Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Rule 50 states: “No kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas.”

 Is Olympian Gwen Berry's Disgraceful 'Athlete Activism' Productive? – PJ Media

"While most Americans recognize Berry’s right as an American citizen to protest, in today’s socio-political climate there are certainly more effective ways to go about gaining the respect and, ultimately, the change she seeks.

"This isn’t hard. Good sportsmanship costs nothing. Don’t want to cover your heart during the National Anthem? Fine, stand silently while it plays. But deliberately showing disrespect by turning your back, covering your head with an activist t-shirt, and diminishing the experience of your fellow teammates (who both happened to have earned a higher medal than you) is not only unacceptable to most Americans, it also goes against the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) own Rule 50." . . .

Jen Psaki Asked if Biden Supports Olympic Team Member Who Disgraced the Us Flag - the Answer Will Make Your Blood Boil

Mitt Romney's malicious envy

He's a born globalist, which explains his affinity for Biden and the leftmedia.  He hates Trump more than he loves America.

 Patricia McCarthy; American Thinker  "Mitt Romney prides himself on being a thorn in President Trump's side, but he is just a gnat buzzing about the leftmedia that now revere him.  He's become a joke but has yet to realize that.

"Romney wins the prize among the pathetic group of RINOS who think they can vanquish Trump by treating him and his supporters like pond scum.  The problem with the left and the RINOS is that they assume, with no hint of irony, that they are smart and the rest of us are not.  Actually, it is they who are blinkered to the point of blindness. 

. . . "Romney is fawned over by the hapless Chuck Todd and venal Jake Tapper, two of the most radical non-journalists who have doled out carefully constructed fake news on a daily basis for years.  No wonder their ratings have crashed.  Romney is happy to be one of their stooges.

"Todd and Tapper (and Wallace, Stephanopoulos, Williams, Maddow, O'Donnell, etc.) are long-term de facto activists for the Democrat party and do their bidding without regard for the truth.  They now embrace the vacuous Mitt Romney.  He's a traitor to his declared party and to the values of the Latter-Day Saints he has long espoused: the primacy of family and country.  He's a nasty piece of work." . . .

Romney Blames Climate Change For Severe Weather…. Via Weasel Zippers

Monday, June 28, 2021

NYC Pride Gets Violent As Partiers Attack Elderly Food Vendor Leaving Him Bloodied (VIDEO)

  Clash Daily.com  "On Sunday night, in NYC’s Greenwich Village neighborhood, an elderly hot dog vendor was beaten bloody by the Rainbow “Love Is Love” crowd after allegedly hurling anti-gay slurs at the crowd." . . .

Rowdy revelers were caught on video beating up a hot dog vendor late Sunday night — as all hell broke loose at Washington Square Park, police said.

The chaos at the Greenwich Village greenspace resulted in the arrests of eight people, including a woman charged with biting an NYPD lieutenant, cops said Monday morning.

But no busts were made in the alleged beatdown of the 65-year-old vendor, who was attacked at Fifth Avenue and Washington Square North just before 11 p.m., according to police.

Disturbing video shows several people surrounding the man, in a bright yellow shirt, with one pummeling him in the face and knocking him down. The attacker can be seen clocking him again as he tries to get away.

The vendor was left with a bloodied face and taken to Bellevue Hospital in stable condition for cuts on his head, authorities said.

Turn your back on THIS!

 Psaki: Biden Respects Olympian Who Turned Her Back On US Flag During National Anthem… | Weasel Zippers  "Why do we have athletes representing America who don’t like America?"

Is Olympian Gwen Berry's Disgraceful 'Athlete Activism' Productive?

Who knew the United States had an Olympic women’s hammer throwing team? Who cares what the Bronze winner thinks? Taking a page from the Kaepernick-Rapinoe Woke Sports Playbook, the third-place winner of a “sport” no one has heard of is successfully making waves for her lack of loyalty to the country that sent her to the U.S. Olympic trials. In what is probably a publicity stunt, a black hammer-throwing athlete (I’m not using her name) decided to snub the U.S. flag after taking the bronze medal in her sport. Look for her next year peddling Subway sandwiches or Woka-Cola.

A Tale Of Two Olympic Activists (clashdaily.com)   . . . "There are some factors that should be noted in regards to both situations:

  • Berry was not set up, given the statement by the USA Track and Field spokesperson.
  • When standing on the podium when the national anthem is being played, you respect that flag, especially since you are representing your country.
  • If Berry is disappointed in her country, then she should not be pursuing her dreams of being in the Olympics.
  • Systematic racism in America is a myth.
  • America is not a fascist nation.
  • Joking on social media about “exploding” the President’s head might result in you being investigated by the Secret Service.
  • With Biden in the White House, one might think that both Berry and Wolfe would be focusing more on being athletes and less on being activists.
  • It’s unlikely that flag-burning is allowed at the Olympics.
  • An athletic event is no place for politics, no matter what the political climate is.
  • "Bottom line: Keep politics out of the Olympics."

UPDATED: “CNN is neither truthful nor honest”...Republican Mo Brooks Confronted by CNN’s Jim Acosta On The Street

Come on, man!

