Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Don Lemon: “The Rioting Has Got to Stop… It’s Showing Up in the Polls”

Legal Insurrection
Forget about the people who have been killed, the businesses, homes and livelihoods ruined, it’s about the polls. 

Because this is happening and so far, I haven’t heard the media or one Democrat condemn it. In fact, Democrats, like Rep.  have urged for “unrest in the streets.”
Dave Wasserman@RedistrictKenosha imagery is already on its way to Trump ads warning voters that the riots/"mob rule" in Portland, Seattle and Minneapolis are heading for small-town MI/PA/WI/etc.
"Trump is far better off talking about this than COVID. And Biden is going to need to confront it head on.
"Kenosha imagery is already on its way to Trump ads warning voters that the riots/"mob rule" in Portland, Seattle and Minneapolis are heading for small-town MI/PA/WI/etc. "Trump is far better off talking about this than COVID. And Biden is going to need to confront it head on."

White Supremacist Who Organized Charlottesville Race Riots Endorses Joe Biden

The Federalist
Trump is labeled an avid racist by political opponents and media, but Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are endorsed by one of the most notorious racists in America.

"Charlottesville riots, announced yesterday on Twitter that he will be voting for Joe Biden in the upcoming 2020 election.
"A Twitter user asked Spencer if he will be voting for Biden or sitting out the election, given his belief that “Biden/Kamala will be tougher on crime/BLM than Trump.” Spencer responded, “I plan to vote for Biden and a straight democratic ticket. It’s not based on ‘accelerationism’ or anything like that; the liberals are clearly more competent people.” 
"Although Spencer claims that his endorsement is about competence and not ideology, his comments from the 2017 Charlottesville riots say otherwise. During his keynote speech in Charlottesville, Spencer explained how abortion advances white nationalist goals, stating, “The people who are having abortions are generally very often black or Hispanic or from very poor circumstances.”
"It’s true that the vast majority of Planned Parenthood clinics, the leading abortion provider in the U.S., are in minority neighborhoods. According to the CDC’s Abortion Surveillance report, black women make up 34 percent of all abortions in the United States, though they are only 13.4 percent of the U.S. population. The Charlotte Lozier Institute in New York City reported that black women in New York City have more abortions than live births. This is not too surprising considering the Planned Parenthood’s original goal of targeting the offspring of the poor, of minorities, and babies who are physically or mentally challenged.

Bernie Sanders Surrogate Shaun King Calls For Doxxing All The Cops In Kenosha And Claiming They Shot Jacob Blake (Language)

Weasel Zippers
"This weasel is still spreading vile falsehoods.

Mike Cernovich:
"Shaun King regularly makes false allegations against police officers, in one case accusing an officer of rape. "It was a hoax. "Tonight Shaun King said he would begin falsely accusing Kenosha police departments for the Blake shooting."

From back in June:
Shaun King: Statues of Jesus Christ are 'form of white supremacy,' should be torn down . . . “Yes I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down. They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been,” King tweeted. “In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went? EGYPT! Not Demark. Tear them down.”
"King followed the post up with another, saying that “white Jesus is a lie” and a “tool of white supremacy” created to help white people use Christianity as a “tool of oppression. He added that white people would never have accepted a religion “from a Brown man.”
"King then tweeted support from taking down all imagery, including “murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends.' ” . . .

Reagan Speechwriter: Biden Just Plagiarized From Reagan

"Somewhere, one suspects President Reagan is shaking his head and saying of Biden: Well, there he goes again."
Jeffrey Lord, Aug. 13th  
Photo plagiarised from the article below
"Yesterday, former Vice President Joe Biden introduced his running mate, California Sen. Kamala Harris.
"Biden said,
We can define America simply in one word: “Possibilities.” Possibilities. Let me say it again; possibilities. That’s America.
"Watching as Biden said this was one Ken Khachigian. Ken was astonished. Ken, you see, was once a speechwriter for our former boss — President Ronald Reagan. And he quickly sent a note to his former colleagues — accompanied by a copy of a speech delivered by President Reagan on September 3, 1984. The president was speaking at a Reagan–Bush campaign rally in Fountain Valley, California. And in his typical, always upbeat Reagan style, the president said, among other things, this:
Now, we’ve heard what others have offered to the American people today, in this year. They have said that America is nothing if it isn’t promises. Well, America isn’t about promises; it never has been. America is about promise. It’s about possibility.
"Say again, bold print for emphasis supplied, here is Biden:
We can define America simply in one word: “Possibilities.” Possibilities. Let me say it again; possibilities. That’s America.
"Here is Reagan: “Well, America isn’t about promises; it never has been. America is about promise. It’s about possibility.”

"In other words? Says Ken: “Reagan spoke 36 years ago saying America is ‘about possibility.’ Biden swiped it straight out of that speech.' ”... More...

