Thursday, July 22, 2021

The people of Cuba deserve freedom


In Havana they are waving American flags, in Portland, they are burning American flags.

"Circle back White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Monday that Cuban protesters yelling “freedom!” during anti-communist protests were in reality demanding “freedom from rising COVID cases.”

"Psaki’s attempt at gaslighting was a complete fail.

"On Sunday Cuba experienced the largest protests against the brutal communism they are forced to live under in recent memory. If they were protesting against “rising COVID cases” why were they not wearing masks and shouting “Death to COVID.” . . .

Cuban American students rally for country’s freedom

Trump backs Cuban protesters, demands Biden stand up to communist regime

Hands Off: Is President Biden Protecting the Obama Legacy in Cuba?   . . [Biden's] "soft-soap response ought to sound familiar. What we are seeing in Cuba is an uprising against a brutal communist dictatorship. We also saw this in 2009 in Iran during the Green Movement Revolution. Similarly, then, the U.S., under President Obama, issued a weak response that failed to support those who tried to throw off the yoke of Islamist extremism in Tehran.

"President Obama said during a White House press conference at the time, 

“My hope and expectation is that we’re going to continue to see the people of Iran have the courage to be able to express their yearning for greater freedoms and a more representative government, understanding that America cannot ultimately dictate what happens inside of Iran any more than it could inside of Egypt.”

"President Biden was then vice president. He likely had some voice in the U.S. response as President Obama had often said that Biden was a part of every important decision he made while president. Unfortunately, the reason President Obama responded so weakly to the Green Revolution in Iran is also the reason President Biden is responding weakly to the aspirations of the Cuban people now." . . .

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

US Women’s Soccer Team Crushed by Sweden After Taking Knee for BLM

 Breitbart Sports   ..."The U.S. sports equivalent of a 3-0 loss in soccer is probably somewhere in the neighborhood of a 45-0 blowout in football or a 10-0 loss in baseball. So, needless to say, this is bad, real bad."

. . . "Interestingly, the USWNT is not the only woke U.S. sports team to faceplant during Olympic or pre-Olympic competition. The U.S. Men’s Basketball Team, many of whom took a knee of proudly displayed social justice messaging on their uniforms over the last year, took two stunning losses to Nigeria and Australia before somewhat righting the ship.

"So, given that pattern of wokeness leading to defeat, maybe it’s time to get off your knees and play ball."

                                           Pictured, right; the lovely Megan Rapinoe:

Not all US women were classless before.

U.S. Women’s Soccer Takes a Protest Knee, Gets Trounced by Sweden 
. . . "Sweden joined the American women: “For us it really feels right to stand up for human rights. It was a communication with the U.S. team before, so for us it feels good to do that and it is something we stand for as a team.”

So Sweden did it, too, but the American women have been kneeling and complaining since 2017. Maybe they should pay more attention to their actual game:" . . . 

From the comments to this post:  . . . No, they didn’t. If you read the article you will see that they couldn’t have, because national anthems are not played before games in the Olympics. All the players, and the referee, knelt for about 10 seconds, during “pregame music”, which is not either side’s national anthem. Anthems are played during the award ceremonies, and no protests are allowed."

Pausing a minute to consider the damage leftism does to America

 Andrea Widburg   "Every day, I look for current stories that are interesting and report them here with added facts or commentary.  Today, however, I kept running smack into stories that were too short to qualify for an entire post.  However, I was haunted by the fact that a common thread bound them together — and that thread is the terrible decay America has suffered
since the Chinese unleashed COVID and the Democrats weaponized it.  Biden has accelerated the problems but the craziness appears everywhere Democrats are at work.

Democrat policies in California

"In California, robberies of items worth less than $950 are misdemeanors, not felonies.  Moreover, in both San Francisco and Los Angeles, the prosecutors whom George Soros placed in office will not prosecute crimes.  They exist to protect criminals, not law-abiding citizens.  And that is how you end up with this video:

Artist sprays D-A-D-D-Y on the wall at Hunter Biden's Manhattan art gallery

 Monica Showalter  "How's Hunter Biden's art show, where the spanking new self-taught "artist" and son of the president, miraculously expected to sell his masterpieces at $500,000 a pop? The show is coming in October.

