Friday, August 21, 2020

Kamala deserves to get the full Kavanaugh treatment

Michele Obama’s former Chief of Staff Tina Tchen has formed a support group to attack anyone who dares critique Kamala or her record. “We Have Her Back” purports to claim that any attack on Harris is sexist and misogynist. That criticism of Saint Harris is unthinkable. Tell that to Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
CDN. . . Kamala Harris savaged Brett Kavanaugh, openly and repeatedly calling him a serial rapist during his confirmation hearings. There were few people as caustic, vicious, and horrifically without common decency during the Christine Blassy Ford farce than Senator Harris.
"She willingly destroyed the lives of Justice Kavanaugh and his entire family in an orgy of serial lies about alleged sexual misconduct going back to his high school days. The public humiliation of Kavanaugh and his family on national television in a sordid spectacle is seared in the memory of the  American public.
"Kamala Harris will always be an integral part of the ugliness of that national disgrace.
So it is only fair that Kamala Harris is held to the same standard.
"That every aspect of her life and conduct, from the sacred to the profane, must be unearthed. Discussed in intimate detail. From her affair with Willie Brown to her protection of pedophile priests.  Fortunately, we don’t have to go all the way back to her high school yearbook. Although by her standards we could."

Kamala Harris At DNC Telethon: She Worked Hard to Not Excite Anyone With Her Acceptance Speech

Image by Rash Manly.
RedState  "When the lede of many major news organizations’ coverage of her speech merely a reference to the self-evident fact that she is the first “woman of color” to be nominated to run for Vice President, the content of the speech that followed must have been pretty bland.
"And Kamala Harris delivered exactly that.
"In going through the text of a quite pedestrian speech, one line stuck out:
In this election, we have a chance to change the course of history.
"Joe Biden was Vice-President for eight of the past twelve years.  If “changing the course of history” was so vital, why didn’t they do it then?
"And there were two odd references to events of the past that seem to me to have all the trappings of historical revisionism:
I knew Joe as Vice President. I knew Joe on the campaign trail. But I first got to know Joe as the father of my friend.
Joe’s son, Beau, and I served as Attorneys General of our states, Delaware and California. During the Great Recession, we spoke on the phone nearly every day, working together to win back billions of dollars for homeowners from the big banks that foreclosed on people’s homes.
"This claim might very well be true.  At the same time, this claim might very well be fact-checked, and if it is an embellishment or not true at all, it could stick around a while." . . .

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Katrina Pierson To Newsmax TV: Trump Did More Than Obama for Black America

News Max

"President Donald Trump accomplished things Black America expected from former President Barack Obama, Katrina Pierson, senior adviser to the president, told Newsmax TV "Greg Kelly Reports."
" 'When you hear former President Obama really criticize a president who, in my opinion, really serves as a mirror, President Trump really reflects back, not just to former President Obama or Joe Biden, but really to all of the elected Democrats who've been in office for decades. Because he's been able to achieve accomplishments that all of them have just talked about for years and then some.
" 'With Barack Obama, specifically, President Trump was able to accomplish the things most Black Americans expected the first Black president to accomplish and even more, with regards to the First Step Act, criminal justice reform, Second Chance Act, the historical funding increase and permanency of HBCUs, all things that Black America expected from the first Black president but instead Donald Trump has delivered on,"
        'Pierson added, "So if I was Barack Obama, I'd be pretty upset as well.' " . . .

After Day Three Of The DNC, Still No Denunciation Of Riot Violence

The Federalist  . . . "While Democrat powerhouses condemned Trump for killing Americans with the China virus and spent time celebrating their ticket’s pledge to pursue widespread gun confiscation, there was no mention of the left-wing militants terrorizing the nation’s cities.
     "To the contrary, the surge in city homicides this year accompanying anarchic demands to defund police in Democrat-controlled cities was all but ignored, save for the routine blame on firearms. It was just 24 hours earlier that mob rioters in Portland on their 83rd straight night of lawless unrest set ablaze the municipal building home to Oregon’s first same-sex wedding. There wasn’t one indictment, however, of the societal breakdown coming from the party’s own base Wednesday night, only charges of Trump’s supposed incompetence for refusing to heed protestor demands to allow cities to burn in the absence of law enforcement.
     "Just hours before the convention’s third prime-time kickoff, Fox News Contributor Marie Harf claimed on the network’s “Outnumbered” that “Democratic leaders are screaming that this is not what people like John Lewis would have wanted us to do.”
     “ 'If you do not think the Democrats are speaking out about it, you’re not listening,” Harf said on the five-person panel, some of whom appeared visibly confused on-screen and for good reason. If Democratic leaders were “screaming” to denounce the riots, one would presume its prime-time national convention would be the place to do it." . .  .
'Concerned for the country': AG Barr rips Dems' refusal to condemn Portland violence  . . . "The attorney general also challenged claims by committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, New York Democrat, that Antifa-led violence in Portland is “a myth.”
“ 'I don’t think it’s a myth,” Mr. Barr said, adding that the anarchist group was “heavily represented” in the riots, which have flared up in racial justice protests that have lasted 62 days." . . If Jerry Nadler says the riots are a myth, they're a myth!

