Thursday, March 28, 2019

Devin Nunes, GOP HPSCI Members Cite Schiff’s Past And Present False Russia Collusion Claims

People's Pundit Daily  

"Rep. Devin Nunes R-Calif., and the other Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee, called for the “immediate resignation” of Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., citing his repeated false claims on Russia collusion.
"Attorney General William Barr penned a letter over the weekend summarizing the findings of the investigation conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller on Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.
"The bombshell four-page letter to lawmakers–viewable here–stated definitively there was no collusion “despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.”
"Yet, Chairman Schiff continues to claim evidence of collusion exists, offering none to support the claims. The investigation by Mr. Mueller came to the same conclusion the committee drew under Mr. Nunes.
“ 'Despite these findings, you continue to proclaim to the media that there is ‘significant evidence of collusion,'” the letter states. “Your willingness to promote a demonstrably false narrative is alarming.”
“ 'The findings of the Special Counsel conclusively refute your past and present assertions and have exposed your position to knowingly promote false information, having damaged the integrity of this committee, and undermined faith in U.S. institutions.”
“ 'Your actions are incompatible with your duties as Chairman of this committee,” the letter adds. “As such, we have no faith in your ability to discharge your duties in a manner consistent with your Constitutional responsibility and urge your immediate resignation as Chairman of this Committee.' ”
Ian Macfarlane

Smollet's celebrity friends help out; Hollywood has juice with Democrat politicians, you know

Rich Terrell

National District Attorneys Association Blasts Cook County State’s Attorneys handling Of Jussie Smolett Case 

BREAKING: FBI Is 'Reviewing' Circumstances Surrounding Dismissal Of Criminal Charges Against Smollett, Report Says  . . . "Two law enforcement officials briefed on the matter tell @ABC the FBI is *reviewing* circumstances surrounding dismissal of criminal charges against Jussie Smollett," Elgas tweeted. "ABC News is told this is not an investigation. It is a 'review' or 'inquiry'." . . .  Also here: FBI Reviewing Shady Circumstances Surrounding Dismissal of Jussie Smollett Charges

. . . Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx was communicating with Tina Tchen, a former aide to Barack and Michelle Obama about Jussie Smollett’s case shortly after the ‘Empire’ actor staged the hate hoax crime.
"Tina Tchen sent Kim Foxx an email on February 1st saying, “Hi Kim – I sent an email to your work address I think as well. I wanted to give you a call on behalf of Jussie Smollett and family who I know. They have concerns about the investigation. I am on an 8 am flight to nyc but please call me before then. I land about 1015 Chicago time. My cell is [redacted]. Many thanks!”
"In one text exchange with a Smollett relative (name is redacted), Kim Foxx is reassuring the individual that she spoke to the superintendent and asked for a favor.
Pictured: Kim Foxx and Jussie Smollett: 

State of the Nation:  . . . "Bottom line: The blowback from SMOLLETTgate has already been fast and furious.  What’s been quite exceptional is that both the MSM and all the traditional Democrat apologists have reacted with unusual scorn to transparently unscrupulous decision to unjustifiably drop such serious charges.  Not only has this incomparable act of prosecutorial misconduct drawn unwanted light to the corrupt Democrat machine operating with impunity in Chicago, Cook County, and Illinois, it has also put the spotlight on the entrenched criminal nexus between Chicago, California and Washington, D.C.  Even Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is extremely unhappy with all the attention. See: Chicago Mayor Continues to Slam Smollett Cover-up"

Facing an FBI and DoJ investigation of Smollett case, Kim Foxx is panicking and changing her story
"The fate of the higher-ups who pulled the strings to get Jussie Smollett off the hook is now in the hands of a dummy who is panicking.

"The venerable political machine that runs the most corrupt big city in America, the very city whose gave us the presidency of Barack Obama, is erupting in a political civil war over a case that has riveted the attention of the public.  What makes this story a beacon of hope for reform-minded populists is that the fate of the rascals is now in the hands of an incompetent public official who has outraged the public with obvious corruption of justice, and who is now panicking and making huge mistakes because the walls are starting to close in on her." . . .
. . . "Kim Foxx probably would not be the state’s attorney for Cook County without the financial support of George Soros. The $330,000 he personally contributed to her super PAC for her primary election was followed by another $75,000 after she defeated the incumbent, in the wake of public outrage over suppression of police video of the shooting of Laclan McDonald.  Mr. Soros may have wanted a dummy in the office to assure that instructions would be obeyed, but Foxx now has dug herself a hole and doesn’t understand the need to stop digging.  She is changing her story – always a mistake because it proves she was lying, an absolute no-no for a prosecutor."

UPDATE: Hat tip to  Kimberly D. Mons


Video Montage: The Liberal Media’s Most Embarrassing Mueller Failures…

Ian Macfarlane
VIDEO: The Liberal Media’s Most Embarrassing Mueller Failures  (Hat tip to Weasel Zippers, whose only comment to this video was "HA!")