"According to the White House, which crafted a 'deal' to ensure that Hunter himself will have no idea who is buying his paintings as an "ethics" measure, everything's on the up and up.

"But according to the Village Sun, a Manhattan publication, an artist in the vicinity had his own opinion about the matter: . . .

. . . "And it doesn't even matter that the guard tackled him before he got his spraying done (D-A-D-D-Y is just perfect, he didn't need the rest of the message actually) and probably painted over the message. The film is made. The performance art is done. The word is out." . . .

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Ben & Jerry’s Keeps Giving Us More Reasons Not to Eat Their Ice Cream

Patriot Daily Press

"I remember eating Ben & Jerry’s. Many, many years ago. It was so long ago, in fact, that I honestly can’t remember when it was. I probably stopped because the ice cream is ridiculously unhealthy, but even when I want to treat myself, Ben & Jerry’s is no longer an option. It basically comes down to the radical leftist politics espoused by the company.

"For example, in 2018, the company created a limited-edition ice cream flavor called Pecan Resist, which, they said, had “a powerful message about resisting the Trump administration’s regressive and discriminatory policies and building a future that values inclusivity, equality, and justice for people of color, women, the LGBTQ community, refugees, and immigrants.”. . . 

. . . "A visit to the company’s Twitter page is like listening to your crazy leftist uncle off his meds. Ben & Jerry’s has expressed support for defunding the police, radical climate policies, H.R. 1, and accusing Republicans of being racist. And, of course, they gave a glowing review of the dumpster fire known as the Biden presidency after the administration’s first 100 days." . . .

Bill Gates- and George Soros-Backed Organization Buys Out COVID-19 Testing Company

   The Epoch Times

"A consortium backed by George Soros and Bill Gates has joined a buyout of Mologic, a COVID-19 testing company.

"The Soros Economic Development Fund, an arm of Soros’ Open Society Foundations, confirmed in a July 19 statement that it has partnered with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Soros–Gates collaboration is part of the Global Access Health initiative, which will invest “at least” $41.1 million in the project, according to the statement.

“The group has financed the acquisition of Mologic Ltd, a world-leading innovator in the development of lateral flow and rapid diagnostic technologies including tests that can help combat tropical diseases such as dengue, bilharzia, and river blindness, as well as for COVID-19,” the statement reads, noting that the purchase is an attempt to “expand access to affordable state-of-the-art medical technology through decentralized research, development, and manufacturing” in developing countries." . . .

"Soros has also received blowback in the United States for providing funding to left-wing prosecutors and district attorneys, including controversial St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner and Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon, during their elections. Soros donated more than $2 million to Gascon’s campaign.

"Other left-wing prosecutors he’s provided funding to include Chicago District Attorney Kim Foxx, Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner, and Baltimore City state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby."

The Washington Post’s Hit Job on Tucker Carlson

                           The newest entry in the leftist media’s Game of Smears.

The American Spectator   "The Washington Post headline read this way:

How Tucker Carlson became the voice of White grievance 

"As Ronald Reagan might say, there goes the left-wing media again.

"When a conservative media figure arises with a sizable audience of millions of Americans, one can bet that, like clockwork, the Post or some other lefty journal or network will indignantly smear the target of the moment as racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, etc.

"This kind of racket has appeared since the late William F. Buckley Jr. burst on the national scene with his bestselling book God and Man at Yale, way back in 1951 — a full 70 years ago. The young whippersnapper Buckley — 26 at the time — was assailed by horrified leftists as promoting “pure fascism” and worse by simply saying Yale had been infected with left-wing bias in its classrooms.

"So with Tucker Carlson drawing millions to his Fox show Tucker Carlson Tonight it was inevitable that he would be targeted (again!) as Buckley, the late Rush Limbaugh, and a by-now lengthy list of conservative media personalities and news outlets have been (including, as I was startled to realize while at CNN, yours truly).

"But let’s stick to this piece on Tucker and wade in to the specifics of the Post smear to illustrate just how the Game of Smears has been played here — and focus on just who, really, is into the politics of racial grievance." . . .