100%FedUp  "Alabama Republican Rep. Mo Brooks has refused to go on CNN, so CNN reporter Jim Acosta decided to ambush Rep. Brooks to confront him about refusing to appear on the fake news network. What Rep. Brooks does in response to Acosta’s question is exactly how every Republican should respond. It’s a mic drop moment!" . . .

. . . "Acosta was referring to the fiery speech the Alabama Congressman gave on January 6th. Rep. Brooks commented after the speech in response to claims he incited violence on January 6th:  “The radical left’s absurd claim that I called for violence is pure bunk. I called for exercise of freedom of protest at the Capitol and for fighting for our cause at the ballot box in the 2022 and 2024.”   Watch here.

Updated, 6/30: SHOCK STUDY Shows US Media COLLAPSING!!!  "A new international study finds that the US Media is absolutely IMPLODING! In this video, we’re going to take a look at a massive survey that places the US media dead last in terms of trustworthiness, we’re going to look at precisely HOW the mainstream media attempts to deceive audiences, and why more and more people are no longer buying it, guaranteeing that the days of the mainstream media are indeed finally over; you are NOT going to want to miss this!". . . 

What's Stopping Disney From More LGBT Characters Like Loki? China

 The Federalist  "The MCU officially has their first openly gay main character. Sort of.

"Midway through episode three of the latest MCU Disney Plus series “Loki,” a small conversation between the God of Mischief and an alternate universe version of himself called Sylvie reveals that both have a dating history of impermanent dalliances with both men and women. Lasting under 30 seconds, the bit of dialogue serves little plot function except to show the bonding between the two versions of Loki." . . .

. . . "Disney Plus should be the place where Marvel could inch towards including gay characters, if they truly desired, as it is not currently launched in China. The Communist Chinese censors are not friendly to LGBT content, which is not formally banned but often flagged.". . . 

Biden Orders Airstrikes on Iran-Backed Militias Near Iraq-Syria Border: Pentagon. Dud?

 The Gateway Pundit

. . . "Specifically, the U.S. strikes targeted operational and weapons storage facilities at two locations in Syria and one location in Iraq, both of which lie close to the border between those countries. Several Iran-backed militia groups, including Kata’ib Hezbollah (KH) and Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada (KSS), used these facilities,” he said." . . .

Perhaps Biden figures he better use the military before it reaches full "woke".

Joe Biden Orders Airstrikes: Bombs Syria Again (breitbart.com)  . . . "Kirby also noted Biden meant to send a message with his latest round of airstrikes.

“ 'The United States took necessary, appropriate, and deliberate action designed to limit the risk of escalation – but also to send a clear and unambiguous deterrent message,” he said.

"Biden did not issue a statement in his name or address the airstrikes with reporters after returning to the White House Sunday from his weekend at Camp David.

"Biden also bombed targets in Syria in February, in retaliation after Iran-backed militias launched rocket attacks injured four American contractors one American service member. One contractor who was not an American citizen was killed, as Breitbart News reported."

Perhaps the new Ayatollah should not have challenged Joe to do push-ups with him.

Biden’s Half-Hearted Bombing for Iran’s Attacks on U.S. Troops Is a Dud – RedState

. . . "The Wall Street Journal reported the February retaliation initially involved two targets, but Biden canceled one when he heard a woman was seen in the area.

"Now comes word that after the February retaliation, Biden, who desperately wants to restart nuclear talks with Teheran, sent a confidential back-channel message to Iran that the new president did not really want a fight with Iran and that attack was minimal and directed at
Iranian militias, not Iran. An official told the Journal that a similar “Take-that-but-don’t-worry-that’s-all” message would be sent after Sunday’s bombing, too.

"Biden has also already eased some economic sanctions on Iran and Iranians, none of which has produced any negotiation movement.". . . 

"WAG THE DOG? "  “At President Biden’s Direction” The U.S. Carries Out Airstrikes in Iraq and Syria"

The Pentagon statement also began with, “At President Biden’s direction…” Does anyone REALLY believe that Biden is directing anything in this White House? There is something else going on here. Is this just a distraction i.e. “wag the dog” a la Bill Clinton? Is it just window dressing to make Biden appear in control. If it’s just to make Biden appear in control, well, that ship sailed long ago
Ian Macfarlane

Kamala lost in the West Texas town of El Paso

Silvio Canto, Jr.  "Many years ago, Marty Robbins sang about being in love with a Mexican girl in the West Texas town of El Paso.  The next country song will be more like "clueless in El Paso."

"At one point, things got so silly that Representative Veronica Escobar, the one who replaced Beto in the U.S. House, said El Paso was the new Ellis Island.  Did someone tell her that people were actually checked at Ellis Island before they came into the country?

"It was a bad day because V.P. Harris, and President Biden, have no idea of the mess that they started.

"First, she went to El Paso, 600 miles from where the damage is.  This is like visiting the Canary Islands to talk about the "root causes" in Guatemala.  Let me add that a lot of Democrats in South Texas were hoping for Harris to visit them in McAllen or Brownsville.  Maybe Harris did not want to shake hands with Javier Villalobos, the new GOP mayor of McAllen.". . . 