Joe Biden’s Real Plagiarism: Socialism  "The big flap over Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden plagiarizing the words of Canada’s former New Democrat Party late leader Jack Layton is proof positive about how out of touch most mainstream media really is.
"Goofy Joe was caught plagiarizing the words of Jack Layton is his farewell before death address to this nation.  In absentia, Layton is accused of plagiarizing former Prime Minister Wilfrid Laurier from 1916 in his ‘Goodbye To The World Note’.
The main point the mainstream and social media are missing is that ALL Liberals speak the same language and continue to plagiarize each other in order to drive home their talking points—even after joining the ranks of the Dearly Departed.“At a speech at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday, Biden’s final address included the lines, “For love is more powerful than hate. Hope is more powerful than fear. And light is more powerful than dark.” (National Post, Aug. 21, 2020)

Watch the Terrifying Scene When Lone Woman Defies Race Agitators, Refuses To Obey Their Orders

Rich Terrell
Western Journal   . . . "And, given the tenor of recent protests, of course it was racial agitation of the most dispiriting and inflammatory sort.
"Take, for instance, a protest that took place Monday in D.C.’s Adams Morgan neighborhood, according to Washington Post reporter Fredrick Kunkle.
"Apparently, a popular thing for protesters — and I use that word in the loosest of ways — in the District of Columbia to do was to insist that random people raise their fists in apparent solidarity with them.
"When a woman sitting on a bench outside a restaurant refused to obey, they chanted, “White silence is violence! White silence is violence!” at her.
"Except, in the time of COVID-19, they managed to do actual violence to her by screaming in her face: . . ."

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Celebrities FLEEING Hollywood in Droves! Tom Hanks and Co. Escape From LA

"Hollywood celebrities are leaving LA in droves! Tom Hanks and Joe Rogan were only the beginning. Leaving problems they were rooting on not too long ago. Look for Hollywood and California to come to a state, or country near you!"

Hillary Clinton: Joe Biden Should Not Concede Under Any Circumstances

Mark and Patricia McCloskey Warn: Your Suburban Family 'Will Not Be Safe in the Radical Democrats' America'

"The media has been scoffing at Donald Trump’s warning that riots could come to suburbia, accusing him of trying to scare suburban women into voting against Joe Biden.
""Kenosha, Wisc., isn’t exactly suburbia, but it isn’t New York or Chicago either. The small, quiet city of 100,000 people has been rocked by violent riots the last two nights following a questionable shooting by a police officer. It may be one of the last places the sophisticates on both coasts might expect racial unrest, but it’s there and it’s happening.
""Mark and Patricia McCloskey are a wealthy couple who live in a beautiful home in St. Louis. When what is referred to as a “peaceful protest march” passed their home, the McCloskeys felt threatened enough to arm themselves and stand in their front yard to protect their home.
""Soros-backed Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner is apparently willing to let a lot of lawlessness from protesters slide, but wants to throw the McCloskeys in prison because they felt threatened enough to protect what they’ve spent their lives building.
"On Monday night, the McCloskeys addressed the nation when they spoke at the Republican National Convention. Their message was simple: the protests are coming to your neighborhood and it doesn’t matter where you live."
Fox News:
Certain policies — such as defunding the police, ending cash bail and ending single-family home zoning — makes it seem “as if Democrats no longer view the government’s job as protecting honest citizens from criminals, but rather protecting criminals from honest citizens,” Mark McCloskey said.“These are the policies that are coming to a neighborhood near you,” Patricia McCloskey added. “So make no mistake: No matter where you live, your family will not be safe in the radical Democrats’ America.”

The Stunning Gullibility Of ‘Republicans For Biden’

Flake calling Trump not a conservative is particularly rich, given that Trump has done more to advance the conservative agenda – on economics, foreign policy, social issues – than any president, including Ronald Reagan.

I & I Editorial Board   "On the eve of the Republican convention, more than two dozen former GOP lawmakers endorsed Joe Biden for president. Trump Derangement Syndrome is spreading faster than COVID-19.
     "Retired Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake makes his case for supporting Biden by claiming Trump “is not conservative,” that Biden “will approach his constitutional role with the reverence and dignity it deserves” and “reach across the aisle.”
Jeff "Mitt" Flake
     "This is the same argument John Kasich, a former congressman and Ohio governor, made at the Democratic National Convention, when he reassured the public that Biden is “respectful” and won’t “turn sharp left” when he gets in office.
     "None of this makes any sense, yet a growing number of Republicans are buying into it.
     "First, how do these Republicans know Biden will “reach across the aisle”? They don’t. Their gullibility and naivete are a wonder to behold.
     "The truth is, there’s absolutely no reason whatsoever to believe Biden would stay in the center.
     "A Biden win will surely bring with it a Democratic-controlled House and Senate. We already know what will happen next, since it’s happened before. After Bill Clinton ran as a moderate, he immediately veered left upon taking office, raised taxes he’d promised to cut and tried to impose HillaryCare on the nation.
     "After Barack Obama wooed Republicans with his calm demeanor, his seemingly sensible positions, and the sharp crease in his pants, he spent the first two years imposing ObamaCare and the economy-crushing Dodd-Frank on the nation.
     "Heck, even Lyndon Johnson, who portrayed Barry Goldwater as a radical in 1964, enacted Medicare, Medicaid and the disaster known as the “Great Society” the first chance he got.
     "Worse, while Clinton and to a lesser extent Obama positioned themselves as moderates, Biden has swallowed the far left’s agenda hook, line and sinker. As we pointed out in this space more than a month ago: . . ."

