Sunday, August 23, 2020

EPA cracks down on 'ideologically driven regulations'

What most Americans do not know (and those who do know routinely ignore this) is that currently, improving technologies and practices are already reducing emissions of all pollutants, even methane. Methane emissions from energy have declined 30% since 1990, despite a 43% increase in U.S. energy production over that time.  . . .

By Jason Isaac, Real Clear Energy: "Last Thursday, the EPA announced the adoption of new environmental standards that will reduce overburdensome regulations on methane emissions from oil and natural gas operations. While the climate alarmists will scream that the end is near, the EPA estimates the new regulations will increase methane emissions by only a few percent over the next 5 years. And it represents an important shift in the EPA’s stance on whether it should regulate greenhouse gases (GHGs) other than carbon dioxide (CO2).
"Methane, commonly called natural gas, is a greenhouse gas naturally produced in wetlands and in animal digestion processes. Natural gas is also the source of a third of America’s energy and is sometimes emitted in small quantities as it is produced and consumed.
"While environmental groups deride methane as a “super pollutant” because it traps 25 times as much heat as CO2its climate impact is inconsequential. It is 200 times more dilute in the atmosphere as CO2 and is emitted at 1/200th the rate of CO2. Even if the U.S. eliminated all its methane emissions by 2050, climate models estimate that the effect on average global temperature by 2100 would be 0.03°C. This change is nearly one-fifth the size of the error range of global temperature measurements—and irrelevant within the context of expected temperature rises of 1°C or greater." . . .

Democrats Refuse to Condemn Riots, Crime During Convention


"Democrats failed to condemn recent political violence and rioting across the nation, as they avoided the topic throughout the four days of the Democratic National Convention.
"Former Vice President Joe Biden never mentioned the riots during his speech accepting the Democratic Party’s nomination for president on Thursday evening. Nor did any other speaker.
"Instead, Democrats talked about “peaceful protests” and claimed, falsely, that President Donald Trump had used “tear gas” to disperse demonstrators near the White House.
"The only time violence was mentioned was in connection with riots in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 — with Biden repeating the Charlottesville “very fine people” hoax.
"The history of the civil rights movement also briefly described violence in the 1960s, as non-violent protesters were beaten by police — under the authority of Democrats, who ran the segregationist Jim Crow South.
"Violent riots continued nightly in Portland, Oregon, throughout the DNC. One man was kicked in the head and left bleeding on the street by a left-wing rioter early Monday morning, before the convention began.
"Previously, Democrats had claimed that the protests in Portland had been peaceful, and that President Trump’s decision to send federal law enforcement to protect a courthouse was responsible for the escalation. But the rioting began before the feds’ arrival, and has continued since their withdrawal." . . .

More details and arrests in the case of the hat-stealing Biden women

These women are also willing to engage in violence because, despite their abandonment of traditional codes of femininity, they expect men to continue to respect the cultural prohibition against striking women. This double standard appears in the video when one of the women strikes Taylor, and he doesn’t retaliate.
 Andrea Widberg "A story ripped through the conservative blogosphere on Friday: Two young women stole and destroyed anti-Biden signs, stole and threw away a MAGA hat that a young boy was holding, verbally abused the young boy, and then threw punches at the people trying to recover their property.
"New information about the event emerged on Saturday, and it revealed that the women were even worse than we thought. However, it also shows that conservatives are fighting back.
"In case you haven’t seen it, here’s the video showing those disturbing events playing out (language warning):
Moments ago outside of the DNC convention, Joe Biden supporters attacked a 7 year-old boy. He was attacked simply because he wore a @realDonaldTrump hat. His name is Riley. Watch it happen. Listen to him cry. Will Joe condemn this violence against Children?
. . .