Poll: 57% of Texan Voters Disapprove of Biden's Handling of Border Crisis (breitbart.com)

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Left Foot In: Children’s TV Is Doing the Wokey Pokey; We’re Not in Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood Anymore

  Christian Toto

Today’s kid-friendly shows routinely address sex, gender fluidity, race, and other complex topics that some parents think their youngsters aren’t ready to absorb. 

"When a PBS station last month featured “Lil Miss Hot Mess” reading from the performer’s new book, The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish, on a program aimed at children ages three to eight, the backlash was immediate, with a video of the reading going viral on conservative social media.

“If American tax dollars can be used to pay for 3-8 year olds to watch this PBS Drag Queen Story hour, then I demand equal tax dollars go to also read them Bible stories,” tweeted Tricia Flanagan, an unsuccessful 2020 Republican U.S. Senate hopeful from New Jersey.

"Such pushback from the Right is becoming more common lately as today’s kid-friendly shows routinely address sex, gender fluidity, race, and other complex topics that some parents think their youngsters aren’t ready to absorb. They are part of a broader cultural shift, often called the Great Awokening, that includes the advancement of social justice themes in many television shows and other media aimed at older teens and adults.

"And given the wider ferment, many viewers might not have noticed these recent examples of the normalization of wokeness in kiddie TV: . . ."

: Critical Race Theory May Violate Civil Rights Act, the Constitution: Dr. Carol Swain (ibloga.blogspot.com)

White people are protected in the same way that black people are by civil rights laws, she said. “We’re not a country where it’s acceptable to bully and shame people because of the color of their skin.”

 DEPLORABLE Bloggers Alliance

"Critical Race Theory training, which pressures people not to say certain things, take a certain stance, or forces them into some segregated settings, may infringe on people’s constitutional rights and even violate civil rights laws, said Dr. Carol Swain, a former professor of political science and law at Princeton and Vanderbilt universities.

"The main tenet of Critical Race Theory (CRT) is that the people of the world are divided into oppressors and oppressed, and in the United States, “all white people are considered oppressors who benefit from undeserved advantages,” Swain told The Epoch Times in an interview on EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program.

“ '[Whites] are deemed guilty of having set up a system of systemic racism,” she said of one main assumption being drawn from CRT. “The demonization of one group of people because of the color of their skin is something that is discriminatory.”

More here: Critical Race Theory May Violate Civil Rights Act, the Constitution: Dr. Carol Swain (theepochtimes.com)

Tyrus update: America-hater Gwen Berry shows her disrespect for U.S. flag at Olympic trials

 Monica Showalter  . . . "Why the heck is this creature permitted to compete at all for the U.S., given her seething hate for the country that gave her all those opportunities to develop her talent? Can you say 'height of ingratitude'? Can you imagine what some competitor athlete from, say, Kenya or Malawi might be thinking? Some other flag for this person with all those problems with America might be more appropriate.

"As Dinesh d'Souza noted, this is very bad for the Olympics in general:". . . 

Tyrus reacts to Olympic athlete protesting flag: Why are you even competing? - YouTube 

Portland cops tell Antifa there's no need to riot, cause the guy we just killed was white -

 Who is supposed to get reparations and from whom? What will become of the useful idiots? - American Thinker*

American Thinker  "So, please remind me again, which race is it that is so privileged?  

"Lee Brown writes in the New York Post:

Antifa militants attacked police in Portland, Oregon, after news broke of a deadly police shooting — forcing the department to quickly announce that it was a "white male" to prevent riots, according to police and reports.

At least 50 protesters, most dressed all in black and carrying anti-fascist signs, gathered at a Motel 6 late Thursday where police shot a suicidal man who charged at them with a screwdriver, The Oregonian said. (snip)

In the middle of the mayhem, cops tried to dispel "erroneous information being circulated on social media," with local journalist Andy Ngo saying that "Antifa falsely claimed the deceased was a black or brown person" in flyers.

"We can confirm that the subject involved is an adult white male," the department stressed.

The officer who fired the fatal shot was black, and was placed on paid administrative leave, which is standard practice, The Oregonian said.

The city breathes a sigh of relief.

 "In the bad old days of the Democrat-run Jim Crow South, the rumor that a White girl or woman had been attacked — or even looked at — by a Black male was sometimes enough to set off a mob.  Today, in the Democrat-run big cities, mobs once again are set off by rumors — now, of the death of a Black man at the hands of the police.  Democrats still run racist regimes, but the regions involved and the races persecuted or protected have flipped."

 *"As the Marxist revolution oozes forward, I occasionally wonder what will happen to the useful idiots when the commies seize absolute power in this once great Republic. I believe that most AT readers are familiar with the term, but for those who need a brief refresher, a useful idiot, as defined by Wikipedia, "is a derogatory term for a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who is cynically used by the cause's leaders." In my opinion, this definition can be applied to a majority of the young, brainwashed radicals who have no idea about the true history of Marxism...or the real history of their native land that they're working so hard to destroy." . . .