"The Sunday afternoon letter from Attorney General Bill Barr on the Mueller report has rocked the political world and burst more than a few bubbles in the liberal media, most notably their years-long insistence that the President and/or his team colluded with Russia. 

"Some journalists have conceded this reality, while others are mimicking Japanese soldiers still fighting World War II in 1971.
"MRC analysts dug into our video archives dating back to 2017 and the official launch of the Trump-Russia probe and found the wildest quotes that failed to stand the test of time. Check out the video for more examples as the quotes below are only a sampling of the individuals who might need a few hugs going forward.

Watch the video here. Transcript of this video is published but we leave you with this one text of an exchange between Sarah Sanders and guess who:

. . . And of course we’d be remiss if there wasn’t a nod to CNN chief White House correspondent/poet laureate Jim Acosta, who had this exchange with Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders on October 30, 2017 (click “expand”):

ACOSTA: Sarah, how can you describe Mr. Papadopoulos as having a limited role when there is a photograph of Mr. Papadopoulos sitting at a table with then-candidate Trump. 
SANDERS: The President has thousands of photographs with millions of people, so —
ACOSTA: He was sighted by then-candidate Trump in a meeting with The Washington Post as to who his top foreign policy advisers are. That seems to fight against what you are saying and also, how is it not collusion when George Papadopoulos was in contact with various people who are promising dirt on Hillary Clinton and a series of events that closely mirrors what occurred with the President's own son. He had contacts with Russians —
SANDERS: This individual was on a — 
ACOSTA: — in pursuit of information that was damaging about the Clintons. How is all of that not collusion?  Well, it’s not collusion. Even Robert Mueller said so.

Hold The Pulitzers! (Especially For MSNBC)

Ann Coulter  "The only people surprised that the special counsel’s investigation of Russian collusion did not confirm a lunatic conspiracy theory are consumers of the modern American media. For two years, our constitutionally protected guardians of the truth put out a stream of misinformation, promising viewers that Robert Mueller was going to reverse the outcome of the 2016 election.

"Everyone at fake news MSNBC, marginally less fake news NBC, and totally fake news CNN — hosts, guests, legal experts and national security analysts — should be told, Clean out your lockers. Put all your things in cardboard cartons. If you need to go back, you will be escorted by security.

"Instead, they are adamantly refusing to take back their years of lies about Trump and Russian collusion. This is not a time to let bygones by bygones. The boot should not be lifted from the media’s throat.

"In case you’ve forgotten what needs to be taken back, here is a random selection, from a single network for simplicity.

“ 'Hi Nicolle, and if it is Monday, the Russian conspiracy is so much worse than we knew … "The Russian conspiracy to help get Donald Trump elected was apparently wider, deeper, dirtier, more sophisticated and more pervasive than we thought.”

— Katy Tur, MSNBC, Dec. 17, 2018

** ** **

“ 'Well, this demonstrates that Robert Mueller is focusing on exactly what he is supposed to be focusing on, and that is Russia … We already have clear evidence of collaboration between the Trump campaign and Russian agents.”

— Richard Painter, lawyer, MSNBC, May 1, 2018
“You see all of these Russian connections — there’s a new one every single day, and increasingly benign explanations for what the Trump, for what they’re up to, benign explanations are just not credible.”

— Max Boot, warmonger, MSNBC, July 21, 2017 . . .

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Loses Half-A-Million Viewers After Implosion Of Collusion Conspiracy   I expect most of them to come back when their moods bounce.
“ 'The Rachel Maddow Show” on MSNBC delivered monster ratings for the network, cementing the cable host as the left-wing foil to Fox News’ Sean Hannity. Maddow consistently finished 1st or 2nd in overall cable news ratings over the past year, sometimes garnering more than 3 million viewers.

But according to The Daily Beast, Maddow’s show dropped 500,000 viewers in just one week after the Mueller report dropped." . . .
"Hannity nearly doubled Maddow’s ratings this past Monday, delivering just more than 4 million viewers compared to Maddow’s 2.5 million."

Russiagate’s Damage To The Country Will Take Years To Realize

The Federalist

The media and Democrat Party have dug themselves so deeply in a hole, they must keep on digging. That’s absolutely terrible for this country, as has been this entire endeavor.

"The probe of Special Counsel Robert Mueller—appointed to investigate conspiracy theories that said President Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election—officially ended on Friday, March 22, 2019.

“I don’t think it looks good… no further indictments,” said Bill Maher on his Saturday night HBO show. Maher tried to console himself. He repeated the brand-new incantation of the progressive faith: “I don’t need the Mueller report to know he’s a traitor, I have a T.V.”
"California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell quickly promised Maher that the Democrat chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Adam Schiff, would haul Mueller in front of Congress with a subpoena.

