Monday, April 22, 2019

Dems' Rejection of Mueller's Exoneration of Trump Endangers our Republic

Rich Terrell

Dems' Rejection of Mueller's Exoneration of Trump Endangers our Republic  "Old pols like Pelosi and Schumer and Biden surely knew the accusations that President Trump was a traitor, working hand in glove with Putin, were absurd and unfounded.  In throwing their lot in with those accusing Donald Trump of being a traitor, they betrayed their country, their voters, the rule of law, and the foundations of our republican form of government.  
"Their rejection of the Mueller exoneration was fore-ordained.  They cannot and will not return to normal politics. 
"The information that the Russia collusion investigation was based on Team Hillary’s oppo research was soon known.  We quickly learned that Comey hid that vital information from the FISA court.  We learned that the Obama DOJ and intelligence agencies went beyond eavesdropping, to blatant entrapment efforts.   Revelations on the dirty work of Susan Rice, Clapper and Brennan, Rosenstein, followed swiftly. " . . .
Mark Levin: Volume 2 of the Mueller report is a 200-page op-ed that should never have been written

The world will end SOON! Our children and their heroes are, like, terrified!

Stop having children! We're all going to die!

Supporting AOC is the climate change pablum being spoon-fed our children by not only schools but by shallow teen culture sources such as this from Teen Vogue magazine:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Said Climate Change and Immigration Are Connected — Here's Why She's Right
. . . AOC is right. The environmental impacts of climate change and disaster-level events related to itare displacing people from their homes all across the planet. Many of these people are fleeing destroyed homes and livelihoods in the wake of climate change-related crises. But at the same time, it’s getting harder to seek refuge." . . .
Teen Vogue Promotes Staring At Women's Butts, For Liberalism!

Why The Left Suddenly Thinks Teen Vogue Is A Great News Source
In general, the rise of Trump has convinced many in the media that the traditional rules of news coverage are not sufficient to make clear his dark and duplicitous nature. This is a dangerous idea. What they see and admire in Teen Vogue is not courage, it is the abandonment of journalism standards.

Preezy Candidates Gillibrand And Buttigieg, What?

Noisy Room  "We already know about Bernie Sanders praising Fidel Castro and the communist takeover of Nicaragua. Yet, he still seems to appeal to the millennial class while enjoying their campaign contributions. This demonstrates the failure of the education system for decades. Okay, so how about Kirsten Gillibrand and Pete Buttigieg?"

BuzzFeed reported Tuesday that the New York senator will endorse a new report recommending steps to reduce the racial wealth divide, including policies such as a commission to study slavery reparations.
“A draft of the report, titled ‘Ten Solutions to Bridge the Racial Wealth Divide,’ will be jointly released this week by the Institute for Policy Studies, the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, and the National Community Reinvestment Coalition,” they report. Gillibrand told BuzzFeed News that she was “proud” to support the document.
One of the organizations Gillibrand is “proud” to partner with, the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), was infamous during the Cold War for its defense of Communist governments and for its kneejerk support of the Soviet line. . . .

The father of Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg was a Marxist professor who spoke fondly of the Communist Manifesto and dedicated a significant portion of his academic career to the work of Italian Communist Party founder Antonio Gramsci, an associate of Vladimir Lenin.
Joseph Buttigieg, who died in January at the age of 71, immigrated to the U.S. in the 1970s from Malta and in 1980 joined the University of Notre Dame faculty, where he taught modern European literature and literary theory. He supported an updated version of Marxism that jettisoned some of Marx and Engel’s more doctrinaire theories, though he was undoubtedly Marxist.
He was an adviser to Rethinking Marxism, an academic journal that published articles “that seek to discuss, elaborate, and/or extend Marxian theory,” and a member of the editorial collective of Boundary 2, a journal of postmodern theory, literature, and culture. He spoke at many Rethinking Marxism conferences and other gatherings of prominent Marxists.   . . .
. . . . "So, now you have a head start on 3 of the candidates for President. How about choosing to do a few others and see what you will find. Here is a tip, Kamala Harris’ father, Donald, a Professor Emeritus of Economics at Stanford straddles between socialism and Marxism himself."