Tony Branco
Democrats Refuse to Condemn ANTIFA  . . . "In May, President Trump rightfully designated ANTIFA a terrorist organization due to its members’ violence and destruction of businesses, homes, and federal property.
"These radical groups have wreaked havoc on cities. In its path of destruction, ANTIFA has ruined countless communities and injured innocent citizens and police officers.
"The Acting Deputy of Homeland Security reported an estimated 140 federal law enforcement officers who were protecting a federal courthouse in Portland sustained over 270 injuries.
"During the Congressional hearing, Texas Senator Ted Cruz welcomed bipartisan criticism of the group given its known record of violent acts.
"Democrats on the Committee couldn’t bring themselves to condemn ANTIFA despite the riots and unpeaceful demonstrations." . . .

‘You’re Welcome To Say Something Negative About Antifa Right Now’: [Republican] Ted Cruz Spars With [Democrat} Mazie Hirono At Senate Hearing  . . . “ 'OK, she declined to speak, so that is the position of the Democratic Party,” Cruz shot back. “I would note also that of the seven Democratic senators who spoke, not one of them apologized for or denounced multiple Democrats calling law enforcement officers Nazis, stormtroopers and Gestapo. To be fair, I have not heard the word Nazi, but stormtrooper was Nancy Pelosi and Gestapo was another Democratic leader. That was less than helpful.' ” . . .

Democrat's own brand of violence in the streets

Portland protester with long rap sheet who is on the run from cops after kicking unconscious a truck driver BEGS people on social media to give him money in case he gets jailed  "A Black Lives Matter protester on the run from cops after being 'positively identified' as the man who kicked a truck driver in the face in Portland on Sunday is begging for cash.
"Police are searching for Marquise 'Keese' Love, 25, after he fled the scene of a brutal attack on Adam Haner, who was knocked unconscious and suffered two black eyes in the vicious beating.
"Haner was identified as the victim in a GoFundMe campaign, which claimed he was trying to defend a transgender woman from being robbed before he was set upon by protesters.  
Since fleeing the scene, Love has been posting messages on Snapchat, according to The Sun.
" 'Might go to jail for murder tonight for a racist when all I did was fight him look it up on twitter put money on my books and come see me,' he allegedly sent from his account, alongside a selfie. 
Victim Adam Haner said he was trying to help a transgender woman who had some of her belongings stolen when he was set upon by protesters

Man bun forces him to kneel
Meet Marquise Love – Black Lives Matter Peaceful Protester, Father, And Local DJ Who Kicked A Man Unconscious For Trying To Save A Woman From Getting Beaten By More BLM Thugs
 "While neighborhoods burn, business owners lose everything, people die at the hands of looters and rioters, communities are destroyed, Ayanna Pressley, from her comfortable and safe perch, explicitly encourages more “unrest.” This is pure evil."

Meanwhile Congresswoman Ayanna “Mrs. Potato Head” Pressley, who still has not denounced her campaign organizer Monica Cannon-Grant for making a racist video in which she accuses Pressley black female opponent of “riding white penis for a credit score,” spent the weekend urging mobs like this to continue to riot and loot. Meanwhile Congresswoman Ayanna “Mrs. Potato Head” Pressley, who still has not denounced her campaign organizer Monica Cannon-Grant for making a racist video in which she accuses Pressley black female opponent of “riding white penis for a credit score,” spent the weekend urging mobs like this to continue to riot and loot.ideo from MSNBC's #AMJOY

