Friday, January 7, 2022

The Democrats’ desperate Jan. 6 spin: Goodwin


NY Post

"President Biden is a drowning man who proved Thursday that he will
 grab hold of anything that remotely resembles a life raft."

"What do you call people who have a good case to make but then stretch the truth until it breaks?

Democrats — very desperate Democrats. 

"Joe Biden is a drowning man who proved Thursday that he will grab hold of anything that remotely resembles a life raft. His attempt to use last Jan. 6 as a savior for his misbegotten presidency reveals more about his party’s predicament than it does about the unsettling events a year ago.

"After making several valid points about former President Donald Trump’s continuing refusal to accept the outcome of the 2020 election, Biden promptly undercut his own argument by going too far. Sounding like a late-night TV pitchman selling cheap garden hoses with the promise of two for the price of one, he began promoting his party’s bid to override state laws to federalize elections as the only logical response.

"Rahm Emanuel famously urged Dems to never let a crisis go to waste, but they apparently never heard the warning by Clint Eastwood’s Dirty Harry that “a man has to know his limitations.” 

Absurd comparison

"When it comes to weaponizing Jan. 6 for partisan purposes, Dems don’t know any limitations. Indeed, sometimes it was hard to tell on Thursday if they were commemorating a tragedy or celebrating an opportunity.

"The most glaring example of overreach came when the White House equated the storming of the Capitol with 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, a mistake that should live in political infamy. By that token, any and all who entered the Capitol, even those who acted like awed tourists, are as wicked as Osama bin Laden and Japanese militarists of 80 years ago. 

"That the job of making the ludicrous comparison was given to Kamala Harris, the hapless vice president, only added to the absurdity. She probably had to stifle a cackle when handed the script." . . .

“Preserve the Narrative”: The Public Rejects the “Insurrection” Claim in New Polling

The media, however, has become less and less relevant to public opinion. Despite the censorship of social media companies and the support of a legion of willing academics and experts, the coverage is largely self-contained. Most networks and newspapers have effectively written off half of the country. . .

 “Preserve the Narrative”: The Public Rejects the “Insurrection” Claim in New Polling – JONATHAN TURLEY   "In the day long events

commemorating January 6th, Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a telling statement to her fellow members and the public at large. Pelosi declared “It is essential that we preserve the narrative of January 6th.” Part of that narrative is that this was not a riot but an “insurrection,” an actual “rebellion” against our country. Pelosi’s concern over the viability of that narrative is well-based as shown by a recent CBS News poll. The majority of the public does not believe that this was an “insurrection” despite the mantra-like repetition of members of Congress and the media. The public saw that terrible day unfold a year ago and saw it for what it was: a protest that became a riot. (For full disclosure, I previously worked as a legal analyst for CBS News).

 "Not surprisingly, the poll received little comparative coverage on a day when reporters and commentators spoke of “the insurrection” as an undeniable fact. Yet, when CBS asked Americans, they received an answer that likely did not please many. Indeed, CBS did not highlight the answer to the question of whether the day was really a “protest that went too far.”   The answer was overwhelming and nonpartisan.  Some 76% believe that this was a protest that went too far.

""That, however, was not one of the four options to the matinee question featured by CBS. It did not allow the public to call this a riot when it asked them to describe “What happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021?” Why? There was the ever present “insurrection” and “trying to overthrow government.” However, the other two options were “patriotism” or “defending freedom.” That is perfectly bizarre. The most obvious alternatives to an actual rebellion in a violent clash would be a protest or a riot. However, the public was simply not given those options." . . .

Joy Reid Reportedly Losing Her MSNBC Show/ UPDATED

As was the case with Chris Cuomo at CNN, Reid has allies at Comcast, however, she is now viewed as "unmanageable" by many. Also, similar to Cuomo, it appears those allies have found out she has been "less than truthful about past incidents" 2/ (more to come). Jon Nicosia

Legal insurrection  "MSNBC’s Joy Reid may be on her way out, according to an industry insider. If the report is accurate, it really should come as no surprise. Reid’s ratings are terrible, not to mention her ability to analyze the day’s political news.

"Reid’s show seems to exist only to push the left’s latest narrative about how awful conservatives are." . . .

. . ."MSNBC’s Joy Reid may be on her way out, according to an industry insider. If the report is accurate, it really should come as no surprise. Reid’s ratings are terrible, not to mention her ability to analyze the day’s political news.

Reid’s show seems to exist only to push the left’s latest narrative about how awful conservatives are.

"Ben Johnson of the Daily Wire provides a recent example of the sort of discourse that passes for commentary on Reid’s show:

MSNBC’s Joy Reid Says Conservatives Are ‘A Party Of Selfish People Who Cannot Play Well With Others’

In a stunning lack of self-awareness, MSNBC host Joy Reid and her guests on Monday night suggested that “white, so-called Christian conservatives” are “selfish” people.