Howard Kurtz regresses to CNN ways

"Fox News isn't as bad as CNN in much the same way as poison ivy isn't as bad as the German measles, but I don't want to have either."
Don Surber  "Fox News is unwatchable. Too many of its personalities are trying to impress their buddies at other news outlets. I used to tolerate Shep Smith, respect Chris Wallace, and like Neal Cavuto. Now I would rather watch the Kardashians.

"Howard Kurtz, meanwhile, has reverted to his CNN form.

"Breitbart News reported, "On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s 'Cavuto: Coast to Coast,' Fox News Analyst and host Howard Kurtz stated that some people on the right 'are going too far' by claiming that the Mueller report completely exonerates President Trump “as if there’s no embarrassing or damaging material in here.' He added that 'too many' people in the media aren’t accepting that there are no further charges."
"How is it not vindication?
"The American news media -- including many people on Fox News -- said Donald John Trump colluded with the Russian government to rig the election in his favor.
"Two years, $25 million, 500 witness and 2,800 subpoenaed documents later 16 Democrat lawyers and Bob Mueller could not find a smidgen of evidence of Russian Collusion.
"There was none to be found because there was none.
"The peeing prostitutes that CNN promised us do not exist.
"I get that Kurtz is trying to play it up the middle by saying gee both sides were wrong but the problem is only one side was wrong.

"The investigation vindicated President Trump of a very awful and unsubstantiated allegation brought by the highest officials in the Obama administration: Clapper, Comey and the Commie Brennan.
"Fox News isn't as bad as CNN in much the same way as poison ivy isn't as bad as the German measles, but I don't want to have either.
"I would rather keep up with the Kardashians, thank you."

Sunday, April 21, 2019

A Message to Mayor Pete from a Latina Mama: “Don’t Force Your Sexual Ideology on Me and My Children”

The Public Discourse
Yes, be polite to us, and we will be polite to you. But we know that we are in an intense battle over the hearts and minds of our children. Mothers are very good at educating and protecting our children from harm when we believe they are in danger. This time, that danger is the harmful sexual ideology of the Left.
"Transgender propaganda"
. . . "Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, is a man in a same-sex marriage. The tweet’s sub-text is that anyone who refuses to cheer for same-sex marriage or support the Left’s sexual ideology is a bigot—someone who is out to harm Mayor Pete and his family.
"Mayor Pete, it cuts both ways. As a Latina mama in touch with a number of other Latinas with traditional family values, I can tell you we are faced every day with people who are “polite to us in person” but who advance and execute policies that assault our values, harm our families, and hurt our children.  
Enough Is Enough
"I’m talking about policies that undermine our parental rights and duties by seeking to indoctrinate our children in progressive sexual ideology without our consent and sometimes in spite of our explicit protest. Consider just a few examples:
     "The public schools in my area where reading assignments from the Language Arts curriculum ask: “What is heteronormativity and how is it harmful?” (Mind you: this is a question from the school district’s recommended language arts curriculum for eighth graders, not from a single health teacher or counselor. It is not unusual for the LGBT theme to find its way into history classes, foreign language studies, and even STEM courses. The explicit goal is to normalize LGBT lifestyles throughout curricula).
     "Pediatricians who ask to see our teenagers alone and then push to prescribe them contraceptives or ask them about sexual behaviors that we find offensive. Our teens themselves bring these pediatricians’ inappropriate behavior to our attention. (One OBGYN slipped a prescription for oral contraceptives stealthily to a 14-year-old daughter of a Mexican friend of mine, after she had explicitly stated to his face that she did not wish to see her daughter on oral contraceptives.)  
. . . "And last but not least, the latest round of violence against children: efforts to entice children to question the reality of their sex through school gender-transitioning ceremonies, pronoun-sensitivity training, and other transgender propaganda. " . . .

Ana Samuel, PhD, is the daughter of Mexican immigrants, the wife of an Argentine immigrant, and the mother of six awesome children. She completed her undergraduate studies at Princeton University and her doctoral degree from the University of Notre Dame before becoming a founding mother and the Academic Director of CanaVox.