But first: How to Identify a Narcissist

Barack Obama Reminds Americans Why He Was the King of “I” in DNC Speech
Because if Americans recall anything from Obama’s eight years in the White House, it’s this: Everything’s about the king of “I” — Barack Obama himself.
Obama’s DNC speech was vicious, dishonest, and mostly about Obama  . . . "Standing in a room in Philadelphia, with the words “Writing the Constitution” over his right shoulder, Obama gave a speech that almost wholly ignored Biden, whom he’d ostensibly come to praise. Instead, Obama viciously attacked Trump and did a constitutional rewrite that allowed him to cast Trump as a constitutional threat.
"From the start, Obama was up to his old tricks. Even while he wanted to use the Constitution to challenge Trump, he couldn’t praise it. Instead, he opened by describing it as an imperfect document that “allowed for the inhumanity of slavery and failed to guarantee women — and even men who didn’t own property — the right to participate in the political process.”
"Democrats aren’t progressive; they’re regressive. They draw power by telling the public that Democrats are the only thing standing between Americans and the Constitution as ratified in 1791 as if nothing has changed since then.
"Still, Obama conceded that the Constitution has some virtue. That’s why, said President Obama, who once boasted that “I’ve got a pen, and I’ve got a phone,” was shocked that Trump has never shown “some interest in taking the job seriously, that he might come to feel the weight of the office and discover some reverence for the democracy that had been placed in his care.” . . . Watch Obama's speech

.Obama accuses Trump of running US like ‘reality show’ in DNC speech  . . . "Former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, and his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) believe in “a fidelity to facts and science and logic, and not just making stuff up,” Obama said.
“ 'They believe that no one, including the president, is above the law — that no public official, including the president, should use their office to enrich themselves or their supporters,” Obama said." . . .

Obama Misses The Mark In Critique Of Trump  . . . "Trump also helped people through measures he has taken in response to the Wuhan coronavirus. The federal push to produce ventilators, for example, must have saved lives. A number of governors, including Andrew Cuomo, praised Trump for his efforts.
"If Democrats want to argue that aspects of Trump’s response have been misguided and that his overall response has been inadequate, that’s fine. But to pretend he has no interest in helping to combat the virus is ridiculous.
"As for finding common ground, Trump has been at least as interested in this as Obama ever was. Trump found common ground with Democrats on sentencing reform. Even Van Jones applauded the administration for this.
"Trump also tried to find common ground with Dems on DACA reform. Recall his televised meeting with lawmakers from both sides of the aisle.
"Obama never showed interest in finding common ground with Republicans. Sure, many Republicans weren’t interested in working with Obama, just as many Democrats aren’t interested in working with Trump. However, Obama couldn’t even find common ground with Susan Collins on health insurance/care. He rammed through Obamacare without the support of a single GOP Senator." . . .

Celebrities who support Donald Trump for president

CBS News
One such is Dennis Quaid  "Dennis Quaid Believes Trump Is ‘Doing a Good Job’ Handling Coronavirus"

" 'I think Trump, no matter what anybody thinks of him, is doing a good job at trying to get these states — and all of the American people — what they need," the actor said in April 2020, "and also trying to hold our economy together and be prepared for when this is all over.
"Quaid's brother, Randy, also has voiced approval of Trump."

CAUGHT: DNC Faked Kamala Supporters! – Used Double Images of Kamala Fans in Crowd Shot

The Gateway Pundit  . . . "Kamala Harris delivered her DNC virtual convention speech on Wednesday night from somewhere.
"After she was done there was dead silence and then some women only appeared on a screen and she waved at them.
It did not look like they could see her because they did not react.
"But then somebody noticed the crowd was faked!
"But the DNC faked the crowd of supporters.
"They used double images of the same people to make their crowd shot!
"TRENDING: CAUGHT: DNC Faked Kamala Supporters! - Used Double Images of Kamala Fans in Crowd Shot"   (All emphases in the original)

On Obama: This gets a bit dicey

Obama's "presidency was something of a golden age for gay America."  . . . Obviously, too, Obama got married. His memoir, Dreams from My Father, culminates in his wedding to Michelle. Yet he seems to have chosen Michelle with the same political calculation that he chose his church, a way of rooting himself in the African-American community. As with all previous relationships, this tale of courtship is strikingly devoid of any reference to love, sex, or romance. 
"At his most passionate, Obama says of Michelle, "In her eminent practicality and Midwestern attitudes, she reminds me not a little of Toot [his grandmother]." That description must surely have warmed Michelle's heart, but that may have been the best Obama could do." . . 

Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency

. . . "During the Obama years, an asymmetrical media war was waged to control the critical first draft of American history. There is no fair way to record that history without first acknowledging the war. The field of battle shaped up as follows: on the right, the alternative conservative media and the “responsible” right, occasionally working together, often working at odds; on the left, the mainstream media, the social media giants, Hollywood, Broadway, the federal bureaucracies, the national security apparatus, and what Ray Bradbury would call “firemen”—the virtual book burners, amateur and professional. Rarely at odds, these forces routinely worked together to amplify what Obama adviser Ben Rhodes famously called the White House’s “messaging campaign.” Money, resources, and power overwhelmingly favored the left, but the right had the equalizer on its side—the truth."

