ally Israel and standing strong on many other world fronts with no apologies or bows.
Mr. Trump can be abrasive, but as Lincoln said in defense of the much-criticized General Grant, "I can't spare this man, he fights!"  The Tunnel Dweller

The Unsilent Minority  

" - The #WalkAway Campaign is a true grassroots movement. It is a video campaign movement, dedicated to sharing the stories of people who can no longer accept the current ideology of liberalism and what the Democratic Party has become. Some left long ago. Many of us have recently been “red-pilled”. Some here have wanted to leave for some time, but have feared the consequences they might suffer from friends or family if they walk away.
"This group is here to encourage and support those on the left to walk away from the divisive tenets by allowing people to share their stories, or watch the video testimonies and read the posts of others who have walked away. "But this campaign also serves another very important purpose. For far too long, the left has controlled the narrative in this country in news and media while the “silent majority” on the right have done what they always do- remained silent. The left has been allowed for so long to reinforce the narrative that everybody on the right is a bigot, a racist, a homophobe, a misogynist, etc. But the left has become so extreme, it’s now time to fight back." . . .

Growing #Walkaway movement may threaten Dems

"We have more than four months left before the election. That is time for this movement to become well known among habitual Democratic voters taken aback at the descent into madness of their former political party."

Hat tip to Bob Patrick at  Guardian Eagles:   "WE NEED to focus on our people power in order to protect POTUS as he is protecting us by doing everything in his power to have the entire wall built. This can only be done with a historic RED TUNANMI with use creating the same and bigger earthquake that we made happen in 2016. 

So, Let 's focus on what we can and have the power to stop this from continuing to happen. Starting now as ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS:
1. Be part of the WALK AWAY campaign,
2. Encourage others to do the same
3. Become active in your GOP election and provide support by making phone calls, knocking on doors, making a financial donation if you can.

Salon claims #Walkaway maybe, possibly is a trick by Russian bots. What else can they say?  PJ Media  thinks this point of view would fertilize your flower beds:

No, the #WalkAway Movement Isn't Run by Russian Bots. But It Is a Major Threat to the Democrat Party
. . . Straka's WalkAway Facebook group now has over 106,000 members -- and anyone who takes the time to read their stories will quickly be disabused of the notion that bots could produce them.
"The #WalkAway stories are compelling and often quite moving. People from every imaginable background -- black, white, Hispanic, rich, poor, straight, gay, trans, and even celebrity -- explain why they left the party. Most of these people voted Democrat their whole lives; most have lost friends for supporting President Donald Trump. Most have also found solace in the #WalkAway community." . . .

The value of Trump to the Trump voter is that he stands between them and #TheResistance

We have seen the type of people who hate this President with their demagoguery, their bicycle chain locks and bloody assaults and their scowling faces in Congress. I fear these people ruling over us. TD

Legal Insurrection
My variation on Selena Zito: Right now the value of Trump to the Trump voter is he is all that stands between them and the people who hate them every bit as much as they hate Trump.

"The Manhattan (NY County) District Attorney’s office is investigating the Trump Organization for possible criminal violations.
"The current NY Attorney General Barbara Underwood, holding the spot temporarily after her anti-Trump predecessor Eric Schneiderman resigned in disgrace, is going after the Trump Foundation.
"Democrat candidates for Attorney General are trying to outdo each other with promises that they will be the most aggressive in going after all things Trump if elected.
"Federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York, to whom Robert Mueller outsourced investigations so far removed from supposed Russia collusion that even Mueller couldn’t justify keeping them, have taken down the hapless Michael Cohen and clearly have their sights set more broadly on the Trump organization.
"Those same prosecutors are digging in the safes of the owner of the National Enquirer for more dirt on Trump or the Trump organizations.
"The sharks clearly are circling all things Trump looking for a crime which, even if it can’t remove Trump from the presidency, will put a price tag on anyone associated with Trump.
"The media, which is cheering all this, has announced that this was Trump’s worst week, the beginning of the end if not the end. There is a giddiness on anti-Trump media and social media that hasn’t been seen since the Access Hollywood tape.
"What’s the likelihood this will make a difference?
"Selena Zito in the NY Post doesn’t think it’s going to shake support for Trump, Why Trump’s supporters won’t care about Cohen and Manafort’s convictions:" . . .