Why the Effort to Demonize Attorney General Barr?

Victor Davis Hanson  "The current progressive effort to demonize attorney general William Barr is creepy, but then again not so strange. He came into the office with singular experience and an excellent reputation from past service. As attorney general, he has followed the law to the letter in handling the release, redactions, and dissemination of the Mueller report. His summaries of the report proved factual. They were not contested by Robert Mueller or his team. His decision not to pursue “obstruction” was not just his own, but logically followed from the Mueller report that did not find enough evidence to make such a positive recommendation. His congressional testimony that there was “spying” during the 2016 campaign is, of course, factually undeniable, and Barr added the qualifier of being interested in finding whether such surveillance was warranted or not.

"As for the charge that Barr, a former Bush appointee, is Trump’s “hand-picked” choice –how odd, given that all attorney generals are presidents’ hand-picked selections. How could they not be?

"It is not as if Barr has referenced himself, in Eric Holder’s partisan fashion, as Trump’s “wing-man.” Nor has he ordered surveillance on, for example, a Fox News reporter, or had the communication records of 20 Associated Press journalists seized, as happened during the Obama administration in efforts to stop leaks of unwelcome news stories. Nor has he been held in contempt of Congress for failure to turn over subpoenaed documents under the cover of a presidential order of executive privilege. There is no suggestion that Barr has abused the perquisites of the office, for example, by using a government jet to go to the horse races with his family. He has avoided controversial value judgements about the nature of the American people and polarizing rhetoric.

"So, more likely, the effort to delegitimize the professional Barr is the opening, preemptory salvo in the second and quite different round of investigations." . . .


Mike Huckabee Slams Mitt Romney: ‘Makes Me Sick’ You Could Have Been President

Romney: a CNN Republican
Breitbart. . . "Romney wrote, “I am sickened at the extent and pervasiveness of dishonesty and misdirection by individuals in the highest office of the land, including the President.”
“ 'I am appalled that, among other things, fellow citizens working in a campaign for president welcomed help from Russia,” Romney added, “including information that had been illegally obtained; that none of them acted to inform American law enforcement.”
"Huckabee ran against Romney in the primaries for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination, and some pointed out that Huckabee was a “bitter rival” of Romney at the time. But Huckabee took note of that, too.
“ 'More context-rivals in 08 for sure [they were rivals] but in 2012 I campaigned across USA for him, spoke for him at RNC. He doesn’t have to like @realDonaldTrump as a lot of elitists don’t. But we need flip-flops on the beach, not in the Senate”: . . ."

Teen girls walk out of school to protest biological males being permitted in their bathroom

The Bridgehead  

"The backlash against the relentless assault on nearly every civilizational institution by transgender activists seems to be slowly increasing as ordinary men and women realize the implications of the transgender agenda and the abolition of gender. Muslim parents in the UK pulled hundreds of children out of school, forcing a shutdown of recently-implemented LGBT programming. And as I reported back in February, students are pushing back, signing petitions demanding the return of their gender-segregated bathrooms and even suing their high schools in order to retrieve their right to privacy.

"Last week, the debate erupted again in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Two groups of students staged a walkout at Abraham Lincoln High School over bathroom privacy, with the protest being sparked by a girl who stated that her privacy was violated by a biological male who “recently began to identify as a girl” using the female bathroom. She was joined by about twenty other high school girls who left the school at 10:30 AM and began “chanting for privacy in restrooms, saying they don’t want boys transitioning into being girls to be in the restroom with them.” . . .

"It is worth noting that much of the transgender ideology is so new that if someone had predicted high school girls would be fighting to keep biological males out of their bathrooms ten years ago, LGBT activists would have accused those making these predictions of fearmongering, bigotry, and deceit. Now, of course, if you defend the right of young girls to be uncomfortable with penises in their bathrooms and change rooms, you are guilty of transphobia. Some trans activists have gone so far as to say that girls uncomfortable changing in the presence of biological boys need to get over their internalized transphobia." . . .

Man argues he’s really a dog using transgender talking points  There is too much news bombarding us; if it is mentioned in print it must have validity and reasonableness.