“They’re white, so-called Christian conservatives who feel like this country was built by them, for them. Their party, the Republicans,” is merely “a party of selfish people who cannot play well with others,” said Reid in her opening monologue. “They even have their own cable networks.”

She then compared Christian conservatives to a classic “Star Trek” character named Charlie, whom she described as an “annoying alien incel who destroys everything around him when he doesn’t get his way.”

"Reid claimed that white, Christian conservatives wrongly believe the country is being taken away from them. “A certain percentage of Americans feel like the country used to focus on them and fixate on them, and they were the main character. And now that they feel that they’re not the main character, and they don’t always win, and they don’t get to do what they want, and they don’t get to have their way, it’s all an outrage. It’s all a crime. Everything must be overturned. so it goes back to the way they thought it should be,” she said in a stream-of-consciousness." . . .

 Nolte: Report Says MSNBC Will Fire Homophobe Joy Reid (

Something else Reid might not have been truthful about is a more recent allegation about her creating a toxic workplace.

What’s more, on top of cratering ratings, over the last three years, Reid has been an ongoing embarrassment for MSNBC. It’s bad enough she’s mean-spirited, a racial arsonist, and an ignorant bigot, but she also happens to be an idiot.

How ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Became a Swipe at Joe Biden—And National Media

"Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/SocialJusticeInAction."

 American Greatness (  "The “Let’s Go Brandon” message on the Hoods Up Quick Lube sign was up for four days, but it was long enough for the owners to make their point.

"Ever since October 3, when an NBC reporter interviewing NASCAR driver Brandon Brown mistook a vulgar chant from the crowd—”F— Joe Biden”—as “Let’s Go Brandon,” the phrase has gone viral. Within days, people across the country were sharing their displeasure with the president by putting up homemade “Let’s Go Brandon” signs along roadways. They’ve been chanting the message at high school football games, wearing it on the backs of T-shirts, and displaying it on digital signs at construction sites where they work. A rapper performing a “Let’s Go Brandon” tune on TikTok has shot to the top of the iTunes charts. Recently, a Southwest Airlines pilot was allegedly captured on video saying “Let’s Go Brandon” over the flight’s intercom, leading to an internal investigation.

" 'Bill Bretz, chair of the Westmoreland County Republican Party, said he posted a photo of the Hoods Up Quick Lube sign on his party’s Facebook page last Thursday and it quickly caught on.

“ 'We had over 8,000 people view it within 24 hours,” Bretz said. “The interesting thing about this phrase is that it has caught fire not because a political party tried to make it happen, but because people without any direction made it happen organically.”

"Like most pure movements in American political history, this one is not organized. It is spontaneous, somewhat hilarious, but it also gives people who too often feel as though they are at the wrong end of the joke on social media and in the press the ability to be part of something bigger than themselves." . . .

Political Cartoons (

DeSantis Calls Media’s Jan 6 Coverage ‘Nauseating,’ and a ‘Politicized Charlie Foxtrot’

The governor went on to blast Democrats who have compared the Jan 6 riot to the al Qaeda terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001, and questioned the widespread use of the term, “insurrection” to describe a protest that got out of control.
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise is taken away in a stretcher after being shot on a baseball field at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park Wednesday in Alexandria, Virginia. (CBS). Democrat's assassination attempt of Republicans

 American Greatness  "Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis mocked the corporate media’s “nauseating” coverage of the Jan. 6 Commemoration at the Capitol Thursday, calling it “Christmas” for Democrats, and a “politicized Charlie Foxtrot,” using  military slang for a poorly-managed operation, or “clusterf-ck.”

" 'This is their Christmas,” ​DeSantis said, meaning Washington and New York-based media outlets. “They are going to take this and milk this for anything they can to be able to smear anyone who ever supported Donald Trump​,” he added. DeSantis made the remarks during a news conference about COVID-19 testing in West Palm Beach. The governor took a number of questions from reporters on COVID-related issues. The last question related to the Jan. 6 anniversary of the Capitol Hill riot.

"The likely 2024 presidential contender told reporters that “obviously” he would not be watching any of the media’s histrionic coverage.

"“I don’t expect anything good to come out of anything that [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi and the gang are doing,” he said. “I don’t expect anything from the corporate press to be enlightening. I think it’s going to be nauseating, quite frankly, and I’m not going to do it.”

"DeSantis compared the media’s obsessive nonstop coverage of the Jan. 6 riot to their light coverage of the congressional baseball shooting in 2017, when a left-wing activist opened fire on Republican lawmakers as they were practicing for the next day’s Congressional Baseball Game for Charity." . . .