"Then, on Sunday, the contents of the report were released: No evidence of collusion was found between the Trump campaign and Russia. Leftwing media that had spent years pumping the conspiracy theory of Trump-Russia collusion made sure to add that the report “stops short of exonerating [Trump] for obstruction of justice.” Ergo, the report stays away from the patently ridiculous charge of obstruction, which would seek to politicize and decimate a president’s Article II powers.

"But Democrats are making sure to stress that investigations into Trump are ongoing—in Congress, and in the federal prosecutor’s office in the Southern District of New York. And CNN promised the “Mueller report is just the start of a new Russia showdown.”

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Rand Paul Wants Obama Officials INVESTIGATED For Inventing ‘Russian Conspiracy’ Hoax

The Daily Coin

"Most Americans have heard by now that the inquiry of special investigator Robert Mueller into the Trump campaign’s ties with Russia during the 2016 presidential election was a giant failure.  While leftists and the media lost their collective minds thanks to a narrative they invented, Rand Paul suggested Obama officials should take a turn in the hot seat.
"Senator Rand Paul has called on the Justice Department to investigate the Obama aides who forced the false claims into the minds of the public using propaganda and brainwashing tactics. According to The Washington Examiner, Paul used Twitter to call for an investigation of those responsible to the “Russian conspiracy hoax” perpetrated on the American people.
. . . 
“ ' In retrospect, we now know this is one of the worst transitions in American history,” former Bush White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer told The Washington Times. “On the surface, they played nicely and said nice things. But below the surface, it is clear several people in the Obama administration were doing everything they could to leave time bombs behind that would detonate all around Donald Trump and his administration.” 
"The bigger picture is that had this gone sourer than it already has, the Obama administration could have ignited a war with Russia." . . .

The press we depend on for knowledge was part of the coup to bring down the President we elected

CNN and MSNBC ratings plummet, Fox News triumphs in wake of 'no collusion'
. . . "Obviously energized and invigorated by the positive official news absolving President Trump of collusion, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham, FNC’s three prime time hosts, did some of their best shows ever on Monday. Greatly assisting their efforts was their access to and the expert editing and presentation of an archive of video clips of CNN and MSNBC hosts and guests projecting the demise of President Trump and predicting his indictment at the hands of Special Counsel Robert Mueller going back to 2016 and right up to last week." . . . 

Sean Hannity: Rachel Maddow and her mainstream media colleagues should be apologizing to the American people
. . . "Many of you since yesterday have been writing to me and you want me to spike the football. I am not in any type of celebratory mood. This is a time where every American that now knows the truth should be angry at what has happened here to all of America. I am ticked off, and the rest of the country should be, too." . . .

Hannity continues with this assessment of the news media: . . . "In reality, we know there will never be a mea culpa from any of these fake news outlets. They'll just move on to the next group of lies. They'll never apologize. They'll never retract, their lies, their anonymous sourcing. Their endless speculation. They are hopeless.
"Journalism, I told you in 2007, it's dead, it's buried. And it's not something that I said lightly."

Brit Hume Says What We've All Been Thinking About MSM 'Journalists' Covering The Russia Story  . . . "According to the Senior Political Analyst, not many in the media learned from making the assumption that Secretary Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 election.
"The list of people who got it wrong is really quite extensive and, you know, to include many news organizations that got the prospect of Donald Trump being elected in the first place badly wrong and seem not to learn very much from that," Hume said rather bluntly.
"That's when he tore into the mainstream media, calling their reporting a "debacle.' " . . .

50+ Journalists, Politicians, Celebrities, and Grifters Who Peddled the Russia Collusion Hoax  . . . "Yes, there should be a reckoning for the hundreds of corrupt politicians, swamp things, charlatans, and grifters who peddled this poisonous conspiracy theory, further dividing the country and roiling the presidency.

"The list of the worst Russia collusion conspiracy theorists is an extensive one and is divided into seven categories: journalists, House Democrats, former Obama administration officials, intel insiders who "know" stuff,  Twitter personalities, Never Trumpers, and celebrities. All of these individuals have disseminated Trump/Russia disinformation, misinformation, propaganda, and plain old poppycock to their large followings for years. Many of these people have not only been wrong on occasion, they've been spectacularly wrong -- over and over again." . . .

Devin Nunes Prepares Criminal Referrals for Next Week Delivery to AG Barr…

The Last Refuge   "Things in DC are about to get ugly. Big ugly.  Two MAGA freight trains are heading full-speed toward each other and there ain’t no spur between em’.

"The conductor of one engine is HPSCI ranking member Devin Nunes who will be sending criminal referrals to AG Barr next week based on existing evidence and testimony.  The conductor of the opposing engine is Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham, who wants AG Barr to ignore the criminal referrals and instead launch another Special Counsel which will be guaranteed to carry into the 2020 election year.

"Both are not backing down.  Lindsey Graham had dinner tonight with AG Barr to pressure him for his side.  Lindsey Graham also has the ear of the President…. Devin Nunes has no access to President Trump to give him advice to ignore Lindsey Graham.  Whoever wins the influence battle will determine the 2020 election.