Key Beto O'Rourke aide leaves the campaign

Get off the skateboard, get off the countertops, get off the shallow platitudes, kid.

Rick Moran  . . . "So much for the "temporary employee" narrative. So there is definitely something else going on that caused Bond to leave. O'Rourke is the former media golden boy, being supplanted by South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg (pictured, right) as an object of worship by the press. Bond's radicalism may have proved to be too much for O'Rourke who is tacking to the middle after his announcement.
As a presidential candidate, O’Rourke has tacked more towards the center of the party, saying early in his campaign that he was “no longer sure” that the single-payer Medicare for All bill written by Sanders, which he said he supported in his Senate race, was “the fastest way” to achieve universal health care. He's instead backed a plan that gives people the option to buy into Medicare.
"Beto is on the way down and is casting about for ways to jump start his campaign again. Mayor Pete has sucked most of the oxygen out of the race - at least to this point - and the O'Rourke campaign is suffering because of it. Perhaps a professional at the top of the campaign can reinvigorate the troops and get Beto back on track."
The guy who believes we should tear the border wall down and the guy who repeats an advisor who wants to tear the wall down is only different in degree. TD

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Adam Schiff: The Media’s Pin-Up Doll

Julie Kelly  "There are times that even The Onion—the popular satirical newspaper—can’t compete with the outlandish coverage produced by allegedly legitimate news publications. Newsweek magazine’s front-cover swoon over Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) this week is one such example. (Emphasis on "Democrat -California" mine, TD)

"The interview portrays Schiff as a warrior-martyr, fighting the evil Trump regime for the good of the country. He blasts Attorney General Bill Barr; regurgitates long-disproven allegations of Trump-Russia collusion; and again insists many of his Republican colleagues have private misgivings about President Trump but refuse to air those grievances in public for fear of retribution.
"For anyone even remotely aware of Schiff’s congenital dishonesty and malfeasance, the Newsweekprofile is as comical and ironic as any Onion parody could dream to be. Except one can assume the author and editors want the article to be taken seriously by its unserious readership.
"Newsweek’s cover photo appears tweaked to bulk up his thin neck, which the president and some of Schiff’s Republican colleagues in the House have mocked with glee. (Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida last week introduced a bill entitled the PENCIL Act that demands Schiff be removed as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. President Trump recently called the California congressman, “little pencil-necked Adam Schiff.”) In an attempt to transform the geeky gadfly into a bad-ass, Newsweekaccompanied the photo with a Schiff quote: “No one escapes the law.” Scary.
"But the reality about Adam Schiff is that in a Democratic House caucus populated by schemers, shysters, haters, and flat-out embarrassments, Schiff stands apart.
"An original architect of the Trump-Russia collusion fable since the summer of 2016, Schiff shamelessly continues to lie to the American public with claims that the president and his team conspired with the Kremlin to win the presidential election. He is the Jussie Smollett of the collusion hoax, insisting a crime really occurred even when every piece of evidence not only refutes that it ever happened but shows he was one of the original perpetrators." . . .

CNN, MSNBC: Where is your journalistic pride? Or even a conscience?

Media & Democrats, For The Good Of The Nation, It’s Time To Admit You Were Wrong And Ask To Be Forgiven…

DC Whispers  "This week’s far left news coverage of the Mueller Report fallout has been a bizarre affair that has CNN, MSNBC, etc., still refusing to admit their wrongdoing and in some cases actually continuing to push the impeachment narrative. Let that sink in. When media figures are still demanding impeachment of a president who was found to have done NOTHING WRONG it only further emphasizes the point that this entire Mueller boondoggle was never about the truth but only a means by which these people wanted to harm President Trump, his tens of millions of supporters, and by doing so, all of America.

"Will they ever grow up and admit the error of their hate-inspired ways? We now live in a time of full employment, higher wages, more start-up businesses being created by women and minorities than at any time in U.S. history, and these anti-Trumpers wish to bring an end to all the good that is now happening to so many all across the country. It’s truly disgusting and we are well past enough being enough."  Read more.