. . . "Note that the issue isn’t whether Tucker is “the voice of White grievance.” Nor is there any questioning about the very absurd concept of “white grievance.” No, no. The author, Michael Kranish, asserts that “White grievance,” like the sun or gravity, simply exists, you see. Tucker is its evil voice, and this is how this happened. Because, you know, it’s so obvious that Tucker is Mr. White Grievance.

"In other words? The very first play — the central play — in the smear job is … the race card." . . .

No better illustration of the modern elites’ support of segregation and the politics of racial grievance politics in the Post can be found than this hit job on Tucker Carlson. The Post swims in the Left’s political culture of racial obsession that demands everything and everyone be judged by race. Which is why it takes Tucker to task for saying this: “Racial solidarity wasn’t a working concept in my southern-California hometown.”


Issues & Insights

Cuba: The Collapse Of Another Socialist Utopia? Let’s Hope So   . . . "Cubans weary of being treated like animals without rights took to the streets, shouting “Freedom!” “Down with the dictatorship,” and, most pointedly, “Down with communism!” In some cases, protesters carried American flags. This was not an isolated demonstration: According to the Spanish-language data site Inventario, some 63 cities and towns were roiled by demonstrations on Sunday through early Monday.

"Here in the U.S., some on the left initially tried to portray this as Cubans being upset over COVID-19 infections and a lack of vaccines. A State Department spokesperson styled it as Cubans “exercising their right to peaceful assembly … about rising COVID cases/deaths & medicine shortages.' ”

But please remember, Biden, as Barack Obama’s vice president, supported “normalization” with Cuba’s regime. How’d that work out?. . . 

Democrats’ Definition Of ‘Misinformation’ Is Whatever Hurts Them Politically Today

The Federalist

The Biden administration’s gross collusion with Big Tech to censor opposing viewpoints is not only blatant tyranny but also obvious hypocrisy.

"Facebook is killing people, misinformation is rampant, and the only people who can save us from ourselves are the all-wise executives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue whose judgment is infallible and whose motives are pure. That’s the message emanating from the White House and the corporate press.

"White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced last week that, due to 12 unnamed people on social media posting what the Biden administration considers to be misinformation, the White House is actively “flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation” and “helping” to “boost trusted content.” Going even further, Psaki said nothing is “off the table” for using Big Tech to quiet opposing views.

"Not only is the Biden administration effectively deputizing Facebook to be an extension of the federal government’s communications office, but it also insists that if you’re banned from one Big Tech site for questioning conventional wisdom, you should be banned from all of them." . . .

. . . "This push for censorship is interesting for several reasons, not the least of which is the fact that the same political stripe that ridiculously cried “fascism” for four years under Donald Trump is now taking concrete steps to suppress political opposition, one of the hallmarks of true fascism. It’s also interesting because information changes so rapidly, as Psaki herself admitted.". . . 

. . . "President Ronald Reagan was right when he said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” The Biden administration has gotten disturbingly more specific: “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help Facebook silence you.” . . .

Citizen Patriots Are Fighting Back: Marxist Propaganda, Critical Race Theory And The Deterioration Of American Schools

 Noisy Room

This is the fourth article in this series on Critical Race Theory (CRT). The earlier three may be seen herehere, and here. Their intent was to document the deteriorating situation across America, and especially in our schools, where curricula increasingly focus on Marxist propaganda that teaches children to hate their own country and seeks to instigate racial divisiveness intended to foment civil strife and eventually, a communist revolution. . . .

. . . "The series began with an explanation of the purely Marxist origins of CRT, its ideological roots in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, the transplant of the Frankfurt School to the U.S. in the 1930s, and the eventual spread of CRT narratives throughout American academia, faith communities, government, media, popular culture, and society in general.

"With the Biden administration, and specifically the Department of Education, openly pushing the teaching of CRT in U.S. public schools, the situation is raising alarm among educators, parents, legislators, and ordinary citizens. As embedding of CRT into Ethnic Studies programs in California and other states became widespread over the last several years, parents increasingly began to realize the malignant nature of what was being taught to their children. Tried and true pedagogical methodology that rewards academic achievement, focuses on fact-based education, and operates on meritocracy was being replaced with meaningless policies of “equity”. Everything was reduced to race. Instead of Marxist economic class divisions, CRT substituted ethnic and race labels that identify Americans as either “oppressed” or “oppressors”. Identity by intrinsic, immutable characteristics took the place of Martin Luther King’s “content of one’s character”. The Marxist rot that spread throughout American society with what seemed a startling rapidity took many by surprise. In fact, though, that ideology had long been nurtured carefully, methodically, but below the radar, following Italian communist Antonio Gramsci’s blueprint for a “long march through the institutions”." . . .