Five ways the Democrat convention backfired on Joe Biden, benefitting Donald Trump

Monica Showalter  "Has President Trump just eaten Joe Biden's lunch?
Sure looks that way based on multiple indicators flashing pro-Trump signals in the wake of the Democratic National Convention. Sure, the leftist press is reporting that Biden's favorability numbers have notched up in the wake of his curiously gaffe-less convention speech, but it's thin gruel. Fact is, that's the only thing they have.
"But if you look mostly on the right column of the front page of RealClearPolitics, it's pretty clear the trend is President Trump's friend. Apparently the artifice and over-processed convention infomercial, with its many technical sleights of hand (see here and here), didn't fool the voters. And if it did, not all that many of them watched. Television ratings were down 12% over the previous four-year period. America has more than 150 million registered voters, and only 22 million bothered to watch.
"The news was all good for President Trump, who got a rise in his approval ratings in the polls. According to Clarice Feldman's column today:
The President’s approval rating on Rasmussen was 47% as the convention began. Once underway it soared to 51% and has stayed there.
"And the left is scrambling to cover for it. "Don't be surprised if Biden doesn't get a bounce in the polls..." writes Washington Post columnist and swamper Karen Tumulty, citing the low televisiom viewership. More important, the Democratic Party platform is likely an issue, what columnist Peggy Noonan called the Trump vs. the "what the other guys will do" problem. The Democratic platform promised, in couched and sugary terms, more lockdowns, higher taxes, anti-industry, fewer cops and more illegal immigrant policies, all of which was a turnoff for voters. Biden may have delivered a much-praised speech and raised his favorability ratings because of it but the voters weren't buying the package. The result? Trump just walked off with the convention bounce.

Not Again! Joe Biden Accused of Plagiarizing Canadian Politician in DNC Speech

PJ Media  . . . "Joe Biden was accused of plagiarizing a law review article in a paper he wrote during his first year at law school, and his 1988 presidential campaign was thwarted after being accused of plagiarizing a speech by British Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock.
"While addressing the Welsh Assembly, Kinnock asked, “Why am I the first Kinnock in a thousand generations to be able to get to university? Why is Glenys the first woman in her family in a thousand generations to be able to get to university? Was it because all our predecessors were thick?”
A few months after Kinnock’s speech, Biden gave a speech with nearly identical phrasing.

“Why is it that Joe Biden is the first in his family ever to go to a university? Why is it that my wife who is sitting out there in the audience is the first in her family to ever go to college? Is it because our fathers and mothers were not bright? Is it because I’m the first Biden in a thousand generations to get a college and a graduate degree that I was smarter than the rest?” 
"During the 1987 California Democratic Convention, Biden also lifted a phrase verbatim from John F. Kennedy’s 1961 inaugural address.
"Earlier this year, Joe Biden’s campaign also copied Bernie Sanders’ platform last month.
"On multiple occasions, Joe Biden plagiarized Trump’s coronavirus response plan by pitching ideas on what to do about the pandemic as his own, even though they’d already been done."

EXCLUSIVE: Ted Cruz Calls Out Democrats Ignoring Antifa Anarchy In Portland in Congress and in the DNC Convention

Obama must be so proud of his army of peaceful protesters because it takes a lot of courage to douse an old lady in toxic paint.

From Aug 7, but nothing has changed since. 
Daily Caller  . . . “ 'In the last six months, in Portland alone, there have been 277 officer injuries,” Cruz said. Typically, early evenings would be met peaceful protests, “where people stand and speak and wave signs. But then late at night, the rioters replace the protesters and the rioters arrive with weapons.”
"Cruz emphasized that “these riots are not spontaneous. These riots are not simply one actor deciding to engage in an act of violence. Rather, the rioters are showing up with extensive preparation, bringing weapons with them with extensive planning. There’re numerous organizations that are involved in this — the most notable of which is antifa, which is explicitly a violent terrorist organization.”
"During the hearing Tuesday, Cruz gave Democratic Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono the opportunity to criticize antifa.
“ 'In the course of the hearing, a total of seven Democratic senators participated in the hearing,” Cruz said. “Not a single one of those Democratic senators criticized antifa in any way. They were unwilling to say even a negative word about antifa. I think they look at antifa and they believe those are their base, that those are their supporters and they don’t want to upset them.' ” . . .

Remember that a vote for Joe Biden is a vote for this carnage to go national. Joe Biden will never take significant action against the Antifa terrorists.
. . . "Obama calls these lawless thugs peaceful demonstrators. Remember that a vote for Joe Biden is a vote for this carnage to go national. Joe Biden will never take significant action against the Antifa terrorists. He needs their votes." . . .