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Here's the Grade-A Stupidity Kamala Harris Served Up in Her January 6 Remarks


Matt Vespa  (  "Today is going to be nauseating. It's going to be grounded in all the hysterics of the January 6 riot that occurred last year. CNN and MSNBC are totally juiced to spew some of the most unhinged takes about this day. The guests they have slated will probably act as if "journalists" stormed the beaches of Normandy. They're not war heroes. They're not veterans. They're wimpy drones of the political class who just need to get over it. It was a riot. That's the end. Everyone else has moved on with their lives because, unlike liberal America, we're not obsessed with Donald Trump or the 2016 election. We're also going to be subjected to some classic historical illiteracy as well. Vice President Kamala Harris kicked it off by comparing 1/6 to Pearl Harbor and the 9/11 attacks." . . .

. . . "That's the real end game here. No one cares about 1/6, which is why CNN and the rest of the liberal media must constantly inject adrenaline into the heart of this narrative that has long been declared a corpse by everyone else. The echo chamber does its job, but we have moved on, guys. Democrats probably thought everyone else was as traumatized as their precious snowflake souls about this day. Wrong. We have other more important things to deal with in our lives. And the lack of urgency and care kills any chance regarding this circus of a select committee finding anything to convict the former president on concerning the riot. In fact, that ship has sailed. The FBI's own report all but exonerated Trump of inciting a riot/insurrection—and that was months ago. " . . .

Stefanik Torches Pelosi on Eve of January 6 Anniversary: Speaker ‘Bears Responsibility’ for Capitol Riot

 Stefanik Torches Pelosi on Eve of Jan. 6 Anniversary: Speaker ‘Bears Responsibility’ for Riot (

. . ."The New York Republican called it “unacceptable” that despite Pelosi’s nine-person investigatory committee — comprising seven Democrats and two of the most outspoken Never Trump Republicans in Congress, Reps. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) — persisting with its probe into the riot, “one year later the American people still do not have answers as to why the Capitol was left so vulnerable.”

“ 'Rather than focusing on improving the security of the Capitol and adopting all the recommendations from the U.S. Capitol Police, Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats are instead using their illegitimate partisan sham of a committee to shred Constitutional precedent and punish their political opponents,” Stefanik said in reference to the committee targeting former President Donald Trump and dozens of his closest allies with subpoenas." . . .

Pelosi exonerated by the Jan 6th committee:  

 . . . Stefanik on Wednesday also reiterated that the January 6 committee has essentially deemed Pelosi exempt from blame for the riot, despite Pelosi’s history of overseeing security-related actions of the Capitol like installing magnetometers, holding a briefing on security preparedness ahead of a September 18 rally, and limiting Capitol visitation because of coronavirus.

Bipartisan? Really? Listed above is a reference to Pelosi’s nine-person investigatory committee — comprising seven Democrats and two of the most outspoken Never Trump Republicans in Congress, Reps. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) 

Benny Hill had his theme music and now Jill Biden does too -

And three, the fanfare is legitimately awful. Either someone in the Marine Corps band is a really bad composer or the band was making a political statement:

 "The Washington Examiner has broken what is, so far, the best story of the year: It turns out that Jill Biden has her own “walk-up” music. That is, whenever she makes an official appearance, this music is played for her, just as Hail to the Chief is played when the president appears. Someone within the Marine Corps band wrote it, although there is some dispute as to whether the White House requested such music or the Marine Corps band members spontaneously felt that Jill needed that special song.

Becket Adams broke the story:

The Marine Corps band was instructed last fall to come up with an entrance theme for the first lady, a source told the Washington Examiner. The band now has in its repertoire an original composition titled “Fanfare for the First Lady.” The song, the source said, is essentially Jill Biden's personal “Hail to the Chief,” in that it is to be performed and repeated at official White House functions, from her first appearance until she is ready to speak.

“Fanfare for the First Lady” has created both amusement and confusion within the band, with some remarking that in the many years they’ve played in the group, this is the first time the group has had to provide the first lady with an exclusive entrance theme." . . .

Benny Hill had his own walk-up music, you recall: 

Seattle Police With Guns Drawn Let A Stolen Car Drive Away Because Of City’s Woke Democrat Policies (Video)

 This is NOT my father's Democrat Party!

Defiant America

The only dangerous people out there, according to the government, are Christians, heteros, parents, and gun owners.

. . ."As to why the officers did not pursue the criminal, SPD Seargent Huserik cited the city “pursuit” policy that was implemented last year, saying it restricted them during this incident.

Huserik also noted that the situation would have been the same regardless of the new policy because the deep-blue Washington State’s policies have “been restrictive for some time.”