Children Have Been Expelled From School After Parents Protested CRT
One parent expressed her regret because when people stand up and try to speak the truth, there really are individuals who wish to take revenge on you. In this situation, they reacted against our kids, who are blameless, Andrea Gross and Amy Gonzalez told Fox & Friends First.

 Hasbro Whistleblower Claims Company Is Injecting Critical Race Theory Through its Products

Isn't It about Time to Stop Lobbing Ridiculous Accusations at Trump?

E. Jeffrey Ludwig   "The Donald J. Trump–bashers have been saying for years, "Trump should go to jail!"  This hostile attitude is intended to retaliate for his saying to Hillary Clinton in one of their debates that if he were in office, she would be in jail.  So, hearing this public slurring of their village queen, the vengeful hearts of her loyal fans desired to turn the tables and actually put him in jail.

"One of the real Trump-haters who tried to turn his hate into cash was Michael Avenatti.  He was the lawyer for Stormy Daniels, a leading pornicator, while she went on many TV shows claiming that Trump had committed fornication with her while married and that she had been paid off.  She even cast aspersions on his private parts.  Later, when Mr. Avenatti, her lawyer, tried to cheat her, she turned on him and publicly stated that she had lied about Mr. Trump.  She did not call it an extortion plot, but that is what it was.  Now Avenatti is going to jail for 30 months for trying to extort money from Nike.  It seems that cheating Nike gets you punished, but throwing some repulsive dirt on a sitting president does not.

"The Trump-bashers have been investigating DJT for years now — they keep throwing you know what at the wall.  Many of the Trump-haters are smart people who know how to research and how to produce reams of papers filled with lies.  Yet these same manipulators and scoundrels have not been able to pin one credible criminal offense on him.  Nevertheless, they continue to make it their life's work to keep trying." . . .

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Ten (Plus One) Signs that the Age of Biden is Upon Us

Herein lie some pull Quotes from Ms. Feldman's column

Clarice Feldman  2. Claiming that BLM cares about Blacks and police oppression of them

"Not only does the rebellion in Cuba reveal the shortcomings of this socialist hellhole, but it forces Black Lives Matter to reveal its Marxist sympathies. Despite ample evidence of police state brutality against the largely Brown and Black protestors, BLM has not raised a single objection. This prompts the satire site Babylon Bee to suggest the organization change its name to “Black and Brown Lives Matter Unless They are Protesting Communism.” Cuba’s leadership is after all lily White and, from the outset of the revolution, Castro and Che Guevara showed no sympathy to Cuban Blacks. The psychotic sadist Guevara, whose portrait adorns T-shirts and other gear worn by rich  Hollywood figures and American leftists everywhere, was clearest on the animus to Blacks.

After the Revolution's victory in 1959, he famously said, "We're going to do for blacks exactly what blacks did for the revolution. By which I mean: nothing." . .

5. Minority Party Rights

"In order to prevent a quorum to vote on election reform, Texas Democrats, a minority in the state legislature, fled the state (unmasked) on a private plane to Washington, D.C.  (Three of them have now tested positive for Covid.)  The hypocrisy is clear to me even if they are missing hypocrisy detection filters. They say they came here to demand an end to the filibuster on the ground that it allows a minority to control the agenda. (Let me know if any reporter interviewing them, points out this irony.)

6. Global Warming and the Great Plastic Scare

Global warming, as always, is a ripe area for factual discrepancy from partisan hype.  

...a new report that shows greenhouse gas emissions are not an American or Western problem. They are primarily a Chinese problem. A study from Sun Yat-sen University in China found that more than half of the world’s urban
greenhouse gas emissions are generated in only 25 big cities, and 23 of them are located in China. . . .

. . . " 10. The Lies About January 6 Slowly Are Exposed

"This week, then-Capitol Police chief Steven A. Sund debunked the claim that the evacuations of the Capitol Buildings were caused by the pro-Trump demonstrations. Instead , , , More...