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Woman who stole 7-yr-old boy’s MAGA hat and terrorized him is charged, cuffed and arrested

BPR  "One of the women allegedly seen in a video berating a boy and stealing his MAGA hat in Delaware was arrested by police in Wilmington.
"Olivia Winslow was arrested by Wilmington Police on Friday after the 21-year-old was allegedly identified in a video that’s gone viral showing her and another woman involved in the incident with a 7-year-old boy on the last night of the virtual Democratic National Convention this week." . . .
"Disturbing video showed the young boy brought to tears after the women tore up a homemade sign supporting President Donald Trump and then made off with his “Make America Great Again” hat.
"The video, posted by Students for Trump, also showed the physical exchange as the boy’s mother encouraged him to get the hat back with Winslow and the other woman refusing, becoming more aggressive." . . .

Woman Who Stole 7-Year-Old's Trump Hat Is Arrested For That and A Lot More

A man comes over and things turn violent between the two parties with one of the women appearing to throw a punch at the man.
"Things turn violent between the two parties with one of the women appearing to throw a punch at a man who arrives on the scene."

What You Need to Know About That 'Lifelong Republican' Voting for Biden Who Was Featured at the DNC

Matt Vespa  "Well, if John Kasich can take solace in anything after his betrayal of the Republican Party, it’s that he won’t be alone. Hey, all of these clowns can join him in that field, so he won’t be as lonely. The Democratic National Convention is over. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are official the Left’s “back in chains” ticket for 2020. And look, they found like 12 Republicans who are going to back Joe Biden because…I really don’t know why. Any true Republican would have never voted for Hillary Clinton. Any true Republican knows the same can be said for Biden. It makes no sense for any conservative to vote for Joe Biden.  . . .. The clowns who peddle this nonsense are the weakest, most trite losers in politics. And boy, did Democrats find some Republicans who fit that mold, and it’s not just Kasich. 
. . . 
"These people were never on our side, to begin with, and never were Republicans. " . . ."And shocker, it seems that none of these pro-Biden Republicans were really Republicans, to begin with, as “Michael” from Rhode Island who was featured at the DNC, is really a registered Democrat who has voted as such in four of the last five elections. " . . .

"All week the DNC has run a video of people supporting Joe Biden. One is identified as ” Michael from Rhode Island a long-standing Republican” now voting for Biden. Who is this long-standing Republican? He is town of Foster electrical inspector Michael Paolucci. His voting record speaks for itself: 4 out of  5 primaries he has voted as a Democrat. No wonder he appears each night during the DNC not using his last name since he is a registered Democrat."

A Fake DNC Convention Ends With Real Nastiness

The Democrats are nasty and proud of it. They are proud of what they have done in Portland. They are proud to have torn down statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. They are proud to have defaced churches and synagogues. And they can’t wait to show us how nasty they can really be if they once again have absolute power over the entire United States.

"The democracy is fake, but the hate is real."
. . . "The joke here is positively Seinfeldian. Julia Louis Dreyfuss plays shallow, self-involved, and petty characters because she’s shallow, petty, and self-involved. The Democrats attack Trump as an unserious reality show host who confuses social media with leadership, and then debut a failed convention dominated by celebrities and badly written jokes aimed at social media.
“ 'I'm proud to be a nasty, nasty woman,” Julia Louis Dreyfuss gloated.
" 'It’s not just her own aspiration, but that of the party that invited her. The Democrats want to play at being serious, principled folks bringing the country together, but they’re proud to be nasty. 
“ 'I will draw on the best of us, not the worst of us,” Joe Biden claimed, accepting his nomination after a convention filled with conspiracy theories about mailboxes, smears, and cheap shots.
"That promise is coming from a politician who spent his career insulting voters, calling them fat and stupid, whose family is notorious for profiting from his political office, who palled around with segregationists and sexual predators, but whom three nights of celebrities and fellow hacks from across the political swamp spectrum now insist is really a kind, decent, and loveable man.
"Biden’s transformation after 47 years of nastiness is just as convincing as that of his party.
"The Democrats insist that Joe Biden is a man of faith, even as their caucuses clip “God” out of the Pledge of Allegiance. They claim that they’re a movement of character, integrity, principles, and deep thought, and then drop it all to giggle about calling Pence, “Poonce”. 
"Biden, they insist, is a family man with real integrity. And to prove it, they trot out Hunter Biden, who had an affair with his dead brother’s wife and who was sued for child support by a stripper
“ 'The day of cozying up to dictators is over,” Biden promised, while running on a platform of cozying up to the Islamic Republic of Iran, the PLO, and Communist China." . . .