“ 'Public safety being paramount, we have to factor in time of day, weather conditions, the activity of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the area.

"Then, of course, we have our pursuit policy in the SPD manual — that dictates when and when we cannot pursue a vehicle, and in this in this circumstance, our pursuit policy did not allow officers to go after that vehicle.”

"What no one’s saying is those car thieves were either coming back from or on their way to commit a much more serious crime." . . .

January 6th, 2022; More reasons to fear this Democrat Party

Why are there not more Democrat officeholders with the courage and integrity of Sens. Manchin and Sinema? How can they not be ashamed of what their party has become and the character of those with whom they must caucus? TD

 The real January 6th - American Thinker  "January 6th is “a date which will live in infamy,” if you accept the histrionic ravings of the anti-Trump zealots on the left.  Of course, the real life “day of infamy” was December 7th, 1941, when the attack on Pearl Harbor resulted in over 2400 fatalities and another 1000 injured sailors, soldiers and civilians.  The events of last January 6th are consistently reported, in print and on television news presentations, as the “deadly” attack on our nation’s Capitol.  The few deaths that did occur, before, during, and after the event were primarily attributed to natural causes but include an accidental overdose." . . . 

Kamala Harris Under Fire After Likening Jan. 6 to Pearl Harbor and 9/11 (

  . . .There has been severe backlash to Harris’ comments, particularly to the fact that she compared Jan. 6 to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, the darkest days in the nation’s history.Twitter users have harshly critiqued the comments, calling them “disgusting” and “ridiculous.”. . .

 Kamala Harris: Jan. 6 Riot Like Bombing of Pearl Harbor, 9/11 Terror Attacks ( 

What happened to Ted Cruz? - American Thinker  . . ."Tucker Carlson used video of Cruz’s comments as the keystone of a segment on how Republicans are being cowardly and granting Democrats their false premises on the riot at the Capitol being an insurrection or even a “terrorist attack.” As Tucker put it, he was delivering talking points for Merrick Garland." . . .

J6 Hysteria Is To Avoid Accountability For Rigging Of The 2020 Election (  . . ."As part of their political operation, they have used a propaganda technique of redefining efforts to secure the integrity of elections as attacks on democracy.". . . . . ."The media and other Democrats are cartoonishly overhyping the J6 riot to avoid being held accountable for the many ways in which they destroyed election integrity in the months and years leading up to November 2020. Wise people are not fooled by their distraction attempt."  Mollie Hemingway

5 Things The Left Also Called A 'Threat To Democracy,' Such As Voting (    "If you think the Jan. 6 rioters are the only target Democrats want to destroy, you haven’t been paying attention.

If you don’t think Democrats in government and the media are exaggerating when they call the unrest at the Capitol the biggest threat to democracy ever, here are five other things they insisted would bring down our system of governance.

Nancy's robots, performing on command 


Hidden on Page 508 of the Infrastructure Bill Is a Plan to Make It Too Expensive to Drive a Car

 Western Journal  . . ."Make no mistake: The suffering is intentional, goal-oriented and not bound to stop anytime soon.

"Still, one proposal in the 2,702 page infrastructure bill seems especially cruel — cruel enough to make it too expensive for many Americans to even drive a car.

"Nick Short of the Claremont Institute highlighted an item on Pages 508-519 of the bill that would introduce a national per-mile motor vehicle user fee on a trial basis.

" 'Buried on page 508 of the 2,702 page infrastructure bill is a pilot program for a national motor vehicle per-mile user fee (MBUF) which is basically a long-term plan to make it too expensive to drive a car,” Short said Tuesday on Twitter." . . .

Get ready for $4 gas with ‘Mayor Pete’ | GOPUSA

More Words That Will Haunt Joe Biden Forever –

 PJ Media

"We’ve mocked Joe Biden plenty of times before for his repeatedly claiming he would “shut down the virus.”  But he’s said quite a few things about COVID and the vaccines that have been just horribly wrong.

“ 'This is a simple, basic proposition,” Biden told Don Lemon during a CNN town hall last July. “If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in an ICU unit, and you are not going to die.”

“ 'You’re not going to — you’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,” Biden added.

"Oh, how wrong he was. You can still get COVID if you’re vaccinated. You can be hospitalized if you are vaccinated. In fact, hospitalizations have surged twice since he made that claim and are now approaching peak levels. Deaths surged in September and remain above pandemic lows.

"Joe Biden always figured the vaccines would end the pandemic for him in short order. So he oversold their efficacy in order to boost vaccinations, even shaming those who weighed the risks of vaccination and decided against it."

Related: The Biden Administration’s Sloppy Vaccination Strategy