This gets a bit dicey

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The Jared Kushner Achievement Award Goes to … Kamala!

As has been duly noted, The New York Times’ front page celebrating Biden’s announcement of Kamala Harris as his running mate rivaled its moon landing coverage. A gigantic photo of a saintlike Harris took up half of the space above the fold, under a 2-inch headline: “HARRIS JOINS BIDEN TICKET, ACHIEVING A FIRST.”
Ann Coulter  "As has been duly noted, The New York Times’ front page celebrating Biden’s announcement of Kamala Harris as his running mate rivaled its moon landing coverage. A gigantic photo of a saintlike Harris took up half of the space above the fold, under a 2-inch headline: “HARRIS JOINS BIDEN TICKET, ACHIEVING A FIRST.”

"Specifically, the “first” was: “Woman of color in No. 2 slot of major party.”
"History was being made! “It was historic most of all, and especially sweet for many Black women” … Harris “is the first Black woman and the first person of Indian descent to be nominated for national office by a major party” … “It’s a stand-alone milestone, irrespective of who the opponent is.”
"(That last quote was from Vanita Gupta, who was head of the civil rights division in Obama’s Justice Department. As I keep telling you, Black America, immigrants are getting all the good diversity jobs.)
"No offense, but Harris was picked because she’s a woman of color. So it’s not really that amazing that she’s a woman of color. She didn’t swim the English Channel. She didn’t even win a primary. She’s not Margaret Thatcher.
"She’s Jared Kushner. (Including the Jewish spouse!)
"Hey, New York Times! How about devoting three-fourths of your front page with a 2-inch headline to Trump’s picking a young real estate investor as his chief White House adviser?"
. . . 

Not the Onion: The DNC Includes Elizabeth Warren in Native American Caucus

PJ Media   "On Tuesday, the Democratic National Convention (DNC) apparently included Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) in its Native American Caucus meeting. While Warren has apologized for claiming a Native American identity after her disastrous DNA test flop and President Donald Trump has repeatedly mocked her as “Pocahontas,” it seems the DNC decided it would be a good idea to highlight the controversy.
“ 'I’m excited for the DNC Native American Caucus meeting today. Please join [Deb Haaland (D-N.M.)], [Sharice Davids (D-Kan.)], [Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass)], and me (and whole bunch of other good folks) today!” Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan (D-Minn.) tweeted on Tuesday. Flanagan is a member of the White Earth Band of Ojibwe.
. . . 
"She listed herself as “American Indian” on a registration form for the Texas State Bar in Harvard Law School spokesman referred to her as a Native American.
1986. The Association of American Law Schools listed her as a minority law teacher from 1986 to 1994. During that time, she taught at the University of Texas, the University of Pennsylvania, and then Harvard University in 1995. In 1996, a
"Warren’s claim that her Native-American lie never got her a job seems rather suspect, but the statement that she never received any “benefit” from the lie is demonstrably false. Any proceeds from Pow Wow Chow arguably fall into that category.
"When Warren had a DNA test to “prove” her Cherokee status, the Cherokee Nation condemned this insult to their tribe." . . .

‘A Star Is Born’: GOP Candidate’s Ad Trounces Michelle Obama DNC Speech In Digital Metrics

In other words, whose video had the most views?

Daily Wire   "As noted by The Daily Wire on Monday, Republican strategist and congressional GOP candidate Kimberly Klacik released a hard-hitting ad slamming Democrats for their apparent fake concern for black lives, highlighting the devastation in Democrat-run cities, particularly Baltimore. The ad went viral online, racking up millions of views within hours and earning astounding social media engagement, such as shares, likes, and comments.
"The ad was so hot, in fact, it seemed to have eclipsed former First Lady Michelle Obama’s Democratic National Convention speech given on the same day, at least digitally, said The Post Millenial’s Chief Marketing Officer Jeff Ballingall.
" 'By digital metrics, Michelle Obama bombed at the DNC last night. The former first lady was completely outdone by an unknown house candidate, [Kimberly Klacik],” he said in a Twitter thread posted Tuesday. 
. . . 
“On Facebook, Michelle Obama, despite being promoted by the traditional media giants, couldn’t scratch the virality of Klacik and the new media outlets who pushed her,” he argued, captioning screenshots of the speech and ad online.
"The mere two results populated for Klacik show over 12.5 million views, whereas Obama’s numerous results totaled just shy of three million views, including views from conservative pundit Graham Allen criticizing her speech.
" 'Even on Twitter, Klacik has 25% more views than Michelle Obama,” Ballingall noted. Obama’s video, posted on the former First Lady’s Twitter account, shows 3 million views, whereas Klacik’s has 4.1 million." . . .