Scorned Jeff the Flake’s irrelevant sideshow

The Trump campaign has announced the list of RNC speakers for the event next week.

Issues & Insights  "The Trump campaign has announced the list of RNC speakers for the event next week.
"Some surprise names include Georgia State Rep. Vernon Jones, who is a Democrat, and UFC executive Dana White.
"Per Tim Murtaugh
"The theme of @realDonaldTrump’s nominating convention is “Honoring the Great American Story.” Nightly themes:
Land of Promise
Land of Opportunity
Land of Heroes
Land of Greatness
Click to enlarge:

Nancy Pelosi Goes On Deranged Rant, Labels Republicans ‘Enemies of the State’

RedState  "Nancy Pelosi is not well. That’s the impression any normal person would get watching her over the last several months. As the possible re-election of Donald Trump has grown closer, she’s become more and more unhinged (see Nancy Pelosi Has a Mental Breakdown On Camera, Starts Yelling ‘No’ At Reporter Over and Over). And it’s not just the words she says. It’s also her mannerisms, her stumbling over her words, and the constant need to suck on her own teeth, as if they are always just seconds from exiting her mouth. This is not a woman who should still hold a position of power are the age of 80.
"Today, she once again upped the toxicity of the rhetoric in a wild rant where she labeled Republicans “enemies of the state” and “domestic enemies to our voting system.”
These are the flailings of a politician who knows their crazy conspiracy theory about the Post Office has crashed and burned. She desperately wants to keep the narrative going despite the fact that the Postmaster General has provided proof he took none of the actions he was accused of. In fact, he went so far as to reverse previously enacted policy under the Obama administration to avoid even the appearance of impropriety.
. . .

'Disgusting': Lawmakers React to Pelosi's New Slur Against Republicans  . . . "While Pelosi's comment could have been mistaken for typical Nancy rhetoric that she is quite famous for, many fellow members of Congress didn't take too kindly to being called an enemy of their own country, simply for not believing her party's bonkers conspiracy about the post office. 
"House Minority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) harkened back to 2017 when he and three others were shot during practice for an annual charity baseball game. The shooter, James Hodgkinson, was a left-wing activist. Investigators described the shooting as "an act of terrorism...fueled by rage against Republican legislators.' " 

Democrats and their media: corrupt spinelessness on display

Cowardice is a trait wherein excessive fear prevents an individual from taking a risk or facing danger. It is the opposite of courage. As a label, "cowardice" indicates a failure of character in the face of a challenge. One who succumbs to cowardice is known as a coward.  Wikipedia

Democrats are pretending the cities aren’t burning   . . ."The Democrats put an accent on every disturbing development during the Trump years, but not on the disorder that has caused countless millions in property damage, killed and injured innocent people and contributed to rising lawlessness in cities around the country.
"About that, they maintained a discreet silence.
"Across four nights and eight hours of programming, no one mentioned it — not the community activists, not the mayors or governors, not the former presidents and first ladies, and emphatically not the party’s current nominees for president and vice president.
"As far as the Democrats were concerned, recent events that have had a profound effect on ­urban communities — places ­almost uniformly governed by Democratic mayors — simply never happened." . . .

MSNBC Cuts Away So Viewers Don’t Hear Kim Klacik’s Terrific Condemnation of Democratic Failure  . . . "But MSNBC apparently didn’t want to hear the speech or have Americans hear it. CNN has already showed their bias when they indicated they would cover the RNC differently than the DNC. While they gave the DNC a pass, they said they might cut away if they saw “disinformation” at the RNC. But MSNBC had actually been covering most of it.
"But apparently they didn’t want to cover the speech or injure the false narrative of what and who Republicans are?" .  . . The video MSNBC didn't want you to see.

CNN Cuts Off Trump Speech, John King Accuses President Of ‘Wrong, Misleading, Or Outright Lies’  . . . "Trump, a frequent critic of ballot harvesting and mail-in voting was speaking on the topic Monday when CNN anchor Anderson Cooper broke into the broadcast to accuse the president of going “negative” in the convention’s “first moments.”
“He started off falsely attacking mail-in voting,” Cooper said. “He’s continuing to attack mail-in voting as his postmaster general testifies that the attacks are ‘unhelpful.’ That’s his own postmaster general. He also criticized the media for airing the postmaster’s hearing instead of his roll call.”

“ 'He falsely accused Democrats of wanting to shut down the country to hurt the economy and somehow help them at the ballot box,” he continued. “Unclear how angering the entire country by shutting down would help them at the ballot box.”