RNC will celebrate America

Don Surber

"On 9/11 with the world worried and Congress in no position to do anything, 78 congressmen gathered and sang "God Bless America" on national TV. I liked it. It showed a sense of community. I wish that lasted longer.
"Americans love America. That's the dirty little secret.
"Hippies back in the 1960s loved America. They saw themselves as Americans actually using the freedoms Americans have. Jimi Hendrix played the Star Spangled Banner at Woodstock.
"This is a great country, and everyone born here is lucky and knows it. Systemic racism? Gimme a break. I am the same age as Oprah Winfrey. She is a billionaire. She should be ashamed of lying like that.
"People from Cuba get in little rubber rafts to brave the ocean to come here.
"That is a tradition that predates the Pilgrims who spent 66 days in the tiny wooden Mayflower to get here. My sister tells me one of them is an ancestor. Nearly 3 centuries later, the last of my ancestors arrived via steerage in Baltimore.
"The people in DC overlook this fact that Americans love America, which is why the press and the politicians keep getting elections wrong." . . .

VIDEO: “Donald Trump is the Most Pro-Gay President in American History” Has Millions of Views

Legal Insurrection

“As a United States Senator, Joe Biden said gay people couldn’t receive security clearances, because we would be a security risk.” — Richard Grenell

"Richard Grenell, America’s first openly gay cabinet member recently appeared in a pro-Trump ad which highlights the president’s record with the gay community.
"It’s almost 4 minutes long and as of the time this was posted, has been viewed over 4 million times on Twitter alone. 4 MILLION.
"Grenell highlighted Biden’s less than stellar record of support for gay Americans and claimed that Trump has done more for the gay community in 3 years than Biden did in 40 years of public service."  Video

How About Democrats Pay KKK Reparations to Black Republicans?

"How powerful did the Klan's political clout grow? In 1924, organized Klansmen marched through the streets of New York and attended the Democratic National Convention that nominated Woodrow Wilson for the presidency. After winning office, Woodrow screened the racist ode to the Klan "Birth of a Nation," a film produced by racist Hollywood producers. It was the first film ever screened at the White House."

"The Democratic Party should pay reparations to black Republicans who have suffered at the hands of the KKK.
" Hear me out.
"Make no mistake, the Democrats and their allies in the Marxist Black Lives Matter organization are moving this country toward a "national conversation" about reparations. "Side note: Have you noticed that whenever we have a race-related "national conversation," it always ends up being sanctimonious, Marxist tenured professors lecturing the rest of us about how evil and racist and privileged we are, and if you deny it, it proves you're racist? And the solution to the evil racism that you exhibit is to take more of your money and give it to Democrats in government where they pay for big programs that enrich those tenured professors, make inner-cities even worse, and then ten years later we are poised for another "national conversation"?
"Yeah, well, they're getting us ready for another one of those "national conversations" and this time it will be about reparations for slavery.
" Before that conversation gets driven down our throats by the Harris-Biden presidential ticket, how about Republicans get in front of this issue?
"How about instead of moving toward reparations for slavery (which has challenges logistically and judicially), we move for something a little more tangible?
" I mean, let's face it, it's nearly impossible to identify who, specifically, would be responsible for paying these reparations, right? Descendants of the slave owners? OK, try to trace that out, I suppose. But, logically, their reparation payment should only go to the descendants of those African-Americans their ancestors owned. Also, isn't it unjust to punish a person for the sins of their fathers? I mean, this is a fundamental understanding the Western world has always embraced. But the Left would have us punish, through taxation, the great, great, great-grandchildren for slavery. " . . .

Sooooo; the guy on the ground would owe reparations to this rioter who just kicked him in the head, right?

This oppressor must pay for all previous generations' actions:

Don't think for a minute that reparations will ever make up for anything; it will never end. There are too many Betos out there. TD